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J Lee Feb 2016
You say you love me..
But love her too..
I say I love you but.
He loves me to.

You are my ray of light..
But she is yours..
I'm his light.
Be he is darkness.

We battle at our hearts desire .
There are no victory's.
Only Victims..
And our battle has just barely begun.
J Lee Feb 2016
They say after it rains the sun will shine.
they say after you cry you'll feel better..

But, What if what we are told are lies.
What if were meant to cry in the sunshine,
and smile when it rains.

We treat the sun as a prize.
Reaching to the light after a storm.
Or is it for that rainbow that never seems to go anywhere but goes on forever.
Who knows..
I know.
The Rain knows..
J Lee Nov 2015
Pale skin
pink lips
dark eyes..
Cloudy skies,
Raining from the tears she cries.
Hard to breathe
Migraine from monsters banging on the walls..
one hit..two hits..three hits..four..oh hell why not more..
with burnt lungs
all her fears are lit up in smoke.
J Lee Sep 2015
I** am a writer,
A believer,
A broken heart that needs fixing.

You never expected my ink to spill.

Blank pages waiting for our story to be written on,
Ink runs through my veins,
I'm sitting here with out a muse..with out a pen,
Waiting for you to return my inspiration to me.
I'm a writer who's out of Ink.
J Lee Jun 2015
Pour me out on the concrete next your feet

Do I have to cry for you to listen.

Do you not hear me?

My pleading Don’t Leave me behind

This world is so cold with out you here,

Having to face the the fear..

That lies we hear are real.

We are blind don’t you see,

We could have had everything

Still my heart you stole

But what for.

A kiss?

A trust that is the most common to be broken.

All for what? One night without my memories.

Or just a simple ****.

Its over now.

You apologize,

but an apology won’t help to heal this broken heart.

To say goodbye.

Is a simple hello.
J Lee May 2015
Because you are my heaven.
You are my hell,
My blue skies, And my darkest nights.
My never again.. and one more time won't **** me.
Most of all.. I hate that I love you so much.
You're my please don't let me go... but leave me alone.
You, are my angel flying high above me.
Secretly by my side when your on my mind.
You're the reason I live as I envy your death.
You have been my greatest sacrifice..but I could never feel more selfish

You are the demon I wish I could get out of my head..
I was your angel that failed you.
I took away what you needed the most.
I am a thief.
I am your heart and soul.
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