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Oct 2017 · 257
Zuko Oct 2017
Little girl, there are many things you will be.
Broken at the hands of a man is not any of them.
Oct 2017 · 794
Zuko Oct 2017
Sometimes, the only person who will be around to pick you up
off the floor
and run you a warm bath will be yourself;
and that's okay.
May 2016 · 464
letting go.
Zuko May 2016
I've written a dozen poems about you, the curve of your lips when you smile, the glow in your eyes and the spark in your touch.
I've written even more poems about you leaving.
The pain of  being left lovelorn,
And the vast emptiness you left behind.
Now I want to write again.
But there just aren't any words left to say, the ink in my pen has run dry. Because now it doesn't hurt so much, my mind doesn't wander off to you as often as it used to and now you're just more of a dull ache in my chest as compared to the singeing fire you used to be. I don't write to you anymore.
This is farewell.
Mar 2016 · 308
Zuko Mar 2016
Virginity should be a choice, not a commodity
Mar 2016 · 290
Zuko Mar 2016
Love me for that which is not ephemeral
Feb 2016 · 721
Zuko Feb 2016
I realized that I was afraid falling in love because I'm afraid of falling out of love.
Feb 2016 · 844
If I had one wish
Zuko Feb 2016
To forget.
To forget the scent you left hidden in the threads of my clothing.
To forget the jolt of electricity that paved it's way down my spine each time your gaze caught mine.
The ecstasy I felt when our fingers intertwined and the pinky promises we swore we'd cherish forever.
I'd wish to forget the constellation of freckles spread across your cheeks.
I would wish to forget how to love and how it feels to have my heart shattered into tiny fragments of glass.
If I met a genie in a lamp I'd ask him to erase my memory... To make me forget. That is my one wish.
Feb 2016 · 436
Zuko Feb 2016
We never really had much, So
you taught me to appreciate the very little we were blessed with.
You taught me to be thankful for every blessing given to me and to respect myself and those around me.
You taught me that that if today wasn't good, tomorrow might be better... Because just like everyday, the sun will rise. And if tomorrow still isn't good... There's another tomorrow still on its way.
I admire your grace and your generosity, because from an empty hand you still have something to give.
And you have always put us before yourself and anything else first... You believe in me, and because of the last I too have the courage to believe in myself. You taught me that I'm never to young to dream or to be hopeful you taught me the importance of love and loving yourself... I will always be grateful for the faith you have in me, the love you show me everyday and for always being there.
Feb 2016 · 708
dear girls
Zuko Feb 2016
The X chromosome in your genetic make-up does NOT imply weakness,
It merely means you have chemical X and you're powerful.

A girl who finally understands that
Feb 2016 · 989
Zuko Feb 2016
We look for love where we lost it.
We look for love where we'll never find it.
Nov 2015 · 347
Zuko Nov 2015
When you left
I sat in the silence
Thinking of all we were and all we were yet to be.
I cannot stop seeing your ghost walking around,
Lurking in all the places where we were happy.
It haunts me in my dreams,
Reminds me of all we were and all we were yet to be.
I don't know how to tell my body that it won't be held in your arms anymore.
Because she's held securely in them.
I don't know how to teach my neck to stop craving the light graze of your lips.
Because tonight they're resting lightly on hers.
I hoped you'd hear my voice above the silence
And rescue me before I drowned
In the darkness of my soul,
I hoped you would find me
And love my  beautiful mess.
Nov 2015 · 384
Zuko Nov 2015
Love is abstract,
That's what we've always been taught,
And I believed it.
However, when you came along
You shook me,
Awoke me.
You changed my opinion.

You came and contextualized this, rather strange, feeling.
You made it a reality.
Love now became a way of life,
It became your eyes, your smile, the hum of your voice
And the warmth of your presence.

