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449 · Feb 2016
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Close the  Dardanelles and Bosporus, guarantees there will be WAR
Putin will not stand for this, the Russian Bear is going to roar
This is not a trifling matter, VERY serious indeed!
Many many people, will be killed and die and bleed
This will lead to WW3, where it starts it matters not
What our leaders tell us, is not worth diddly squat
449 · Dec 2014
Tick-Tock Tick-Tock...Boom
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
As the days go by I wonder, how many are there left?
An air of Doom I feel, of this world I am bereft
It’s not if you’ll die, it is when and how
How you’ll leave this world, end the here and now
I watch the news and think, what a pack of lies
How long can this go on, before your own demise?
The possibility is good, it will be in World War Three
In atomic fire you’ll burn, an end to all your glee
We teeter on the brink, the brink of World War Three
TOTAL devastation! And from a death you cannot flee
If you’re not killed instantly, you will wish you were
To the radiation you’ll succumb, this you can’t defer
Three weeks you’ll have to live, and Death you can't postpone
Radiation radiation, this will make you moan
The Wrath of God's upon you, damnation from on High
With atomic fire you’ll burn, before the bye and bye
Anguish you will suffer, pain and agony
Then where will you go…to Purgatory?
You’ll go straight to HELL! You’ll receive your just reward
Sin and Greed and Lust, were your only lord
448 · Dec 2014
The Whore of Babylon
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
A cesspool of corruption, decked with robes so fine
Pedophiles and perverts, on the banks of River Rhine
From the cradle to the grave, before her scepter bow
Or for you the Inquisition, this is their holy vow
A special hat their High Priest wears, in honor of their god
The holy hat of Dagon, and he carries Aaron's Rod
Seven Sacraments they have, the "Faithful" all partake
Before the alter cast their alms...collect it with a rake
The mother of their god, sometimes comes to see
Poor poor peasant girls, shows them a mystery
Oh so holy oh so pure, oh so sanctified!
Never mind they're stinking ****, and their SIN they cannot hide
444 · Feb 2015
Hey Kevin
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Hi-yea ****** hi-yea, I'll write a rhyme for you
How you'll burn in Hell; your worst nightmare will come true
A long life you'll live not, STDs will take their toll
You'll die and go to Hell, and be eaten by a troll
You'll fricassee and fry, be roasted on a spit
How "Gay" you gunna be, in Torment that won't quit?
Pretend it isn't so, continue on your way
Soon, very soon, God your soul will slay
Kevin will find out, when it's too **** late
Hey Kevin are you ready? In Hell you'll meet your fate

****** !!!
439 · Jan 2015
Prayer Beads
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The purpose of my poetry, is to condemn the world to Hell
Compassion I have not, for the worshipers of Bel
If it's Baal you prefer, to me it matters not
You'll go to Hell and burn, forever there you'll rot
Religion! What Farce! Like Christianity
Pagan saints and Pagan gods, worship them on bended knee
Then there's Ashtoreth, Queen of Heaven so divine
aka Diana, in Emphasis did shine
They're both alive and well, Their High Priest lives in Rome
Go and pray their beads, beneath his Golden Dome
437 · Dec 2014
"Christians" Ha !!!
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
There are two types of people, upon the earth today
One type is the Elect, God will not lead them astray
Then there are the ******, their destiny is Hell
They are a walking lie! TRUTH they cannot tell
“Christians” by and large, are the ****** and Lost
They preach “another gospel” [1], Truth they will accost
Quite some time ago, one man wrote all this down
John Calvin was his name, his writings are still found
But no no no this cannot be! "Free Will" is what we preach
Salvation’s NOT of God, this lie we always teach
Do you think you will escape, the doom that’s soon to come  
There are some Seals upon a Scroll, Seven is the sum  
There is a Lamb there is a Lamb, with Seven horns and eyes  
He’s about to break the Seals, this will lead to your demise  
The time of "Jacob’s Troubles"…the Wrath of God for seven years  
You will weep and wail and cry…bitter bitter tears  
But you’re a lovey-dovey “Christian”, you said the sinner’s prayer  
You will fly away…meet your lord up in the air  
You’re religious ****! That goes for your church too  
You think you have “sound doctrine”, Ha! You haven’t got a clue  
But the Preacher said you’re saved, “not appointed unto wrath”  
So you followed your dear Preacher, down the primrose path
Unless you are Elect, you’ll both end up in Hell  
The religion of the Devil, has cast its Magik spell

