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 Sep 2017 evphxric
LH Dillard
They say every scar tells a story
   so if I run my fingers across my hips could I read all the thin white lines like braille?
my skin cracks in all the places where you lived
and if I dug inside
would I only pull out splintering fragments of you?
I have burned this body down a thousand times
you always remain
Wispy rivers of mist flow down from a mountainside
Twirling and spiralling between the fields of delicate dandelions
Performing mesmerising dances like fairies under the lunar spotlight
Combined the aromatic fragrances and soft colors create an obscure new sense.
 Apr 2014 evphxric
Kerrigan Reyes
You brush your cheek against mine
and for a second, or an hour, or a lifetime
we just stood still like a picture
and in I was lured
like a tiger to the meal
my doom was sealed
with a cherry flavored lipstick
that made me giddy yet feel sick
because you would never be my love
with blonde hair soft as a dove
and blue-hazel eyes like the ocean's melody
that sing me to sleep every night in my dreams
You lure me in with a smile, a wink
until at the bottom of the ocean I finally quit sink-
ing to the bottom of my despair
this concoction of feelings playing with my hair
pulling and ripping out the brown strands
with their tiny, venomous hands
that cut my throat with their daggers
just like she did with her
lovely blue-hazel eyes
with a smile, a wink
I creak by knowing shed never be mine.

— The End —