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1.7k · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
Why do you
hide behind
a facade of hate

why does
your makeup
hide your beauty
1.6k · Dec 2014
Days of Dawn Dec 2014
This isn't a poem
this is a protest
This isn't equality,
it's injustice.
America the brave
America the free,
Where were you,
When he said, "I can't breathe?

How are we
the leading examples
so rooted with prejudice,
it's time to turn tables.
How does one be such a threat,
at one hundred and thirty five feet
that they must be shot,  Six times,
It a miraculous feat.

Since when did murderers get off
without trial,
I mean even Republicans
won't give denial
America the brave
America my foot,
where were you,
"Hands up, don't shoot"

Its not all lives matter,
we know the white ones already do,
it's about giving others
what they're due.
Black lives matter,
Martin Luther King
gave his speech fifty years ago,
yet we're still fighting.

Have you heard the policemen,
they have no remorse,
the literal demonization,
and its going to get worse.

unless we can stop it,
and I'm hoping we can
Mike wasn't a thief,
this god forsaken land.

How are we so quick to judge,
Russia, Korea, China and more,
yet we **** innocent people,
and racism soars.

You want change,
you're blaming Obama?
Change it yourself,
Family means ohana

Yeah that's A children's movie,
but wait a moment yet
we could learn a lot
from children I bet.

They don't have biases,
they're only three
in their small minds
everyone's free.

But thats not the truth
It's cold and hard,
just the bodies
of a bright future,
Mike Brown
of a boy with a hoodie
Trayvon Martin
of a Twelve year-old boy
Tamir Rice
of a husband and father of six children
Eric Garner
You won't be forgotten,
as long as this world I'm living in
as long as it goes on,
you'll always be thought of
and what might've been.
919 · Dec 2014
Days of Dawn Dec 2014
Can you hear
the sound
of change.
All around us
it flows like
Young boys being
killed by
Stolen from
the ones
who love them.
Why do they die
and I
What makes us
The color of
skin shouldn't
But we all know
Why do murderers
walk around
And innocents mowed
down like
When will the change
grow to a
When will life
When will we not
Change is
But only we
can make it
Will you sing
its song with
Or will you stay silent,
You feel
Well then,
are you
916 · Mar 2014
Is that bad?
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
I can't feel the warmth inside my chest,
of a racing heart or rapid breaths
is that bad?

The walls around me are crumbling,
they're letting in all the pain
is that bad?

I can't remember what sunshine feels like,
all I know is blood and darkness
is that bad?

The demons of my past and present,
swarm me like moths to light
is that bad?

My facade of happiness and lies,
is almost see through
is that bad?

I'm one step from oblivion,
and I want to take it  
is that bad?

Please give me an answer
because I can't hold on

894 · May 2014
Under the Willows
Days of Dawn May 2014
Why don't you meet me
Under the willows by the river
Where quietude is common
And birdsong the only sound

Come watch with me
Watch the willow branches in the wind
And the sun glinting on the river
Like hammered silver

Read with me
Under the weeping trees
Away from the world
Sperate and secluded
698 · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
exited for a new start
having a bad day
not okay

trying his best

unappreciated and disregarded

in the library
in a corner
in a book
in tears

bullied and ridiculed

free-falling quickly
hitting reality

getting crushed
needing help

hiding his anguish
not being good

pessimistic and depressed  
worrying his mom
a shadow

Locking the door
writing a note

saying silent goodbyes
not falling asleep
not ready for it
finally dead

Orange is
628 · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
A glass face
A glass body
Perfection everywhere

A glass spirit
A glass soul
Fragile warmth

Glassy eyes
Glassy love
Shattered like your dreams
524 · Mar 2014
Not Silent
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
They say silence
But I hear noises
All around me

Barely visible
Barely audible
Not dependable

The flickering of
A fake fire a metaphor
Of our world
504 · Aug 2014
A poem for people
Days of Dawn Aug 2014
This is a poem
for the boys who've blown
Their chances,
And ended up on the taking end of a cigarette.

A poem
for the girls who picked
the wrong one,
And mouth of their body meets the mouth of the bottle.

