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Dionne Wilson Nov 2015
You notice my flaws, but have notice the pain the started it all?
Have you ever seen me struggle?
Have you ever seen me cry?
No?... Well that's a lie.
Everyday when I awake I thank god that it's a new day.
That I got past the last one with my grace.
Because everyday I begin to think.
I think of the world that I will live in one day.
And every morning I look in the mirror and see my scars.
I see the pain and honestly it makes life hard.
Because I don't only have scars from the past.
Yet I will have ones in the future.
Obstacles that have mastered my ever being.
I have witnessed things that have  shattered my ever so pure seeing.
But it's okay that I have my flaws,
I am thankful that I have my scars.
Because with out my flaws, with out my scars, with out the pain that started it all I wouldn't be me and quite frankly I am as happy as can be.
Because I've been through things and seen thing.
I will be able to do things and achieve things.
So yes, call me Ms. Flawed and I will wear it thankful and proud, because since I'm flawed I'm beautiful in a way that is untouchable and indescribable.
So no, you may not call me flawed.
Because when you call me flawed I will snap my fingers, flip my hair because I'm not flawed I'm Ms. Flawed and I will wear that title like a crown because I'm a queen.
I will shout from the roof tops with glee you may even hear me scream, "Ms. Flawed. That's me!"
This is something I wrote for a friend a while back who was going through a personal battle. I hope it inspires you to accept yourself.

— The End —