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761 · Mar 2010
Between the Sheets
David Nelson Mar 2010
Between the Sheets

Writing words is usually fairly easy for me,
It always seems, I have something to say,
the final arrangement, however can be,
rather difficult, in almost every conceivable way

a little tweak here, a major change there,
finding the precise way, is a real big thing,
using the right word, or maybe it takes a pair,
to properly explain, just what it is you mean  

So sometimes what you see, is not what was meant,
the entire subject, might just completely change,
sometimes I come here, just so I can vent,
and other times, I don't know, just seems strange

sometimes, you can get your message quite clear,
in only a few, well measured lines,
yet other times it can take volumes my dear,
your thoughts can get so tangled in vines

there are times, when you need to read between the lines,
the real meaning, is hidden in there,
others, you'll have to read between the sheets,
but only if you actually care

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Aug 2013
The Battle of Sinners and Saints

in the fight of good versus evil
it is an never ending war
from the mystic figures of folklore
who some will hold that these are the truths
winged creatures with the faces of angels
and those with the faces of horned demons
some will swear these creatures are real and exist
even to this day
funny how the ones who represent good
have the faces of beauty and are referred to as angels
while the ones who represent evil
have the faces of ugly and are referred to as demons
its also funny that we prove over and over
that our interpretation of ugly and beautiful
have nothing to do with good or evil  
in fact quite often it is just the opposite
you see it is not the outward appearance
or even the sometimes garbled rhetoric
spewed from the mouths that can be identified
as good or evil beauty or ugliness
far too often ones who spread christian kindness
maintain a darkness inside their souls
it is easy to be fooled sometimes by those
who wear masks and think of themselves as saints
condemning others and claiming they are sinners
history has proved this time and again
and for those who think they really know the truth
they really have all the answers good for them
faith is a good thing there is nothing wrong with faith
but it is a belief based upon nothing that can be
proved to be real and that is why it is called faith
but those who are of this realm cannot and should not
condemn those that are skeptical of their intentions
and maybe those who need proof should try
having a little faith since they have no proof either
I think we all know deep in our hearts what is good
we also know what is evil at least I hope so
I suspect though that things will continue
as they have over the millennium of time
there will continue to be finger pointers
there will continue to be liars and cheats
there will always be
the battle of sinners and saints
Gomer LePoet...
evil is as evil does ugly is as ugly is
757 · Jul 2013
The Pen of Friedrich - I
David Nelson Jul 2013
The Pen of Friedrich - I

To live is to suffer,
to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum
shows that faith does not prove anything

You have your way.
I have my way.
As for the right way,
the correct way,
and the only way,
it does not exist

Ah, women.
They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent

And we should consider every day lost
on which we have not danced at least once.
And we should call every truth false
which was not accompanied by at least one laugh

The true man wants two things:
danger and play.
For that reason he wants woman,
as the most dangerous plaything.

a few of my favorite quotes from
The Pen of Friedrich Nietzsche

Gomer LePoet ....
755 · Jul 2013
Alphabetical Order (r)
David Nelson Jul 2013
Alphabetical Order  

amazing are the stars, that fill the eyes of a woman in love,
broken is the heart of a man, who has been turned away,
crowded are the stairways of the souls, searching the ****** glove,
dichotomous minds each separating, between month and day,

emulating the desires, that never seem to be quite filled,
forever left behind in the wake, of the steamy encounters,
gratification comes so close to the edge, of tears that spilled,
humbling the spirit of drive, as she casually saunters

in and out of her trances, thus requiring a special technique,
just as your about to capture, the flag of your quest,
keeping your head above the line, you get just one peek,
lovers separated, never owned, still merely a guest      

might as well step into the path, of an oncoming fist,
never was any remote chance, that this would be resolved,
over and over the words are repeated, like reading a list,
permanently bringing injury to the dreamers involved

quietly, you grab your bags of lost promises and regrets,
resolving to the facts, that are right in front of your face,  
securing the one of you dreams, don't be placing your bets,
trying too hard, seeking too much, another time, another place

underlining the failures, that are displayed on the page,
verification of these unwanted responses, we certainly don't need,
when oh when, can this heartache release built up rage,
xylem pumping the fluid, will it finally bleed

you're standing there now, with nothing to show for the time,
zanyism is quite commonly blamed for the entire episode.

Gomer Lepoet...
- From Rhymes or Reasons Vol I
753 · Oct 2013
Itch in my Brain
David Nelson Oct 2013
Itch in my Brain

There's an itch in my brain, and I just can't scratch it
it's been there now, for almost 14 days
went to see my doctor, he said, just can't explain it
I have looked at it now in over 50 different ways

Do you think it's a tumor, could it be it's a growth
I need to get some rest now, I'm feelin like a putz
no he said, you can eliminate them both
I'm more concerned about the swelling in you nuts

he stared at my crotch, and kind of shook his head
said it looks pretty bad, you might need a transfusion
I grabbed him by the collar, “it's my brain” I said
this whole crotch thing, leaves me in confusion

Well let me take another look, just 1 more time
I must have missed something, though I don't know why
what's that sound I hear, it sounds like a chime
no by jove, I think I've found a fly

there's a fly in my head, is that what's wrong
can you get it out, do I need an operation  
sounds like the lyrics to a Todd Rundgren song
you need to call someone else, I'm going on vacation  

