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390 · Dec 2014
The Book of Revelation 16:8
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Oh my! Oh my! Another solar flare
Pointed right Earth, do you think we should beware?
X 5.5, the SOHO graphs display
This could be the big one! And it’s headed right our way
Will hit this week? Could be really dire
Power grid goes down…sets the Earth on fire
Prez will order martial law, because of all the gloom
Good thing we have FEMA, they’ll save us from the doom
Let us wait and see, just blow this whole thing off
Pretend it isn’t there, so go ahead and scoff
One thing that is for certain, the sun is acting strange
Tomorrow or today…your life is due to change
390 · Oct 2015
Elihu Barachel Oct 2015
Crescent Oklahoma, a harbinger of Doom
The whole land is going to shake...turn into a tomb
Right in the middle, of the USA
Not even on a fault, but Earthquakes every day
Men's hearts failing them for fear, for what is coming on the earth
The Wrath of God poured adieu to mirth
389 · May 2016
Destruction Death and Woe
Elihu Barachel May 2016
I see the signs so clear, the signs of WW3
Destruction Death and Woe, this will shortly come to be

The population by and large, ignores the signs of Doom
They scurry to and fro, without a hint of gloom

What is it that holds back? that restrains the coming War? [1]
'Till "He" is taken from the way, just a little blood and gore

Very shortly he'll be gone...taken from the way
The Man of Sin revealed, no longer held at bay

What will follow next, was written long ago
Seven years seven years, of Destruction Death and Woe [2]

You were warned you were warned, did you pay an ounce of heed!?
You'll be sent to Hell to'll scream and cry and plead

[1] 2nd Thess 2:4
[2] The last Book in the Bible
386 · Feb 2015
"Remember the Maine" !!!
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Who will fire the first shot? The shot heard ‘round the world
Will it be Iran? Their flag of war unfurled
Or will a ship get sunk, in the Hormuz Straight?
Whose ship's it going to be? Possibility is great
Won’t have to wait too long, just a little while
Persians do not like US...**** US with a smile
Up will go a hue and cry, avenge the USS Maine
You people are too dumb, for me to this explain
It really doesn’t matter, there's going to be a WAR
Just like nine eleven, just like we did before
This will solve a problem, solve it really fast
Reduce the population, with a 'tomic blast
Think I made this up? Pulled it from my ***?
State of Georgia “Guide Stones”, this will come to pass
385 · Apr 2016
Elihu Barachel Apr 2016
Predation has a son, he's called the "man of sin"
He's waiting in the wings, along with all his kin

When "he who does now let", is taken from the way
The "little horn of Daniel" he will now flay

His identity I know...the one who's name is 666
Soon he will arrive, from back across the river Styx

The deadly wound is healed, and he is now alive
The whole world worships Rome he will connive

The United States is gone, destroyed in WW3
7 years will now commence, of Death and Agony
383 · Dec 2014
Excuse me while I...
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Catastrophe Calamity, Chaos Doom and Woe  
This is what awaits, through this you will all go  
Seven years you’ll suffer, then you’ll burn in Hell  
This is the Wrath of God, you will weep and wail and yell  
All this has been written, written long ago  
The time of Jacob’s trouble…time of Judgment and of Woe  
But I’m a lovey-dovey Krystian, I’ll meet Jesus in the air  
With your gloom and doom, me you do not scare
I have my lovey dovey bible, I have the NIV
The world situation? Oh! Excuse me while I ***
382 · Dec 2014
Glow in the Dark
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Are you tired of gloom and doom? World War 3 and how you’ll die?
Need a respite from the news? Does it make you cry?
Then pay no attention, to the Middle East
Look at FUKUSHIMA! The radiation has increased
They say the sea is boiling! Oh what cherry news!
In the dark, you will glow, DEATH the sea does ooze
You don’t need to go, way over there to die
Death will come to you, he’ll get you by and by
Ah! Yes! A marvel of our age
Power from the atom, history turns a page
Coal is obsolete, oil we need no more
We have split the atom, science will us adore
Atomic power is safe! Just you wait and see
The power plants we build, can’t leak into the sea
Our scientists are so smart, they think of EVERYTHING!
So safe they make the plants, they tie them with a string

