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689 · May 2010
Bring Out Your Dead
David Nelson May 2010
Bring Out Your Dead

bring out your dead, that's what the collector said,
in a barrel or a box, with or without a pair of socks,
no one shall cry, not interested in where or why

the teacher should never stop learning,
young hearts should never stop yearning

Roll up the streets, can't take those rhythmic beats,
Shut the city down, the senator is a part time clown,
fight the winless fight, keeping low below the light

reaching out to the weary and fallen,
hoping you hear them all callin'

I can't remember when I knew just what was going on
seems I have lost my connection
praying that soon the guilty well be gone
it's time to change, my direction

pull your bootstraps up, on the corner with a paper cup,
dig deeper down, hold your chin up, refuse to frown,
show them all your grit, refusing to ever quit

the schemers will never stop scheming
the dreamers should never stop dreaming

Gomer LePoet
political song
688 · Aug 2013
Easy Does It
David Nelson Aug 2013
Easy Does It

mid morning walk about
the sun is shinning bright
maybe I'll stop by the coffee shop
grab a coffee and a bite
reach in my pocket
to find a whole in my pants
heard some jazzy blues playing
and I started to dance
blue-suede shoes stroll
real nice and slow
ain't no use gettin' up tight
feel the rhythm flow

I say easy does it
there just ain't no other way
easy does it
close my eyes feel the body sway
dream I'm with my woman
holding her real tight
yeah easy does it
if ya wanna do it right

got a nice holiday coming
going to cook me up some ribs
share some beer with buddys
sit around and tell some fibs
talk about the good days
when we were all young studs
we were bigger and stronger then
the fibs get bigger when you're drinking suds
playing ball and horseshoes
a little pick-up game of touch
used to run really fast
but nowdays not so much

I mean easy does it
that is the only way
easy does it
close my eyes feel the body sway
dream I'm with my lover
holding her real tight
yeah easy does it
if ya wanna do it right

Gomer LePoet...
Ain't no use in gettin' up tight - just let it groove it's own way
686 · Aug 2011
Even a dog can shake hands
David Nelson Aug 2011
Even a dog can shake hands

as Warren elaborated so succinctly
not everyone is who they portend to be
just gain some wealth or notoriety
and you will very quickly see

now wealth isn't necessarily money
it could be simply your thought
stories for convincing so funny
thinking your mind can be bought

long lost mates from days gone past
who claim to be your friend
now a shadow you somewhat cast
caring souls appear and pretend

and whoa is me when it is time for your vote
good ole boy politicians doing handstands
now they have concern for everyone and their goat
remember even a dog can shake hands
685 · Mar 2013
April Fool
David Nelson Mar 2013
April Fool

It was the 1st of April, I had made up my mind,
to take the plunge, leave the worries behind,
I got down on my bended knee, and said this to you
please my love, will you be my bride?,
my heart was pounding, all nervous inside,
I closed my eyes, crossed my fingers, what more could I do

you looked down at me, and gave me a smile,
everything froze, for it seemed a long while,
but I could tell by the look in your eyes, the news was bad
you said that you cared, deeply for me,
but marrying me, just could never be,
It knocked me back baby, now I'm going mad

I misunderstood, the signs you see,
got confused, just thinking about me,
I assumed you thought, I was really way to cool    
but the things that I thought, were a mere dream,
too much time spent, with my friend Jim Beam,
it's just so obvious now, I'm the April fool

Please don't tell anyone about this,
let me figure out a new plan,
I don't want to be called the April Fool

Gomer LePoet ...
A repost of and old poem I wrote when I first started writing
683 · Mar 2010
Panic Button
David Nelson Mar 2010
Panic Button

This world we live in is very very strange,
some things can be purchased for just pocket change,
others, not so easy, no matter how rich you are,
I'm not talking about a house, boat or a car

Seems some days, the woodwork is just full of friends,
the messages, the chats, almost no end,
and then all of sudden, no one is there,
it's like for some reason, there is no one to care

Did I do something wrong, was it something I said,
all of these questions, now filling my head,
am I too needy, do I lack inner strength,
is my nose too big, my hair the wrong length  

Why should it matter, what's the big deal,
does anyone really, give a crap how I feel,
I'm just a pebble, in the sea of mankind,
plenty more like me, we're easy to find

Now my day will be lonely, just like my night,
out of mind from them all, cause I'm so out of sight,
fear fills my mind, I'm an attention glutton,
that's why I now, push this Panic Button

Gomer LePoet
683 · Nov 2013
Queen takes Bishop
David Nelson Nov 2013
Queen takes Bishop

Queen takes Bishop
she takes him for a ride
in her chariot of emerald and gold
out to the countryside

they're hiding from the Knight
in the middle of the day
she is seeking his special blessing
in almost every way

should the King find out
find them sprawled on the lawn
he would have their very heads
executed by his pawn

and so it is written
written in the book
once known as the castle
now assumes as rook

Gomer LePoet....
oh chess is such a lovely game !
David Nelson Apr 2010
Ces Yeux dans la Partie 4 française

Je regrette que je ne sache pas, quand tout était nouveau,
avait vu ces visions tôt, que je vois maintenant quand avec vous,
vous m'avez enseigné tellement, comment vous occuper de moi,
quand je ne peux pas accepter la vérité, les vents me soufflent à la mer