So that's the way it is, that's the way it's going
there's a song in my brain, and my girl has left me cold
so that's the real itch, is my broken heart showing
guess I'm not crazy, just tired and old

Gomer LePoet...
The mental heart as well as the physical one is not all that well.
750 · Mar 2010
Waistin' Time
David Nelson Mar 2010
Waistin' Time

Wake up in the morning,
try to wipe the sleep from my eyes,
all night long its been a-stormin',
lightning crackin' the skies,
listenin' to the radio,
waiting for the sun to shine,
listenin' for that blue bird song,
just waistin' my time

Old man in the moon,
wipe that smile from your face,
there hasn't been any harvest,
feel like I'm runnin' in place,
gotta get a move on,
gotta make up my mind,
gonna have to make a change from
waistin' my time

Take my old suit to the cleaners,
remove the doubt from my day,
you know some people can be leaners,
but that just isn't my way,
gotta get a move on,
gotta make up my mind,
gonna have to make a change from
waistin my time

Since I left that school, couldn't follow the rule,
ain't never going back,
now I realize, they weren't tellin' any lies,
me and KC gotta get back on the track
and stop waistin my time

Gomer LePoet...

check out the musical version of this poem at my music web site
750 · Mar 2010
The Big Bang
David Nelson Mar 2010
The Big Bang

The cosmological model of the beginning of time,
best guestimate is 14 billion years, less a dime,
expanding universe growing and stretching,
are ideas and concepts I find quite fetching

Lemaitre's hypothesis of the primeval atom,
relying on general relativity and isotropy of space,
super scientific babblings of things I know not,
if Einstein was here now, I'd put him on the spot

explanations of this though not withstanding,
does it really matter, how the matter was left standing,
be it only 15 minutes past, or one-hundred trillion,
how it was created really has no bearing does it now

I think a more relevant question would consider,
is this the first time, that this event has occurred,
although our view of this event was obscured,
is there any chance at all, this could be repeated

now this brings to question, if it can happen again,
has this mystical magical event ever preceded,
if this has you baffled, has you scratching your chin,        
now here is a theory that should receive consideration

one has to wonder where was this enormity hiding,
prior to its expansion, just how did it fit into nothingness,
on the backs of millions of oxen, just gently gliding,
planets, suns, moons, stars, galaxies glowing in the dark

now there resides a puzzle, inside of this story,
it's technical explanation, I really do not know,
but the secrets are in the lines, of the verses just read,
if you understand this rhyming trick, please let me know.

Gomer LePoet
750 · Mar 2013
Deliciously Tempestuous
David Nelson Mar 2013
Deliciously Tempestuous

a fire burns inside her heart  
sending waves of passion all aglow
impetuous intensity
when she arrives you surely will know
her eyes will melt your very soul
leaving you wanting more
but you cannot contain her love
this beauty remains forever free  
her truculent tenderness
spins your heart a whirl
like the roses petals
belie her thorny *****
her untamed desires
will leave a feverish desire
for her touch

Gomer Lepoet...
749 · Oct 2013
All Along the Mulberry Bush
David Nelson Oct 2013
All Along the Mulberry Bush

yeah the monkey chased the weasel
she chased him for all these days
she just wanted to hold him
and show him the many ways

the ways that she loved him
the ways that she cared
hoping he would let her in
but only if he dared

was it too much to ask
why can't he see her heart
was it too hard of a task
to let her be a part

a part of his secret world
the part that lasts forever
she wants to taste his lips
and never hear the words never

so will this last until the end of days
will she chase him until he finally drops
just how much longer will this go  
until the weasel pops

Gomer LePoet ....
747 · May 2013
David Nelson May 2013

marked upon our hearts
like badges of honor
we carry these scars
that love has left
feeling unrepleated
and incompleted
we are sure it is a
deficiency of our making
our choosing
of losers losing
any of us who have been
around this world
for any length of time
carry many of these badges
these scars
cell bars
wounds of wars
the lovers
who would never leave
will leave
did leave
the world will end
well it didn't end
did it
yet still
the next time
we will carry the thought
another badge
another scar
it will hurt
just as much
you would think
we would learn
women are from Venus
men are from Mars
and we leave behind
you'll find

Gomer Lepoet...
love is a many splintered thing
746 · Sep 2011
Sultan of Swing
David Nelson Sep 2011
Sultan of Swing

He was a rocker and a roller, always had a plan
loved beautiful women, yes he was a full-blooded man
drove a fast fancy car, had plenty of bucks
when times went bad, he'd just say "aw shucks"

a great attitude, he cared about the world
tried giving his time, as causes unfurled
gave freely his money, and offered his mind
yes he was a prince, always so kind

music was his calling, his goddess of life
more passionate with notes, then most with their wife
he would listen and play, and lift his voice to sing
happy dancing feet, he was the Sultan of Swing  

whenever a cloud, would pass in front of the Sun
he took it as a challenge, a reason for some fun
a happy little tune, would somehow appear
he would whistle and hum, until resolution was near

rock tunes were great, loud cruising guitars
he'd play anywhere, on the street or in bars
making people smile, was his favorite thing
jazzy dancing feet, he was the Sultan of Swing

Morpheus aka Gomer LePoet
742 · Apr 2013
The Goodbye Look
David Nelson Apr 2013
The Goodbye Look

