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Tonight you called me sad
I picked up the phone
worried you were as broken as I was
but quickly your words filled my heat
I never knew it was empty until it was opened by the sweetest hello
I could hear you were tired
So I strung it out
"You can go to sleep, love"
It has never been an effortless task to cut a connection with you
But it's like building myself up every day after nights I fell to pieces in my bedsheets
It is by no measure easy,
but I need it to move on
Let's keep moving forward
It's still hard
to press "end"
I never want to end you
I still gonna hang on every word you say
so I can hear them ringing in my head
like the ring on my phone
I sometimes imagine it's you
because call me
I wanna listen and be there every second I get the chance to hear your thoughts
what a beautiful mind that can see past
the rubble of city streets and 450 miles
I'm starting to see the pines above me kissed by the ocean waves below you
Still, call me
so I can drift far away
I know it's just your voice but
I recognize the warmth of your tone
It's the same as your warm breath was
on a night so cold it could have frozen any heart
but there will always be love in winter winds
that's what carries my whispered words to you
I hope you hear them as lullabies tonight.
sometimes, when the seasons change
we change with them

in summer i am flowing and free
my worries wash away with the tides
and i am comfy in my long dresses
that reach down to my ankles
and get soaked in the salty sea

in fall i feel alright and all
i am drowsy but don't want to sleep
the crunches of leaves beneath my feet
are enough to make me smile
on the way to dinner at the church hall

in winter i keep warm in a sweater
given to me from a blonde boy,
jasper, a best friend and a lover
when we sit in cedar trees high above the snow
and watch the waves that make us feel better

in spring i shed the skin
of the year and all the days
i shared with all those people i love
but i keep the sounds and sights in my heart
and remember as i breathe in

sometimes, when the seasons change
we stay a little bit the same
 Jan 2013 Emily Reardon
officially, the title resembles
the power that makes me tremble
love grows quickly

we hide together
in plain sight
my heart is mended

though i hurt you
i lied and we lie
together in bed

guilt tears at me
with sharp teeth
and glittering eyes

betrayal flaunts
its hold over me
it teases and ridicules

i haven't hurt you yet
and we both know
to our cores

you're hungry
for love
you fall

Love belongs in the back seat of a convertible,
Parked somewhere in the summer night's dark.
Lips interlocked and cheeks flushing vertigo
The ignition to her transmission is
Push to start.
He shifts into drive.
Limbs, like open roads, quickly spreading apart
His eyes mesmerized along the highway of her thighs...
Love doesn't always exist in the heart.
It exists
Behind the steering wheel of his ****.
The roadmap of her love canal is truly a work of art...
Voyaging between thighs so thick...
Parked somewhere, in the summer night's dark.
I like to love you from a distance
Not because I am afraid to approach
But because from this far
Your ridges are smooth
your smell faint
gaze passing

I like to love you from a distance
Not because I fear your response
But because from this far
There are no need for words
Sights are all we have
And the moments know many tongues

I like to love you from a distance
Not because I am coward
But because his arms are wrapped around my waist
And each time my head turns to look
Your way, he simply cups my chin
and kisses me so passionately
that of course, I must close my eyes.
perhaps it just hasn’t hit me yet
or maybe,
I lack the maturity
to understand it
but the fact of the matter is:
I have cancer

I don’t know why
I don’t know when
I don’t know how

but I can see my future
and it is grim

as the sun sets today
I could not remember
what it looked like

only the darkness,
and the light
one* I am a writer
two I am a submissive
three Life has handed me tons of lemons and I just don't know what the hell to do with them
four I do not know everything no matter how hard I try to seem like I do
five I hate yellow cheese, I don't know why but I hate it
six I love dogs. All dogs.
seven My relationship is more or less complicated as hell
eight I will never be a size 00 again.
nine My job *****.
ten I am not ready to be an adult.

There, those are ten things I know to be true. Do they make sense? Not really. Do they tell a story? No, I guess they don't. But are they all true? Yes.
Every time I kiss you
After a long separation
I feel
I am putting a hurried love letter
In a red mailbox.
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