The edges of my vision are softened by feathers
like a veil they cover my face.
A thin layer to shield me from the piercing light that emanates from the throne, glinting through the emerald rainbow,
my feathers are tinged an ever so slight green,
where I float in constant expectation of the worship
flowing from each immeasurable particle stamped with the name of the Maker, every tiny piece of heaven,
every tiny piece of earth,
all that was given a place in physicality when in joy God rose and spoke!
Ever since that moment,
we vibrate with life,
shivering in hope,
rejoicing in the command so sweetly whispered to our bones,
as we wait.
We wait, and we sing,
for the lamb has overcome,
yet we wait for a moment longer,
just a moment,
for what we have never seen will enter soon.
A lovely new,
for which the elders fall,
spirit moans,
the creature sing,
and the Beloved on earth still pray.
I’m not sure when I wrote this, I found it on a piece of notebook paper which I had drawn angel feathers and a green rainbow on the back. Maybe 2014?