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You unknowingly reach to me.
Feel the energy in your fingertips when you touch me.

I can feel it, too.

It feels warm,
It makes me shiver.

You've done it.
You've accomplished the next step.
You have the sight,
Now you have the touch.

**I can teach you more.
“Studying at ------- University
Would afford me so many opportunities
That I could not find elsewhere…”

Personal statements are always BS
Filled with flowery phrases that
No one
In her right mind would ever actually use
My sentences had started to look like
A thesaurus had come along
And vomited up last night's party all over them
Who even talks this way?
Who can take himself so seriously as to think
That his pompous-assery would go unnoticed?
Who seriously wants to read all of this
Splattered all over the page
As though some English major's senior thesis
Had been brutally murdered?

“I am ready to bring my own
Determination and
Into the equation to improve the
Lives of patients.”

I am disgusted with myself
For trying so hard
To impress a committee of nameless, faceless
To convince them
With fancy words and pretty sentences
That I am the best person ever
The more I write
The more I wonder if it even matters
If it's really so important for me to become a
Well Connected PhD
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineer Extraordinaire
Patients are going to keep dying
And there's no guarantee I can do a **** thing about it

“The Institute of Biomedical Engineering teaches engineers
To work side by side with clinicians to deliver
Meaningful healthcare results.”

What a wonderfully vague phrase
It means nothing, really
Not without context
But it's Impressive and Dynamic
A phrase a committee would salivate over
(Because "drool" is too simple a word for them)
It's not enough for me to just come out and say how
For my entire life
I've dreamed of myself as Superwoman
Armed with engineering skills and a well-stocked lab
Ready to take down human suffering
I just want to heal people
And blood makes me faint
So I can't be a doctor
But I know my way around a lab now
And I can make medicines
In fact, that's all I want to do
Is to make new, better medicines
To grow cells and tissues and cures in my bioreactors
To make someone, anyone's life a little less painful
And these things cannot be told in florid prose
Because these are the messy parts of life
These are the parts that ache and ooze and itch
Keeping us up all night
Until words blur together
And all that's left are limbs and bodies and faces
So you can throw your thesaurus out the window
Because it's of no use here
None of the BS is helping anyone
Pretty words aren't going to make
A failing heart grow back
And this personal statement isn't going to
Purge anyone's cancer from their veins
But this person
Untroubled by higher diction
Might just do something useful
Written 6/30/13
Full version has BS written out explicitly, but I try to be more delicate on a public forum... University name redacted because this is on the interwebs where everyone can see it.
I thought it would be a good time
Just a good time with friends
But it went way too fast.

I started with 3 sips.  

It led to a drink
Then another
Then another.

I'm stumbling, trying to find my way.
I swear, it's a straight line.
Don't take it, I can have more. I'm really fine.

No, my sober friend wants a word.  
She is going to ruin my fun, I just know it.
I walk outside, bracing for her yells-

But I can breathe again.  
The air is so much better out here.
I realize, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I have had way more than I realized.

I'm so sorry that I got this way.

I want to sleep, but I can't fall asleep.

"Are you okay?"
No, I need to sit up.  Help me sit up.
"Let's take you back to your room..."

And I walk outside, and I walk up the stairs.
I take a few steps, take a few more,
But no, I need to stop now.
I see the trashcan and I need to stop.
I feel the burn in my throat as my body rejects the poison inside of me.
Now I can walk more.  

My roommate takes care of me because I can't myself.
But now, she must help others.  
I'll be fine.
No, I'm not fine.
I sprint to the bathroom
And it's burning again.

I call my Preston, and he helps me through it all.
All these sober friends are loving me more than I deserve.
He talks to me, keeps me awake,

click goes the receiver, because the burning has returned, and I'm too ashamed for him to hear.
I'm almost crying, because I'm just so, upset at myself.
How did I get this bad?
I never thought I'd drink so much, that I threw it all up so violently.

I call back, and then go to bed.  
Trashcan handy
Trying with all my might to stay on my side.

It was so much fun before it all kicked in.
Being drunk is fun
But being wasted is a nightmare.
A night full of shame and regret and helplessness.
Hush, lullay.

Your treasures all

Encrust with rust,

Your trinket pleasures fall

        To dust.

Beneath the sapphire arch,

Upon the grassy floor,

Is nothing more

        To hold,

And play is over-old.

Your eyes

        In sleepy fever gleam,

Their lids droop

        To their dream.

You wander late alone,

The flesh frets on the bone,

Your love fails in your breast,

Here is the pillow.

Will never be as
As your

Will never be as
As your

Will never be as
as your

Will never be as
As your

Will never be as
As your

My mothers words
Will never be as
As your

Will never be as
As the
You give me

Will never be as
As your

Will never be as
As your

The moon
Will never be as
As your

Will never be as
As Missing you
Now I see what I didn't believe,
Though I have conceived
That our world is icy;
Frozen, cold, but hot like hell.
I won't fall in love with falling.
I'll fall in love with me, I, and myself.
'Cause in my own eyes I'm compromised,
Fed so many lies, watched my faith die
And my hopes diminish.
So long before we're finished
But I'm getting skittish
And nervous, feeling worthless.
This seems so worthless, what's the purpose?
The aspiration has been the pursuit of happiness.
We don't need the stress to pass this test
Just take a rest, go out and guess.
Let others assess our intelligence.
We'll play the fool, for they're the best of the best.
Yeah, step right up and place your bets!
Ignore regrets, never forget
To empathize or sympathize, not criticize,
Don't demoralize their strange eyes.
Because you are unaware of what underlies
All their metaphorical reprise.
While some lives are filled with black nights
Others shine bright like star light in dark skies.
A bit of insight into my fright
Proves you can't fight off your demons with a knife.
Not a real knife.
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