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The only prayer on his lip
When awake and in sleep
‘God, I always praise your grace,
Just for once show me your face’.
Years passed his prayers didn’t change
Tenaciously pleading if god could arrange
To just for once appear before him
It’s what he prayed when awake and in dream.
At last one night he heard a heavenly voice
‘You’ve prayed hard I’m left with no choice,
I can’t endure anymore your sorrow,
Going to visit you anytime tomorrow’.
Next day found him up early in the morn
His hope revived belief reborn
God at last had succumbed to his call
To appear before him once and for all.
He waited for him the whole day long
Came other men but god not came along
Tears welled in his eyes at god’s deceit
He didn’t show up for the promised visit.
That night god visited him in his restive dream
His face was not seen but he knew it was him
God said ‘I honored my commitment to thee,
Appeared in many faces but you didn’t recognize me’.
There is no god except within us exhorting us to do good.
The boy loves the girl at the door,
The girl loves too
His pizza!
Pizza delivery boy
Left to my own, he bit his bone and smirked,
one of the skeletons not in the closet.
Bony he was being dragged
kicking and screaming
and biting his bone.

He told me one morning
after a second cup
of a so hot and black
it took an hour to drink.

Two right hands are the answer,
your left hand will never know.
Two right hands are the answer.

I don't care if you hate me,
usually good does hate evil.
You know when I'm in that closet
I'll step out to visit just like an old ghost
and you may be powerless
and I may have my way.

Then I stopped pushing
and started biting my bone,
I was standing on thin air.
That's what they want,
they want you to fight.
my brother-in-law’s really fit
I admire him for it

He spends much time
in exercise, in energetic thrusts
He’s a whole aerobics center;
gets all the exercise he needs:
He constantly jumps to conclusions
runs down friends, back-stabs whenever he can
side-steps responsibility
and you could say, is constantly pushing his luck
And pushing it too far too…
and goes round and round in circles
with many false arguments

But one kind thing I can say of him
he’s mindful of my health
for he must have observed how I hardly exercise
and he invites me often to his fitness program
“You scratch my back, I scratch yours,” he says…
But I’m just too lazy even for such effortless exercise
and meanwhile, he continues with his fitness program
namely, as I have said before,
jumping to conclusions and constantly pushing his luck…
while the only thing I can manage
in response to his fitness program
(darned lazy as I am, as he complains to his sis)
is to lift my *******

but frankly, my brother-in-law’s really fit
I admire him for it
...hey, I get enough exercise, as it is, completing the obstacle course of life...
fingerprinted bruises
track my inner thigh.

I study them.
Lightly trace each shape
with my tiny fingers.

It wasn't your intention, I’m sure—
to put them there.
& yet
I dig that you left me with something
to remember you by.

light purple souvenirs
to remind me that intimacy
doesn't always mean to discourage.

I’ll fondly watch them slow-fade
bright violet to a tawny nothing.

& meanwhile

I’ll think of something clever—
some sly suggestion
to get you to remind me
one more time.
© Bitsy Sanders, August 2013
Don't I miss you?
On my way home
On a dimly lit evening
Or an empty afternoon
Without you coming up to me
Rubbing and licking my hands
Your eyes overflowing with love!
Don't I miss you?
When the rain lashes
And you don't come up to me
Seeking a little warmth
With your bones chilled to the marrow
And I take you in under the shade
When your eyes are filled up with love
And mine with unexplained tears!
Don't I miss you?
In my moments of extreme happiness
When you no more jump up to me
To give me a long and joyous hug
Your eyes filled with unspoken love
And I know without your ever telling me
The agony of living without your love!
I miss him badly, Jhoroo, a street dog that loved me too much.
In My Salad Days

Salad Days

Modern use, especially in the United States, refers to a person's heyday when somebody was at the peak of his/her abilities, not necessarily in that person's youth.

                        ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Salad

Hints of tints of golden
pear skins,
combine with
ruby'd cranberries
each a face, the cheeks of alcoholic old men,
each wrinkle,
a life's recording.

All are mates for the
marcona almonds
nestling, playing hide n' go seeking
tween silk sheeted leaves of
butter lettuce.

All dressed to the nines,
underneath a top hatted, cravatted, Fred Astaire

Coated, bathed, loved,
protected by a vinegar of balsams,
aged grape must, pressed,
a lovely, desirable color,
a brown and bronzed rust,
pressed, then left,
to easy rest for
oh so many years,
like I do, easy resting,
when  you feed me in
My Salad Days.

The Days

Though it was a life,  decades destructed
Millenniums of de minimus,
Forty plus Seders of exile, of hell,
Marked by promises, whispers, horseradish tears of
Next Year and Jerusalem,
Time steeped in a tradition of patient waiting.

Each year, recorded by a spot of red wine
Purposely Spilled,
By my father on unbleached Passover tablecloth,
To example, to symbolize that
Messiness in life,
Is O.K.

The Salad Days

Salad served with irony generous,
When beard greyed and scraggly,
White speckled, wisps of sea salt,
All my youthful greenery, long wilted.

Yet the words herein writ are my
Afikomen, my just dessert,
My victory song of Hallelujah
Just before we eat, celebrating
My Feast of Ascension, marking a
Delayed Arrival, yet right-on time of
My Salad Days.

It was only when
I was resurrected as two bodies,
A pair of cuffed links coupled,
In My Salad Days,
With the taste of freedom,
A first-born infant survivor,
Was I rebirthed, and to the fore, risen.
When words fell from smiling lips, and
Rain and tears flew upwards, and
Each and every breath was an
Metaphoric gun shots
As the writer ***** and locks
His pen
His target market...tarnished women and selfish men
The act of his ways are not violent, nor resent
He just kept it all in until his mind finally was spent
So here's a penny for his thought, while his concious develops a morse
Of an idea that spilt his wig, like his hair line and scalp had a divorce
Sceptive of his motives, you don't think he sees clear
You don't think he has the ability to drink his emotions and still steer
You don't know his capabilities that's why you still doubt his abilities
"A monster can't be tamed"
I've seen the transition: hostility to tranquility!
Stop with stupidity,
your brain could be a powerhouse
But water has to touch the seed before you can grow and let a flower sprout
Life is all steps, taking the elevator is a huge regret
You choose your own path with steps
You could be stuck in a elevator in which your height you must except

My words aren't in the past tense
I'm speaking more yet saying less?
Becoming a pro---while searching high and low
seems you always look for the gress. Growth is infinite, you never stop becoming your best!*

Now pay attention folks, that last line meant somthin, the kids on his way back..back like I LEFT SOMETHING!(echo out)

_Im Back #GCK
Lost all my writing...sad but not cause I'm back! Better than ever and the music dream WILL NOT STOP!
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