Home was wherever you were.
You were my home,
I know I shouldn't have found home in your arms,
But home is where love lives and,
You are love.
But you moved out and left me homeless.
Oct 2015 · 335
Zuko Oct 2015
I hate you...
You spat the words out like an apology,
A vile venom consuming your being.
You insincerity could be easily deciphered
By the manner in which you bowed your head, ever so slightly,
Avoiding contact between our eyes.
You've always feared becoming too sentimental
And never believed in affection.
Hence, you rued the day I set you free.
I hate you.
Those were the only words you could muster
When you realized you were no longer in control,
Your heart and soul had been set free.
You plunged in head first
Unaware of the pleasant waters awaiting.
Slowly, reality stopped into your dreams and filled them with ease.
I was just like you
But with a better soul.
The words 'I love you' were always a challenge for you to say
It was much easier for you to push people away.
When you said 'I hate you' you made me determined to stay.
Oct 2015 · 328
Zuko Oct 2015
You're like a flower,
Full of beauty, life and colour.
Yet, just like a flower,
Your colours fade,
Your petals fall off
And your beauty dissipates.
You're ephemeral.
Oct 2015 · 286
Zuko Oct 2015
I move around in the shadows
Keeping to their bold outlines
Until the sun exits the horizon

Looking upon the starless sky
I am relieved from my melancholy
My soul crawls out of its hiding place,
Beneath the velvet draping hovering above us.

Take my hand...
For it was in the darkness
I began enjoying the seduction of inadequacy.
Oct 2015 · 336
Zuko Oct 2015
A slave to society.
Painstakingly trying to please her,
Endless requirements and expectations.

A little more make-up,
A little less clothes.
Just to reach ideal perfection.

A sip of spirits,
A puff of smoke.
Conforming just to fit in.
Oct 2015 · 323
Zuko Oct 2015
Everyone is an artist in their own right,
I wasn't born an exceptionally good dancer or singer
And I did not possess the skill of drawing either.
But I too was born an artist

I sculpted words into poems and rhymes,
I carved life into their limp bodies,
And I painted pictures of you with these words.
The words placed next to reach other
To compliment the beauty that emanated off you.
I too was an artist.

The words twirled around the page like ballerinas on a stage.
I choreographed a sequence too,
Just so they could move as swiftly as you did.
I too was an artist

I composed symphonies with my words
They sang of your dreamy eyes and beaming smile
The words warmed the soul like sunshine rays,
On winter days.
I too was an artist.
Sep 2015 · 440
Zuko Sep 2015
you tore down my walls and left me bare
vulnerable to all the vicious glares and spiteful words.
i was a lonely lost soul amongst your effervescent nature

i never was like everyone else
i never wanted to be.

till you laid eyes on my sad soul
and lit a passion that burnt brighter than the sun,
the flames roaring out of my eyes.

i wanted your frenzied nature to rub-off on my nature of scantiness
i never wanted to stay out of your gaze.

your lingering scent still treads in the fabric of my clothes,
my skin accustomed to your trace
in your arms i felt the most alive.

seldom have i asked myself
how could i have possibly fallen in love,
with a mere thought.
Sep 2015 · 6.9k
You & I
Zuko Sep 2015
We are human
We fight for freedom.
Gender equality,
Peace between the races
And for the end of all wars.

Yet, we have sold ourselves
To mental slavery.
Concocting an idea of beauty
That evolves
Each time we get close enough to grasp it.

We consume morsels
And curl our frail bodies over the toilet bowl
Stare into the mirror, and
For between our thighs
we have carved, a gap.

We paint our faces
and hide the artwork that lies beneath.
We are enslaved by ourselves
And in turn we enslave society.

But, we are human,
We fight for freedom,
Gender equality,
Peace between the races
And the end of all wars.

But we neglect the wars going on inside us.
Dec 2014 · 614
Zuko Dec 2014
She used to be a pretty girl…
A joyous one at that
Her eyes like marbles filled with stars,
Her cheeks rosy,
Her voice like birdsong,
And her smile as bright as pearls.

But slowly
The spring left her step
Her eyes sunken, vacant and hollow
Her cheeks no longer rosy
Concealed under the façade of pale make-up

She was no longer appealing to the eye
Her sorrow was bountiful…
Its music was the night.
She was numb to all emotions
She could not find the way out of this, pit.

She had reached a point of no return
The plague had devoured her soul.

— The End —