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 Nov 2014 Danielle
Dark Jewel

Distasteful life.

Change is inevitable.
 Mar 2014 Danielle
A Haiku
 Mar 2014 Danielle
I have never seen
The slumber of any fish
Nor has one seen mine
I realized one day, that I've never seen a sleeping fish... so I wrote this.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Mar 2014 Danielle
An elephant graveyard
rests, etched on my TV
as I listen to the howl
echoing from outside
the window. Grabbing
my rifle filled with pellets
I stride outside to face it.

Adrenaline clouds my vision
as this monster of an animal,
this beast of a creature
glares at me. With his flesh
thirsty fangs, drooling
with spit. Ready to rip
me apart and bury the bones.
It growls with want
as it shakes the sick dust
from its mangy coat.
Hair hanging off his skin
like the dead clothing
from its past prey.
Cracking my petrified bones
I fall to my knee
and pump after pump
I prepare my weapon.
With fingers dancing their way
to the ready trigger, I hold
my aim. Steady. Breathing.
Pull. I release my breath
as the gun exhales a shot
into the body of the beast.

A cry shoots out
from the pounding heart
of this whimpering animal.
And as I watch
with regret tumbling
down my cheek. The dog
stumbles off
into the shadowing forest
so that I will never
shoot it again.
Sorry I haven't posted a poem in a while. College is sort of a time consumer. There will be more coming soon! Promise!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Mar 2014 Danielle
late nights
 Mar 2014 Danielle
there's an alarm going off
inside my head
telling me things
that makes me wish I were dead

it's harder tonight
than it was just before
to forget memories
I don't want to remember anymore

and my pillow
gets sorrowfully damp
with whispering tears
that are better off sealed
because i'm not sure
how much more my heart can hear
 Mar 2014 Danielle
 Mar 2014 Danielle
i miss this little girl
with colors in her heart
and fire in her veins
who sang songs about the sunshine
and soaked up all the rain
 Mar 2014 Danielle
 Mar 2014 Danielle
today i am a hole
i am a relapse of yesterday
and last year
I am not the light i've come to see
i am darkness
engulfing my heart
and turning it blue
so it can slowly freeze over
to bring me back
to times i thought
would never be seen again
uh oh
 Mar 2014 Danielle
Red Bergan
I am the wolf,
The owl,
The cat.

I am the dark girl,
Behind the crowd,
Ready to scratch.

I fear no people,
They are wrong.
When they judge MY PEOPLE,
My friends, My world.

Fear me mortal souls,
I am Me.
I am only myself,
Accept it,
Or leave.

I am crazy,
Always trying to help.
I always am there,
For ones in doubt.

My heart goes out to my people,
The dark and the light.
The nerds, the geeks.
I accept all of you.

No one is different,
When it comes to respect.
So respect or run,
I will hunt thee.

I am the wolf,
A follower of the pack.
I believe in right,
Heavens grasp.

So doth this differen me?
I think not.
I am myself.
I am in,
the right spot.

Life continues to divide and chain,
Follow the storm,
The moon and the rain.

You are yourself,
I am myself.
Let's be friends.
To tell all these people,
We do not care.

I am,
The wolf,
A human.

My spirit lives on,
In my writing.
To all who know how this feels. People can be hypocrites towards those i describe. We do better in life than it seems.
 Mar 2014 Danielle
Red Bergan
The rose, The rose.
Is a violent thorn.
she knows, she knows her soul.

Among the world,
She is torn.
Beyond repair,
Is thy rose.

Beautiful scarlet,
You knoweth the way.
My love, my lady.
Please be delayed.

Despite the world,
In this dark time.
The rose lives,
In the light.

The Rose, The rose,
Is a distant thorn.
She stares off into the distance,
Forever alone.
It's kind of a song i made up and have been creating since. I dont write music, I just sing.
 Mar 2014 Danielle
 Mar 2014 Danielle
i'm patiently waiting for the first breath
of lukewarm air to my swollen lungs
that heave to the sound of crickets chirping
and fire burning
i'm abandoning my frozen corpse
that lays here in purgatory
to let in a light
that pumps clean blood and fresh air
so that i'm no longer forced
to breathe for a life that i don't want to live
 Jan 2014 Danielle
A face riddled with bruises
Clothes like rags on dolls
Tis not life he chooses
There's nowhere left to fall

He sleeps out on the street
With news to keep him cozy
No shoes upon his feet
No pockets filled with posy

It wasn't always like this
His life was once a pleasure
A wife that he'd keep happy
At the lengths of any measure

But one morning he woke up
And everything seemed fine
John got a cup of coffee
And drank it up by nine

He headed into work
With suitcase in his hand
But just outside his office
Was an unfamiliar man

He asked John for some money
Anything would do
But John, he simply smiled
And bid the man adieu

But just as John was leaving
The man stood up and yelled
And with sorrow I must tell you
That's when our dear John fell

For this man he told dark lies
A trickster with long sleeves
A demon in disguise
The devil if you'd please

But last do not feel sorry
Do not wet your eyes
For today it is Johns birthday
And it's the day John Miller dies
This is loosely based off a short story I'm writing and I kind of had fun with it!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
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