The Dan talked about it, they even wrote a song,
how things got so messed up, she finally said so long,
you just had to test the waters, had to push the edge,
now your standing all alone, out there on that ledge

you promised her a wine and dine, then forgot to call,
you said that you were detained, down at City Hall,
some mix up, some sort of gaffe, you were not to blame,
why did you not dial me up, if this is what you claim

she checked it out, she caught you flat, your pathetic lies,
disgust and disappointment, laser beams from her blue eyes,
there is no way to misread, those daggers that you took,
I believe you just got, what's known as, The Goodbye Look  

You said you did not know that girl,  just helped her find her way,
but you were seen at her locker, seven times today,
it wasn't you is what you said, must be some mistake,
you weren't even there today, you were at the lake

she checked it out, she caught you flat, your pathetic lies,
disgust and disappointment, lasers from her blue eyes,
there is no way to misread, those daggers that you took,
I know you just got, what's known as, The Goodbye Look  

Gomer LePoet...
inspired by a song by Steely Dan
741 · Jun 2010
Pathetic Mess
David Nelson Jun 2010
Pathetic Mess

I got egg on my face,
I'm a big disgrace,
hear my name slandered, all over the place

got stains on my shirt,
from last nite's dessert,
walking round with my head, in outer space

went to the store,
slammed my finger in the door,
everyone there, laughed and pointed

tripped over a stack,
of crunchy Craker Jack,
all contorted, like I'm double-jointed

called my girl last nite,
got into a fight,
she slammed down the phone, said I was an *******

drank whiskey from a glass,
got drunk on my ***,
smoked some ****, in an old hash pipe

then I couldn't get up,
got sick and threw up,
just laid there mad, I was really disgusted

then the cops were there,  
cuffed me to a chair,
you're ******* pal, cause now your busted

yes I am a mess,
and I must confess,
my pockets are empty, got me no money

need to remove this cob,
find me a job,
and oh yeah, a brand new honey

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Oct 2013
Some Would but Immanuel Kant

some say logic isn't logical at all
some think there is no burden of proof
some can live on faith alone
some would lie right to your face
some find no use in morality
some say we are just crazy kids
some want everything for themselves
some take life for granted
some make music with everything they touch
some bring hell with everything they say
some do nothing at all
some escape into their dreams
some would be happy with the way things are
but Immanuel Kant

Gomer LePoet...
739 · Mar 2010
Constant Craving
David Nelson Mar 2010
Constant Craving

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love to write.
tell sad stories, tell bad jokes, writing late at night,
I have this constant craving, to talk to all my friends,
saying things I want to say, so deep, sometimes I get the bends

sometimes my words are good, sometimes my thoughts are bad,
I mean to entertain the world, make everybody glad,
that they took this winding path, to read my words of rhyme,
not feel disappointed, that they waisted all their time  

If I can make just someone happy, make them curl a lip,
make them not feel so guilty, that they ate those chips n dip,
inspire some young new poet, to reach out to my space,
throw out words that bring me joy, yes throw them in my face

I have other poet friends, who inspire me to keep trying,
if I said I do not care, you know that I'd be lying,
heterodynemind comes to mind, the words are so amazing,
I read the poems from her pen, once again I have constant craving

Gomer LePoet...
738 · Jun 2013
Dancing With Myself
David Nelson Jun 2013
Dancing with myself

the words between us no longer flow
it seems you've decided to let me go
left with my music and my empty heart
so I'm dancing with myself

hush there is no need for your regrets
I understand though it still upsets
your vision still lingers in my head
so I'm dancing with myself

we had so much but we never had it all
never a chance we would walk that hall
to make our pledges to each other
so I'm dancing with myself

how I will make it I have no clue
but it is something that you must do
I'll just keep moving my feet in time
I'll keep dancing with myself

because I'm afraid that if I stop
a piece of me falls in every tear drop
nothing will be left nothing at all
so faster and faster dancing with myself

in a perfect world we would dance together
holding each other gliding like a feather
but I must hit replay now before it ends
because I'm dancing with myself  

Gomer LePoet ....
at least I cannot get out of step by dancing with myself
736 · Mar 2013
Akashic Record
David Nelson Mar 2013
Akashic Record

from the Sanskrit sky of outer space
connections to the world beyond
may you find concern written upon my face
motionless without a sound
the knowledge of time and futures past
the feeling of the worlds pain
reaching out with stones cast
between the falling drops of rain
the Mahabhuta words so wise
millions upon billions lives gone by
below the ground above the skies
do we share the stars inside
the son of Brahma examines the list
to find the evil and the peace
the tender dreams at long last kissed
recorded for the pasts returned release  

Gomer LePoet ...
736 · Jun 2013
Flatulent Franky
David Nelson Jun 2013
Flatulent Franky

Flatulent Franky now he is a hoot
every other minute he has to toot
doesn't really matter where or when
he'd run and hide in the bushes or den

clouds of blue clouds of green
clouds of every color you have ever seen
his face of red just added to the chart
people would gather just to hear him ****

shock waves tidal waves and waves in the stands
people were standing clapping their hands
but then run away fast run like hell
trying to stay far ahead of the smell

some brought masks prepared for the gas
the odor emanating out of his ***
he tried Pepto Alkaseltzer and Pepcid AC
but all they did was make him have to ***

there just didn't seem to be any kind of fix
sure wasn't helpful in picking up chicks
if he lasted five minutes without a blowout
he'd do a small jig and let out a shout
poor old Franky haven't seem him in years
last I heard he had ruptured his ears
from the explosion last year it was on the news
at a gas station they're still searching for clues  