AND - if you want something other than Fukushima; how about the Boone Lake Dam in Tennessee
382 · Jan 2015
Angel #4
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Hello! Hello! I’m angel four, I have something just for you  
I have this Golden Vial, you’ll receive what’s due  
I’ll pour it on the sun, so get some sun-block quick  
Better yet asbestos…fire your *** will lick  
Hey I’m just an angel, I'm angel number four  
Six brothers do I have, they will pour on you lots more  
And don’t forget the Trumpets, Seven of them too  
Then the Lake of Fire, for you and your whole crew

Go read the Book of Revelation, chapter 16, verse 8

The sun is acting strange, does anyone know why?  
Ask angel number four, his answer does not lie  
Angle number four, has a Golden Vial  
He pours it on the sun, he'll be here in just awhile  
With great and searing heat, your *** will burn to Hell  
Blaspheme the Name of God, His glory you’ll not tell  
Don’t bother to repent, for you it’s too **** late  
Two Witnesses declare, you will meet your fate
382 · Feb 2015
One Hour
Elihu Barachel Feb 2015
Before the week is out, World War Three could come and go  
It will only last one hour, an hour of Death and Woe  
Revelation chapter eighteen, “one hour” thrice is said  
In just one hour just one hour, fifty million could be dead  
It wouldn’t be just in Kiev, “Babylon” will burn  
The land of Greed and Lust, the Prophets they did spurn  
Not the Babylon of old, the Babylon today  
Did you ever think ever think…it is the USA
382 · Aug 2015
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Submarines there are, off our coasts so near
Missiles are on board, they bring DESTRUCTION so severe
There is a button on these subs, a button that is red
The button fires the missiles...millions millions will be dead
They WANT TO push the button! They WANT TO have a war!
The last war of the there never was before
Soon, very soon, the button they will press
The USA will burn, Berry will be done with playing chess
377 · Jan 2015
Remember Psalm 83 !!!
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
In days gone by long long ago, God Almighty chose a man  
From Ur of the Chaldees, He named him Abraham  
He had a son named Isaac, Rebecca was his wife  
With his brother Ishmael…was the start of all the strife  
Isaac’s son was Jacob, he grabbed his brother’s heel  
But Esau sold his birthright…continued the ordeal  
Jacob had twelve sons, Joseph was his joy  
Off he went to Egypt, by his brothers ploy  
Days and days and years and years, centuries go by  
“Bless me Father, bless me”, you can still hear Esau’s cry  
“Esau have I hated, but Jacob I do love”  
The strife will not be over, ‘till God solves it from above  
God Almighty has been patient, but His patients will soon end  
Two Anointed Ones in sackcloth, He’s about to send  
They’ll be on the Temple Mount, they will preach a message dire  
Do not aggravate them, on you they will breathe fire
374 · Aug 2015
Soon it will be too late
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
I will write a poem, I will write a rhyme
About the world we live in, about our day and time
The whole world has gone to Hell, a Cleansing soon will be
It's called the Tribulation, shortly you will see
Do you think a Holy God, will let this world go on?
It's ***** and Gomorrah! Destruction is anon
It will start with World War 3, America DESTROYED!
EVERYTHING you lived for, will be null and void
Then will come a Rider, on a white horse he will ride
Hail the world ruler, from him you cannot hide
There will be another two, sackcloth is their garb
The Man of Sin they do not like, in his side they'll be a barb
For a Time and Times and Half a Time, on the Temple Mount they'll be
The Antichrist will have them killed, the whole world is going to see
For three days and a half, on the street they're going to lie
But suddenly they live, and away they will then fly
Now for forty-two more months, the Wrath of God will be poured out
If you aren't killed you'll wish you were, this without a doubt
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
“Ruinous” is Old English, means really really wrecked  
Soon to come to pass, an atomic bomb has this effect  
There is a Book that has this word, go and look and see  
If it says it in this Book, it’s a guarantee  
The Bible is the Book, I will tell you where  
The writings of Isaiah, read them if you dare  
Chapter seventeen, the verse that is the first
Read this verse and quake, this city has been cursed
370 · Jan 2015
Now Go Away
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
What makes the world go ‘round? It’s oil Oil OIL!  
We need to have a WAR [1], to get our greedy spoil  
We’re the ones that guzzle it, so that oil is ours!
Quench our wanton greed, bottle it in jars  
We’re a Sovran State, we can tell you what to do  
You will be our slaves, be on our oil crew  
We abide, we abide, by the Rule of Law (when it's convenient)
Might makes Right! We will punch you in the jaw  
We will dominate the world, use the Chinks to do our work  
If they don’t bow down, we will go berserk  
America! America! God’s blessing to the world  
Thank you God now go away, our flag of greed unfurled