[1] 2nd Cor 11:4
437 · Feb 2015
VERY Few Days Remain
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
The Saudies clear their airspace, Kim Jong prepares for war
Poroshenko buys new weapons...have you seen this all before?
What is going to happen? Not too hard to figure out
The world will be at WAR, this without a doubt
But take heart I have good news, it will only last an hour [1]
Just half the world gets blown to ****, so no need to cry and cower
The other half will see, the unveiling of "the Man"
Of "that Wicked" [2] Man of Sin [3], for you he has a plan
His plan is going to be, to give everyone a Mark [4]
In your forehead or right hand, to him you must now hark
Seven years will follow, seven years of pain and woe
It's called the Tribulation, through this you're going to go
It's all been written down,  in the last Book it's contained
Contained in the Holy Bible, your demise is there explained

[1] Rev 18:10
[2] 2nd Thess 2:8
[3] 2nd Thess 2:3
[4] Rev 13:16
435 · Dec 2014
Revelation 13:8
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Not much time is left, before the First Seal breaks
All you lovey-dovey “Christians”, now prove that you’re not fakes
All you have to do, is “endure until the end” [1]
Or get your head cut off, in Revelation this is penned
But you don’t have to worry, you will fly into the clouds
You said the Sinner’s prayer, you’re not in Heathen crowds
Those baddy baddy Heathens, all of them will take the MARK
But no no never you, to the Bible you did hark
A Book will be brought out, the Watchers check it for your name [2]
Will you be in the Resurrection, of Contempt and Shame? [3]

[1] 7 Letters to the 7 Churches
[2] Rev 20:12~15
[3] Dan 12:2
434 · Jan 2015
Isaiah 13 & Jeremiah 50~51
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Oh look up in the sky, frightful signs behold
What could all this mean? In the Bible it is told
The Bible tells of grief, of pain and death and woe
In Mathew 24, through this you're going to go
Then go read Isaiah, chapter ten plus three
Who is this Babylon? very soon you're going to see
The Prophet Jeremiah, wrote of death and woe
Chapters fifty fifty-one...this was written long ago
Babylon will burn, burn in atomic fire
Vengeance from the Wrath of God...Jeremiah was no lire
Not the Babylon of old, the Babylon today
TOTALLY DESTROIED [1], this is the USA

434 · Dec 2014
Oh S*** !
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Doo-Doo Ca-Ca Stinking Crap, Defecation Dung and Turds
Oh my goodness oh my gosh, I have such a way with words
Do you go to take, a defecation or a crud?
The stuff that comes right out your ***, the consistency of mud
**** is what I call it! Does this offend your ears?
Then I wipe my ***, and shout out with three cheers
How about the other words, that are **** personified
******* ******* *******, **** is so implied!
431 · Dec 2014
Swim in This Lake
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Peter wrote of this, he wrote of Prophecy
He said take head, shine a light, for in this is a key [1]  
Christ came once, and He will come again  
Sometime soon, don’t know exactly when  
The stage has now been set, everything’s in place  
But first some holy cleansing. Judgment of this race  
Seven Seals there are, upon a Holy Scroll [2]
First one’s about to break, anguish for your soul  
Seven Trumpets will sound loud, all the world will hear [3]
The sound of Holy Vengeance, this day draws very near  
And Seven Golden Vials, filled with the Wrath of God [4]
Poured upon your head, the Holy Angles then applaud  
A Lake is waiting just for you, forever you’ll be there  
It is The Lake of Fire…White Robes you will not wear [5]

