She's the perfect girl
In life and she's my
Every day and I feel
Her inside my heart all day
And I'm smiling away and
She makes me happy
Every day,
And she's my inspiration
In life she's the perfect lady in life and
Whenever I’m down I look up to her and
She takes away my frown,
And she's so strong and
She's my hero all day long
And she makes me
Sing and dance
Having so much romance,
And she's unlike the other
Girls in life she's truly beautiful and perfect
And her smile warms my heart and she's much prettier than you and
We laugh and have so much fun and She's forever my number one,
And we sing and dance
Under the Moonlight and
we're happily in love in life and
Her courage is super strong and
she guides me all night long and
She's my special hero in life she's my one and only beautiful Wife.
The Perfect Hero 💞💞💪💪💪😍