367 · Jan 2015
Oh Tisk-Tisk
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Take a Look at Eastern Europe, World War Three's about to start
Does anybody care? If the World gets blown apart
Does anybody care, how many million will be dead?
Death Destruction Pain and Woe, this is what's ahead
We'll watch it on the news, we'll watch the talking heads
We'll say oh tisk-tisk, then curl up in our beds
Good thing it's over there, good thing it's far away
We will donate to some charity, and send them a bouquet
365 · Aug 2015
Jeremiah 50&51
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Coming this September, is Death and Woe and Bane
Through this you're going to go, you'll suffer Agony and Pain
It will start with World War Three...destroyed is Babylon
Not the Babylon of old, The USA is gone
TOTALLY DESTROYED, in atomic fire
Jeremiah wrote of this, Jeremiah was no liar
Read what he did write, chapters fifty fifty-one
Soon to be fulfilled, you are going to be undone
364 · Dec 2014
A Woman Dressed in Scarlet
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
As time goes on I wonder, will this ever end?
The ciaos and commotion, and the doom that does impend
But I know the answer, this world will not go on
I read it in the Bible, it was written by Saint John
He was on the isle of Patmos, and had a vision very dire
About the end of days, how the earth will be on fire
God Almighty came to him, commanded him to write
What he saw write down, how the world He’s going to smite
He was shown a vision, a vision of a *****
A woman dressed in scarlet, that causes all the war
A High Priest she does have, in the city Rome
There he prays to Baal, beneath a golden dome
363 · Sep 2015
Elihu Barachel Sep 2015
DEFCON number ONE, we will soon be there
Call it WW3, from the Northern Bear
The Northern Bear and Panda Bear, join forces to our Doom
Because of what they'll do, we won't need a tomb
Every single missile, that they have they're going to shoot [1]
From the North their arrows fly [2]...DESTRUCTION so acute
Soon very soon, the missiles will all fly
Coming this September, the time to burn and die

[1] Jer 50:14
[2] Jer 50:3 / 50:9 / 50:41 / 51:48
363 · Dec 2014
Have a Happy Day
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The day of Doom approaches, did you ever wonder how…  
How your *** will die, leave the hear and now  
World War Three might get you, blow your *** to Hell  
It will be so fast, you won’t have the time to yell  
Or maybe a volcano, will fry you to a crisp  
You will be well done, then blow away with the next wisp  
How about an earthquake, you’ll get buried with some rocks  
You won’t need a grave…You will be like a flummox  
Ah! A Tsunami!…wash your *** away  
Do you like the water? Go and splash and play  
Do you have a bull’s-eye? Painted on your ***  
An asteroid will land there, so go drink some kvass  
Sweet dreams and sleep so thigh, have a happy day  
Don’t worry ‘bout tomorrow…makes your hair turn gray
363 · Jan 2015
What's His Name?
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Will it be this hour? In a day? Or in a week?  
One thing that is for ******, the future’s looking bleak  
Catastrophe and Ciaos, are so very near  
The World situation…cry and shake with fear  
Listen to our leaders. Ha! Politicians ****** and Liars  
Coming soon is their reward, for them eternal fires  
An “Event” is planed is planed, by the New World Order  
Death Destruction Pain and Woe, Ciaos and Disorder  
We need a Shining Savior! A leader of the World!
He is coming, he is coming, his flag will be unfurled  
There he is! There he is! Across the River Styx  
Follow him! Bow down to him, his name is six-six-six
362 · Dec 2014
Rod of Iron
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
There was a time to laugh and mock, that time is done and gone
You went on your merry way, you sang your marry song
Soon, very soon, your marry song will die
Joy turned into grief, now I will tell you why (Matt 24:37)
There is a Book you should have read, to late to late to start
You had that Book it gathered dust, took it not to heart (Amos 8:11)
There is one book, in this Book, it is the very last
Seven years will come, this time approaches fast (Dan 9:24)
You were warned, did you head? Go and sob and pray (Gen 19:14)
Take the MARK, burn in Hell, FOREVER there you'll stay (Rev 14:11)
You said the Sinner’s Prayer, so why are you still hear?
Unless my Father draws you, no one can come near (John 6:44)
I’ll be back, I’ll be back, on a valiant steed (Rev 19:11)
I have a Rod of Iron, to me you're going to heed (19:15)
362 · Dec 2014
One Day...
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The sun comes up the sun goes down, just another day
One DAY is going to come…Chaos and Dismay
The day that “he” is taken, taken from the way [1]
The LIGHT [2] is gone, now it’s dark, Satan will now play
Very soon thereafter, a “Rider” will appear
Riding on a white horse [3], behold him with great fear
Three more horses follow, one red [4] one black [5] one pale [6]
Death and pain and woe, first rider will prevail [7]
For a time and times and half a time [8], on the Temple Mount he’ll rule [9]
He is blind in his right eye [10], and very very cruel [11]
Here is wisdom [12] here is truth, this calculation [13] go and do
Count the number of his name, here in is the clue
Six hundred plus three score, add another six [14]
Take his MARK and burn in Hell [15]…across the River Styx

