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Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I believed that real love doesn't exist
Until you came blissfully in my life

You are the epitome of many qualities
Character aspects of a perfect lover

Love is sometimes full of hesitations
Is it really love that I hold in my heart?

But for you, it's clear without any doubt
As when the sun rises darkness fades away

Even flowers in our front yard seem happier
Birds sing every morning for you jubilant

This is what I'm sure that it comes from
The wish for my good luck from my mother

I'm happy now the happiest in the world
I have two angels in life my mom and you
Happy mothers day :)
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Wars satisfy some people's thirst for human blood.

War is a place for some people
Who **** others to satisfy
Their lust for human blood

They are war traders
And at the end of all many battles
Come together to negotiate for peace terms
Many became war heroes and earn medals
In expense of the life of many innocents

War is a place of cruelty
Put on in cloth of bravery
Who kills better is braver
Who is killed is a coward
A general sitting in the command
Kills thousands without a shot
But only one shot of a word
He sits in his comfortable seat
Wearing the most handsome uniform
Commands thousands to **** in his name
In the end, he sits with opposing commander
Like two old friends come together
After a long time and drink and laugh
They negotiate about peace terms
Thousands of lives gone forgotten in vain.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Finding the right word
For the right thought
In a dictionary, you wrote
In my heart and mind
Finding the right term
To put in my passion
You filled my heart with
Hanged my mind totally
I speak like a mad man
Or a drunkard over-drunken
Never mind for who has lost
All his sense in your presence
I drink your love philter
You gave me last night
All of it is penetrated through
Every single cell of my body
Leaving a mad lover from me.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
First time kissing

Do you remember?

It tastes sweet still

After all these years

First time kissing

Do you remember?

I'm sure you do

Our journey was started
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
The wind takes a leaf in any direction
                 The weightless yellow-face leaf

It doesn't have any power
To select the path it wants to go

Do you feel like this sometimes
Such as that leaf in your life
Powerless, unfortunate, insignificant
Subject to many scoundrel bullies

Even can't select
                             The next step
                                                     Save the final destination

I felt like this many times
Tried hard the gain the power
Needed for being in a state
That my choices are mine really

Now I think I can see
            My goal on the summit
The way to the there seems clear
Am I on the correct path now?
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Love is

No one can describe it clearly
But all can feel it certainly

Love comes in many forms
                                                Agape, unconditional love
                                                Eros, pure ****** love
                                                Ludus, playful love
                                                Phililia, Affectionate love

Now I want to tell you something new
If you want to feel the extreme love view

You should seek it in
                                     An eastern lover.
09:09 - Tuesday, April 23, 2019.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I was mountaineering with some friends
We found an old hut built on heights
That was where we sheltered for a night
It was enough to keep us warm that night
People said it was built by an old man
Who lived in a nearby village for a while
He brought all materials a little at a time
By his donkey to the summit for a while
As he was working to finish this shelter
The Soviets were building the Mir station
Pretty the same way as did the old man
Sending parts of it in modules to space
Modules after module by rockets to space
They both contributed to human history
One is registered as the first step in the history
The other is never discussed in any debate
These tiny men and women are numerous
During the first day till the resurrection

Which is a more important contribution to human history?
If I had to choose I opted the old man's work
Because it helps many stay warm and dry
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