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Little clones little clones
Hive minds not there own
Follow blindly not free
All oppressed none can see
Pity them don't judge their fear
If they question they disappear
 Apr 2013 Dylan Oscar Rowe
A shadow on the wall since the beginning of time
Doesn't like writing poems composed of rhyme
And while she likes to pretend she's real
She can't explain why she doesn't feel
But it's okay, because a day passes
She likes watching the masses
She doesn't need a savior or a soul
She doesn't need love or a home
A nest built inside the rib cage
To nest a pile of burning sage
Smoke billowing out of her mouth
An elephant choking her by it's snout
Eyes hollowed out by butterflies
And empty mouth filled with empty cries
Cracked out on moonlight,
hazy from coasting through the night awake.
I don't need drugs to feel this way.
I am in tune with the mystics, the insomniacs,
and the men who walk out of the *******
at 5 in the morning.
We all have our reasons to be alive.
Mine is lost in obscurity in between the lines
traced on my palms.
I envision God with a knife.
Carving scratches on my hands predetermining my life.
My mouth worries and my fingers translate.
And all the while I'm holding a book in my heart
enscribed with the message:
Beautifully Bloomed,
Beautifully Doomed.
Who can read this cryptic message?
The Moon.
if you


and you

clamp your hams
just clamp 'em baby
just clamp those hams
 Apr 2013 Dylan Oscar Rowe
Funny how we woke up in the morning
and pretended that tomorrow never happened—
strutted naked in mirrors celebrating our youth,
laughing, knowing suns and moons couldn’t do the same.

We borrowed our arms from the fridge
and peddled bicycles with bad breath—
trading war stories ‘cause we knew
if we came back alive
life would still be the death of us.
Once upon a dainty hill
sat old castle of a young king
not busied by ***** thrills
but in the realm, fair Muse did sing

sorry as such
to trouble you sire
but farmer, lady and great squire
are, unto you, to enquire
how it is the sun makes such fire

to this the young king
furrowed his brow
and scratched his chin
and pondered how

eight days did pass
and woe betide
the pressing question
found no bride

the elders of the castle old
let fairy tales of disorder unfold

a great dragon they say
lit the sun
after finding itself lost
and on the run
from a shadow giant
of world unseen

but the tales of course
were all but dreams.

A little voice
filled the air
with light and weightless
soulful flair

a blacksmith's girl
of simple dress

excuse me sir
i must confess
this minor stir
has caused me stress

the young king bade her speak
and with that, the child weak
stood atop a wonky box
with certain eyes and wavy locks

dear people
i now must say
that it is on this cold and fateful day
my mind has led to such dismay

as I have learned to trust none of you.
Haven't written anything on here much lately, this sprung to mind the other day. Tell me what you think it's about, I love to hear interpretations :)
 Apr 2013 Dylan Oscar Rowe
I don't write for the glory
I sure don't do this for praise
It is for my health
and for the hope that the next poem
I pen for you
will **** this feeling
and deaden the traitorous
temptations of my heart.

— The End —