[1] 2nd Thess 2:7
[2] John 9:5
[3] Rev 6:2
[4] Rev 6:4
[5] Rev 6:5
[6] Rev 6:8
[7] Rev 13:3
[8] Dan 7:25
[9] Matt 24:15
[10] Zach 11:17
[11] Rev 12:12
[12] Rev 13:18
[13] Strong’s NT word 5586
[14] Rev 13:18
[15] Rev 14:10
360 · Apr 2015
Elihu Barachel Apr 2015
The USA defaults! Your money ain't worth ****
This has all been planed, and YOU will take the hit
Thank the New World Order, every penny they will take
Peasant paupers will all die, your retirement forsake
You are "useless eaters", to a FEMA camp you'll go
Have your "attitude adjusted", Big Brother runs the show
If you want to get your head cut off, refuse to take the Mark
There's an Alter you'll be under [1]...while the world goes very dark

[1] Rev 6:9
360 · Mar 2016
Queen of Heaven
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
A poem I will write, a rhyme of Doom and Dread
The Apocalypse of John, is about to break upon your head
Three plus three plus one, are the number of the years
Coming very soon...Death and Bane and Tears
"The Man of Sin" will soon be known, for you he has a Mark
Take his Mark or die, to him you're going to hark
Your religion doesn't matter, all inventions of mere men
Even Lovey-Dovey christians, the same thing goes for Zen
Go and pray the Rosary [1], to the Queen of Heaven cry [2]
Your prayers are so much ****! Pray them while you die

[1] Matt 6:7
[2] Jer 7:18, Jer 44:17~25
360 · May 2016
They Breath Fire!
Elihu Barachel May 2016
Sackcloth is the garb, of two men shortly to appear
They’ll be on the Temple Mount, watch them with great fear

Forty months plus two, they preach both day and night
A Gospel like no other, condemn sinners for their plight

The Little Horn of Denial, this so aggravates
What they say and preach, he really really hates