Gomer LePoet ....
on a lighter note...
736 · Aug 2011
Nothin like true love
David Nelson Aug 2011
Nothin like true love

me and the wife had a fight last nite
lots of cussing and slapping each other around
she said I was a loser if ever there was
she coulda found something better in the dog pound

I said yeah I lost alright that's rather obvious
just look in the mirror if you dare
well she kneed me in the vestubles realy hard
and yanked out a couple of my nose hair

she said I was lazy never worked a day
if it weren't for her papa we'd be starvin
well your papa's not all that smart I said
else why did he marry a woman named Marvin

back and forth and around we went
one jab worse then the other
she threatened to have my **** whooped good
by her stupid fat *** brother

well when we finally stopped to catch our breath
she had me in a headlock
I accidentally fondled her breast
and then we started to rock

she pulled me close and gave me a smooch
we both said sorry and we knew
we were gonna get us a bottle of scotch
get fallin down drunk and *****
Gomer LePoet ....
735 · Sep 2011
The music stops
David Nelson Sep 2011
The music stops

in the background I can hear the tune
a melody that makes my mind wander
it's too bad but I find that all too soon
my knees and feet begin to flounder

the beat has faded and I struggle
trying to dance when the music stops
the words were plain so close I snuggle
then suddenly spinning like tiny tops

did I forget to insert another dollar
was the plug accidently pulled loose
it's like someone grabbed my by the collar
crawl back into my hole like a recluse

I try to remember the magic words
the ones that made the music play
musical notes from singing birds
but just like that they fly away

a constant mystery how it comes and goes
maybe it's my imagination sprinkling mystic drops
but why do I seem to stand on the tips of my toes
like a ballerina after the music stops

Gomer LePoet...
734 · Jun 2010
A Train Wreck
David Nelson Jun 2010
A Train Wreck

I know the last time I talked to you
I was pining for this lady,
I fell head over heals, for that country girl smile

We were fast in love
you know I don't mean maybe,
everything was going great, at least for a while

Then she started backing away, I was standing there all alone

I thought that we might be as one
live our lives together,
but it just didn't work out, there were complications

for resolving reason we did not see
a compromising answer,
we did not part ways, with any expectations

yes we both started backing away, no longer was I standing there alone

A head on collision caused us both a pain in the neck
obvious to you and me there would be no glory
we were both headed for a big fat train wreck
I know it's such a sad sad story

well now I'm back in ***** tonks
searching for another,
it just gets to **** lonely, being all alone

need someone to share with
a life of loving laughter,
excuse me while I get this, I'm wanted on the phone

We were getting closer now, should we go through with this again  

A head on collision caused us both a pain in the neck
obvious to you and me there would be no glory
we were both headed for a big fat train wreck
I know it's such a sad sad story
we both know its a sad sad story

Gomer LePoet...
733 · May 2013
Flight of the Eagle
David Nelson May 2013
Flight of the Eagle

the eagle soars above so totally free
doesn't have the need to be attached
heart is open to every thought and idea
man does not seem to know this freedom
inwardly or outwardly
at least not on this earth
the mind understands this concept
and tries to build an outside world
invent a future liberation of the soul
can the mind be actually and totally free
free from dependance, fear, anxiety
conscious and unconscious
I have felt the eagle trying to escape
the boundaries I have placed
my pleasures my pain my fears
the eagle is fleeing and taking flight

we all wish to soar - soar with the eagles
732 · Mar 2013
6 pack of broken dreams
David Nelson Mar 2013
6 pack of broken dreams

pop the top let another one go
It was just a dream I know
reaching up way to high
to pluck a diamond from the sky
tears of sadness tears of pain
falling from the heart like rain
one by one they have fallen
no more left to hear the callin'
time has slip slipped away
tomorrow is just another day
if I am lucky someone will hear
and stop my drowning in this sea of fear
but then again does it really matter
throw against the wall and watch it splatter

Gomer LePoet...
730 · Jul 2010
All of a Sudden chapter 3
David Nelson Jul 2010
All of a Sudden chapter 3

A large white limosine, smoking rubber, screached to a halt.
Rapid rifle and pistol fire was exiting thru the open windows
of the limo, and people all along the street, including myself
were ducking behind lamp posts, mail boxes, down alley ways.
I didn't know if the mysterious blond lady and her companion
had been able to avoid the flying bullets or not. The Limo
screeched it's tires again, and sped away down the street.
I raced over and into the building to see shattered glass, but
no one was in sight. I glanced quickly at the elevator as I
heard the ding and the doors closing. The elevator had
started it's ascent by the time I arrived. I watched the LED
numbers rise and then finally stop at the 13th floor. I pushed
the up button and the elevator began to descend. It had made
no other stops going up and appeared it would not stop
on it's return trip until it arrived at the ground floor.
The bell rang and the door slid open, when all of a sudden...

