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1.1k · Sep 2011
Pretty Please with Sugar
David Nelson Sep 2011
Pretty Please with Sugar

I've hit the wall with my thoughts
words will no longer fill my head
now nothing there but doubts
things I have written you never read

you were my magical inspiration
you were the soul of my delight
I need you to be my Leda
I want to be your swan in the moonlight

I miss the fragrance of my Sunflower
I miss my babydoll and all her charms
I beg you pretty please with sugar on it
return to my waiting empty arms

Gomer LePoet ....
1.1k · May 2013
Something/Sometimes (r)
David Nelson May 2013

you've lost your mascara, your running behind,
**** day has passed, now this poem you find,
I was going to write you something, something so sweet,
something that I hoped, would sweep you off of your feet,
but then I realized, just why should you care,
I'm way over here, and your way over there,
you have your own life, and of course I have mine,
I'm just a simple poet, sometimes out of line,
sometimes I say things, that I should not say,
I really have no right, thinking that you might feel this way,
feel the way that I do, sometimes it's so hard,
knowing what I should say, what I should discard,
yes, I know this is fantasy, this is not really real,
yet I cannot help wondering, knowing the way that I feel,
sometimes your dreams, may cause you to feel pain,
if this is a fantasy, why do I stand in the rain? ,
rain that I cause, with the tears that are real,
yes, this is something, sometimes I feel,
I dream of your laughter, I long for your touch,
sometimes my dreams, are just too **** much,
just one sweet kiss, from your ruby red lips,
something, sometimes, just two passing ships,
I'm hoping my ship, has a life jacket on board,
cause I feel I am sinking, playing this Phrygian chord,
I now seen the sun, peeking out at first light,
I made it again, I got through the night,
now I feel happy, I think I should dance,
I saw your reflection, if only a glance

Gomer LePoet...
1.1k · Nov 2013
Impulsive & Reckless
David Nelson Nov 2013
Impulsive & Reckless

I want to be totally impulsive
throw my arms around this bliss
I want to completely lose myself
in your tender soft kiss

the sadness in your beautiful eyes
reflects the concern in your heart
I know I compound your fears
I have been in love with you from the start

but let me just take this moment
to embrace this love that we share
I love the feel of your silky soft skin
and the fragrance of your long golden hair

the passing years have changed your look
each photo of you takes me there
I love every one they stir me inside
will you ever understand just how much I care

so I want so bad to be reckless
to capture your heart in my world
to take you away to a magical place
to feel our love completely unfurled

Gomer LePoet....
1.1k · Jul 2010
All of a Sudden (chapter 1)
David Nelson Jul 2010
All of a Sudden

I was on my way to work, standing on the corner
waiting for the walk like to flash before crossing
I glanced over my left shoulder to check the traffic
before proceeding forward, when all of a sudden

there you were, a double-take if ever there was
eye-grabbing, breath-taking golden-haired goddess
I could not help but stare at her, even though I audibly
told myself do not stare at her you bumbling fool ...

Ir was 2 am when I awoke in a chilling sweat. The sheets
were soaked as my body was drenched. I had been having
this horrible dream, no nightmare. I was trying to evade
these South Equdorian rebels, who though I was some
sort of spy for the CIA, the FBI, NSC or something.
I had ducked in some heavy brush, when all of a sudden

there you were, the golden goddess I had seen this
morning while waiting to cross the street. You were
signaling to me to stay down, with your finger over
your lips telling me to stay quiet...

Ah Friday night, two tickets to see the Boston Red Sox
at Fenway park. What a way to spend an evening.
A co-worker who I had dated several times had scored
two box seat tickets from her boss at the Bank.
At the end of the 3rd inning, I told Emma I was going
to get us a couple of dogs and beers and strecth my legs
I walked up the ramp to the concession stand and got
in line. I looked over at the next line, when all of a sudden

there you were, this was the third time in 3 days that
we had crossed paths. Coincidence? What's the odds?
Something was going on and I needed to find out
what that something was. I decided I was going to
stop her and ask what was going on. I took my eyes
off of her for only a brief couple of seconds, but when
I looked back, she was nowhere in sight. I mean nowhere...

