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 Nov 2018 Matt Lancaster
I'm here yet I'm not.
I exist yet I don't.
I care yet I didn't.
I'm found yet I'm lost.
Are you like me and still waiting for the punch line
at about lunch time on the third day when you realise that
there's no way anything's happening
you give up?

I thought that anti ****** was put on drainpipes to stop kids and cats climbing them
some men eh!

things change because that's what things do
new lamps for old sort of thing
you can bring me the last century any
day of the week and I'll be happy with that.
'H' was a friend
worked most of his life
in a dead end job,
liked a drink
and drunk too much,
he lost touch
with reality,
but like me
knew where he was going
then he was gone.

sometimes over a beer
I can hear him
spouting nonsense.
Eyes that cut into the granite of his face,
not a hair out of place.

walk this way to the end of the day
take five for a smoke
a joke

the tales we tell
sell me the contents of your leather valise.

knife crime?

loved ones
can't wake 'em
when they're taken,

a lifetime
many stars
spilled like seeds across the sky
waiting to become alive
as we are

what am I
staring out into the sky
bright enough to wonder why
only stars
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