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The shards you see
There in the grass
Look a whole to me

Perspective be
Diamond or glass
What is it to thee
How strange you saw the devil
Where an angel stood
Made darkness out of the light;
Evil from the good.
Turned innocence into jaded
White right into black
Truth was right in front of you
Now it's at your back.
it was that last shot
That exposed you
Oh yeah a little Seagrams
Can bring out the best in all of us baby
But no worries
That ugliness will be excused
Every woman before me excused it
Too bad I am a different kind of woman
So what do I say when you ask......
"Babe I'm feeling sad right now. Can you help me with my feelings?"
After no consideration (because I know right from wrong)
I respond
Then I leave.
Seems such a waste
Of energy....
In frozen space
To grab a falling star
When we spent too much already
Just to get to where we are
It's a steady drip on a window sill
Hitting the backside of my brain
That never quits, will never quit..until
I bring all thought to you....a-gāin.
I sit with glasses perched
And a steamy cup
With all my consolations
Gathered about
Less of me now
And more of them
All my little pleasures
Acquired over the years
That bring me peace
Beauty and smiles
Pope and puzzles
Almond brush plants
Glass wind chimes
Dickinson and Morrison
Duritz and moonlight
Caffeine and nicotine
Impossible dreams
In my pajamas
Almost comfortable enough
To not miss a single thing
Shattered pieces fall like rain
Drop, and bounce, to fall again
Leaves will shake
Boughs will break
A hero will live; die in vain

The wind will still, and then will blow
A season comes as seasons go
Earth will turn
Love will yearn
'Tis God himself that makes it so.

Furrow no more
Thy weathered brow
O'er times before
Or even now

Play well the part
For which thee were cast
With all your heart
ACT ONE  'til the last

Offer naught a (sigh)
At the curtain's last fall
But smile AND cry
At the end of it all

'Tis not a sep-er-ā-ted place
In the seam of joy and strife
Rather, the most perfected space
That connects a death to life.
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