[1] 2nd Peter 1:19
[2] Rev 5:1
[3] Rev 8:2~6
[4] Rev 15:7
[5] Rev 6:11 / 7:9 / 7:13
Use a KJV ONLY to check the refs
431 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
There was a man of old, Isaiah was his name  
Wrote a vision down, to him this vision came  
Wrote about a city, this city stands today  
Damascus is the city, in ruins it soon will lay  
Six and sixty chapters, are in his Book of woe  
Chapter seventeen, the whole world will shortly know  
The verse that is the first, of chapter seventeen  
Many many years ago, this vision was foreseen  
Doom has been pronounced, many years ago  
Right before your eyes, God’s Judgment will soon show  
What else? Who else? Will burn in ‘tomic fire  
The good old USA, Isaiah was no liar [1]

[1] Isaiah chapter 13
427 · Jan 2015
A Guarantee
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Men of old did prophecy, of impending doom
Almighty God did move them, they did not presume
Holy men of old, had visions from the Lord
But alas alas, by the world they are ignored
One such man was John, to the isle of Patmos he was sent
Read what he did write, read it and repent                                          
The last book of the Bible, records what he did see
From the risen Lord, a Judgment and Decree
Fire and flame and wrath, to this world will shortly come
Torment bane and death, in agony you'll succumb
Seven Seals Seven Trumpets Seven Vials of Wrath
When the first Seal breaks, forsake the primrose path
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, your Damnation slumbers not
A Christian Moslem Pagan, your religion matters naught
All hail the Antichrist! Take his Mark or die
A guarantee you'll burn in Hell...will weep and wail and cry
427 · Jan 2015
The City on Seven Hills
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
What does “Letteth” mean? Old English to restrain
To hold back a plan, a plane of death and bane  
Who’s plan does “he” [1] hold back? The one who now restrains  
From the cradle to the grave, to keep the world in chains  
Its High Priest wears the Triple Crown [2], the hat of Dagon too  
Has a golden chalice, robes of scarlet and of blue  
A pantheon of “saints”, will answer all your prayers  
It will pay you off…to cover up affairs  
There was a time in history, called the Ages Dark  
It would burn you at the stake, if to it you did not hark  
Its symbol is the shinning sun, called a monstrance  
Helios, Apollo…or some such resemblance  
Seven Years it's going to take, to make this sewage gone  
The Lake of Fire awaits...The ***** of Babylon

[1] 2nd Thess 2:7
[2] Tiara
424 · Dec 2014
Seven Footnotes
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The time that's been ordained, are three score years plus ten [1]
Sixty-nine have been fulfilled, the last will soon begin
One week of Seven years, will be a cleansing of the earth [2]
"The Time of Jacobs's Troubles", anguish pain and dearth
Word War Three is on the way, one hour it will last [3]
Millions millions will be killed, then into Hell they will be cast
If your journey into Hell, is postponed a little bit
You will take the Mark, before you're cast into the PIT [4]
For one thousand years you'll burn, then you'll stand before the Throne [5]
From the Books you will be judged, you worshiped gods of stone [6]
Then you'll be cast alive, into the Lake of Fire [7]
FOREVER there you'll burn, with every other LIER !!!