A poem
For the outcasts, the loners
Who die everyday from the words of others,
And end at the end of a razor blade.

This is a poem
For anyone who
Hurts, cries, laughs, tries,
Who ended their lives too soon.
490 · Dec 2014
Sit here
Days of Dawn Dec 2014
What if I sat down here,
and didn't get up?
Would anyone care,
would anyone notice.
Just sit where you are,
and don't move away,
wait until someone notices you.
It may take some time,
but you should know,
someone will always come.
someone will always notice.
It's never too late to stop.
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
I keep staring at your door from down the hallway
Tonight I couldn't make it to the moon
Looking at our pictures on the fireplace
Wishing it was me instead of you
It gets harder everyday but I keep on holding on

I need the product of your fears
In the form of tears
It's the only way I can survive
It breaks my heart to see you crying, baby
It's the only way I'll stay alive
Green eyes, blue skies
Natural disasters when she cries
Green eyes, they're mine
It's only a matter of time.

Oh, I built a world around you
Oh, you had me in a dream,
I lived in every word you said
The stars had aligned
I thought that I found you
And I don't wanna love somebody else

No, my god I drank too much.
Laughing while I'm crying.
Don't you let them know you're dying.
Dying to break out and dying to get, get out.
From the windows of the abyss.
Click my heels, but I am stuck here.
I'm pledging this vow

I want you forever, forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together
Forever and always
452 · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
You could never take anything less than perfect
That's why I wondered why you took me

You were the best thing that happened to me
and I'll remember our life for you

The way we met, at a coffee shop, how cliche
but you thought it was cute

First date, first sweat, first suit, first smile,
first laugh, first kiss, first love

We hung out more and even more
met your parents, and you mine

The beautiful chapel, huge cake. I admit it,
I don't remember much, just you

Happiness settled in like an old friend,
you gave me a present

But then suddenly you were gone.
one day here, the next not

You just left, got up and left me,
with barely anything

The scars are still red, but I've forgiven you
I know you couldn't wait

I'm kneeling on the ground, putting a rose where others lay
you can't imagine how I feel

A ray of sunshine personified in our
wonderful child toddles over

He looks at the odd gray stone in the ground
that's all that's left of you
452 · May 2014
Days of Dawn May 2014
I wish I could be a mirror for you
So you can look at yourself the way I see you
Perfect and beautiful
Broken inside
A mirror of glass
So strong and clear,
No lies anymore
385 · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
I am a collection
Of different collections
Physical, emotional
Real, fantasy

I am shelves
Of books and books
Old, new
Worn, shiny

I am a bed
Full of half-forgotten dreams
Soft, solid
Warm, tired

I am a person
With a purpose and place
Real , emotional
Worn,  solid
382 · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
You are
The angel that I see
Flying in my eye
Your halo of innocence
Hides the darkness inside

A beautiful flower
Watered with
Tears and cold blood
Withers without
Lies of her demons

Your inner flames
Cold and unforgiving
Almost extinguished
By the pains of
A broken heart
360 · Mar 2014
Left or Right or Wrong
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
You think you are nothing,
I think you are not.

I think you are my everything,
You think you are not.

You think you have no one,
I think you have me.

I think you have everyone,
You think you do not.

When will you realize that,
I may not always be right,
But I'm right here
352 · Mar 2014
Days of Dawn Mar 2014
fresh and warm
right under the skin

bright and succulent  
the wrong person

pretty and fake
better from afar than close

Red is a betrayal
Red is rage
Red is lust

Red is the memory of you
316 · May 2014
So Alone
Days of Dawn May 2014
How can the sky look blue,
When space is black?

How can the sun be shining,
When I'm not with you?

How can I feel happiness,
When you're gone?

How can I be alive,
When you're not?

How can life go on,
When you can't witness it?

How can I be so alone,
When I'm surrounded by people?
267 · Apr 2014
Days of Dawn Apr 2014
Don't leave
The only thing left
Tears flowing

Don't go
Me alone
Of you
Down my face

Away where
To my own
Is that stupid note
To the floor

I cannot follow    
You left
Where they pool

I don't want
The only part of you
Left is a
Every line is continued in the next stanza (except the last stanza)

— The End —