Do not attempt to stop them, they have a warning dire
Go ahead and try! On you they will breath fire
357 · Dec 2014
Mock On
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
There are those that mock, make lite of Doom so near  
Their own death and own demise, of this they have no fear  
I warned and Warned and WARNED, day and night I cried  
Very soon they’ll learn, what I said was not a lie  
Too late too late the fools, the fools will realize  
The Word of God the Word of God, is not to be despised  
So mock on all you fools, FOOLS on your way to Hell  
Burn forever burn Forever, in a fire you can’t quell
357 · Aug 2015
Rich Man
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Do you have a fear of Death? Afraid of what's beyond?
The Horror of the Grave! What will be when you are gone?
ALL your money ALL your gold, with you they will not go
And where oh where is this? The place of never ending Woe
One more day one more hour, very little time remains
The Demons come for you, they'll carry you away in chains
The links are all red hot, you'll scream and yell and cry
Through burning coals and broken glass, they'll drag you while you fry
Scourges they have made for you, barbed wire they did use
Turns they'll take in flogging you, and around your neck a noose
This is what awaits, pretend it isn't so
Go ahead and live a LIE, to Hell you're surely go
357 · Jun 2015
Elihu Barachel Jun 2015
The end is drawing near, the end is drawing neigh
Too **** bad for you, kiss your stupid *** goodbye
Don't worry how you'll die, die you surely will
You'll be blown to ****, then roasted on a grill
World War Three it's called, due just any day
Atomic bombs and Poison gas, from them you cannot get away
If through the blast you do survive, in the dark your *** will glow
About three weeks it takes to croak, from radiation's glow
You'll puke your guts out all day long, and no one gives a ****
When you finally die you'll burn in Hell...and there won't be no obit
355 · Jan 2015
Up-Date to My Bio
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Do you think you will survive? The coming Seven Years
It's called the Tribulation, a time of and pain and tears
Chances are not good, that you'll live to see it through
You'll probably be killed, your not the chosen few
You will greet the Antichrist, and you'll take his Mark
This guarantees you'll burn in Hell, the warnings were so stark
For 1000 years you'll burn, before you stand before the Throne
The Great White Throne of God, you He will disown
Then you'll be cast alive, into the Lake of Fire
With all RELIGIOUS ****, and every other liar
354 · Jul 2015
Elihu Barachel Jul 2015
How to bust a bunker, use a bunker buster bomb
Drop it on Iran, then go and read a psalm (Psalm 83)
Not just one or two, drop a thousand even more
We will show those Rag-Heads, how to have a WAR
Then say it's all there fault, cuz they didn't bow to US
We'll blow their *** to ****! No more to discuss
353 · Jan 2015
The First LIE
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
Fifty killed in Gaza, twenty killed in Greece
A hundred killed in Yemen, will this ever cease?
No, no it won’t, let me tell you why
The way this world works, is founded on a lie
What was the LIE, was the very first?
Read the Book of Geniuses, the LIE what is the WORST
“Yea, hath God said” you shall not eat of every tree?
Go and eat of this one…then your eyes will see
Surly you shall NOT die, you will be like God
You’ll know good and bad…this God of yours is flawed
You will be like me, an Angel shining bright
Go ahead, take a bite, you’ll be dressed in shining white
353 · Dec 2014
Are You Proud…?
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Are you proud to be a Queer? Your “Gay Pride” you do flaunt?
You’ll be so proud in Hell! With this poem I’ll you taunt
You don’t like to be reminded, of your SIN do black and vile
In Hell you will be burning, in just a little while
You’re a ******* Queer, God’s wrath you will soon feel
Condemned to burn in Hell, to which there’s no appeal
For eternity you’ll burn, EVERY ****** will
God did give you up [1], your soul He will now ****
The Second Death [2] awaits, it’s called the Lake of Fire
Prepared for all you *******, and every other liar

[1] Rom 1:24~26
[2] Rev 21:8
350 · Sep 2015
Elihu Barachel Sep 2015
To whom it may concern, this poem is addressed
I write this to the cursed, I write this to the blessed

The last Book of the Bible, the Seals are ’bout to break
Then Seven years of Woe, Seven years of Ache

The probability is good, that you’ll not see the end
You’ll be killed and sent to Hell, by St. John this has been penned

So continue on your way, skip along your merry path
This will break upon your head, vengeance hate and wrath
349 · Jan 2015
"Analyze" This Poem
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The Day is almost here, the Day is drawing neigh
The Day of Death and Doom; the Day that you will DIE!
Not only will you die, you'll be sent to Hell
FOREVER there you'll burn, FOREVER there you'll dwell
And why oh why is this? As if you didn't know
Because you're a ****** Queer - and to Hell you will now go!
You won't die in peace, you will waste away
AIDS will claim your soul, too **** late for you to pray
Pretend it isn't so, ****** your *** real good
Holy Water this understood?
Go confess unto a Priest, tell him of your SIN
He'll meet you after church, he'll have a great big grin
347 · Jan 2015
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN, fingers wrote this on a wall
Ancient doom from long ago...not just a cryptic scrawl
King Belshazzar he did read this...made his knees to quake
He was killed that night, now his soul does ache
Belshazzar was the king, the king of Babylon
He's dead and burns in Hell, but his children carry on
His Daughter carries on, a verse of Scripture I now site
From the Book of Psalms, I'll read it now forthright
The verse is number eight, the chapter one-three-seven
"Who art to be destroyed"...this Judgment comes from Heaven
Babylon the *****! Babylon the *****!
The Greedy Wanton Daughter, just like Babylon before
Hello USA, look what the fingers write
TEKEL! TEKEL!! TEKEL!!! You this does indite

