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Feb 2018 · 498
Emma Livry Feb 2018
I hope to be your
Sunshine, but if you are my
Sun, than what am I?
Dec 2017 · 399
Long Distance
Emma Livry Dec 2017
You are three hours away.
It's not that far
But still I have to say,

I miss you more than you know
I'll try my best
To let that go.

I just might go insane
With only an image
Of you in my brain.

And I just want to be alright
So I'll have to settle by
Listening to your voice every night.
Dec 2017 · 793
Up in Smoke
Emma Livry Dec 2017
I know that you don't want
Anything long term
Or serious right now
And I am completely fine
With being the smoke that
Fills your lungs
Even if just for a moment
And then as you exhale
And let me go
I'll be fine as I watch you
Extinguish the remaining glow
From the short cigarette
Of our relationship.
Dec 2017 · 519
How to Know What to Write
Emma Livry Dec 2017
Every message I write,
I write with the impression that
No one will actually respond,
But you did.
What do I do now?
Dec 2017 · 309
Emma Livry Dec 2017
The moon doesn't even create its own light
It's fake.
It reflects the sun.
Maybe that's why we're all
Okay with being rude
When the fake light is in the sky.
Nov 2017 · 324
Emma Livry Nov 2017
Don't date a boy
With a common name.
If (when) things go wrong
You'll hear his name everywhere.
Boys with common names
Are commonly the ones
Who'll break your heart.
Oct 2017 · 314
Emma Livry Oct 2017
We may not be finishing each other's sentences, but we are saying the same things, and completing each other's thoughts.

You are more than enough for me and you do not need to try to do anything to be good enough for me because you are more than perfect for me.

I don't like having to leave sometimes.

I guess you should do some jaw exercises or something because-- yes we kiss quite a bit, but it's not excessive. You shouldn't be in pain from kissing me, and if you are, I'll kiss it and make it better.

It's okay to pull away from a kiss because then I get to see your perfect face.

Well you aren't alone in feeling dumb. I thought I had a decent grasp on the human language but then I met you. I can't put my feelings for you into words. Nothing makes sense-- it isn't right, it isn't enough.

I wish I met you so much earlier in my life, but honestly I think that things would be so different if that were the case. What happened in our pasts is what makes us who we are. And we love each other as we are now.

Time flies when I'm with you. I can spend an entire day with you and feel like only minutes went by. It is never enough time. I will always want more.

I always say I need more time in my life, but I would rather feel like days are minutes with you than minutes are days when I'm alone.
Oct 2017 · 193
Emma Livry Oct 2017
No matter what I write
It's BS
Sometimes it's a little better
When I wait to add the title
At the end.
That's what I'm doing now
And I am certain it is going to be...
Oct 2017 · 306
I'm All Yours
Emma Livry Oct 2017
I wasn't looking for this, but
Listening to you sing makes me so happy.
Of course this is new and exciting, but
Very rarely do I ever think these things could work out.
Every so often I would want to feel special, but
You never make me want to feel special because I always do.
Only in an alternate reality could I be happier.
Ultimately,  I just want to make you happy.
Sep 2017 · 250
The First Poem
Emma Livry Sep 2017
Typically I don't do this
I'm afraid this isn't going to be good
And all I want, is to impress you.
Sep 2017 · 352
Emma Livry Sep 2017
I regret the fact that I showed you all these
Places that you can happily go to now
I'm stuck outside looking in the windows
Making sure you aren't there
Before I can even muster the courage
To step into my favorite places.
Specific streets remind me of
Where you would take me.
I would never dare step foot in a place
That you took me,
But you feel perfectly content
Bringing the new people in your life there.
Overwriting our memories and moving
On with your life.
It is time to move on.
I am tired of living like this and I won't
Let you control me anymore.
I'll go wherever I want and who knows?
Maybe someday I'll be able to
Step into these places and never even
Think of you.
Aug 2017 · 272
Emma Livry Aug 2017
Glare to the end of the tunnel and
Swear you will get through it because you are the
Heir of your own future and hang in the
Midair that is almost
Nowhere and be thankful that you don't have to
Share who you are or your
Lair with anyone if you do not want.