[1] Dan 9:24
[2] The Book of Revelation
[3] Rev 18:17~19
[4] Rev 14:10
[5] Rev 20:11&12
[6] Ashtaroth (aka "Mary")
[7] Rev 20:15
419 · Dec 2014
To a Cinder !!
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
“Denial” is what's done, when the Truth is too severe  
Situation plain as day, Truth that is austere  
What is the situation? That is plane as day?  
Armageddon, World War Three, both are on the way  
Look right at it look real hard, deny we’re on the brink  
From the Cup of Wrath of God, this world’s about to drink  
Will it start in Syria? Or Korea of the North?  
Really doesn’t matter, Death is coming forth  
Will Iran get tuned to glass? They have a lot of sand  
By the New World Order, this has all been planned  
Did you read the Holy Book? Did you read it and then spurn?  
Deny deny deny, to a cinder you will burn
418 · Jun 2015
Elihu Barachel Jun 2015
Look upon the Hour Glass, the sand is almost gone
The Antichrist shall come, Satan and his spawn
Seven years will follow, seven years of death and woe
Worship him and take his Mark, to Hell you'll surly go
In Jerusalem he'll sit, upon an ark of gold
Showing that he's gOD, this all has been foretold
The False Prophet comes from Rome, calls down fire from the sky
Kiss his hOLY ring, and say a rosary fore you die
After seven years of pain, after seven years of woe
Comes a Rider on a White Horse, into Hell you now He'll throw
413 · Dec 2014
Check the References [1]
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
There is a Day approaching, a Day approaching fast
Called the Tribulation, Seven years this Day will last (Dan 9:24)
World knows but doesn’t care, Noah saw these days (Luke 17:26)
Don’t disturb your baseball game…till the World is set ablaze
In one short hour one short hour, Destruction Death and more (Rev 18:17)
On this world and nation, God’s wrath will surely pour
Too late too late too late, to repent and weep and cry
You were warned and warned, in your sins you're going to die (John 8:21)
But God is lovey-dovey, this just cannot be! (John 3:16)
Behold the Man of Sin, welcome him with glee (2 Thess 2:3) (Rev 13:3-4)
Worship him and take his Mark, and forever burn in Hell (Rev 14:9-10)
For filthy filthy lucre, your soul you're going to sell (1 Tim 6:10)

[1] Use a KJV ONLY
410 · Jan 2015
March 3rd, 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Scandal! Scandal! Scandal! Read the Juicy News
Good Old Good Guy Berry, is ****** at all the Jews
His best pal in the world, Bibi flipped him off
He's gunna come next month, and at his *** he'll scoff
Poutnick laffs his *** off! Calls Berry on the phone
Sez hi-yea Berry Berry, Bibi will act alone
408 · Feb 2015
Hey Kevin
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
I've been Banned! I am Banned! From Allpoetry I'm Banned!
Oh my goodness on my gosh, my demise is now at hand
Why is it that they Banned me? Because the poems that I write -
They ain't lovey-dovey...I bash ******* day and night
Hey Kevin ain't that right, I get down on Fruitcake Queers
Tell them that they'll burn in Hell, them and all their peers
Do I ever **** them off !! When I tell them where they'll go
They'll go to burn in Hell, there Damnation apropos
******* they don't like that, they want to **** each others *****
They can't if they're in Hell, when they cross the River Styx
407 · Jun 2015
Kasey Ann & C.A.
Elihu Barachel Jun 2015
Kasey Kasey Kasey, Kasey-Kasey-Kasey-Ann!
Fly away with me, for us I have a plan
We'll fly away to Neverland, and play among the stars
We will go to Jupiter, and stop and visit Mars
Then swimming we will go, and in the sand we'll roll around
We won't wear a bathing suit, then with oil I'll rub you down
And all night we'll cuddle, in a bed so soft and warm
I'll caress you oh so nice, and you'll slay me with your charm
407 · Aug 2015
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Generation number four, of a FUSION bomb
was tested upon China, with premeditation and aplomb
Looks like it worked real good, how many more will they try out?
Maybe none at all, this will lead to WW3 without a doubt
The Chinese aren't dumb, like Americans are now
They'll  ally themselves with Russia, and fulfill a vengeance vow
The Vow that they'll fulfill, will be destroy the USA
TOTAL devastation, will begin without delay
It will only last one hour, how do I know this?
It's in the Book of Revelation, read it, end your bliss
Chapter number 18, "one hour" is written thrice
Read it and take heed, this is not just mere advice
407 · Jan 2015
Mathew Chapter 24 - 2
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Do you know what's coming? Blow you to the void!
Oh my goodness oh my gosh, a great big Asteroid!
Not just one but fifty, five hundred even more
One will land right on your ***, Asteroids galore!
Go read the Book of Mathew, chapter twenty-four
You will have a heart attack! And fall down upon the floor
But not to worry not to fret only, only half the world blows up
The other half just dies, when they see the Asteroids real close up
405 · Feb 2016
Thank You
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Expect this I did not, surprised I really am
My followers I thank, so I'll write this epigram
This just started recently, writing poetry I mean
Learn this I did not, I just must have the gene
It's all spontaneous, at my keyboard I peck-peck
Out a poem pops, I say what the heck!
If I'm a good mood, my rhymes are silly and they're dumb
If I'm a bad mood, gloom and doom does come
So followers I thank you, for you I wrote this rhyme
I will keep on writing, it keeps me in my prime