The cops were now entering the building with they're guns
drawn, and they were looking right at me. Out of shear
terror, I raised my hands as they approached. They asked
me of course who i was, and what I was doing there. They
wanted to know what I knew. For some strange reason,
I told them I knew nothing, I was just passing by, heard
the shots and ducked in here. While 2 of the cops were
questioning me, another had gone to the open and dancing
elevator door. He yelled for his buddies, I followed them.
There lying on the elavator floor was the strange man I
had seen with the mysterious blond. Blood was coming
out of his neck. He was dead alright, with this look of
sheer terror on his wrinkled face. I did not know if he had
been shot by the people in the white limo, or, crap,
I wondered if the blond had anything to do with it.
And I knew she had gotten off the elavator on the13th floor .
At least I thought she did. The cops were looking at me
again suspiciously, when out of the corner of my eye
all of a sudden ...

There she was, sneaking out a side door. How in the hell
did she do that? I thought one of the cops was going to
see her, and again I don't know why, but I stood in front
of him, blocking his view and began asking him questions.
I was already under some suspicion, and my interruption
was not very well accepted. He told me to go sit down
in one of the chairs in the reception area, and he would
be with me shortly. He had questions he wanted to ask
me. Don't leave he said, I will be there in a minute as
soon as my seargent shows up. So I found myself a
stuffed chair and sat down, running the whole scene
through my head again. When all of a sudden ...

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Apr 2010
Ils disent les yeux, sont la fenêtre à l'âme,
quand j'examine ces yeux, je me bats en gardant le contrôle,
ils disent que l'homme ne peut jamais savoir, d'où il est venu,
mes mots pour expliquer tout cela, semblez si très très boiteux

Those Eyes in French Part 1

They say the eyes, are the window to the soul,
when I look into those eyes, I struggle keeping control,
they say that man can never know, from whence he came,
my words to explain it all, seem so very very lame
728 · Aug 2011
Frozen Rain
David Nelson Aug 2011
Frozen Rain

my tears are falling like frozen rain
my heart feels the cold it has spun
I call out my friend, my friend
please forgive this broken fool  

I say I understand the plight
but yet I yell out selfish words
and now I live with my own doubts
please forgive me my friend, my friend

David Nelson ....
728 · Mar 2013
David Nelson Mar 2013

I just kissed the lips of an angel
sparkling flashes fill my mind
my love for her spans all time and distance
though she is not here with me
I can feel her presence as I gaze
into the eyes of her reflection in my mind
I kissed her lips and felt the surge
of her warmth and love
her golden hair draped over her shoulder
framed out in her blue squiggly patterned shirt
as the days go by sometimes I wonder
will our love last against these odds
then today she writes me a note
telling me her gentle desires of making love
how her lips touched the reaching tower
how she lowered herself upon
the rigid saddle horn of her lover
excitement filled her voice
and entered my body
as did jealousy and hunger
now I look at her and know
how much I love her
and how desperately
I feel her
want her
need her ....

Gomer LePoet ...
David Nelson Jul 2013
The approximate weight of Czechoslovakia

is the world we see a reality
or is the world of our dreams the real reality
from the infinitesimal of atoms and quarks
to the enormity of our universe
it is the perspective of our view
but is what we view – real
was there a beginning
and is there an end
if the big bang is real
was the last time
the first time
has this happened
100, 1000, 1000000 times
unless you are GOD
I doubt you really have a clue
it to me is like guessing
The approximate weight of Czechoslovakia

Gomer LePoet...
just something to think about :)
725 · May 2013
David Nelson May 2013

just one more shot to give me the courage
just one more bottle for the open road
now what was I saying before you interrupted
need money from the bank can't remember the code

people are chasing me all over the city
they think I know secrets of importance it seems
maybe I'm a spy and don't really know it
they brainwashed me and left me alone in my dreams

I could have been a champion of many endeavors
hey barkeep pour me just one more glass
I know I'm being watched from different angles
all of you ******* can just kiss my ***

my pockets are empty my suit coat ripped
where is my wallet and my ******* keys
hey who stole my drink while I wasn't looking
what are you saying what ******* disease

my mother was a dancer my pop a cop
they left me alone to fend for myself
I doubt if they every really truly loved me
hey give me a drink from that bottle on the shelf

got to get to Boston to close that deal
5 million bucks give or take a dime
I think those ***** or talking about me
please a shot of tequila and a slice of lime

some say I'm crazy some a drunken ***
they're all just jealous of my fortune and wealth
I'm performing tonight at the President's request
need a good disguise so I can arrive in stealth

people will seek my autograph want to touch my hand
now where in the hell is my drink bartender
you know the Taliban were frightened by my skills
they had no choice except to surrender

Gomer LePoet ....
hope the words of nastiness do not offend. I think I was buzzed when I wrote this last year. :)
725 · Nov 2013
David Nelson Nov 2013

look up to the sky the cloud formations random choice
look out at the sea the waves breaking without routine
look at the people walking by in such a heavy rush
everything around seems to be total and complete chaos  

but patterns exist everywhere in our sometimes frantic lives
from the beginning of this world to the end of all time
just that we don't have a million spare years to observe
how nature, God's child, repeats herself over and over

but have you ever thrown a peeble into a stream
and observed the beautiful pattern of ripples
what may appear as chaos is in fact total rhythm
that someone like Tchaikovsky could turn into a thing of beauty

these patterns will repeat themselves over and over
the human being will also create patterns in their life
what again may seem as total chaos, and well might be
it is in fact more likely that it is a repeat of a previous action

so though we might think of results as total randomness
more than likely it is a result of complete repetition
love, hate, tolerance, aggression, denial, apathy
the patterns of our lives, our world, is anything but chaos    