{Figure out what "TEKEL" means}
346 · Dec 2014
Where Will You Sit?
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
World War Three is almost here, but never never mind  
It only lasts an hour…burns up all mankind  
You will get your *** burned off, by a ‘tomic bomb
Listen to the radio, they’ll tell you to keep calm  
Is your *** on fire? Can’t put the fire out?  
Poor poor you it's too **** bad…see what WAR is all about  
Will this spoil all your fun? Whole nations blown to ****  
With your *** on fire, you don’t have a place to sit  
Does my poem **** you off? Make you all afraid?  
FEMA to the rescue! Give you a Band-Aid
346 · Dec 2014
7 References - Read Them
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The wheels are now in motion, they cannot be reversed
World War Three's about to break, this whole world is accursed
Cursed by God Almighty, and the Lamb with Seven Eyes [1]
He will send you all to Hell, His Word you did despise
You have a form of godliness, but the Power you deny [2]
Your religion is a farce [3], and you believe a lie [4]
The Man of Sin will come [5], and you will take his Mark [6]
This guarantees you’ll burn in Hell [7], to The Word you did not hark

[1] Rev 5:6
[2] 2nd Tim 3:5
[3] 2nd Tim 4:3
[4] 2nd Thess 2:11
[5] 2nd Thess 2:3
[6] Rev 13:8
[7] Rev 14:9&10
Does ANYBODY bother to check the references?? Hell NO!
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Armageddon's coming, Armageddon's drawing neigh
Seven tears to wait, then you'll scream and wail and die
The Seven years will start, when the First Seal breaks
The time of Jacob's Troubles, is when the whole world shakes
Before the breaking of  THE Seal, an "event" will come to pass
The USA destroyed! World War Three will leave morass
Any day now any hour, atomic bombs light up the sky
Vengeance from an angry God...weep and wail and die!
344 · Dec 2014
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
The Day is fast approaching, the Day of Doom and Dread
Don't say you weren't warned, when it brakes upon your head
It's called the Tribulation, Seven Years of pain
Seven years of Judgment, the sentence Death and Bane
After you are dead, your soul will burn in Hell
The bell is soon to ring, can you hear its doling knell?
As in the days of Noah, so it is today
Not to worry not to fret, go your merry way
Go your merry way, until the First Seal breaks
Then for Seven Years, only Death and Pain and Aches
Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials of HATE
You will see them all, for you it's too **** late
342 · Mar 2016
Hell Awaits
Elihu Barachel Mar 2016
In the not too distant future, Anguish you awaits
A Demon for your soul, Torment that not abates
Sleep will  flee from you, rest you will not know
Why oh why pray tell? Because to Hell you're going to go
Your bowels you'll not control, your appetite will fail
Demons drag you to a shaft, you they will impale
You'll suffer Agony, and why you know **** well
For your arrogance and pride, and then you'll burn in Hell
For 1000 years you'll burn, before you stand before THE Throne
The White Throne of God Almighty, you He will disown
For you sins you will be judged, then be cast alive
Into The Lake of Fire...your Damnation has arrived!
340 · Feb 2016
Elihu Barachel Feb 2016
It's incredible to watch, to behold what's coming down
The signs are crystal clear, the signs are all around
But do the people see? Absolutely not!
The perception of a Sheep, in Destruction they'll be caught
Even if they're warned, they stick their heads deep in the sand
When their ***** are on fire, maybe then they'll understand
338 · Aug 2015
September 23rd
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
Why September 23rd? Will it come and go?
Few very few, people really know
This is a Holy Day, by God this is decreed
That Day could be the day, of the destruction of the Mead
Of course the Meads don't think that, they think the other way around
We will have to wait and see, the implications are profound
338 · Dec 2014
The Book of Psalms 83:4
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Read the title read it loud, find the chapter and the verse
Then go read the Headlines, this they say and worse
From the time that they left Egypt, right up until now
The Goyim want to **** them, this they do avow
****** made a try, millions millions he did ****
Extermination! **** them all! He almost did fulfill
“It ain’t over ‘till it’s over”, and it ain’t over yet
Seven Seals are ‘bout to break, this you won’t forget
When the First Seal breaks, a "covenant's" confirmed [1]
Confirmed for 7 years, for 7 years affirmed
But after only 3.5, Mr. One Eye [2] has a fit
Then he stands where he ought not, an Abomination does commit [3]
If you are on the house top, do not go inside [4]
The hills are where to go, where you should to go and hide

[1] Dan 9:27
[2] Zech 11:17
[3] Matt 24:15
[4] Matt 24:17
Elihu Barachel Sep 2016
To the Church in Corinth, two letters Paul did send
Words from the risen Lord [1], by this Apostle penned

Believers should take heed, of the first letter of the two
it is written to the Gentiles, it is written for the Jew

Behold the chapter ten plus five, verses one through four
This is the Gospel for today...salvation at its core

Take note unto a phrase, Paul wrote this phrase down twice
"According to the scriptures"...this is more than Paul's advice!