(I have 17 followers)
405 · Jan 2015
Revelation 17:1&2
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
History is unfolding, before our very eyes  
You must find out yourself, the “Media” tells lies  
Who controls Hamas? Orders missiles fired  
How long will this go on? In war we're always mired  
Who wants to sit, upon the Golden Throne?  
In the Temple in Jerusalem, the World will be his own  
He wears a special crown, to worship his true god  
And the miter of the fish, Dagon he does laud
He Canonizes saints, prints Holy Pictures too
Come and kiss his ring, an indulgence you'll accrue

Rev 17:1-2

17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great ***** that sitteth upon many waters:

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
404 · Jan 2015
Excuse Me, Excuse Me
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Noah was a man...he pleased Almighty God
He built an ark of gopher wood, from plans that were not flawed
The plans that Noah used, God Almighty did supply
Noah and his family, would stay both safe and dry
That was then and this is now, Noah rests in peace
As in the days of Noah, God's Judgment will not cease
Then there's ***** and Gomorrah, destroyed by Holy Fire
And this world accepts their sin...excuse me God is not a liar
Soon very soon, the Wrath of God will pour
Pour upon this nation, in the form of World War
404 · Jan 2015
BB is Watching You
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
You don’t have to go, to Israel so see  
Violence Death and Bane, soon it will here be  
Days gone by, no one cared, how many ***** got blown to ****  
Open your front door…Grimm Reaper won’t acquit  
Go ask Cliven Bundy, why Harry wants his land
Because of Graft and Greed, this he knows firsthand
A petition’s going round, a petition to succeed  
Big Brother watches you, he sees your every deed  
A FEMA camp awaits, a MARK awaits you too  
Sever years it takes, before THE War is through
403 · Mar 2017
1st Thessalonians Chapter 5
Elihu Barachel Mar 2017
Of the times and of the seasons, of these I need to write
For ye know not one iota, what it is that I do cite

I cite the Word of God, the King James Version to be sure
The only Book that does exist, that is Holy and is Pure

There’s coming a Day soon, as a thief that’s in the night
In dark foreboding gloom, then gone will be all Light

When “peace and safety” they shall say, then Destruction is abrupt
From which there’s no escape, and you cannot interrupt