I wish that I had known, when everything was new,
had seen those visions early, that I now see when with you,
you have taught me so much, how to deal with me,
when I cannot accept the truth, winds ******* out to sea
677 · Dec 2013
The Kings (a holiday poem)
David Nelson Dec 2013
The Kings (a holiday poem)

Have you heard the news, the Kings are coming
the drummer boy, he's doing his drumming,
it's the time of year, when we celebrate,
it will have to do, though it's the wrong date

most people are smiling and humming carols,
shop, shop, shopping, reaching in barrels,
to find that perfect thing, for Bobby or Sue,
when searching our hearts is what we need to do

If Abraham, Muhammad, Jesus or Krishna is your King,
thank them all, for giving us voices to sing,
about the freedoms that they, gave to us all,
the hope and the joy, hearing our call

bringing us out, out to the light,
removing us from the darkness of night,
for they gave their lives, so we could be free,
they started it all, they made others see

so when we celebrate, this wonderful day,
let us not forget, how it got this way

David Nelson aka Gomer LePoet...
A piece I post every year around this time :)
676 · Oct 2011
Outside looking In
David Nelson Oct 2011
Outside looking In

topsy turvey turnabout
must be guilty of some sin
cause once again I'm outside
I'm outside looking in

now you see it now you don't
using slight-of-hand
things change oh so drastically
so hard to understand

peek-a-boo now you're it
must be time to turn and hide
I know there is an explanation
but it tears me up inside

sometimes the sun will shine
but the clouds always return
get so excited when I need my shades
but when will I ever learn

for every moment of sublime bliss
there are a hundred worse
a thousand times a goodbye kiss
it's such an evil curse

no explanation saying why
none is needed I'll take it on the chin
growing colder inside no more tears to cry
I'm outside looking in  

Gomer LePoet ....
672 · May 2013
Stone Cold
David Nelson May 2013
Stone Cold

so far away
like a Venus moon
cold stone eyes
stone cold lies

you were here
you were there
I thought I knew you
but does anyone

you put me on
you put me off
you put me out
you remind me of a
song from the Rainbow

I was a day late
a dollar short
an octave and
2 flats low

I'm coming home
will you be there
will this time
you pretend to care

or will you hum a tune
off into space without a care
bless your heart I do declare
didn't the wicked witch melt

Gomer LePoet....
671 · Mar 2010
Body next to mine
David Nelson Mar 2010
Body next to mine

Hold me real close,
whisper sweet things in my ear,
tell me just how much,
you want me near you

I can't sleep at night,
cause you're always on my mind,
and if I close my eyes,
I swear I can hear you

Oh you are my light,
all my dreams come true,
say that you feel,
the same way that I do

I've got stars in my eyes,
butterflies inside,
I've waited so long
just to be near you

laughing and loving,
there's music in the air,
can't even imagine,
how we could get higher

so happy together,
sharing all the little things,
and when we make love,
you can feel the fire

Oh I want your body next to mine,
yeah I need your loving all the time

Gomer LePoet...
670 · Apr 2010
Easter Sunday
David Nelson Apr 2010
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is the Christian celebration of the resurrection
of Jesus of Nazareth from his crucifiction on Good Friday.
If you are not a christian or even if you consider yourself to be one,
and do not place much belief as to whether or not this event actually
took place, but is symbolic in nature, have nothing to be apologetic for.
For those of you who do totally believe in this miracle, because your faith
says to that you do believe, I will not ever challenge. The more important
issue to me, go back two spaces, is Good Friday, as it is called. This day
has much more significance to me.
Jesus, no matter how you perceive his person to be, Son of God,
or King of the Jews, or a not so normal politician, performed a function,
that benefited all of mankind. Whether or not he absolved the sins of
man is up to the believers. What he provided mankind, is measurable and
unmeasurable at the same time. He was the pioneer of Human Rights.
His teachings caused the revolution of thought. His actions stirred the
thoughts of a yearning civilization to reach for higher goals. To bring
attention of the elitist of the world, that they will be held accountable for
their actions, somewhere, sometime. To give a hope to the struggling
peoples of this world. For this, I give thanks and will always look inside
my heart to find what is right.
There will be those of you who read this, that think I am a total idiot.
That I really have no knowledge of what I am speaking. I say to you
that you are probably right, but I welcome your thoughts on this,
and I feel that this is exactly what I am presenting to you, about the
significance of this entire weekend.
Happy Easter everyone, whatever your beliefs.
David Nelson aka Gomer Lepoet
669 · Mar 2010
I just wanna Dance
David Nelson Mar 2010
I just wanna Dance

please excuse me, don't mean to intrude,
hope you don't think, that I'm being rude,
but I've been watching you, shake and move,
and I just wanna dance with you,
yes, I just wanna dance with you

don't tell me your stories, I won't tell you mine,
no need to get heavy, and make love the grand prize,
there is no reason, to pretend what we're not,
cause I just wanna dance with you,
oh I just wanna dance with you  

there's no reason, to believe, that we can't be alone,
together, just we two,
you know there's no reason, to believe, that we can't get along,
together, me and you

