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What happened to your trust,
why was it broken and stole-
why do you accept
the lack of being whole?...
where did you leave
your faith alone,
just when you realised
you need it the most?
How did it come
to believing the lie,
when the truth was what you
once ago had inside?

Focus your gaze up,
towards the sky
Close down your heart
and open your eye
Listen to your soul,
Be still and you'll know
Why the road you have chosen,
caused your chance passed you by
And its healing to let
your tears flow outside

For its in feeling lost
that you will realise
Its never too late
to start anew
For its Gods strength alone
that will get you through
Every trial every fear
Every mountain you'll climb
In the end,its His Love
That will always abide
Its His mercy that never
will ever run dry
Whom can tell,
why Life turns on a dime
why tears end up to dwell
in these eyes of mine?
Whom can tell-

Whom will care,
when you find yourself alone
and love leaves while only fear
seems to roam within your soul?
Whom will care-

Who will comfort you,
as these things become real
and these things ring true
as if its all your heart can feel?
Who will comfort you-

When none can be find
Lies creep up to only bind
Turn your eyes not blind
Silence not your mind-
Someone will show,
It just takes prayer and faith to know
His Life He gave up for your own
And He loves you eternally
His strength will lead you home
You wont face this alone.

His voice you will hear
Softly will fall on your ear,
And His touch will echo
Through out your soul:
His name is El Shaddai
And His Love will last forever.
You must not forget
He will paitintly wait
If you only ask.

He will tell
He will care
He will comfort you
When none will be find
All you He will keep,
His love never dies
And His name
is El Shaddai...
A winters night
Cuddled up
The howling wind outside
Thoughts and dreams
Wrapped up tight
Linger in moonlight
And yesterday cant bare to go
Tomorrow still to come
Right here and only right now
The moment
All you own

And as your eyes
Begin to close
A journey will unfold
A tale of hope and faith
Your heart can find its home
The calmness of the silence go
To where it meets your soul
And as you drift away to sleep
Know Angels will
you keep

Tightly wrapped
And peace be sweet
Till a ray of sunlight meet
May you be safe
And always seek
The promise hidden deep within
Another winters sleep
It was the last day
It was the final choice made
And somehow things
Remained the same
Always the search
An endless aray of light
That keeps the night at bay
How come these things
Never given the choice of change
Sometimes things just seize to be
Holding onto
what never can be
And if the choice did wait
Would all but stay
or change anyway
Keep believing in
One day
The One known as the King of the Jews

It happened on a Friday
Round about nine,
When He who was Divine
Bore sin-yours  and mine-
And was hung upon a wooden cross
His hands and feet nailed tight
Yet none who knew His silent plight.
That within all His power and His might
Was cruxified -to bring the light-
Unjustly hung He out in sight

The one known as the King of the Jews

From the time of noon
Up until three
DarkneSs covered the sky entirely,
And with the outcry of these words:
"Eli Eli Lema sabagtani"
My God,why have Thoust forsaken me
He drew His last breath
And died-for all to See

The one known as the King of the Jews

The Temple curtain spliT in two
As He the King of the Jews died
so that We could enter
In Gods sight.
Forever after He paid the price
For me and you:

The one known as the King of the Jews

And after He had left this mortal plane
They broke not His bones
Left Him just the same,
And they laid Him to rest
In a TomB -in a cave
His life been given
His DesTiny remained-
As the Saviour to all mankind
The dead and the brave.
He had come to earth
Not to condemN-but to save:

The one known as the King -became the
He who bore no Sin-carried ours
Just so that we could be saved
From the wrath of the Almighty
He showed us the light,
Yet died unjustly
To AnSwer our plighT

The one known as Jesus the Christ

But on the Sunday morning
He had risen triumphantly,
Over Death He had won
Yes GodS only Son-
Who one day will return
To rule up Highly
On the right hand side
Of God-Lord Almighty

Thus remember the FridAy
Through till the Sunday,
Never again will Life stay the same
For He called us each upon the name,
To teach and obey His words left behind
And to love all of all  mankind.
For He died once ago a very long time
So that tHose who believe in Him
Find redemption ,salvation
From judgement and condEmnation.

He will come back someday
This much is true:

The one known as
Jesus-the King of the Jews!
Days that come
Times that go
When once a tale was told
When once kept in the Soul
Memories now only fade
Distant are those good old days
Finding now you are alone
How to fill this empty hole
Days that go

Listen to the new born wind
Echo round the heartache
Remember when just once again
You were here to be
Looking to the distant glow
Covered by a dark shadow
Thinking you came round again
But its just an echo

You have gone
Still your presence linger on
And finding in the End
Days had come
Times had went
All but just
An echo left
A promise made by you
A vow to be ever true
Giving all of who you are
Beginning together a
brand new start
You will be by my side
Till death us parden
Taken by the night
You always remain
my guiding light
my other half for all my life

To you
I will be faithfully
For all my days to come
With you i will partake upon
This journey cast no fear
For when i feel alone,abandoned
You will draw me near
Each new horison
Each step thats made
Your footprints will be next to mine
Forever and a day

So do i make
My promise too
To be with
To cherish
and comfort you
And all the days that lies ahead
Never part your side
For all my soul and yes my heart
I give now unto you
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