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 Sep 2013 Felicity
James Ellis
Though the tides still turned
my heart and soul burned
when I thought that "We:"
*will most likely never be...
 Sep 2013 Felicity
Tete Tonwe
It isn't so much
broken, as muscle is
unlike bone and
does not fracture cleanly.
It will not heal completely,
when damaged, no matter
how well it is set.
Bone calcifies to mend itself,
and adds new minerals
and elements to make it stronger yet.
Muscle, however, turns to weaker ends
that lack its own elasticity.
It mends itself with collagen,
and becomes more prone to injury.
What can be done to consume this feeling of emptiness
What can we done when we're broken into a million pieces
And how do we fix the broken pieces together
How do we learn to love again

What do we believe in .. when there's nothing left to believe in
What do we hope for when all dreams are blurred
How can we heal and forget the wounds when they plague our minds
How do we become blind to the scars that are left behind
What becomes inspiration when the faith fades

Are happy endings hopeful in nothing but chaos
How can we keep hoping when reality promises noone a happy ending
How can an immaculate being hurt you so profoundly
And how can you still be able to love him

When will the light outshine all the darkness
And when will the swift wind destroy all this confusion
When will stars align
And When will the moon shine at it's greatest intensity

How do we escape misery's stifling grip
And how can a fear so consuming be diminished
Can this sinking feeling be controlled
Why do we become so numb
How do we leave when we're being pulled by the forces of profound emotions
And the longing of a fragile heart

**But why .. do we all strive to be loved when love becomes so detrimental..
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Katelyn Knapp
I think of you through tear-clumped lashes
and down another beer
maybe this 2 a.m. will be different.

I don't want you to see
I just want you to know
that I can't breathe, I can't eat, I can't sleep.
My bed seems empty
and I feel so weak but
I can't think of anyone except you.

These streets
These nights
The dark of the city, the dim of the lights
all remind me of you.

Oh tell me you love me
you need me, you want me.
Lie to me. Now...
just give me one night -
one night of hope and delusion,
one night of sleep
with you lying against my back
and kissing me for sweet dreams.

Then tomorrow...
tomorrow I'll think of you through tear-clumped lashes.
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Katelyn Knapp
It's days like today
when the sun is shining and the wind blows just a little
that I can't seem to get you out of my head.
But then again, I wouldn't stop thinking about you even if I could.

Yeah, it's definitely days like today
that make me remember our walk in the park...
how we sat there for hours
because we had nothing better to do than to get lost in each other's thoughts.

And as we ran back to our apartment
to become a tangle of legs and lips
you stopped me to kiss my forehead
and whisper,"This is perfect."

Yeah, it's always days like today
that turn into nights like tonight
when the breeze starts getting colder
and I curl into your body
only to find you're no longer there.

It's nights like tonight
that my thoughts become heavy with hurt and regret
and I roll into a ball under my sheets
to protect myself from these memories of you.

It's nights like tonight
that turn into 4 in the morning
and 4 in the morning somehow becomes afternoon.
Yeah, it's definitely nights like tonight
that make me wish we'd never met...
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Johnnie Rae
about everything that is anything about me.
From my head to my toes,
I find myself disgusting.
about the way I can never seem
to find myself pretty
because I'm not.
to know that
I'll never be as good
as I could be
because I'm not as pretty
as I'd like to be.
to look in the mirror
and see an image of self hatred
staring back at me.
about the way
my thighs are too fat
and my chest
is too flat
and my **** is too big
and I just can't seem to
lose those last five pounds
that are driving me insane.
about the way
I'll skip meals and
then feel sick but won't
say anything
because beauty hurts
and to be sick is to be thin.
about the way
I can't seem to stay
happy, even though I keep
telling myself I should be.
about the way
I can't stop smoking
and I can't stop cutting
all because I like
how it takes the
pain away.
about the way
every time I see a razor blade
I get this rush of anxiety
that I can't shake until
I give into the pain
about they way
I can't seem to kick this
Nicotine addiction so
I can stop shaking.
about the way
every time I climb
higher up the ladder
I fall twice as fast
and even farther down
into places the sun just
doesn't reach.
about the way
people love me
and I just can't seem
to do the same

for myself.
 Aug 2013 Felicity
Katelyn Knapp
The lights of the city sparkle from outside my window.
They, this view, will always remind me of you.

Water splashes down at my face and up at my boots as I walk these cobbled streets
- the same ones we used to stroll
hand in hand
white dog in tow
glancing up at the brownstones we passed
and joking how we'd live there one day.
Only I wasn't joking..

Remember when you kissed my face
and wrapped the strength of your arm around my shoulder like I was yours,
the only one?
I do...

Because the thing is I'm going to miss you.
I'm going to ache for you
and maybe cry myself to sleep a time or two.
I wonder if it will ever be easy to let you go
the way it was for you.

I'm not sorry I have to go;
I shouldn't have to convince you to love me.
But I wonder if you will remember me
and each night we spent wrapped in each other's arms
watching movies and knocking my laptop to the floor
because we were so eager to touch.

These are the things I need to know.
Because as I stand near this window
and watch the lights flicker on with twilight
I remember you waiting there,
watching you throw your bag over your shoulder.
I remember waiting for the smile and wave that never came
and the call that never rang..

and still
it was the sweetest goodbye I've ever known.
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