Gomer LePoet...

check out the musical version of this poem at my music web site
668 · Mar 2010
David Nelson Mar 2010

I hear the sounds of a loud cymbal crash,
now my teeth, or starting to gnash,
I'm friginfrazzled, that's what I am,
my nerves are on edge, my mind is like spam,
oh I am such a tortured soul,
just wanna go, climb in a hole,
tell everyone to pissupatree,
just quit screwin with me,
I offer my heart, and get kicked in the nutz,
maybe I'm, just a stupid old putz,
I guess I just expect too much,
poor little me, add another crutch,
I see the world, but no one sees me,
maybe it's time, for me to go free,
I seriously doubt, anyone would care,
finding me lifeless, in my long underwear,
or I can return, the way I arrived,
completely naked, all alone inside

Gomer LePoet...
668 · Sep 2011
Bite my Tongue
David Nelson Sep 2011
Bite my Tongue

words sometimes flow from my mouth
that should never ever be spoken
cruel responses uttered viciously
cause I fear my heart has been broken

expectations set way too high
like a child I want more than my share
if I do not get my wish
I respond harshly like I don't care

deep inside my space filled thought
reaching out to cut so deep
how many years until I'm taught
how long before I finally sleep

without torment from my selfish heart
accepting it's not just about my need
until I learn to bite my tongue
my world will slowly crumble  from greed

Gomer LePoet...
667 · Nov 2013
Split Decision
David Nelson Nov 2013
Split Decision

A left to the jaw
a right to the groin
not a clear winner
you need to flip a coin

no holds barred
everything is fair
except for strangulation
or the pulling of hair

not sure how it started
or where it will end
no longer lovers
no point to pretend

go to neutral corners
wait for the whistle to blow
I'm tired of this fight
can't believe she don't know

waiting for the scorecard
no need for special vision
no one is the winner
it's a split decision
Gomer LePoet....
It's a fine line - a very fine line
667 · Aug 2011
It looks like rain
David Nelson Aug 2011
It looks like rain

gosh I had big ideas I was hoping to be someone
something went wrong with my carefully plotted plan
I stopped to take a look when I clearly should have run
sweet distractions caused the crap to hit the fan

I convinced myself that I could surely make this work
I mean after all it was just a harmless little trek
but this light blinded me and made my blood perk
then I felt the teeth of love bite me on the neck

the sun shined brightly as I walked in a zombie trance
fields of flowers stretched as far as the eye could see
birds singing melodies so sweet as I saw her face advance
she became more beautiful her glow enveloped me

I knew this must surely be someones elses dream
this did not fit at all into my simple minds design
then the clouds began to gather no more gentle stream
the wind began to howl and storms in a distant line

the sun slowly disappeared from the sky turning grey
the thunder clapping and winds sounding like a train
I awakened from my deep sleep and I heard someone say
yes my friend it most certainly looks like rain

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Jul 2013
The Better to see you with my Dear

yes I know my eyes are bigger
and I have telescopic lenses
trying to see beyond the camouflage
that you hide behind

but it is the sense of urgency
not so much the false pretenses
your hidden tricks with decoupage
that really blows my mind

you climb the ivory fences
looking down on Wrigley Field
under Funk and Wagnalls porch
inside an empty jelly jar

so hard to keep track of
your words of daily yield
by the light of your burning torch
bounced like an old bumper car

the magic words to break the spell
abracadbra alakazam
make the serpent stand abrupt
or make him disappear

so we exchange pleasant thoughts
and a bite of roasted ham
I'll keep my eyes wide shut
the better to see you with my dear

Gomer LePoet ...
more make believe Alice
666 · May 2013
Waistin' Time (r)
David Nelson May 2013
Waistin' Time

Wake up in the morning,
try to wipe the sleep from my eyes,
all night long its been a-stormin',
lightning crackin' the skies,
listenin' to the radio,
waiting for the sun to shine,
listenin' for that blue bird song,
just waistin' my time

Old man in the moon,
wipe that smile from your face,
there hasn't been any harvest,
feel like I'm runnin' in place,
gotta get a move on,
gotta make up my mind,
gonna have to make a change from
waistin' my time

Since I left that school, couldn't follow the rule,
ain't never going back,
now I realize, they weren't tellin' any lies,
me and KC gotta get back on the track
and stop waistin my time

Take my old suit to the cleaners,
remove the doubt from my day,
you know some people can be leaners,
but that just isn't my way,
gotta get a move on,
gotta make up my mind,
gonna have to make a change from
waistin my time

Since I left that school, couldn't follow the rule,
ain't never going back,
now I realize, they weren't tellin' any lies,
me and KC gotta get back on the track
and stop waistin my time

