Prove nothing to no one,
But sincerely look upon your inner being,
Then ask where does the balance stand?
The world isn't held by anyone's standards,
But your will to find a personal happiness,
So stand tall and look upon the sky with a smile.
You will see that while living is suffering,
So are the rest of the souls around us.
And you are not alone in this solitude!
Understand perfection is an illusion,
But not to say don't try,
Instead be empowered by knowing nothing is.
Do not compete with others,
But try to over come your own weakness,
And become better than before with your personal lack.
Ultimately understand no one lives forever,
But finding inner piece or peace that can bring you at ease,
And then becoming better person as time progress.
Surely our deeds should be measure by self enlightenment,
Because no one is ever the same to be measured upon,
For a better you will end up making the world better for all!
Once you can relieve of world's standard, you will realize life is in the palm of your hands, then seek it with all your might!