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When did loneliness caught me
In a grip of silent despair
Where did i loose my ambition
To be of good courage
And to live without self doubt
And heeded care?

Am i not in control
Of my choices
And do i not decide upon
The route i lay bare?

It is a million rushed voices
That seeks to overwhelm
Its a difference of opinions
That drowns my own out
And its a barage of heeped advice
That cares not to my soul

Its a orchestra of madness
I have to somehow tune out
It came to be
Questions i didnt know
The answers too
Things that kept eluding me
Promises made
Yet long forgot
A heart that keeps beating
Days long ago
A soul that once had happiness
A time recalled before now still
It came to be
Peace and fight
Let go or hold
A distant cry on tears now dry
The guidance left
To but just try
And moments lived
And times to come
How simplicity hides
When the soul carries on
It came to be

Wise but lacking solitude
Silence yet chaos sounds aloud
Holding desperate to some truth
It came to be
Answers ive always knew
Love cant stay when fear
Runs through
The very fibre found that
Makes us human too

It came to be
Hollow lies with hidden meanings
Sacred spaces to distant views
Found on the near
Horizons view
And echo's off a mind reborn
By hopeless travels and
Fruitless looms
It came to be
I never but knew
When you give up
Life beats upon
Unwillingly it steals the song
If what was once and
Whats still to come
Hopeless and harshly taken from

It came to be
I didnt found
The journey worth travelling on
Yet looking back
Lack and sorrow
It came to be
A forlorn tomorrow
Listen to your soul
Remember your tears
Keep the words your heart speak

These will guide you
Towards that which you need

Yesterday is never realy gone

It is remembered in fragments
Scattered pieces
In your soul and mind
Of just how far you have come
And the things you left

Today is never realy here

It seems to flicker from
Second to minute
Its never truely spent
If you never feel content
Yet longing for more simple

What then is
The day worth?

Tomorrow just a figment
Of today and
Woven together in nothing
But regret

How i pray to not feel anyday
Yet live its challenges
As if to seek
A meaning and
Hidden within deep
Sometimes the moment passes one by
Since ive been thinking
Where does the wind go
When its echo sounds alone
When i find myself broken
And left to just
Let go
Tell me

Where does the wind go
Today will be tomorrows hope
And yesterdays
What became of Life
Where did i loose the way
How does it seem
That by words i am failed

Where had time gone
And does it mean
I may stay
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