Gomer LePoet...
Another of my songs written and performed by me. A song about making something happen instead of waiting for something to happen.
665 · Nov 2011
Mary Go Round
David Nelson Nov 2011
Mary Go Round

she lies in the garden her mind consumed in dreams
spinning this way then that way it seems
she can almost breathe in the smell of her lover
mixed in with the daffodils and lilacs and one other

her pretty blue dress flutters in the fall breeze
leaving her soft legs uncovered above the knees
she dreams his touch underneath but it is her own
skillfully manipulative fingers loosing free a moan

after all it is her temple this is her genuflection
wonders if her lover dreams of her in his reflection
she should go she knows that is the proper answer
but if she leaves  who then will lovingly romance her

spinning in the garden where wild kisses land galore
round and round goes Mary confused by this for sure
torn betwixt and between her lips tremble for an answer
on her tiptoes pirouette like a ballet dancer

again her mind rolls thru the clouds of blissful rushes
feeling his hands on her supple ******* tongue flickered hushes
she feels his eyes staring into her own eyes of grey
take me now my darling please never go away

as she awakens from weary torment thrown away the chains
the release of her special fragrance releases all the pains
the morning rain drops breathing in the sound
from high above we smile and watch Mary Go Round

Gomer LePoet ....
664 · Aug 2011
It's the Little Things
David Nelson Aug 2011
It's the Little Things

I  don't need a castle  
or a mansion of any kind
I don't want a limousine
it's the furthest from my mind

what I need is your gentle touch
your hand upon my face
your soft words of love to me
the scent of your fine lace

yes big things can be fine
they can create a distraction
but when I am all alone
thoughts of you are my attraction

I bet a trip to Paris
would be quite the thrill
or singing with the Fat man
up on Blueberry Hill

a diamond watch or golden ring
either would be the bomb
but walking hand and hand with you
would bring my world some calm

you don't need to write an opera
or a musical for Broadway
just a simple note of hi my love
would make my perfect day

a yacht can be lots of  fun
but I'd prefer a bird that sings
or hear you whisper I love you
yes it's just the little things

Gomer LePoet ....
663 · Jun 2013
Dumping Jack Flash
David Nelson Jun 2013
Dumping Jack Flash

Dumping Jack Flash
it's a gas gas gas
one minute a prince
the next nothing but an ***

it feels so good
to have the feeling of a thump
upside his head
as he's tossed into the dump

pick himself up
and brush off the dirt
get right back in line
don't even button up his shirt

you see he's been here before
in case you didn't know
like Pillsbury
all rolled up in dough

thrown in the oven
stuck with a fork
you know when he's ready
when he begins to bark

his eyes swollen red
headed for a crash
like old Major Frank
in an episode of Mash

was eating tasty morsels
now gone in a flash
understands the reasons
but he's run out of stash

can't cop a buzz
completely out of cash
find the whiskey bottle
make his own bash

he thought he was someone
but apparently just trash
so easily tossed
dumping Jack Flash

it's a gas gas gas

Gomer LePoet ...
a twist on the old Stones tune Jumping Jack Flash
662 · Mar 2010
There's a cat in my hat
David Nelson Mar 2010
I needed to go to the store the other day,
I was in a big hurry, no time to play,
I grabbed my wallet, my keys, and my hat,
and reached down to pet my friendly old cat
The traffic was bad, cars going fast,
took me forever, but I got there at last,
picked up some milk, some butter, some cheese,
grabbed for my hanky as I started to sneeze
I got into line it was terribly long,
I daydreamed a while, recalling a song,
the man at the checkout was starring at me,
I wondered what, what it could be
He said 'something is wrong' there's a tail from your hat,
I patted my head 'I said it's just my old cat',
he looked at me funny so I said to him,
his name is Fluffy, but I call him Jim
He likes to go with me wherever I go,
and I like him with me he puts on a show,
he pats my nose and licks on my head,
he's more than a cat he's my best friend I said
some may think I'm silly for sure,
but I have a hard time walking out of that door,
without my wallet, my keys to my flat,
but most of all my cat in my hat

Gomer LePoet...
657 · Jul 2013
Don't call me Shirley
David Nelson Jul 2013
Don't call me Shirley
(tribute to Leslie Nielson 11/28/2010)

sometimes you made me laugh so hard I cried
and a tear did fall when I learned that you died
a doctor with a growing nose in that crazy Airplane
we have to get this person to a hospital in words so plain
what is it a passenger inquires so sincere
a building with patients you made it clear

and when Priscilla climbed that ladder in the study
without even sneaking an up skirt glance
nice ****** was your comment nearly killed me buddy
one could only imagine she wasn't wearing pants
thanks I just had it stuffed was her retort
had to hit the pause and then restart

and the blinded detective with the Naked Gun
back when OJ was still a media prince
you and George kept those bad guys on the run
hasn't been a comic duo that good since
you left us all behind way way too early
just one more time "Dont call me Shirley"  

Gomer LePoet...
(tribute to Leslie Nielson who passed 11/28/2010)
656 · Mar 2010
When I Get Old
David Nelson Mar 2010
When I Get Old

When I get old and my hair falls out,
will you still want me now
When I get old and my teeth turn south,
will you still need me now
When I get old and nothing seems to work,
will you still love me now
When I get old and sometimes act like a ****,
will you still like me now

When I forget where I put my keys,
will you still want me now  
When I complain about my knees,
will you still need me now
When I turn my radio too loud,
will you still love me now
When I break wind in a crowd,
will you still like me now

When I'm a old grouch a royal pain,
will you still want me now
When I spill stuff leaving a stain,
will you still need me now
When I complain about everything,
will you still love me now
When I clog up the drain,
will you still like me now