Stare at the edge of the
Air and love
Where you you are and
There you will find your
Pair of eyes work and you won't
Tear up your thoughts and theories or
Dare to give up on yourself.
Emma Livry Aug 2017
You are as fickle as a newborn
Causing the rain to
Start and stop
Start and stop
As drops fall down my cheeks.
Aug 2017 · 197
Emma Livry Aug 2017
I don't want you to be
A firework
You'd be beautiful
For only a second,
But I never want your love
To explode and never
Be seen again.
Aug 2017 · 182
Emma Livry Aug 2017
I really want to commit.
It's so hard
You have such a beautiful mind
But it's so twisted
I know I can't trust you
And I know I can't make you better
I can't fix you
So I know I really should
Commit you.
Aug 2017 · 191
Drunk in Love
Emma Livry Aug 2017
I don't want my love to make you drunk
I want you to feel tipsy
There's just something so
Alluring about a man being tipsy
Tipping over the line of
Finally opening up.
Jul 2017 · 245
Emma Livry Jul 2017
And everyday
My bones break my fall
From sanity
Into love.
5:04 pm
Jul 2017 · 221
I'm Weak
Emma Livry Jul 2017
And I
In my infinite wisdom
Just replied
That I'd love to see you again.
Jul 2017 · 192
Emma Livry Jul 2017
There is never a time in
Which I feel more
Obsolete than when I
Am lying awake knowing
People are sleeping
Close by and I miss
The 11:11 wish.
Jul 2017 · 200
Reprise II
Emma Livry Jul 2017
Well I'm pretty gone
You always leave when I need you most
What a charming coincidence
It's not strange it's every time now
That I go out
I'll stay in and make sure that you get back safe

Holding on
You drag me down I can't stay afloat anymore
To a false-hope cherry right on top
Your lies weigh like rocks and pierce holes like knives
Of this sundae
*A bitter reminder of your true devotion
It is a lot easier to write now for some reason.
Jun 2017 · 185
Emma Livry Jun 2017
­                  constantly
                                    ­                                             you      dragging
  ­                                                                 ­            to                     me
                                                              ­               opposed              d
                                          ­                                 at as                          o
                                   ­                                      to be                             w
                                ­                                       supposed                         n. . .
The                                                            ­   I'm                                       
     only                                                      baselin­e
      reason I                                             to the
           thought                                     me back
                I loved                                to get
                       you                            order
                         was                       made in
                            because           my body
                                of the        response
Jun 2017 · 222
Forgotten Coffee
Emma Livry Jun 2017
You have stood me up
On two occasions.
One date we were
To meet at the art museum.

I stayed there for
Three hours
Looking at the artwork
And writing poetry.

For a while, I truly
Thought you'd show up,
But as I moved along
Through the gallery,
I knew you weren't coming.

The other date was
To an underground coffee shop.
I was also there for three hours.

I got a table in the red room
And sat there waiting.

I sipped on my London Fog
And looked across the table at the
Coffee I ordered you.

You never showed, but
After a while,
I just stopped checking my phone.

And as you forgot about me,
I forgot about your coffee
As I sat there writing about
How I'll never forget you.
Jun 2017 · 201
Secret News
Emma Livry Jun 2017
A letter arrives
With the stamp
Tilted to the left.

The contents of the letter:
I'm sorry to do this
But we can never see each other again
I can't do this anymore

I had never been happier.
There is a secret stamp language.
He really said he was longing to see me.
Jun 2017 · 440
Emma Livry Jun 2017
It was love at first sight
For me.
You still haven't quite
Caught on.
But we'll keep seeing
Each other
And maybe someday it
Will be
Love at sixty-seventh sight
For you.
Insta: emma.livry
Jun 2017 · 204
Love Left
Emma Livry Jun 2017
I don't understand how love works
When you said you loved me,
You decided to kiss her.
When you said you needed me,
You resented the time we spent together.
When you said you couldn't live without me,
You moved to another state.
If this is love
Maybe it's fine that you're gone.
Instagram: @emma.livry
Jun 2017 · 210
Just Today
Emma Livry Jun 2017
i cannot agree with the expression of sympathies in this day and age

you remind me of a winter's day
and not at all genuine.
I have just made an instagram account if you would also like to follow me there!
May 2017 · 237
Cup of Joe
Emma Livry May 2017
I'm not saying
My way is the right way,
But people hurt people,
So why do we name
Inanimate objects after them?
May 2017 · 263
Emma Livry May 2017
No audible dialogue,
       but I still hear
       your voice in my

No tangible embrace,
       but I still feel
       your arms wrapped
       around me.

