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May I live inside your laugh lines,
breathe the air in your lungs,
melt into your brittle bones,
and fall asleep in your mind?

I want to be with you always,
so when the bad thoughts
and the lying monsters,
and the chilling darkness
come to haunt you,
we will be ready.

Though I may bring my
own nightmares and
monsters and darkness,
we won’t have to fight
alone anymore and we
shall win against them
Buy the cheapest train ticket to a town you’ve never heard of.
Get off at the fourth stop and go to the nearest bar.
Flirt with the unattainable and fight the unbeatable.
Once you’re kicked out, head to the nearest gas station.
Stock up on Skittles, Starbucks frappuccino, powdered donuts and sour gummy worms.
Talk to the guy behind the register about how much you love your friends, tolerate your mom but definitely not about how much you hate yourself.
On your way out buy a cheap Polaroid camera and head to the local park.
Ask people to take pictures of you in front of the fountain, weird trees, sitting on benches or laying in the grass.
Look through the photos and smile, because this is you at your finest.
Go to the movies and throw popcorn at every love scene.
Visit a cathedral, sit in the last pew and just look up.
I can guarantee the most breathtaking paintings will be up there, so drink it all in.
Mail yourself a letter back home about all the little things that make you happy.
Call your first love from a payphone and pour your heart out, even if it goes to voicemail.
Go to a playground and swing until your feet touch the sky.
Buy a homeless man a Happy Meal and listen to his life story.
Invite the girl you met at the bar to a picnic under the stars.
Ask her about forgotten dreams and do not go home with her.
Visit the local library and write uplifting lyrics on Post-It Notes and stick them in your favorite books.
Go find a lake or a river, a creek or whatever and look at your reflection.
This is you, beautiful, talented, confident, one-of-a-kind you.
Do as you please now.
Swim, cry, or skip rocks.
Then go home and forget everything you did, but remember everything you felt.
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Mike Hauser
Those from the East
Those from the West
Came together and shook each others hands

Those from the North
Those from the South
Decided they should hug it all out

Those from the Right
Those from the Left
Forgot all the hateful words that they've said

Those that are Black
Those that are White
Found each other to be important in life

Those that are Rich
Those that are Poor
Knocked down the social barriers and opened the door

Those that are Beautiful
Those that are not
Looked on the inside instead of the out

What would happen if...

~All of this happened~
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Mike Hauser
Are you a have
Or a have not
Do you always want more
Of what you haven't got

Are you one of the do's
Or one of the dont's
And if you ever did
What would be the amount

Are you a will
Or are you a won't
If you ever could
Would you give it your all

Are you a why
Or a why not
Which ever you are
Was it borrowed our bought

Are you a give
Or are you a take
And if you had too much
Could you give it away

...who you are.
I am wilting flowers on the living room
table that you just can’t throw away.
I am laughter held far too long and
the lake you wish to swim but not drown in.
I am in the background of every tourist’s photos
and in the foreground of nobody’s thoughts.
I am the bird that forgot to migrate and
will freeze to death without ever knowing why.
I am pants that never fit quite right.
I am tearful 2 am apologies and stepped on toes
while learning to dance.
I am the alarm that never wakes you from nightmares.

You are a warm bed on a cold winter morning,
the first to be chosen and the last to be forgotten.
You are the chocolate placed on a hotel bed’s pillow,
stolen kisses in the dark and hand holding in the light.
You are Colorado sunrises and Pennsylvania sunsets.
You are hit radio singles and dusty vinyl records,
premium cigars, silk bowties and overflowing picnic baskets.
You are Disney movies and handwritten letters,
and you are the city lights peeking over the horizon.
Truth is, you are mine to keep and I am yours to bear.
 Aug 2013 Felicity
In this autumn wind
whatever will Summer bring?
perhaps, a new skin?
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Riq Schwartz
Your skin laid out
in shades of blue and teal,
the brilliant white streaks
of wind tossed hair.
Your backdrop, a sky
painted in a noontime orange
as dark wisps of cloud
paint the fluorescent atmosphere.
With everything in
perfect opposites
I wonder
if that is why you seem
so happy.
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