I hope you will remember when I was a stud
I pray that you'll forgive me when I am a dud
When I get old

Gomer LePoet...
655 · Jun 2013
Pretty Please with Sugar
David Nelson Jun 2013
Pretty Please with Sugar

I've hit the wall with my thoughts
words will no longer fill my head
now nothing there but doubts
things I have written you never read

you were my magical inspiration
you were the soul of my delight
I need you to be my Leda
I want to be your swan in the moonlight

I miss the fragrance of my Sunflower
I miss my babydoll and all her charms
I beg you pretty please with sugar on it
return to my waiting empty arms

Gomer LePoet ....
653 · Jun 2013
I Kissed a Girl
David Nelson Jun 2013
I Kissed a Girl

I was only 13 and nervous as a cat
but this feeling inside had me out of control
I looked at her lips and that was that
I had to taste them I just had to know

I really had no idea how to do it
but I was going to try no matter what
we gazed into each others eyes and we knew it
even though I had knots in my gut

I approached from the left I wasn't sure
should I come in from the other side
the feeling inside was the perfect cure
when we finally kissed it was electric glide

now that I have finally kissed a girl
I don't know why I would ever stop
the warmth the ******* heart's a whirl
I'm going to kiss kiss kiss until I drop  
Gomer LePoet...
that first teenage kiss :)
653 · Apr 2010
Down For the Count
David Nelson Apr 2010
Down For the Count

Knew this was gonna be, a tough fight from the start,
the stakes were high, it would cost me my heart,
I trained most diligently, day after day,
blood sweat and tears, prepare for the fray,

took many body punches, right in my gut,
and when I bent over, got a kick in the ****,
you gouged my eyes, took a jab to the neck,
there is no prize money, ain't getting no check,

went down for a 6-count, early in the fight,
first to my knees, then stand upright,
the referee looked me, square in the eye,
you a man or a boy, wipe those tears fancy guy,

so I got back in, and tried it some more,
once again I went down not needing anymore,
but I was an idiot, thought I was tough,
flexed my muscles, thought I looked real buff,

the words were angry, the looks were real mean,
we clenched in the middle, but we finally broke clean,
I tried for a kiss , a hug, and a smile,
told me to hush, needing more than a smile,

one more time, I put my jaw in the way,
took a hard right, thats the end of my day,
down on all-fours, I was ready to mount,
this fight was over, I was down for the count.

Gomer LePoet....
652 · Aug 2011
She wore Black Satin
David Nelson Aug 2011
She wore Black Satin

She was eloquent with a beauty that made men mad
her soft tanned white skin glowed like the sun
her beautiful eyes mesmerized though sometimes sad
once you saw her smile there was nowhere to run

she appeared from out of the darkness
her golden hair flowing softly as she walked
her soft warm lips on mine left me breathless
a thousand words were spoken though no one talked

her luscious body left me stunned and dazed
dressed in shinny black satin you could see right through
her soft moans of pleasure left me crazed
wanting more making love until the morning dew

Gomer LePoet...
651 · Apr 2010
David Nelson Apr 2010

Here we lie side by side, staring at each others face,
heads on hands held up by elbows, breathing in this time and place,
we share our thoughts, we speak our dreams, we melt into each other's eyes,
we reminisce, we trace our paths, broken hearts sometimes our goodbyes

but tonight we loved, our deepest love, we accepted from each other,
tender kisses we placed, on each others lips, like kisses from our mother,
with such deep love we breathe each other, your lavender I taste,
slowly I feel all of you, every smooth silky inch, rushing would be waste

though sometimes we have our differences, tonight we blend like one,
water and oil, the fertile soil was joined like rain and sun,
I give praise and thank the heavens, for sharing this with you,
I do not deserve, feeling every curve, your musky morning dew  

beads of sweat run down my brow, hearts are beating hard and fast,
almost there, no releasing yet, make this loving moment last,
now I am yours and you are mine, as naked stars collide,
expansion then, and now collapse, we are unified.

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Sep 2013
Living on the edge of a Broken Heart

I know the pain is for real
I try to brush it off like it's no big deal
but you put me out here right on the edge

I feel like I have a broken seal
love is leaking out like a punctured wheel
just one more step before I fall off the ledge

I know you tried your very best
you have said your lines and need some rest
like actors on the stage we both played our part

but I wonder is this some sort of test
a hard time controlling the pain in my chest
feel like I'm living on the edge of a broken heart

Gomer LePoet...
thought inspired by an 80's bubble head chic rock band, *****, that actually knew how to play their instruments, and remain in my collection to this day :)
648 · Aug 2011
Romance Unclassified
David Nelson Aug 2011
Romance Unclassified

times are bad
need some romance

my love life has gone to hell
need me some sort of magic caper
need to find someone who I can tell
put me an add in the Sunday paper

let me see what sort of response I get
do you think maybe I should add my pic
so far only a call from some guy named Chet
I told him sleeping with guys ain't my schtick

he said he could teach me a trick or maybe two
teach me to play sweet guitar make the ladies sigh
write sweet words is another thing he said I should do
soft sweet voice and sappy sad guitar sounds make them cry

maybe a fine new hobby would be good for me
heck I could learn to weave a basket
I need something don't you see
before I wake up in a casket

need some romance
times are bad

Gomer LePoet ....
647 · Aug 2011
Filling the Void
David Nelson Aug 2011
Filling the Void

my hours are now spent trying to fill the void
the huge vacuum of space left behind
going through the motions like an android
stumbling with my thoughts feeling so blind

the passion and the flames are memories now
that is all that they could ever be
need to find me a new direction somehow
but I still think of her I still think of me

