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1.4k · Apr 2014
Fictitious Zee Apr 2014

Its easy,
To say no,

To cast me away,
Like an old Cardigan, that grew too small,

Its easy,
To give up,

To let go,
Like you were an arrow, held for too long,

Its so easy,
Too easy,
For you and
For me,

So I'm not giving up,
Why should you?

Take a chance,
For if we fall,
You'll have a nice
Story to tell

For if we end,
Before we begin,
You can relate,
To what they say,
In Grey's Anatomy,
Once again.
578 · Jun 2013
Light's Day
Fictitious Zee Jun 2013
Strange white lights,
mysterious in their show,
Engulfed by a blackness,
I could only call space,
Where they came from,
I do not know,

All I know is,
that they do not belong,
Not here,
Not anywhere,
The world is bursting at it's seams,
and I am frightened.
This blackness,
eats everything,
and leaves little white lights,
It would seem the world has turned upside down,
the land is in the place of the stars,
I cannot look up,
for such are the confines of my space pill,

And I am stuck,
here in no man's land,
there is so little between the stars and the land,
and I am one of that,
the world is changing,
but I am here,
the world is ending,
but I am here,
468 · Apr 2014
Bridges And Her
Fictitious Zee Apr 2014
Bridges And Her

They say,
A bridge is built,
From both sides,

Well it's no wonder,
that I fell,
into the abyss of despair,

See, I was trying to build,
Something between us,
But you weren't even on the other side.
460 · Apr 2014
Purr, My Sweet
Fictitious Zee Apr 2014
Purr, My Sweet

Of all the things you made me do,
And made me see,
This has to be the worst.

You were my cult,
And I was its many devotees.

You made me think,
as the glasses got dirtier,
and the night longer.

The wee hours of the morning,
Came knocking,
and we laughed,
at what remained of us.

We broke down in the mornings,
As we heard songs of bittersweet melancholy.

Reborn at night,
when our demons were left unleashed.

And us,
When it was good, it was great.
and when it was bad, it was still good.

So say those words,
The words that can destroy me,
And resurrect me.

You could dismantle me with a mere flick of a switch.

And love,
sweet love,
I have craved the power you have over me.
For I never had it
neither on the world,
Nor on myself.

So purr, my sweet.
Just one more night.
414 · May 2014
Fictitious Zee May 2014
Some times,
I wish,
I wasn't the way I am now,
I wish I could take reality as it is,
And not ask for more.
I wish I could see that a 9 to 5, a family,
A car, and tonight's game,
Was all I had to look forward to.
I wish I could go about with a second hand existence,
And pass it on when I'm done.

But no.
I'm a dreamer.
I always have been,
And maybe that's all I'll ever be.
I dream of better things.
Of life beyond what I see.
Of love, peace, kindness, tolerance.
And maybe something else,
To fill the gaping void within me.
I dream of places that never could be,
And things that never should be.
Like you and me.

I dream a dream,
Never dreamt before.
And maybe,
If I were to do, and not just try
It just might be reality,
My legacy, that'll live on after I die.
368 · Apr 2014
Fictitious Zee Apr 2014

Rereading through our conversations,
I regret
Every truth I could've said
And every lie I ever fed.

It seems I wasn't me.
We were just a well written sitcom,
of a Lothario who can't love,
And a girl who was sent from above.

But I'm glad,
Things are in the open,
The stains of a love affair,
gone wrong still linger in dreams and nightmares.

And I do care.
Care about you,
A lot I do.

But not enough,
To dare,
To ever love you,
So I bid us adieu.
351 · Apr 2014
He Wasn't Me
Fictitious Zee Apr 2014
He Wasn't Me

I saw you,
I saw me,
Sitting together,
Moulded into one,

Not a care in the world,
Two souls,
Locked away in time,

But it wasn't me,
No it wasn't
He only looked like me,
He had the same hair,
He had the same face,

But he wasn't me,
If he was,
He would have never,
Got this far,
No, not with you,

He would've stumbled,
To your heart,
And been turned down,
At it's very gates,

He would've faced his demons,
And all of yours,
Unsure every step along the way,
Which way the wind blow,

He would've written you ballads,
And poems,
A thousand and one,
And even kissed death,
In her wretched face,

No, he wasn't,
If he was,
If only he was,
If only I was,
Him and not me.
Fictitious Zee Apr 2014
The Longing (You'll Never Know)

How I long,
to touch,
your beautiful skin,
Caress it,
Until I can feel no more,

How I long,
to hear you say those,
mellifluous words, the ones I crave,
The very words I say,
To the bare walls every night,

How I long,
to make you feel the love,
I feel for you,
a love so strong,
It shoulda been against the law,

How I long,
To be the one,
who makes you happy,
Who makes you forget and forgive,
So that, just for a minute, all is right for you,

How I long,
to serenade,
you to sleep,
And wake you up,
Every morning with a kiss,

How I long,
To bring you,
Every day,
A different one,
Because every day,
I'll love in you,
In a different way,

How I long,
to share myself,
with you,
All of it,
More than you already have,

How I long,
to spend,
all of eternity with you,
From this day,
till the day we're all done and dealt with,

How I long we were together,
You'll never know.

— The End —