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 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
Honest Cruelty**
I talked to this kid earlier today.
He was walking down the street and I asked him where he was going, he said to Blaine, me and this kid both live about 2 cities away from Blaine, so I asked him why he was going all the way there. He said his dad ****** him off, so he was going to see his mom.
Now, I've known this kid for at least 4 years and when we first met he told me his mom died in Columbia when he was yound and he moved to America with his step-dad around age 5. Today I found out that he was lying.
His father sold him for 3 grand when he was a baby. "My pops doesn't even want me" he said. His mom left him with his step-father for years, which led him to think she was dead when she just couldn't handle the pressures of a child. "My mom doesn't either" he said. "And this ******* that has me now is pretty much a stranger who always yells and fusses and doesn't want me either"
What do you say to something like that? I don't know.. But he looked so down and so I forced him to look at me and I said "Josh, I love you. And I want you." I know it's something he needed to hear and I meant every word. He lives a few doors down from me and I know he beeded something besides a basketball. So I gave him that. It was all I could think to give him.
I just hope I did the right thing.
And I pray to God he's okay.
Some love to watch the sea bushes appearing at dawn,
To see night fall from the goose wings, and to hear
The conversations the night sea has with the dawn.

If we can't find Heaven, there are always bluejays.
Now you know why I spent my twenties crying.
Cries are required from those who wake disturbed at dawn.

Adam was called in to name the Red-Winged
Blackbirds, the Diamond Rattlers, and the Ring-Tailed
Raccoons washing God in the streams at dawn.

Centuries later, the Mesopotamian gods,
All curls and ears, showed up; behind them the Generals
With their blue-coated sons who will die at dawn.

Those grasshopper-eating hermits were so good
To stay all day in the cave; but it is also sweet
To see the fenceposts gradually appear at dawn.

People in love with the setting stars are right
To adore the baby who smells of the stable, but we know
That even the setting stars will disappear at dawn.
of course everyone
has something they
won't admit to
purely for fear of judgment

maybe you love
Sunday mass
even if your friends
would ridicule you
if they knew about that

perhaps you love
rap music although
your family
only tolerates country

and so what if
you absolutely adore the smell
of cigarette smoke
on the boy from the

imagine enjoying whatever
you wished
pretend that these could
be called simply
(guilty) pleasures
It may not have ever crossed your mind,
or just could be something you ignore.
I'm just glad I can't see your face
when I'm not here any more.
It's not that I don't love your face,
I can't express how much joy it brings.
But on that day I leave your life,
just the thought of it kinda stings.

I'd never hurt you intentionally,
I hope you know this to be true.
If I had one wish it all,
It'd be used to never leave you.
I'd love to give you everything,
there's just some things I can't do;
Live forever, long, or full.
Just to name a few.

You'll do fine, just remember
all the times that we have had.
I helped you become a stronger person.
In fact, it won't be all that bad.
All those times I needed you,
you helped so selflessly.
Just one last thing you'll need to do,
Be brave and don't worry about me.
 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
The horizon of the sky falls beyond your way
So take a breathe and listen to the music pound for pound 
ounce to ounce
Love like its the end of the World
And make the best out of it
Or else you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Every single thought we always created in our mind
Sometimes we lost through it
Just like the other day or a few days ago
But we always end up going back and forth to the place that we never expected
The moment that we says "truth or dare"
Its like a piece of a living proof
We hide and uncover stuff
We laugh and we cry
We make friends and better or worst enemy
But we always end up loving each other
Hugging and kissing
The lost powerful soul,spirit of ours
We electrified the love that we always found
So take me there and 
From this moment 

*Love begets
July 1,2013
She rides the chanting waves
At the seas horizon,
In fires of star sheen and moon shine,
Sweet Niamh of the golden hair, and aqua eyes,

Princess of the green sea turtles,
Of the coral sea grottos,
Anemone naves and kelpie skins,
Trailing the rainbow schools of the whirling fin,

The whole twining ocean globe of blue is swooning
Under the milky waving skies and unfathoming deeps,
Her laughter lighting the unremembered bottom of the seas.
In Irish mythology, Niamh ( "bright" or "radiant". Niav, Neve, Neave, Neeve and Nieve ) was a goddess, the daughter of the god of the sea ( Manannán mac Lir ) and one of the queens of Tír na nÓg, the land of eternal youth. She was the lover of the poet-hero Oisín.
 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
Dear Children of overwhelming love:

Breathers of Breaths

Thinkers of Thoughts

Dreamers of Dreams

You're on the edge about to fall

It's a selfish place we call home

No one cares to see your tears

In your pain, you walk alone

Heavily laden with dreadful burdens

Will there ever be respite?

Or someone to carry your yoke

Impossible in the darkest of nights

Pull your hair to feel fresh pain

Go to sleep and never awake

If only your mind knew these thoughts

Put a precious life at stake

You run, you run though your body aches

No escape though you scream

In your mind; the only possible end

Or so it would seem...

Your broken hearts break hearts

Surely you know this to be true

Don't become just a number

When there are great plans and dreams for you

They may be clouded, they may be lost

But if you search you will find

Strongest of fighters, Pioneers

Most beautiful soul and mind

So children of overwhelming love please:

Love to Breathe

Love to Think

Love to Dream

And Love to Live
When you plunged
The light of Tuscany wavered
And swung through the pool
From top to bottom.

I loved your wet head and smashing crawl,
Your fine swimmer's back and shoulders
Surfacing and surfacing again
This year and every year since.

I sat dry-throated on the warm stones.
You were beyond me.
The mellowed clarities, the grape-deep air
Thinned and disappointed.

Thank God for the slow loadening,
When I hold you now
We are close and deep
As the atmosphere on water.

My two hands are plumbed water.
You are my palpable, lithe
Otter of memory
In the pool of the moment,

Turning to swim on your back,
Each silent, thigh-shaking kick
Re-tilting the light,
Heaving the cool at your neck.

And suddenly you're out,
Back again, intent as ever,
Heavy and frisky in your freshened pelt,
Printing the stones.
Already darkness comes sooner,
and the days pass so quickly.
Nights last forever
in the coming winter, yet my own.

Old friends and acquaintances fall behind me
to disappear in fading dreams.
Others will long endure this journey
towards the westering sun.

I feel the approaching winter,
in the biting wind,
the taste of snow
bitter on the tongue.

Passages and transitions;
the seeds of tomorrow
lay deep in summer's ruin,
while New Years day may find me...

...soaring in the sun.
Maybe New Years day will find me
waiting for the dawn
maybe, maybe not... in winter, yet my own.
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