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Her parents weren’t there to cry
The day that sleeping beauty died.
First Dad, then Mother, slipped away
as their comatose daughter slept each day.
Through forty two years of dreamless sleep
Her loving family did their promise keep.
A drug reaction was the cause
of her coma irreversible.
By the power of
Unconditional love
The faint flickering flame
Of life stayed possible.
Until today did beauty lie.
Until today did life endure.
Today she smiled and opened her eyes
Only then did beauty die..
Based on the story of Edwarda O’Bara, a Florida woman, who went into a diabetic coma in 1970 and was cared for at home by her family until, Yesterday, she passed away
Sometimes I'd call her sunshine just so she'd smile
smooth and easy, like it was the natural thing to do -
but we both knew she was rain clouds and tornadoes
heavy hail and broken thunderclaps.
she was my storm but I still loved her silly

she'd call me silly
never said "I Love you" or
ask for another kiss or
trust me with any of this -
she just called me silly
so I loved her that way
I asked Satan for divorce
He said, “Alright, of course,
But you’re still swimming
In waters lukewarm and shallow.”
Here I thought I was hallowed
But I’m wrestling something nameless
I want it to be solid
His name is full of consonants
But I feel the vowels are valid
In His world it’s black or white
Night or day, light or dark
I ponder which one I am
As I count the ripples on tree bark
How long is my shelf life
How far can I travel safely
How much more can I take
Will I ever find my place
Butterflies into bombers
We must get back to the garden
Bombers into butterflies
We must get back to the garden
As the stars in the sky come out,
I often ask myself,"who are you?"
I get the answers back,"You're pathetic ."
"You're amazing."
"You can do anything."
"You're probably the coolest person in the world."
"I love who you are."
After that I ask myself,"Am I that pathetic?"
 Nov 2012 Frannie Williams
I'm sick
and tired
                                                                ­                of patiently waiting
                                                                ­                for you to knock on my door.
I'll leave it open
                                                                ­                just for you.
Knock  Knock

Who's Th-              
                                               ­                                 ...come in.
 Nov 2012 Frannie Williams
Crumbled pillars tell the story of strength and perseverance
They tell the story of grave defeat
And the remnants from the weakest link

I am there
Like a dove on a wire
Forget the past comes with baggage
Inhale the sawdust from my hands

Want to be dirt with me?
Insignificant and everywhere
We can disperse into the holes
Left awry in the cages of our chests

Tell me do you want to
Scrape away the poison words
Those insidious parasites
That feed off your intelligence

You are not as important as you deem to be
Be careful
Your honesty is showing
(With gratitude to two lovely Polynesian ladies)*

Wondrous, in the light of dawn
Two ladies came with curtains drawn,
To sponge my back and smelly ***
With warming suds, so overcome
With gratitude, was I, to feel so clean
And freshly cared for, in between
Clean sheets and laundered, buttoned gown
Amidst their chatter, cast around,
Their laughter and efficient way
To start, so well,  this budding day.

Patient Marshalg
Ascot Orthopaedics
17 November 2012
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