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You never know when your pain only hurts so bad
As if it were screaming out loud
To get you to pay attention some how
About the greatness before
If you’re willing to leave the chartered shore
Be open to fear, to growth, to pain
In these opportunities of change you will rightfully reign
As king and captain of your soul
Bringing riches, treasures and glory
That “comfortable times” aren’t strong enough to teach

You define yourself by how you answer the door to Life
You develop yourself by how you knock on the door of Life

The world is waiting to offer a price on you set too low
Filled with can’t and don’t and wont
You can raise the price upon your head
By robbing Experience of her silver lining
In doing so, truly finding
How great you are and the change you can make
Don’t leave it to Fate – she’s just an excuse
To accept poor circumstances rather than create better ones
Stand strong – especially when you stand alone
Be the lone tree dwarfing fields of grass
Don’t give into the world and become another drone

Be yourself and have plenty
Define yourself and be happy
"It is our choices that define who we are, far more than our abilities."
love is
an opportunity
that fills
the empty space
in places
where the heart
shall be broken
I was finally stable.
I could walk without feeling like
With one misstep
I would break everything I know.
I could breathe
And think and talk
Without feeling tightness in my chest.
And now
On a normal day
I get this message.
It blow everything up.
Walls were knocked down
Windows smashed through
Doors once again open
That I thought were forever sealed.
I am angry, hurt, and confused
I honestly have no idea what to do.

*******. **** what you said.
You make me feel guilty
For things I never did
For the way I feel
And you say you love me.
What the ****?
YOU ended things.
Not me.

How am I supposed to act?
How am I supposed to feel?
God I have no freaking clue
What I am supposed to do.

So I will sit here and cry to the man I love
Who will hold me and try and make it ok
When there is no way he can
Because there is nothing he can do.

So thanks for nothing,
Once again.
You've crushed my world
Once again
It seems like the only thing you are good at.
Broken glass,   Not meant
To last, try  to look past
The anger , try not to
See some

As a stranger,     as an intruder
Try to look   past their
Differences That
divide Them

Each other , that keep
Them so separate
Broken glass
I can't deliver the dawn
the sunset is bleak
when it rains in the ocean
the skies are opaque

I can't reign in the darkness
when time is an arc
but I feel the weight
of solitude
I have been lifted from the solid ground
The existence of you in my life has sent me over the edge
Falling from the cliff in free air with no sense of reality around

Head over heels, lingering in the freedom of your smile
The world had disappeared and your gaze envelopes my soul
Every minute that passes, sends me down this path for miles

Time no longer exists in the realm of your embrace
Ever after seems attainable and waiting for us
Filled with hope, faith and joy in each and every space

Uncontrollable movements direct my every thought
My heart is beating so fast, it’s almost going to stop
Vulnerable and helpless emotions unable to be fought

Leaving behind every shred of doubt
Accepting the gift of finally being free
The restraint of the this cold world removed and ready to breakout

Basking in the warmth only you provide
As I fall miles away from the doubt of my past
Finally safe and sound by your side.
You may think that I don’t know what love is
But I asked the sky the flowers and the trees
They all had an explanation for me
The sky spoke in a low hush tone
Whispering to me I will never be alone
That when I feel secluded I’m surrounded by peace and quiet sounds
That I shall never feel alone
The flowers told me something I once knew before I wore scars
Sometimes you will see beauty in someone
But as the layers fades it  reveals the truth
The trees stood brilliant by my side
It held me with its  undergrowth pulling me near  
It told me I’m like no other that I harvest strength everyday
Gives me faith and gives me sound
That there are all moments we don’t want to face
But we take on the hardships that we are dealt
In these moments we find our way

— The End —