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  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
Chalsey Wilder
I wished,
With bitterness,
I had not said yes
The relationship was toxic,
it was my poison
I thought the fantasy of us was amazing, but void
I wished I had told you when you asked..
When you forced me to be engaged to you,
To **** your **** self **
Should have sent all of that out the door
I cared when I shouldn't
I knew I never loved you, knew I never could love you
I felt I had to fake it
There is one thing I will never understand though
Why did I try to save you?
I knew you were lightyears away
Why didn't I recognize the symptoms right away?
For months I was sick from consuming too much of that *******
I was telling myself something before I arrived out of the hospital
I was telling myself it should be done
But all I was doing was playing along with *******
Harsh  I know. It's just how I feel. You shouldn't threaten to **** yourself to force someone to do anything.
  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
Third Eye Candy
Loose pebbles grit the wheel.
i hear the grind spit
and the earth kneel. i march -
and grovel, as i bark
and hound -
the very fox what stole my stride
and left me feet below
the ground.
  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
Abeja Reina
I so hate that monster
That monster that takes your breath
I so hate that monster
That monster that eats away at your spirit
I so hate that monster
That monster that steals your time away
I so hate that monster
That monster that tries to take you from me
I so hate that monster
That monster that dims your bright light
I so hate that monster
That monster that has hi-jacked your health
I so hate that monster
That monster that is always lurking in the shadows
I so hate that monster
That monster that will not win this battle!!!
By. Bpeterson
searching through seas of drowning beings
to find the missing pieces of the world
caverns upon caverns to shade your hallow whole-ness
undulate in spiral waves of watermelon teardrops
lemon spotted ladybug in love upon the briar patch

**** the circus of powwow breakfast
curse the curse of *****'s temptress
burn the burning streets of empty sadness
freedom's song is a venomous warning

greet the knot-tyer in his bleeding arrow
catch him as he falls and fades to poppy
drown the siren of the silent burning
and burst asunder into flaming glory

harbor in your port a gentle gypsy
show her that you trust her always
move among the soulful waters
safety and sorrow are but shadows on the way

greet me in the house of midnight
under moonbow arrow and holy sinew
from my flesh a piece of bone you wrested
lover's eyes and ******* caress the dewdrop dancer

Fool, you broke the summer's heart
and must now pay the season its rotting apples
drinking spider vapor from the mists of falling cider
as cinnamon, nutmeg and clove are gathered far away
The Dedpoet Jan 2017
Notes, musical keys, rythmic changes-
A modification of the Word
Which purifies her soulfulness
And expresses clarities in the fog,
The hint of Dickinson in her words,
The scent of reality in her reflection,
     The words become a path:

One wet summer I heard your words,
The vibrant sky breaths
And the sun became as embers
Of poetic sacrifice,
Through reading your poem
I became as a double being,
Movement began
A sudden dispersion of birds
Followed by the Humm of water
On stone,
Murmurs of infinite moments
Painting them all like some
Poet Saint,
The words became a lineage
To the unfathomable depths of you,
In the helix of hours
The beat of the sea and the stilled
Shimmers of light on water can be found
In the edification of her poetry;

Master strokes,
Like a naked liberation
Of a diamond body beyond
A turquoise sunset,
A co concubine of words
That form constellated meanings
Among the pnumbra,
Reminiscent of the March of hours
In which the words come
And a fixed glitter in her eyes form,
The form of woman,
A form of dizziness
Like a dance of wind and water,
I read between the words,


I imagine a lamp in the middle
Of the night,
A pen and a womans scorching
Words as God had spoken
The First Word,
Like a moon in heat in midday's
Grasp, she counters every word
Of expression
Like a cell for my tortured soul,
She became my solitary star,
I wander in her hours,
Hungry for more words,
A memory inventing itself,
She makes the sky walk the land.
For my infinitely talented friend Vicki.
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