Morpheus aka Gomer LePoet...
722 · Jul 2010
Ship of Fools
David Nelson Jul 2010
Ship of Fools

ship of fools , sail into the night
knowing no fear is your downfall
not feeling concern, is your saddend plight
no one to hear your cries or your calls

pleading for mercy, begging for life
the brashness has listed on side
sinking deeper, like the edge of a knife  
your watery grave is where you'll hide

we think we're invincible, we know not of fear
presumptuious us challenging the rules
never learning, when the past has made it clear
forever we sink, oh sad ship of fools

Gomer LePoet...
this is for an image contest
721 · Mar 2010
30 Days
David Nelson Mar 2010
30 Days

A flaw in my personality, can be easily detected,
need lots of attention, or I get dejected,
just really can't stand, the thought of being rejected,
though I may seem cool, calm and collected

so I go out searching, looking for some action,
I hate spinning my wheels, getting no traction,
find me something fancy, new kind of attraction,
I need the whole enchilada, not merely a fraction

no I just can't stand, sitting idly by,
always needing something, I can catch on the fly,
got to keep busy, or my mind will go dry,
then I'll remember that I'm lonely, and I just my cry

Yeah I pretend that I'm tuff, I can take a hard fall,
when the pressure gets high, and my back's against a wall,
and I finally realize, there's just no one to call.
I reach in my pocket, and whip out a Pall Mall

gotta settle my nerves, get under control,
play my guitar real loud, and wait for the patrol,
to wrap me up, and shove me in a hole,
30 days should be enough, to locate my soul

well there's no real beginning, so I guess there's no end,
if your looking to me, for a message to send,
your in the wrong place, sorry my friend,
make up something new, yes I like to pretend

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Apr 2010
Ces Yeux dans la Partie 5 française

vous trouvez la façon de me rapporter, sauver mon âme furieuse,
ces yeux peuvent voir tout, pour lequel ils prennent un péage,
vous êtes mon très d'ancrage maintenant, m'a sauvé de mes mensonges,
Je sens l'univers tous nouveaux de nouveau, quand j'examine ces yeux

you find the way to bring me back, rescue my angry soul,
those eyes can see everything, for that they take a toll,
you are my very anchor now, saved me from my lies,
I feel the universe all new again, when I look into those eyes
716 · Dec 2013
Perly Sunflower
David Nelson Dec 2013
Perly Sunflower

Everyone likes flowers, I mean why not?,
they're pretty to look at, and smell really good,
they come in all different colors, sizes, and shapes,
I may be wrong, but I think they're even on grapes

Red, White, Blue, Yellow and Pink,
big leaves, small leaves, thorns, pistils and stamens,
bees really love them, Bumble's, sweats and honey,
the magnificent butterfly, and sometimes a bunny

they're good to chew on and they smell fantastic,
at least the bunnies and beetles think so,
It's really hard to pick out a really special flower,
you can run it through your mind for over an hour

but there is one special one, that I've become quite fond of,
It's yellow and brown and reaches out to the sun,
basking in the brilliance of the morning sunlight,
she really stands out, she's such a beautiful sight
I had not paid very much attention to her previously,
It took me a while to really notice, mixed in like that,
then she grabbed my leg one day as I walked by,
I looked at her more closely, she caught my eye

we had a longer conversation that particular day,
we chatted about this and that and everything in between,
there was something special about this one with leaves so curly,
and I decided to name her my Sunflower Perly

we've become much closer over the last few days,
not sure why exactly, just seems to be a connection,
I make sure I stop by everyday to see how she feels,
and she smiles up at me my Perly so real

Gomer LePoet...

- From Rhymes or Reasons Vol I
an accompany piece frozen in time from 4 years ago
708 · Nov 2011
100 Billion Stars
David Nelson Nov 2011
100 Billion Stars

our galaxy of beauty as I gaze up to the sky
the creator shares this awesome sight with you and I
more than 100 billion stars in just this view alone
100 billion more just like it though not a perfect clone

and who knows how many more that we cannot see
the universe goes on and on it seems so endlessly
how can we ever begin to understand the reason
changing ever so slowly season after season

there seems to be no beginning and we still search for the end
I would like to search this world with you my special friend
my small mind cannot comprehend I have no single clue
I can only wonder and share these thoughts with you

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Aug 2011
Don't call me Shirley (tribute to Leslie Nielson 11/28/2010)

sometimes you made me laugh so hard I cried
and a tear did fall when I learned that you died
a doctor with a growing nose in that crazy Airplane
we have to get this person to a hospital in words so plain
what is it a passenger inquires so sincere
a building with patients you made it clear

and when Priscilla climbed that ladder in the study
without even sneaking an up skirt glance
nice ****** was your comment nearly killed me buddy
one could only imagine she wasn't wearing pants
thanks I just had it stuffed was her retort
had to hit the pause and then restart

and the blinded detective with the Naked Gun
back when OJ was still a media prince
you and George kept those bad guys on the run
hasn't been a comic duo that good since
you left us all behind way way too early
just one more time "Dont call me Shirley"  