Why is this you may ask?…you are appointed unto WRATH!
Ignore this if you will, and skip along your merry path
402 · Dec 2014
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
You can be a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew
Your religion doesn't matter, if you're not the Chosen Few
Your religion doesn't matter, if it's made by man
Like everything today, so much dogshit in a can
You can say the Sinner's Prayer, repent on bended knees
If you're not Elect, A Sovran God it doesn't please
Do you think you will be saved, meet your lord up in the sky?
Fly away to La-La Land, when you're in the bye and bye
Soon you will find out, you're religion is but ****
The warnings you ignored, and sin you did commit
Now you're going to pay, the price will be your soul
You will burn in Hell...welcome to Sheol
402 · Nov 2014
Weep and Cry
Elihu Barachel Nov 2014
Four Riders mount their horses, them you soon will hail
One white one red one back one pail
They have been ordained, for a time a day and hour
That time approaches fast, with fear you're going to cower
When the First Seal breaks, the white horse is the steed
Of the Man of Sin, he's coming with his creed
His "creed" is going to be, take his Mark or die
It's in the Book of it, weep and cry
Go ahead and take his Mark, a little longer you will live
The SIN you just committed, God will not forgive
If it happens that you live, for another seven years
Another Rider on a horse, will **** you without tears
You'll be killed and sent to Hell, FOREVER there you'll burn
The Rider on the True White Horse, you did only spurn
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
You lived in hedonistic luxury, in open lust and greed  
Don’t say you weren’t warned…but you didn’t heed  
Now it’s time to pay the Piper. Do you have enough?  
Your soul is all he wants. Do you think this is a bluff?  
Grim Reaper comes for you, he’ll carry you to Hell  
Forever there you’ll be, to worship your god Baal  
Kick and scream and cry, but it’s too **** late  
Don’t bother to repent, you have meet your fate  
You’ll burn in Hell FOREVER! You'll fricassee and fry  
Guess what I don’t care, your whole life was such a lie  
You’re RELIGIOUS ****, a whitewashed sepulcher  
A ******* Priest…the “Holy” Monsignor
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Are you ready are you ready, for THE Seven Years  
Soon, very soon, you will cry lamenting tears  
But you don’t have to worry, you will fly away  
You’re a lovey-dovey Kristain, you'll fly to heaven there so stay  
All the Moslems, all the Jews, for you it’s too **** bad  
You’re not holy holy, your religion is a fad  
Only lovey-dovey Kristians, escape the wrath to come  
Everybody else, you’re religious ****  
You didn’t say the Sinners Prayer, repent on bended knees  
Only lovey-dovey Kristians, will have seven years of ease  
Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials of HATE  
You will see you will see! Hurry to your fate  
Alas! Alas! Behold! The Aliens are here!  
They will save the human race, save them from all fear
398 · May 2016
Elihu Barachel May 2016
Ekk! Ekk! Con-oh-me
Is so bad it makes me ***

All those trillions gone to waste
Print some more and with great haste

Fifty billion trillion Euros
Not enough to buy new clothes

All the whole world is going broke
Everyone lie down and croak

Tax the poor and save the rich
Yellen makes me itch and twitch

For a rainy day you saved
Not enough to dig your grave
398 · Aug 2015
Yet 40 Days...
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
To Nineveh was sent, a Prophet of the Lord
Yet 40 days then Doom, you'll receive your just reward
Nineveh repented, spared Judgement from On High
That was then and this is now, you can still hear Jonah's cry
Repent this nation won't, so get ready to be burned
In atomic fire you'll die, Jonah's message you have spurned
And after you're done burning, from the Fire of the Bomb
You will burn in Hell forever, and I won't have a qualm
396 · Jan 2015
Check My Bio
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
I write of Dire Judgment, of impending Doom
My warnings are ignored, for you there'll be no tome
Your rotting caucus, will be dung upon the ground
The ants will eat your guts, and in Hell you will be bound
The Prophets were ignored, nothing much has changed
Just like Jeremiah, you think that I'm deranged
When you see the TRUTH, it will be too late
In Hell your soul will burn, your Damnation does await
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
If you want to be a Poet, write some Po-it-tree
Write some words that rhyme, it's as easy as can be
Write about the bees, write about the birds
Write about the elephants, that make enormous turds
If you need some inspiration, go unto the Zoo
Listen to the Monkeys, say "******-******-coo"
That's how Eddy did it, 'sept he listened to a Crow
Flew in through his window, at his French Chateau
Then go and publish them, on your Blog or Site
The people that make fun of you, tell to fly a kit
389 · Feb 2015
Blood is Going to Flow
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
There is a Valley in the East, Megiddo is its name [1]
Where is going to be a Battle, Humorous Fire and Flame
BLOOD is going to flow, to the horse's bridle rise [2]
From the Winepress of a God, the God that you despise
One thousand furlongs, add six hundred more [2]
Blood is going to flow...Death and Bane and Gore!
Blood is going to flow! From Pimps and ****** and Liars
And from ***** Christians, for them Eternal Fires [3]