I look all around and see beauty abound
reflections of the beauty I once knew
her voice such a perfect sound
filling the void left by you

David Nelson ....
647 · Jul 2010
Orbitally Re-Arranged
David Nelson Jul 2010
Orbitally Re-Arranged

she was sitting there, right in front of me
I reached out, but could not grasp
music floating, from the vision that I see
touched her hand, try to attach a clasp

everything was modifed, not the same as before
orbitally re-arranged, from versions that proceeded
I listen intently, for a knocking on my door
hoping to absorb, her strength I so desperately needed

she is from another place, another place in time
her voice so soothing, accent like ye of times past
trying to remember, when old tree I try to climb
reaching ever higher, a stone I strain to cast

if only she could breath, the sound to mesmerize
she sometimes seems orderly, so meek and yes so mild
the lashes of extreme, try to cover up her eyes
you wonder if beneath it all, there might be something wild  

shifting in demensions, monotomic elelments survive
shaping our minds, with auburn colors on the crown
pure honesty, pure love, no nothing is contrive
waiting for the man from Zaga, to finally touch down

Gomer LePoet...
646 · Oct 2013
Scuse Me
David Nelson Oct 2013
Scuse Me

was it purple haze
that filled my eyes
when I said scuse me
while I kiss the sky

the wind whispered Mary
and someones house was burning
causing a manic depression
the tides were gently turning

the crosstown traffic
searching for the flower power
and the voodoo chile
all along the watchtower

I say hey Joe
where you goin' with that gun
lookin' for the foxy lady
and stayin' on the run

so I stood next to a mountain
while the gods made love
another rainy day dream away
hearing Jimi from above

why did you have to go
I wasn't finished with my listen
I'll see you on the other side
now my eyes slightly glisten

Gomer LePoet ....
thinking about the haunting voice and guitar of the too soon departed Jimi Hendrix :(

and just for the heck - here is a SRV live version
645 · Mar 2010
Road Trip
David Nelson Mar 2010
Road Trip

the days are getting warmer now,
the sun is staying up later in the day,
the trade are winds blowing, and somehow,
I have to find me another way,

I want to get on my bike and ride,
ride my Harley into the western wind til night,
down I-10 out of Jacksonville, my shiny Elektra Glide,
hair blowing in the breeze, muscles flexing, grip tight,

the road changes to route 90 thru old Baton Rouge, LA,
heading all the way to Houston by sunsets fall,
finding a place to rest my weary soul today,
tomorrow will bring the curtain call,

heading north on 45 up to Dallas,  big “D” they say,  
now its I-35 to the destination in my mind,
she does not know that I am arriving this day,
I hope in her heart, it's love I find,

we've been friends it seems, like so very long,
never thought this time would ever ever be,
I've written just for her, this very special song,
OK City it says on the sign in front of me,

now I pull up to her place, anticipation I can feel,
taking deep breathe, to gather up my self,  
brush the dust off, hoping I can close the deal,
remembering her picture, on my shelf,

she opens the door, with that smile, cuter than a bug,
I stare at her in disbelief, my jaw dropping low,
I reach for her, with my arms wide for loving hug,
her sweet kiss on my lips makes my body glow,

and so this road trip ends with happy heart,
we spent all night talking about the future plans,
never again will we spend a night apart,
melting hearts, as we speak each others name

Gomer LePoet....
643 · Mar 2013
Roach clip Blues
David Nelson Mar 2013
Roach clip Blues

yes I've been left out in the cold

nothing to cover up my head

not even a pinch of Acapulco gold

just cold turkey sandwiches instead

she left me here dry not high

I cannot find my Mary Jane

no word for many days gone by

so hard to cope with all the pain

thoughts of her still linger on

wishing for one last token kiss

cannot accept the fact she's gone

falling deeper down in the abyss

the clasp of my broken heart

so empty without the will to choose

have no idea where to start

to end this tune of roach clip blues

Gomer LePoet...
642 · Aug 2011
Hello! are you there?
David Nelson Aug 2011
Hello! are you There?

Hello! Are you there?
I know you said you were going out of town
just thought I would say hi

Hello! Are you there?
Gosh yeah I thought not
just missing you that's all

Hello! Are you there?
Crap it's been 3 days now
and I really miss you badly
please get back to me

Hello! Are you there?
I'm so lonely for you babe
please let me know when you return

Hello! Are you there?
Are you still gone
or have I done something wrong
call me

Hello! Are you there?
I'm going out of my mind
please let me know what I did
I miss you

Hello! Are you there?
I'm starting to get worried
is everything alright?
Please please call me

Hello! Are you there?
I'm sorry for whatever I've done
my heart aches so badly for you

Hello! Are you there?.....