Gomer LePoet...
707 · May 2013
Sands of Time (r)
David Nelson May 2013
Sands of Time

these grains of sand passing by I find
are like the memories of lives gone past
and as these sands of time flow through my mind
I wonder when I will find the key at last

living in caves searching the heavens
fishing in streams and hunting my meals
and each morning as the sun star leavens
my mind turns like stone age wheels

a million years have come and gone
I suppose a million more will pass on by
the age of man has hardly dawn
I look up and wonder why

why am I here just what is my purpose
sometimes I feel this is such a cruel game
in this ring of a crazy circus
am I a fool should I feel some shame

some say just keeping faith is all you need
I  think that's a hopeful guess
you cannot know from where came the seed
it is impossible to say truly yes

many before me and yet more will come
to trudge through the desert of life
the sands of time shifting beat like a drum
and we dance on to music from the fife

I can only hope that when I have gone
no one will shake their heads and say
he followed in line just like a pawn
retracing steps of another day

once again I look to the sky
ever searching for inspiration divine
feeling tears fall from my eye
tears of all mankind not just mine  

Gomer LePoet...
when peering into the universe I feel even smaller than a grain of sand
707 · Apr 2010
4 and 20
David Nelson Apr 2010
4 and 20

Jump down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton,
scuse me, while I kiss this guy,
old times there, are not forgotten,
4 and 20 blackbirds, baked in a pie,

now of course, the question has to be,
just what is the point, of all these crazy quotes,
the message seems quite clear you see,
unless you've been too busy, tending to the goats

just why is it mandatory, that have to keep jumping down,
would it not be easier, to stay there all along,
and just what did Jimi mean, why would he kiss a clown,
or did I misunderstand, the meaning of his song

I also take exception, to the fact presented here,
that old times or not forgotten, never fade to black,
hey, I cannot even remember your name my dear,
just who were those jokers, Frick and Frack

Is it really possible to fit all those birds,
under the crust, of just one pie,
and of course the thing that bugs me,
is why, oh why, oh why

Gomer LePoet...
706 · Jul 2010
Okie Girl
David Nelson Jul 2010
Okie Girl

When I look at you,
I see my version of heaven
with all the stars that fill the skies
right there in your eyes

When I look at you,
I see my dreams come true
everything I ever wanted
everything I ever needed

When I look at you,
I see the sadness on your face
I hear the tears come falling down
the tears I sometimes cause

When I look at you,
I feel the pain you have inside you
I hear the laughter you sometimes release
the laughter I sometimes create

When I look at you,
I weep because I cannot have you
I cry because I cannot please you
feelings of ineptness fill my mind

When I look at you,
I know I have no answers
no ways of resolution
to fill your void

When I look at you,
I condemn the day I wandered in
into your life to complicate
into your world where I had no place

When I look at you,
I know no way to step aside
to leave where I do not belong
to put things back where they were  

When I look at you,
I wonder how are lives will ever be
ever be the same again
ever be the way we want them to be

When I look at you I know
I cannot ever be with you
I do not want to be without you
I depise my life and the mess I have made

when I look at you
I wonder if you will ever forgive me
I wonder how I will go on if you don't
I know how much I love you

Gomer LePoet...
705 · Mar 2010
Perly Sunflower
David Nelson Mar 2010
Perly Sunflower

Everyone likes flowers, I mean why not?,
they're pretty to look at, and smell really good,
they come in all different colors, sizes, and shapes,
I may be wrong, but I think they're even on grapes

Red, White, Blue, Yellow and Pink,
big leaves, small leaves, thorns, pistils and stamens,
bees really love them, Bumble's, sweats and honey,
the magnificent butterfly, and sometimes a bunny

they're good to chew on and they smell fantastic,
at least the bunnies and beetles think so,
It's really hard to pick out a really special flower,
you can run it through your mind for over an hour

but there is one special one, that I've become quite fond of,
It's yellow and brown and reaches out to the sun,
basking in the brilliance of the morning sunlight,
she really stands out, she's such a beautiful sight
I had not paid very much attention to her previously,
It took me a while to really notice, mixed in like that,
then she grabbed my leg one day as I walked by,
I looked at her more closely, she caught my eye

we had a longer conversation that particular day,
we chatted about this and that and everything in between,
there was something special about this one with leaves so curly,
and I decided to name her my Sunflower Perly

we've become much closer over the last few days,
not sure why exactly, just seems to be a connection,
I make sure I stop by everyday to see how she feels,
and she smiles up at me my Perly so real

Gomer LePoet...
- From Rhymes or Reasons Vol I
704 · Aug 2011
Ye Royal Flush
David Nelson Aug 2011
Ye Royal Flush

I had been honored by a perfect queen
to be chosen with intent as her lover
her majesty treated me like a king
my desires celebrated under sheet and cover

the dark green meadow filled by leaping lords
ladies in waiting for the ace of obligations
henceforth summoned by the jack of hearts
10 times on old Big Ben making his notations

her lady tired of internal stress and strain
I now was asked to go quietly with a hush
as all the cards had now been gathered up
I was subjected to Ye Royal Flush    

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Aug 2013
Story Teller III - Pain in the rear

Hey Bradley come over here and sit by the fire
ah this is perfect weather for camping young fellow
I sure am glad that we had a spare truck tire
I marked where the hole was I marked it in yellow

tomorrow we'll go to town and get us a new one
but now it's time to sit back and just enjoy
camping is a great time to tell stories and have fun  
grandad has a story he wants you to hear boy

here we'll have a beer now don't tell your dad
you know you're almost old enough to go off to war
I have a story I want to share with you lad
it's a story my grandad told me one night in a bar

he was just 17 and felt he had a duty to do
the Germans had started throwing their weight
so he joined Uncle Sam's army and off he flew
of course his family was concerned for his fate

only 2 weeks overseas on dangerous foreign soil  
scary face to face combat with other young boys
he was fighting in Africa protecting their oil
these guns and bullets were real not just toys

these kids were scared but they were brave
fighting for freedom from Jerry *******
many of these youngsters still did not shave
they'd give their lives in honor of their nation

well the guns were blazing bullets zinging by
trying to stay low keep your head down out of fear
then he felt the burning pain but he would not cry
he took friendly fire two rounds right in his rear    