[1] Rev 16:16
[2] Rev 14:20
[3] Check my Bio
389 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Listen to my gospel, listen to me preach
You will be so edified, the truth I always teach
Send me money send me cash, send lots and lots of dough
My Ministry will bless you, my Ministry will grow
The more you send the more you're blessed, send everything you got
I'll be like Lenny Zin, I'll buy a jet and yacht
If you don’t believe like me, you’re going straight to Hell
I’m the only one that knows the truth, and I know it oh so well
I can get you saved, today Salvation is on sale
Send $29.95, send it in the mail
For an extra $20.00, a magic donkey **** you’ll get
Show it to Saint Peter, all your sins he will forget
If you send $100, my blessing you’ll receive
It will make you rich, before tomorrow’s eve
Send to: Greggy's ******* Ministries, on Coosa County Road
Send only CASH, to 35010 Zip Code
389 · Aug 2015
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
September's going to come, but is it going to go?
Is this the month Doom? Of Ciaos Pain and Woe?
A few more weeks a few more days, will Prophecy come true?
Death and Devastation, for both the Gentile and the Jew
On the Isle of Patmos, a vision John did see
The Risen Lord did show him, what will shortly come to be
Seven Seals Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials of WRATH
Will break upon your head...not the primrose path
389 · Jan 2015
He Will Connive
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
When's it going to start? World War Three I mean
Atomic Bombs and Poison Gas, and other such cuisine
It will only last an hour [1], so lets get it done and gone
Then behold the "little horn" [2], behold the Devil's spawn
Seven years will follow, seven years of Woe
It's called the Tribulation, through this the world will go
Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials of HATE
Sorrow Pain and Grief, that NEVER will abate
So greet the Little Horn, very soon he will arrive
With the ***** of Babylon [3], he will go connive

[1] Rev 18:17&18
[2] Dan 8:9
[3] Still in Rome
388 · Jan 2015
Too Late - Too Damn Late!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
How much longer will it be, till the missiles fly?  
In just one hour, millions millions burn and die  
As in the days of Noah, so it is today
Soon, very soon, destruction pain dismay
***** and Gomorrah, in brimstone they did fry  
In Atomic fire, you will weep and wail and cry  
Deep down in a bunker, there’s a button that is red  
Push this button push it! Millions millions will be dead  
They can’t wait to push it! New World Order will be here  
With them comes the Antichrist, him you’ll praise and cheer  
Keep your heads stuck in the sand, World War Three will stay away  
You’ll find out too soon, too late for you to pray
Elihu Barachel May 2015
John 6:27-29
27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

1 - John 17:3
and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent

2 - John 17:8
and they have believed that thou didst send me.

