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Dee Sep 2014
It seems only yesterday
As a fledgling rolling in the hay
Far as I can remember
Was it last December?
Did what I was told
Follow everyone blindly
No whys and No whats?
Busy in one’s inane thoughts
Good at heart and kindly.

Then came the youth
Didn’t give a ****
Couldn’t care a hoot
You could have my ‘Royal boot’
Buzzword was denial
As if the world
And not I - was on a trial.

Middle years are hard to recall
Plodding, trudging, footfall after footfall
Keeping pace with caprices of life
Protecting hearth and kin from strife.

Today sitting in a rocking chair
Bald with little or no hair
It makes me wonder this treasure of “Wisdom”
The correct grammar of commas and full stops
The hyphens and the exclamation marks!!
Whom do I bequeath it to?

Realization dawns, gone are days of fire & brimstone
It’s best to laze in the chair, lead a life nigh sublime
Light my pipe blow rings & have a great time.

The silent thoughts remain unspoken....
Or is it that wisdom is just a token?
I seek audience and Lo! Behold
All are young and I the only old*.
A life span is too short to squabble about nonevents. Sit back and enjoy life while you can :)
Dee Sep 2014
Call me whatever you wish
As I creep in stealthily
Leave you sighing

Am I necessary?...Most certainly
Leave your soul restless
As you wonder

A coma, in the sentence of life
Reflect on events of past
Take a deep breath

I could leave you much wizened
Introspect in me sanguinely
I am your very own
Thoughts, musings
Dee Sep 2014
Unable to perceive right from wrong
Oh! How long… how long
Whence the time would be forever lost.

Heavens came my way
But tides kept me astray
Alas! Such was their power
A deluge, not a trickle or a shower.

How I now wish
The clock had stood still
I could have clasped those precious moments
Before my life just withered and ebbed away.

Now as I stand far from myself
Look back and say
Where was I?
Where was my soul?

That beautiful, blessed day
When Heavens came my way.
Dee Sep 2014
I hope there's a place, way up in the sky
For old aviators, when they say good bye!
A place where a fella’ can get a chilled beer
‘Chug-a-lug’ for a mate, whose memory was dear
A place where no doctor or lawyer can be a threat
Just an aircrew rest room, reserved for the very best.
A quaint little bar, kinda’ dark and full of smoke
Where they sing loud, and guffaw at a good joke
The kind of place where a lady could bravely go
Feel safe amongst gentlemen she would know
There must be a place where thoughts fly like an arrow
When the sortie is over, for landing airspeed gets low.
Where the whiskey is old, great are the ***** and ***
The songs are about group combat and one versus one,
Where you'd meet all fellows who'd flown the coop before
They'd call out your name, welcoming you through the door
Who would buy you a drink should your throat be parched
And tell others, "Here comes a new lad, lookie ye! all starched!"

Then through the mist, you'd spot a grand old guy
The one missed for years, he taught you how to fly
He'd nod his old head, and grin ear to ear,
Saying, "Welcome, my son, I'm pleased that you're here
I forgive you; you botched up the last landing
But you led a life that was by far, outstanding”.
"Guys, he has come here to let his spirits fly and not groan
Skip the earthlings who lived lives like miserable clones
Politicians, lawyers, the Feds, the guys with little poise
Here, where it is ‘happy hours’ for our good ol' boys
Pass on that glass of rye, for he deserves a well earned rest
Cheers! This is ‘Heaven, my son’; this is your future nest!"
Dedicated to some fine aviator friends, somewhere upstairs, playing the harp.
A tribute to those who perished
Dee Sep 2014
So golden like with rays of golden mist
As a pair of loving birds seem entwined
With visions of beauty adorning eyelashes
He is the only one I see …

With eyes lock in the flame
I transform, morph in his love
With every moment that runs by,
My face blushing hotter as he stares …

His making love to me with his eyes
As I melt into his being, I exhale a heaving sigh…
As he touches my face and travels low
With the lowest of whispers, I murmur now please …

With a rush of electric ripples running through
From head to toe, as he peers deeper in my soul,
There is gentleness as he brushes my face with his,
As his passionate kiss, flows through my release …

*With you standing so close to me
Aromas of your presence wafting with the breeze
Is it possible for a mere human like I
To restrain, pause and wonder why

Even Gods, in your presence
Would forego their piety and prescience
Your love, I catch with the tip of my tongue
That escapes your parted lips with a deep sigh

My eyes firing a staccato of cupid’s arrows
You standing in all your bare glory
The first touch is heaven’s ecstasy
The second, a desire for symmetry

As in fantasized temple’s libations
We climb mountainous manifestations
In a dancing and pirouetting flamenco
Reaching a rhythmic crescendo…
Collaboration Dee and Debbie Brook, Love, Romance, Sensual
  Sep 2014 Dee
Elizabeth Squires
darling I'm enamored
in the ****** of love
since I meet you
it courses in my blood

the daily doses of you
makes my inner core
hunger the more
for your loving rapport

I'm bitten
I'm smitten
by the love substance
which fills my soul
with such a healthy

darling I can't be
denied of your ******
on its irresistible tonic
my heart does inflate

darling the love drug
you supply
is a fine slug
#drug  #love  #heart  #chemistry
Dee Sep 2014
Divine heavenly sanguinity
blessed prehensile thoughts
of two souls sitting atop floating clouds
basking in sun’s glory.
Travelling as the drift takes us…sometimes
kissing mountain tops or dancing in the vale,
flowing along with the gurgling
stream, touching each pebble so gently
caressing each fern, each shore.
Sea the ultimate destination
merging into nothingness, yet
you and I granted immortality
unending mirth and laughter.
Heaven and earth our abode
Of two bodies and one soul.

*Our divine heavenly bodies
bless us with my red rainbow
our two souls floating in the different shades,
translucent of my colors
with sweet rain on our lips
kissing the ultimate of desire,
as we try and stay within the lines
somehow we drift, into the others  being,
with each stroke of your hand
you always bring me back to you
with each touch you transform
my blank canvas to blend with yours
as the red returns back in my soul…
Collaboration Dee
and Debbie Brook
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