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Amassed an inventory of words, marvelous and concordant, reserved for the late at night, tremulous and tremor shaking, purposed to soothe with honey, milk and cookies, and coax them, the odd ones out,  to emerge slowly, oh so slowly, with a magnetic resonance, yank them from their granite tombs, and employ the force of Od to convert them over to their own side, and will not pause, be placated until they are my spring waters, my co-religionists, in grace and kindness, and I will levitate them above us, espousing our collectivity, each a designer, an artist of our gemeinschaft, free to come, free to stay, free to endeavor to clarify and excavate the roots so deep of the thin reeds of their solitary society, to stand up and count yourself linked but incapable of breaking the chain (see my photo) and even though there is nothing new under the sun, let us all remind them, a Seussian refrain, the sun nonetheless will come and clang, invitation engraved, naming you with calligraphic flourishes, a fine poem planted firm in our rooted hands saying:
                                  Welcome child

*God Blesss the Child Whose Got His Own

Billie Holiday / Arthur Herzog Jr.

Them that's got shall get
Them that's not shall lose
So the Bible said and it still is news
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own

Yes, the strong gets more
While the weak ones fade
Empty pockets don't ever make the grade
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own

Money, you've got lots of friends
Crowding round the door
When you're gone, spending ends
They don't come no more
Rich relations give
Crust of bread and such
You can help yourself
But don't take too much
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own

Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got his own
That's got his own
He just worry 'bout nothin'
Cause he's got his own
Od - a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc.

Answer me
Why are the children
if not hurting themselves,
so busy hurting others?

I know hurt in ways you cannot fathom,
And I rise up daily with a but a single quest:
Banish the hurt, expel the hurters,
And practice the one true faith:
Kindness and Grace.

Sometimes the madness I read, too much, too much,
And I walk away and store my poems in another place.

But I am reminded,
There is no such thing as too kind,
So I wander back,
Chagrined and Chastened,
Hoping one among you
Will help to raise up
Just a thought of it and I lose my cheer
I missed you a lot in the preceding year
I can’t blame you; it’s not your fault
Our not seeing each other happened by default!
It so happened we missed each other’s face
Encounters were replaced by texts of sms
Words were few, though sometimes we called
Technologies conspired; our meetings got stalled!
Years rolling by, times so fast fly
Relations are stuck at ‘hello’ n ‘hi’
Wiser we are growing, a smarter human race
We have little time to see each other’s face!
I carry you in my heart
But you are far away
Sometimes though love lasts
It’s so you don’t stay.
Never erased for you my thirsts
Though you are far away
Why it’s so that love lasts
Though you don’t stay.
I wish it happens one day
I wake up and you aren’t in my head
But your thought doesn’t go away
For that’s how love is made.
The ashes fall
The wine spills...
Whats appealing to me I know it's not humanity.
How can I sleep when there's all these people falling around me.
I'm loosing my mind.... I see it running off now ha.
******* to my head pow pow, I fake it all the time.
Who am i to not even realize that there's people out there chained to brick and just **** like that.....Lord.
My daddy told me when I was young to stay away from **** like that.. He's seen it with his own eyes... God bless America. Sweet land of **** them all and let them die......
I wanna leave my mark on this world.... They say you can make someones day by a smile. But you can save the life of a child.
**** Lord  show me how to do it.
YOU where the one that touched the untouched, gave voice yo the voicless and healed the ones that had no hope, am I wrong?
If your inside me Show me how I can be that strong...
Cause theres a stirring in my heart God.
Tell me there's some way I can feed the hungry or give hope to the hopeless.
Cause to me it just doesn't seem right for me to be sure about his hope in my heart and not share it.
Joy is the atmosphere of heaven...
Help me be that atmosphere Lord.
Help me change the coarse of this generation..
Show me.
God I just wanna know you.
You say you know me by name,
Well I wanna know you by name.
Lord what will it take to know you like your own son knows you?
I just want to fall in love with you God.
Just to dance for you
Just to sing for you
I would want nothing else God.
Nothing else... Cause your all that gratifys.
I wanna speak like you speak.
And have the faith that you had to heal so many hearts, God I want that.
You brought a dead body back to life countless times.... And if you live in me, doesn't that mean I have that?
If you were heaven on earth and you're in me doesn't that mean You are  heaven on earth  going through me?
Ihave such a longing and passion to just dwell in you just to romance you lord. I would be forever satisfied.
Be my all consuming fire.
I don't want you just sometimes
I don't want you just tommarrow
Or just today
I want you in every minute of every hour because Lord you define me.
You give me an identity that is longer than temporary.
Romance me God.
Show me you're deepests passion
Lord I just wanna know you.
I would be forever satisfied.
He is frozen in time,
At a place where everything moves slowly,
Snow flakes falling round his heart.
He doesn't move to stop the pattern,
Stuck between past and future
There is a place where it all makes sense,
Somewhere he lost himself.
He borrowed my heart years ago then left, and then he came back and am not sure he will ever return it
Going round in circles,
That's what he does best.
Turning my opinions inside out,
Pushing me, pulling me, being with me.
He says am special, he says am not.
He never says yes or no.
Deftly playing my heart like strings,
tucking, twisting, threading me.
He wears my heart on his sleeve,
Like a cuff-link.
I posted a poem
at hello poetry -
and what happened?
Somebody started following me

I received a "notification"
(I can’t say “much to my gratification”)
that someone started following me
I think it went something like:
“Naked Blueberry started following you”

Oh what did I do?
What did I dodo?
All I did was to post a poem
and not a word from you -
O cruel menacing follower -
not a comment
not an expression of your displeasure
but you started following me
What did I do?
What did I dodo?

I may tell bad jokes
and write verse
that daily gets worse
Yeah, I may look ugly like I stole
a look from my fav Mad magazine
and once in a while I say something
about organisations -
but does that warrant you
following me
and transforming me into
a near-nervous wreck?

O Naked Blueberry
what did I do?
What did I dodo -
why do you follow me, you naked stalker?
I lie in bed now afraid
and my wife worries that
I cry out often in sleep:
“Hence, You Naked Succubus -
Follow me not!”
And I dare not approach my car
but after looking under bonnet
and boot and below the carriage
I dare not write a word now
but fear that you and your agents
will follow and stalk me
with ne’er a word, ne’er a warning

At least tell me, please O follower
O Naked Blueberry, O Protean Terminator
O **** Redberry  
and all the others in various guises
(I know you guys are all one person,
namely Lily Raw and Ready)
- tell me why you follow,
show me cause of your anger
O what did I do?
What did I dodo?
What should I do?
What should I dodo?
This is one of those poems where I take a 'risk'...
1) ...just a good-natured dig on the contemporary practice of following but without a comment or clue... 2) I will be away for some time...back possibly early Oct... 3) I'm following this bull that's run into the bush...  4) You guys and gals all have a great time till then...
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