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 Jul 2014 E H
That Girl
Twenty six letters
yet I still can't explain
the change in my pulse
the rush in my veins
when I hear your name
 Jul 2014 E H
Dorothy Quinn
12:40 am
 Jul 2014 E H
Dorothy Quinn
I've never wanted people who didn't want me.
But I know one day you won't want me,
and I'll still want you.
I'd leave right now if I didn't love you so much,
I make your eyes light up when I say your name.
I'll keep adding scars to my heart as long as you are happy.

I wish your feelings for me wouldn't drown,
but they will.
You'll find a girl who has a stronger heart and a sounder mind.
It's okay,
I love you.
I'll stay with you for now.
 Jul 2014 E H
Luna Elora
 Jul 2014 E H
Luna Elora
I never knew what true happiness was until my lips met yours.
I never knew how high I could fly
Until you whispered my name.
Luna. Luna.
I never knew what sorrow could really be.
Until I lost you.
You left me in a haze. Left me gasping. Wanting anything I could hold onto.
I never knew what love could be.
Until I met you. Distance so far.
Yet our hearts so close.
Is this a dream?
Or are you my last nightmare?

— The End —