Gomer LePoet ....
640 · Mar 2010
David Nelson Mar 2010

          We were headed for disaster,
          our hearts were beating faster,
          we were set for action,
          everybody knew we were out of control
          Braced for a collision,
          there was no sane decision,
          they were circling the wagons,
          like fire-breathing dragons,
          they let out a roar

          the smoke was rising higher,
          just like a funeral pyre,
          everything was burning,
          the wheels just kept on turning,
          history would record it all

          They came with sticks swingin',
          it kept our ears aringin',
          tempers were exploding,
          lives were imploding,
          was this the end

          the dust didn't settle for almost 20 years,
          if your waitin' for a medal,
          keep your foot to the pedal,
          remembering is was 1968
          Now it's just a distant memory,
          If you want to make it clearer,
          take a look in the mirror,
          remembering it was 1968

          Gomer LePoet...
639 · Aug 2011
16 Reasons
David Nelson Aug 2011
16 reasons

I gaze each and every day
at your photos on my wall
glimpses of your beauty
reminders of your perfect heart

each and every day I think
of how wonderful it would be
to have more than just these photos
to hold close to my reaching heart

each one is different
in it's own special way
the colors always blending
to make your eyes sparkle like the stars

your golden hair up or down
I love it every way
wishing I could breath the scent
that is only yours alone

tantalizing delicious lips begging
to be kissed by the moon
for I am not worthy myself
I can only gaze in the distance

yes I have these 16 reasons
I can touch and dream about
and even sometimes kiss
the princess in my own fairytale

for it is only in a fairytale
that this old frog
would ever get the taste
of these 16 reasons

Gomer LePoet ....
638 · Oct 2013
Styx and Stones
David Nelson Oct 2013
Styx and Stones

Styx and Stones, can break your bones,
they can leave you with cuts and bruises
a broken heart, can go on and on
it's sad, when somebody loses

the things that they love,
the things that define them,
the things so dear to their heart
they fill you with lies,
right in front of you eyes,
they think they're so **** smart

porcupine quills, over-due bills,
are more things that can give you pain
but a stab in the back, or hung on the rack,
will leave more than a mark or a stain

smiles from heaven above,
smiles from the one you love,
smiles from a complete stranger
kisses in a dish,
kisses when you wish,
look for warnings of danger

Styx and Stones, mortgages and loans,
the fat cats are still getting fatter
they scoff and pretend, they've been honest to the end,
while sneaking a bun off your platter

Gomer LePoet....
636 · Oct 2013
I Can't Make You Love Me
David Nelson Oct 2013
I Can't Make You Love Me

turn down the lights
turn down the bed
turn down these voices
inside my head
lay down with me
tell me no lies
just hold me close
don't patronize
don't patronize me

i can't make you love me if you don't
you can't make your heart feel
somethin' it wont
here in the dark,in these final hours
i will lay down my heart
and feel the power if you wont
no you wont
cuz i can't make you love me
if you don't

i'll close my eyes
then i wont see
the love you dont feel
when your holdin' me
morning will come
and i'll do whats right
just give me till then
to give up this fight
and i will give up this fight


Gomer LePoet...
A song for the soul - recorded by the gorgeous Bonnie Raitt
635 · Dec 2013
127 Hasham Street
David Nelson Dec 2013
127 Hasham Street

dancing to the music in her head
she was the quintessential artist

Debussy and Ravel watched her
as she twirled around in perfect circles

her fine laced shoes with flattened toe
she could stand ***** or point

the direction of the flow of her beauty
her long black hair flowing gently

her painted lips so red so bright
I could sit and watch all night

she performed every single night
in front of the 2nd story picture window

I could sit on my deck slowly drinking
a nice glass of the finest drambuie

rolling a fine Cuban cigar under my nose
never lighting just breathing

listening to the music play and
watching the angel at 127 Hasham Street  

Gomer LePoet...
635 · Apr 2010
Death by Love
David Nelson Apr 2010
Death by Love

Well, it has finally happened, I knew it was just a matter of time,
before the walls of Jericho came tumbling down
and crushed my body, my heart, my mind, my soul
our love was not meant to be, there were too many obstacles
the least being the physical distance between us
the most being we were both already spoken for
we had commitments, we had consciences, we both felt guilt,
you more than I, not that that matters at this point,
we knew that this would or could never, be but we played this
dangerous game of chance anyway, reveling in our adoration
for each others thoughts, feelings in this pretend game of house
we had our disagreements, we had our arguments,
we kissed and made up, we laughed together, we cried together,
we were deeply in love with each other without ever touching,
we pretended to make love, we bathed in the affection,
the care, the concern we had for each others real lives
I know you will struggle with your decision to end it,
but it was the right thing for you to do, as you had constant
internal struggles between right and wrong, good and evil.
As for me, I don't have a clue how I will survive without your
gentle ways, your wit, your love touching me every day.
Now I sit here hammering this story out, knowing this day would come,
but yet sit here in total shock that it has actually happened.
Right now I am numb, though there are tears running down
my cheeks and it will just be a matter of time when the
finality of this actually registers inside my pathetic brain,
this is not my fear, my fear is when my heart begins to feel the
emptiness that will be left behind. My world has revolved around
our relationship, growing stronger and stronger with each passing day.
How will I ever find a way to replace the hole that will be left
and will grow until I am left with nothing. Can I survive this?
I really do not know. I am afraid that I will be another victim of
death by love. if not physically, then metaphysically I know.
My world ended when I read your last message. The mind sees it,
understands it, but the heart has not yet received the message.
Should I wait or call 911 now?

