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Felicity Aug 2013
It was a smile
it was up-all-nights
It was inside jokes
It was pinky promises
It was never ending talks
About religion
About god
all that **** we're never allowed to give an opinion on
It was a three word sentence
It was hand holds in the cinema
It was kisses in the bathroom
Or any where with a lockable door
It was cheesy texts
And cheesier phone calls
Then it was goodbye
It was time difference
It was Skype
It was guyish needs
And girlish give-ins
It was more lust
less love
It was stupid arguments
It was picking fights
Just to feel something
Other than
It was a hard decision
It was "for the best"?
It was unwanted mornings
It was sleepless nights
It was puffy eyes
It was no one will love me again
It was I still miss you
It was pain
Now it's fear
Of what was
All over again.
757 · Jul 2013
A Question
Felicity Jul 2013
If the world comes to an end
And before the creator
We all stand,
Beg or plead I will not!
But just one question
I will ask.
Complex or clever;
It is not.
But thought inducing;
It has been so,
For it has consumed
My every hour,
It has burnt out
My once lively soul :

Lord, pardon my ignorance,
My very simple mind,
But please answer this;
Good God, please tell me

672 · Dec 2015
inner Peace
Felicity Dec 2015
It was right
in middle of
******* 23
that she realized
that inner peace
is no where,
near the base
of anyone's *****.
641 · Jul 2013
The Pious Man
Felicity Jul 2013
You scream and shout
And curse me too
Then claim that I've
Offended you

You pray at night
And preach at day
Yet always still
Have more to say

You argue that
I Don't know Him well
And for it, you swear,
I'll burn in  hell

You say that I
Have lost my way
My heart has hardened
And my mind has strayed

You judge my clothes
My music too
And shout out: "atheist!"
When I judge you

I don't know much
But I know this
religion is peace
And this is definitely,
Not it.
So many people today claim to be religious while they are truly the opposite of what any religion promotes
632 · Jul 2013
The Struggle
Felicity Jul 2013
Do you sometimes look in the mirror,
and don't know who you are?
Seems you're like everyone else
yet do not fit in at all.
A piece of old dry clay,
so colourless and confused,
lacking shape and lacking form
and evidently over used.

Do you sometimes look around,
and find everyone moving fast?
Thus try to quicken your pace,
yet somehow end up last?
You fight against the current
in an attempt to reach the shore,
but no matter how much you push,
the current pulls you back some more.

Do you sometimes feel tied down,
like a bird with broken wings?
In theory you're meant to fly
but in reality you always sink.
Your memories drag you below,
into the dungeons of your past
where the sun doesn't shine
and when it does, it never lasts.

Do you sometimes stop for a second,
and wonder to where the road leads?
To heaven and all beyond?
Or to hell and all beneath?
You're full of contradictions,
with wars inside your head,
you struggle to find your purpose,
inner peace and rest.
Felicity Aug 2013
I want to be beautiful
just on the outside..
And cleanse my soul of

I want to hate all
And be kind to none
And never think twice of any "honest" remark
I whole heartedly mean

I want to feel numb
To believe in the magical powers
Of *** and nicotine

I want to wake up in the morning
still high
Still drunk
Still believeing evey word
I wrote
and said
597 · Jul 2013
Love Sees
Felicity Jul 2013
He wasn't perfect in her eyes
neither was she in his.
But they fell in love;
each, with what the other was.
Then everything that the other wasn't,
Stopped mattering all together
A little bit of cheese every once in a while can't possibly harm anyone :$
Felicity Aug 2013
so you say,
that eternal punishment,
awaits the "non-righteous"?
as if the human mind is not enough
of a hell
The title is a quote from somewhere, or at least I think it is, maybe I just made it up
458 · Jul 2013
Felicity Jul 2013
A single beat
A single breath
A single scream

A million cries
A million weeps
A million tears

A million games
A million naps
A millions smears

A million words
A million questions
A million jeers

A million friends
A million lovers
A million dreams

A million pains
A million stories
A million years

A single sigh
A single breath
A single beat
443 · Nov 2013
You people have it easy
Felicity Nov 2013
When he hugs me,
I feel beautiful
And I wonder what it's like
to feel beautiful
all the time.
Felicity Aug 2013
Lust makes love
Love makes lust
397 · Dec 2013
Felicity Dec 2013
He loved me
And I loved him for it.
377 · Jul 2013
Hope (10w)
Felicity Jul 2013
it keeps us
to eventually, inevitably,
crush us
354 · Jul 2013
Why so?
Felicity Jul 2013
we live in a world
of many Faiths
and no *faith
346 · Jul 2013
Why I hate
Felicity Jul 2013
i only hate the world
because I tried
loving it
and it never
loved me back.

— The End —