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 Aug 2015 Doofinity
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
I am the stone that is thrown
that hits the water
causing a ripple
a tiny wave
across a giant ocean
touching shore
washing over tiny particles
molecules and micro-organisms
drowning some
bringing life to others
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
Let the words downpour
let the thoughts pour down
when you have found more
there will be more found

give yourself an outlet
a simple way to let out
don't ever doubt sweat
and never sweat doubt

you can reach the shoreline
let your words line shore
you can give them more shine
you can make them shine more

Here is a new form i am working on, and i am posting it here before anywhere. It is called a flip flop because the last two words of each line must switch places. I call this one a compound flip flop because the first line in each stanza ends with a compound word. There's also a normal flip flop. Hope you enjoy.
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
Use your pen to be expressive
express yourself and be impressive
impress your will to be progressive
progress of the muse possessive

possessed by another expression
expressing myself is my obsession
obsessing over words in succession
succeeding is hopeful in every session
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
There have been times I've been lost all alone
18 years old and without a home
I robbed and I stole, and I let it be known...
I'll slice your throat, and cut to the bone

swabbin' the deck and walkin' the plank
clangor and crash, clatter and clank
I had myself and the devil to thank
swillin' down whiskey, I drank and I drank

batten the hatches, there's rough seas ahead
sterns would be broke and sails would be shred
splatter his guts and off with his head
let dead men lie where they've made their bed
written in 2014 - not proud of this, but it's a true story
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
caught up in the trends
is the means to an end
as we pick up our pens
remember trends never bend

the message that it sends
there's no thoughts to defend
protecting from the winds
it's our own fire that we tend
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
My Life
 Aug 2015 Doofinity
I breathe a sea of emotions
I am the painter of the vast sky
The sun and the moon
whispers each memory
when I close and open my eyes
I rise with the mountains
and drown beneath the ocean's time
I fly with the birds
and dance with the trees
I see the air's breath
through its gentle breeze
I was born from one's history
and died from a subtle knife
I might reborn
after a very long time
Just read my words
and listen to the music of my heart

My life is a song

of endless poetry.
(c) Adele
The best thing to do
When the soul is in pain
Is to Helpeth another person;
It helpeth the other person
And thyself, at the same time.
Healing not just one, but two people.
Kindness, and charity, a healing elixir.........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
In our times of sorrow and depression I've realized the best way to heal and feel better of ourselves is to help another person because for one its how God wants us to be.. And two I love helping people and it will help and heal them IF and IF only they except the help if they don't we can't do nothing about it... But I just love helping others and it helps me alot and honesty the ones I try to help I wanna be there for because I care so much Maby I care alot but that's just the soul I am...anyways moral of story is just help another soul!!! It helps them and us!!!!!
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