Gomer Lepoet...
David Nelson Dec 2013
Don't Call Us ( we'll call you )

running with my loaf of sugar
trying to reach the top of the world
the boards were singing fine flatted fifths
and the strings were burning the fuzz tones
the radio station said they had no time
maybe I should try again later
so in other words what you're saying is
don't call us, we'll call you

well I wouldn't put it that way exactly
let me hook you up with the green eyed lady
she will give you the direct approach
although at times she'll ask for tongue in cheek
when Hammond eggs sung the clickity clack
we wanted so desperately to return
but we would not let those thoughts proceed
so when they called back for our help
we simply, succinctly, sweetly  said
don't call us, we'll call you

Gomer LePoet...
628 · Jul 2010
Have I told you
David Nelson Jul 2010
Have I told you

Its like I've had VanWinkle's disease ,
suddenly you' have  awakend my mind
I suddenly notice, this beatutiful woman
where have I been, took me too long to find

you've been standing, right here beside me
must have been keeping, my head in the sand
now all the momories are returning
if I reach out, will you take my hand

I can't understand, why I make it so hard
I can't seem to say, the words that I feel
the thought's been there, seems I hide my card
you've been waiting for me to shut up and deal

have I told you lately, how much I love you
have I said to you, your still in my dream
I'm a such a fool to have gambled you'd be here
I have forgotten that we are a team

Gomer LePoet...
624 · Apr 2013
Highway 216
David Nelson Apr 2013
Highway 216

cruising to the sounds
of sweet driving guitars
the sun bearing down on my shoulders
my mind drifting to the outer bounds
of the driftwood bitters
and cracked and broken boulders

this highway stretches out
and rolls into banking curves
while the wind blows my long flowing hair
Harley leaves me not one doubt
that which destiny serves
I am on the edge of everywhere

without any care
thought comes at ease
under the sound of roaring pipes
puffed clouds float in the air
somehow seeming to tease
reaching out but they are not there

Gomer LePoet....
and on and on I will not stop until I drop
622 · Mar 2010
David Nelson Mar 2010
          Things have been really slow, with north winds bringing chill,
          trying to find things to say, and I am looking still,
          words of wisdom, words of rhyme, words to make us laugh,
          I think what I really need, is more writers on my staff,
          words that make famous lines, when put end to end,
          I am struggling mightily here, to find those lines my friend,
          who can forget when tough Clint said, “go ahead, make my day”,
          I can feel my knees quivering now, while I kneel down to pray,
          and Humphrey got to us all, when he offered this famous bid,
          who could ever forget those words, “heres looking at you kid”,
          from governor to mighty robot, Arnold's the best maybe,
          remembering the chills when he said, “          Hasta la vista, baby”,
          and from the goofy world of comedy, there are way to many to list,
          when Python's Black Knight offered this line, King Arthur was ******,
          its only a flesh wound my good king, I can **** you with this stump,
          life is like a box of chocolates, according to Forrest Gump,
          now the words are starting to flow, I think I've found a groove,
          just one more cup of coffee in me, and I'll be able to prove,
          famous lines are said every day, it's just a matter of time,
          waiting for someone to discover them, I wish one of them was mine

          Gomer LePoet...
622 · Apr 2013
Curb Thy Tongue
David Nelson Apr 2013
Curb Thy Tongue

it wiggles it wags
going in constant circles
nonsensical quatrains
of  meaningless chatter
sometimes venomous
to what purpose
you are such
a bad motot scooter
riding down
to your daddy's farm
throwing stones
causing great harm
strangulation of your beauty
by thine serpents
curb thy tongue

Gomer LePoet....
careful now - watch what you dream
620 · Jun 2010
Song & Dance
David Nelson Jun 2010
Song & Dance

I am the singer of simple rhyme
writing thoughts staying in time
remembering emotions of days gone by

try telling a story a tune so sweet
wishing the words knock you of your feet
sometimes so deep down that they make you cry

turn it all around once again
twin guitars can make you spin

she was a dancer in my dream
bright red lips and skin like cream
she had every move a lover could need

educated woman with soft blue eyes
the way she moved behind a disguise
she picked my number I had to concede

turn it over one more time
garden of words perfect rhyme  

we were made for each other we were the perfect match
was this all for real there must be some sort of catch
rolled into a cloudless sky could not pass this chance  
in my dreams we were the perfect song and dance

like a double mirror my songs reflect me
hidden thoughts disguised so you cant see
but it is all there you just have to look

in the desert of life somtimes you get lost  
for every hope there is always a cost
never be sorry for the chances that you took

never seen such a beautiful smile
close my eyes for just a while

we were made for each other we were the perfect match
was this all for real there must be some sort of catch
rolled into a cloudless sky could not pass this chance  
in my dreams we were the perfect song and dance

Gomer LePoet...
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