No sincere promise,
      so you still let
      me down all the
May 2017 · 262
Thank You
Emma Livry May 2017
I'm happy I met
                          & loved
                                      & lost you.

You know it's real love
When it haunts you
For weeks
                & months
                                & years.

But I'm happy
To feel this pain
Because it lets me know
I'm alive
             & can feel
                             & can love again.
May 2017 · 274
Haiku for You?
Emma Livry May 2017
You never accused
me of being unrelenting,
so why are you?
May 2017 · 841
Idk yet
Emma Livry May 2017
Your words always
                        cut me deep,
But lately they're starting
                        to burn.
I'm getting used to
                        the pain,
But I don't know how to feel
                        seeing flames on your tongue.
May 2017 · 824
Emma Livry May 2017
I hit the crosswalk
And I know how you feel.
Your overcoat is trembling,
But your lips are steel.

But sooner or later, you will come around.
And I will find your favor as you're falling down.

I hide in your sweatshirt
With my knees drawn in tight.
I sit in the corner
With the company of moonlight.

You say you walk the road less traveled- how does that make you feel?
But with your words like gravel, how can I finally heal?
Apr 2017 · 438
The Details
Emma Livry Apr 2017
I sit behind a girl who smells of vanilla
And envy her honey-kissed hair.
I could always get a new perfume
And dye my hair,
But one day I hope my plain mediocrity
Catches your attention.
Apr 2017 · 402
Emma Livry Apr 2017
After all this time,
You better not let me down
Again. Not again.

But you always do
Again and again, but I
Won't let you this time.

I will not think twice
To protect myself from you
Because you hurt me.
Haiku Trilogy
Apr 2017 · 266
Better Than a Screen
Emma Livry Apr 2017
There are roses on her ceiling,
But you're climbing through the stars.
She can feel your every footstep
Along the pathway to get back into her arms.

They keep tugging on her eyelids,
And trailing down along her cheeks.
You tried to keep the whole thing quiet,
But it's already been six whole weeks.
Apr 2017 · 246
Off the 276
Emma Livry Apr 2017
Somewhere in the forest
Where we truly met,
We walked along the highway--
It was soaking wet.

You took my hand and pulled me
Further from the lights,
"Just pass the edge of darkness
and we'll make it through the night."

Somehow I believed you
I listened to your words,
I clung to every sentence
Like it was the first I'd ever heard.

I saw you take your mask off,
But I didn't shy away
Because you told me that you loved me
And I believed it anyway.

You cheated and abused me
More than a person ever should
And I vowed that I'd avenge this--
As if I even could.
Apr 2017 · 242
Emma Livry Apr 2017
"You're so cute when you do that."

Do what?

"You know, that thing you do."

No, please tell me what it is so I never do it again.
Apr 2017 · 302
Emma Livry Apr 2017
Your cigarettes stained
My hair and breath.
We never found home,
But a place to rest.

Your alcohol intoxicated
My legs and sight.
You said you loved me,
And I believed you might.

Your cursing struck
My ears and face.
You decided to leave,
But left an empty space.

Your empty promises broke
My heart and wrists.
I knew I shouldn't write,
But I couldn't resist.
Mar 2017 · 420
The "Good, Old Days"
Emma Livry Mar 2017
It was a lazy
Day to watch television
And just lay with you.
I miss you.
Mar 2017 · 286
Emma Livry Mar 2017
We may never know what will happen
Even in just the distant future,
So let us just move on from this
Torment and get on with this life
Or finally face what we may be.
Now or never.