Gomer LePoet....
stories! the fish get larger with every retelling!
699 · Sep 2011
David Nelson Sep 2011

the kisses were oh so sweet
they lined the path to my empty heart
the cycle of reincarnation
the nirvana of a brand new start

but now the kisses have faded away
the path has become strewn with litter
my dreams again now left empty
your sweetness has turned, oh so bitter

the claims were made, thoughts justified
this is not what you truly wanted
it was best, that's what you said
our growing love, now growth is stunted

will this be the final kiss of death
I fear this is our last goodbye
now in reflections I see your smile
my heart is broke and needs to cry

this is the only way to mend the pain
the only way to make complete
the love we shared now drenched in rain
memories of you, so bittersweet

Gomer LePoet...
699 · May 2013
Jimmy Olsen Esq
David Nelson May 2013
Jimmy Olsen Esq

just a cub when it came to written words
though he had so many stories to tell
energized by the one mansosuper
questioned by the planet daily
frightend by the Mr White
challenger to all evil
smiles for Siol Enal
follower of his majesty
the Kent of Clark
faster than
power of
choo choo

Gomer LePoet ....
lost in space !!
699 · Sep 2013
I've Got Rhythm
David Nelson Sep 2013
I've Got Rhythm

fear struck as my heart reached two-o-five
the pace was beginning to be too much
we've slowed it down and I'm alive
I needed the doctors intelligent touch

it wasn't just as simple as slowing down
in silent moments dropping to forty six
thoughts of no longer wearing a crown
In desperate need of a balanced fix

I'm back at the table writing simple words
who can know are these the very last
searching for the magic words of nerds
missing the things that have gone so fast

Gomer LePoet...
my heart cannot keep a constant pace, looks of fear roll across my face
697 · Jun 2013
Too Young to Love
David Nelson Jun 2013
Too Young to Love

they could feel the lust in there souls
the quickening of the breath
instincts inherited since the beginning
making love until their death

but could they grasp love's true meaning
would they understand real love
that there is much more then sweating bodies
should they pray for guidance from above  

or have we created a monster of thought
making more than species continuation
pure animal desire got us this far
we're not here because of *******

so how old is too young I ask
it seems logical to be civilized about this
but why do we feel these urges so young
why do we feel the pleasures of that first kiss

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Nov 2013
Four Skin and Seven Years Ago

When I was older
so much older than today
I needed everybody's help
in oh so every way

old shriveled shrunken parts
quite near the tombstone row
glassy eyed lawn dart throwers
never ever sitting on go

ghosts of Lincoln's Hillsborough
shrieking for their master
constant fear of letting go
their hearts beating ever faster
please bring me a piece of peace
throw fate to the wind
a sprinkling of my Fur Elise
only has she never sinned

Gomer LePoet...
692 · Mar 2010
What the Hell was That?
David Nelson Mar 2010
What the Hell was That?

I was walkin home late last nite,
I heard this weird noise,
What the hell was that?

Saw a cat drive by on a large motorcyle,
he honked his horn,
What the hell was that?

Saw I guy on the TeleVision,
talking bout his pants on the ground, whao,
What the hell was that?

Reached inside my bluejean pocket,
pulled out a big alligator,
What the hell was that?

On my head was a coonskin hat,
looked like Davy Crockett,
What the hell was that?

My wife said she was leaving me
for a toothless old man, wow,
What the hell was that?

A gorgeous naked woman came to my door,
said she was my lover,
What the hell was that?

Saw a pig the other day, on an elevator
he winked at me,
What the hell was that?
What the Hell was That?
What the hell was that?

Gomer LePoet...
689 · Jun 2013
David Nelson Jun 2013

Simply divine
these thoughts that are mine
of who you might be

magnificently hidden behind a veil
of sophisticated words
keeping your identity a secret
for reasons that are Simply yours

mine is but to wonder why
but most certainly not to pry
it Simply is your choice

will the mask be removed
will you reveal you
only time can be certain
Simply behind the curtain

Gomer LePoet...
689 · May 2010
Bring Out Your Dead
David Nelson May 2010
Bring Out Your Dead

bring out your dead, that's what the collector said,
in a barrel or a box, with or without a pair of socks,
no one shall cry, not interested in where or why

the teacher should never stop learning,
young hearts should never stop yearning

Roll up the streets, can't take those rhythmic beats,
Shut the city down, the senator is a part time clown,
fight the winless fight, keeping low below the light

reaching out to the weary and fallen,
hoping you hear them all callin'

I can't remember when I knew just what was going on
seems I have lost my connection
praying that soon the guilty well be gone
it's time to change, my direction

pull your bootstraps up, on the corner with a paper cup,
dig deeper down, hold your chin up, refuse to frown,
show them all your grit, refusing to ever quit

the schemers will never stop scheming
the dreamers should never stop dreaming

Gomer LePoet
political song
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