According to the scriptures! Can you site them please?
Site the chapters and the verses, to Salvation they're the keys

THE CHAPTERS AND THE VERSES! Do you know them? Is that so?
Your Salvation on this rests, or to Hell you're going to go

[1] 1st Cor 14:17
So; you're a "Grace Believer"? Then there are a couple of details you should know; like the chapters and verses for the last 4 words of 1st Cor 15:3&4
333 · Jan 2015
The Brink
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
The world teeters one brink, the brink of World War Three
TOTAL DEVISTATION, from which you cannot flee
The United States will burn, in atomic fire
The Sheeple will all die...ignored the warning dire
Soon very soon, the missiles will all fly
Mushroom clouds and searing heat, is the way you'll die
VENGENCE you will see, from an angry God
It will break upon your head, for your gluttony and fraud
After you are killed, you'll be sent to Hell
You should have known you should have known, you should have known **** well
332 · Dec 2014
Word Number 7
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Daniel wrote of this, one week is yet to come  
Week seven-oh, to this week you will succumb  
The time of Jacob’s Troubles, of woe and pain and doom  
This week will be upon you, this week is coming soon  
It will start with an invasion, after World War Three  
An invasion of the aliens, you will worship them with glee  
They will bring the Man of Sin, the despot with one eye  
You will take his Mark, you will take it or you’ll die  
World War Three is the destruction, destroyed is Babylon  
In Atomic Fire, the Great ***** will burn and will be gone  
Jeremiah wrote of this, chapters fifty fifty-one  
In just one hour, all her rot will be undone  
But you don’t have to worry, you’ll fly up in the air  
You’ll meet your lovey-dovey "Geezus" [1], you won’t have a care  
You’re a lovey-dovey Kristian, you’re so holy and so pure  
You’re religious ****! Your doctrine is a slur  
You said the sinners prayer, so why are you still here?  
Could it be your Geezus, is a lire and a queer  
Paul wrote two letters, to the Church that is at Corinth  
Read the second letter…the one that you abhorreth  
Chapter number one-one, the verse is number four
Read them to your Geezus, the one that you adore
What's the 7th word? [1] Are you too dumb to read?
Go ahead and burn in Hell, you should have taken heed

[1] 2 Cor 11:4 - For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
332 · Jun 2015
Elihu Barachel Jun 2015
Ain't no Planet X, ain't no New-beer-ru
Keep your heads stuck in the sand, and you ain't got a single clue
Oh look oh look oh look! What's that up in the sky?
And it's red with wings! Does it mean we all will die?
Berry sure does know! That's why he is underground
His buddy Pootnick too, they know what's now inbound
332 · Jan 2015
Jeremiah 51:27
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
There is a verse in Jeremiah, being now fulfilled
The "appointment" of a Captain, at WAR the utmost skilled [1]
World War Three he is preparing, destruction soon will come
As ***** and Gomorrah, to this you will succumb [2]
His name I will now tell, his name I will not hide
He's the President in Russia, from him Berry steps aside
He is a man of cunning, he is a man austere
Berry fears this man, his name is Vladimir

[1] Jer 50:9
[2] Isa 13:19 / Jer 50:40
332 · Aug 2015
Too Late!
Elihu Barachel Aug 2015
The world scurries to and fro, oblivious of Doom
Disaster Death and Bane, does so clearly loom
As in the days of Noah, so it is today
No one heeds, no one cares, no one stops to pray
Too late it soon will be, too **** late for you to pray
Not on bended knees, if you sob both night and day
Seven years now start, it's in a Book you should have read
The last Book in the Bible...for the quick and for the dead
331 · Jan 2015
Doom and Gloom
Elihu Barachel Jan 2015
THE END [1] is drawing neigh, so I'll write another rhyme
About the world situation, and our day and time
It won't be too much longer, before the World's at WAR
Atomic bombs and poison gas, upon your *** will pour
Thank the New World Order, bow down to their Great King
Behold the Antichrist! "Peace" he will now bring
Take his Mark take his Mark, take his Mark in your right hand
You will go to Hell, not the Promise Land

[1] of the World
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