There is something about you that
Happens to attract me to you.
Everything you do is so appealing
Or maybe I am mistaken.

Just let me in, I promise I won't hurt you
Or do you not believe me?
So I take this time to apologize for
Everything that I have done to you.
Please believe that what I say is true.
Have you truly never believed me?

Getting over you was not a hard task.
Everyone thought it would be the end of my world
Or send me down a dark path.
Regretfully, I didn't find this to be a challenge.
Getting over you was easy and
Easier it is to move on.

Just seeing you walking
On the folds in my mind is enough to make
Every voice go quiet

Just the thought of you
Annoys me to no end.
Relentlessly you sought me-
One day I said it was enough.
Never speak to me again.

All I wanted was a good time
Until it was prolonged
So I try to make sure it ends.
Together, we make no sense
In time you will recognize this,
Now let me go.
Emma Livry Mar 2017
The tendency to let things
Slip through my grasp
Is far too high-
Especially when it comes to
Love granted.
I like to believe that
I love love,
But I don't think I do.
What I love,
Is the way he looks at me
When I speak.
The way he speaks
When my mind is blank.
I adore
The way he asks me how I feel
And actually cares about the response.
The way he is attentive
To the things I ramble on about.
I cherish
The way he touches me,
Deliberately, but not harsh.
The way he kisses me,
With longing, but not lust.
I hold onto
The moments we share,
Even if they may not hold the same meaning
To him.
Because to me,
He is perfect,
But he's been hurt too many times
To know that there are people
Who are afraid of love abandoning them,
Afraid of love betraying them,
Afraid of love.
Too hurt to recognize
The people who can look at him and see
What he offers,
Not what his shortcomings are.
I know because I've been where he is,
And I know it's harder to move on alone
Than together.
Mar 2017 · 258
Emma Livry Mar 2017
You asked me what's on my mind
And I said nothing
Which isn't a bad thing
Because to me "nothing" is an open possibility.
Mar 2017 · 311
Getting to Know You
Emma Livry Mar 2017
To you,
It's all intentional.
Every touch, every gesture
Has a purpose and a connection
To the bigger picture.
You take your time
Because it's more than just motion
It's a building of emotion
That is processed in ecstasy.
You're gentle
Because I'm not just a body,
I'm a person who is experiencing
It all with you.
Mar 2017 · 583
Art Museum Ramblings
Emma Livry Mar 2017
I longed to be strikingly beautiful
But then I realized that's not what you liked.
You were beyond mediocre, but you loved subtlety.
Forgotten at an art museum
Wandering slowly
I take my time so that I do not miss anything
The way that I miss you.
I don't demand any attention
Or affection
Because I cannot command it.
Some dedications are sincere
Others are made to satisfy an ego.
I just hope that mine means enough
To flatter you.
I realize I am not valuable,
But I must be worth something,
Mar 2017 · 267
Emma Livry Mar 2017
Struggling to keep up
I gasp and grasp onto
The ideals proposed by those before
Studying every inch of the cascade
Falling just out of tangible recognition.
Mar 2017 · 229
Emma Livry Mar 2017
I know the error of my ways
Is far more valuable
Than the attempt to be breathtaking.
There is a poor result due to
My lack of kindness.
For some reason,
My heart won't warm to
The standard of living.
Cold takes over my body-
My hands like ice
Trace the constellation of
Flowers in the garden of your mind.
Diluting the individuality,
Accentuating a new found harmony
Between your words and
My breath.
Feb 2017 · 320
"Well That's Dumb"
Emma Livry Feb 2017
With the constant doom of letting people down, I think it's best to fall short of solely my expectations, and no one else's.
Jan 2017 · 392
5:07 PM
Emma Livry Jan 2017
You cannot rely
Solely on the beatings of
Hearts for a response.
Jan 2017 · 364
5:38 PM
Emma Livry Jan 2017
In my life I have
Felt pain in my heart until
I met your kind self.
Jan 2017 · 362
Emma Livry Jan 2017
The coarse betrayal
Harkened an awakening
Of mind and body through
Enlightenment of
Existential crises.
Part 5
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