3 - John 17:18
As thou hast sent me into the world,

4 - John 17:18
even so have I also sent them into the world

5 - John 17:21
that the world may believe that thou hast sent me

6 - John 17:23
and that the world may know that thou hast sent me

7 - John 17:25
and these have known that thou hast sent me.
385 · Apr 2016
Elihu Barachel Apr 2016
The 19th day of April, a day of Death and Woe and Bane
An unholy celebration, from the line of Cain
Calamity Catastrophe, Desolation Death and Pain
The day that EVIL Triumphs, is coming as a blain
Mark this day and mark it well, the celebration hatched in Hell
The Sacrifice unto the Beast...the hOLY day of  Bel
From the 19th day of April, another 13 mark
The ******* Symbol worship...Satan you will hark
384 · Nov 2015
Elihu Barachel Nov 2015
World War 1 World War 2, World War 3 will soon be here
Pretend it isn't so, all your mirth will disappear
Pretend it isn't so, skip along your merry way
The Antichrist will come, and you he's going to flay
Pretend it isn't so, keep your head stuck in the sand
Pay no attention to the news, while the flames WAR are fanned
Deep down in a bunker, there's a button that is red
They can't wait to push this button...very soon you will be dead
The button launches missiles, thousands of them fly
An atomic bomb on every one, mushroom clouds rise to the sky
Pretend it isn't so, the obvious deny
Soon very soon, you will weep and wail and cry
384 · Apr 2017
The 3rd Secret
Elihu Barachel Apr 2017
One hour it will last, I speak of WW3
The United States destroyed, what will be will be

This was Prophesied of old, Jeremiah wrote of this
Chapters 50 - 51, gone will be all bliss

Then comes a World Leader, blind in his right eye
The whole world bows to him…take his Mark or die

Seven years seven years, appointed is the time
The Wrath of God poured out, His vengeance so sublime

Will this start May 1st? In a little while we will see
Destruction Doom and Death…this most vividly

Then there’s May 13th, Ashtaroth appears
The Ever ****** *****, along with all her peers
383 · Oct 2015
Elihu Barachel Oct 2015
Crescent Oklahoma, a harbinger of Doom
The whole land is going to shake...turn into a tomb
Right in the middle, of the USA
Not even on a fault, but Earthquakes every day
Men's hearts failing them for fear, for what is coming on the earth
The Wrath of God poured adieu to mirth
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Pray to Baal, pray to Molech, pray to Dagon too  
Pray to ALL the pagan gods, these are just a few  
Repetitions do not make, repetitions that are vain [1]
Except for Ashtaroth, be her holy swain  
Pick your patron saint, make up a pretty prayer  
Poets have a choice, be your saint’s au pair  
You will be so holy, you will fly away  
Fly right unto the image…whose feet are made of clay [2]

[1] Matt 6:7
[2] Dan 2:31~33
379 · Feb 2016
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
Whom I bless are blessed, and whom I curse are cursed
Just like one person in the Bible, in which I am well versed
There are people that I've cursed, there are people that I've blessed
One person in particular, he thought this was just jest
He used to send me insults, no more does he them send
My Curse is hard upon him, and it he can't transcend
He's a Doctor of Psychology, a Professor PhD
He thought my Curse was ludicrous...I will not hear his plea
Things there are that can't, that cannot be undone
Such as my Curse upon his head, his misery now begun
A detail of my Curse: in WW3 he will not die
Because at this he mocked, with it he will now via
378 · Dec 2014
The Book of Revelation 16:8
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Oh my! Oh my! Another solar flare
Pointed right Earth, do you think we should beware?
X 5.5, the SOHO graphs display
This could be the big one! And it’s headed right our way
Will hit this week? Could be really dire
Power grid goes down…sets the Earth on fire
Prez will order martial law, because of all the gloom
Good thing we have FEMA, they’ll save us from the doom
Let us wait and see, just blow this whole thing off
Pretend it isn’t there, so go ahead and scoff
One thing that is for certain, the sun is acting strange
Tomorrow or today…your life is due to change
377 · Feb 2015
One Hour
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Before the week is out, World War Three could come and go  
It will only last one hour, an hour of Death and Woe  
Revelation chapter eighteen, “one hour” thrice is said  
In just one hour just one hour, fifty million could be dead  
It wouldn’t be just in Kiev, “Babylon” will burn  
The land of Greed and Lust, the Prophets they did spurn  
Not the Babylon of old, the Babylon today  
Did you ever think ever think…it is the USA
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