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 Oct 2014 Emma Aa
Circa 1994
A rush of it comes
As the words tumble out.

Because the words are true
And the feeling is nice
Which is precisely why I'd choose you every time.

It was always you
You were always the one
That I was going to pick
To give all my love.
 Oct 2014 Emma Aa
Marissa Kay
If you reach up for the moon it doesn't seem so far.
I could grab a ladder
Or climb a tree.
It doesn't seem so big.
 Oct 2014 Emma Aa
Circa 1994
 Oct 2014 Emma Aa
Circa 1994
Handle me gently.
Mull it over in your mind
Until you find the words that match your intentions.
Say them quietly
So only I can hear.
Don't speak harshly.
Don't leave me hanging.
Don't blend into the background.
A word spoken is a word meant
So say what you mean
Because I meant what I said
And I'll say it again.
I love you times one million.
All my bad decisions were worth it
If my one right decision was you.

— The End —