Gomer LePoet...
1.1k · Mar 2010
Poetry or Prose
David Nelson Mar 2010
Poetry or Prose

Is it poetry or prose, now that's a real good question,
if you mix them both together, will it give you indigestion,

many years ago, the old wise and scholarly Hebrew priests,
who created the architecture of surrealistic fantasies, the prose,
it has rhythm, it has rhyme, repetition and imagery but,

the poem is far more like modern music, magic notes you see,
rolling off the tongues of man, almost anyone can be,    

a delightful place to rest a weary soul from travel, is the port,
where the changing colors of the sea, and the twinkling of lights
never tire the eye in its colorful prism,

so it is your choice my friend, you can bend, shape and throw it,
make it what you will, be you a proser or a poet      

Gomer LePoet...
1.1k · Dec 2013
I have you in my book
David Nelson Dec 2013
I have you in my book

though she has said
the man with fancy words
holds no special grip
her praises
left to honor him
is like a honey drip

she has told him
her inner thoughts
everything that she feels
he has looked upon her face
late at night
while lifting his biker wheels

he is a total stranger
someone who writes divinely
most often words of lustful ***
who doesn't have the right
to know the things
about her as he inspects

you see I love this woman
and I work so very hard
to earn her love in return
sometimes I work to hard
making many mistakes
saying things that sometimes burn

how can you fight someone
someone who
is only a ghost to you
you cannot reach across
the miles in between
to ask him bid adieu

leave her alone
stop asking for her thoughts
about your words of lust
but it's too late
he already has a book
of her inside his mind I trust

I almost threw away
my dignity and
my chance to keep her near
by begging her
to remove this villain
from names that appear

she was afraid
I wanted to control
every thought that she had
but it was her special words
put in his book
that made me feel so bad

she has acquiesced
with feelings hurt
she still loves me but now this look
but I just couldn't
take it anymore
as he sits and reads his book

Gomer LePoet...
1.0k · Sep 2011
Jungle Jim
David Nelson Sep 2011
Jungle Jim

I step quietly through the foliage
each step one foot in front of the other
thorny bushes reaching out to grab me
large webs with entrapped insects
being very careful watching intently
poisionous snakes are abound
an occasional grunt from gators
warning not to come any closer
they guard their young viciously
my exploring buddy Jim warning me
about the wild boar seen lately
large prehistoric looking birds swooping
and making screeching sounds
finally I hear I got it I got it
the treasure we had been seeking
now to retrieve it and make our way
our way back out of this jungle
look out for the huge spider I yell
and Jim ducks just in time
we finally see the clearing ahead
whew! Wasn't sure we would get back
dam Jim next time be more careful
next time hit your 7 iron instead
now what did you get on that hole?

Gomer LePoet ....
1.0k · Mar 2013
Nursree-Rhymed-Rap (repost)
David Nelson Mar 2013

you got yer Jack be nimble
you got yer Jack be quick
you got yer Jack jumpin over a candle stick
he jumped so high
he almost touched the sky
you see he burnt his nads
and it made him cry

you got yer 3 little pigs
you got yer Goldilocks
you got yer big bad wolf dumber than a fox
he huffed and puffed
and took a big hit
and they all joined hands
they were smokin some ****

you got yer Little Red
you got yer 3 brown bears
sippin on soup and sittin in chairs
Red danced on the table
yeah she danced really good
the bears gave her money
to see what was under the hood

you got yer Jack and Jill
you got yer buckle my shoe
climbin that hill what they gonna do
Jack played pattycake
according to rumours
trying to get inside
of little Jill's bloomers

you got yer Little Miss Muffet
you got yer itsy bitsy spider
he made a big mistake sitting down beside her
inside her purse
she kept a can of Raid
she drenched his ****
and now he's daid

you got yer hey ****** ******
you got yer dish and spoon
you got yer old spotted cow jumpin over the moon
there's Humpty Dumpty
and the fiddling cat
the little dog laughed
to see Jack Sprat splat  

you got yer round the rosey
you got yer ba black sheep
pullin the wool over yer eyes as you sleep
****** ****** dumplin
so what is my point
whoever wrote these riddles
musta been smokin a joint

Gomer LePoet ....
these aren't your mama's Nursery Rhymes. :)
1.0k · Sep 2011
Every Story Tells a Picture
David Nelson Sep 2011
Every Story Tells a Picture

concerned mother scolding her child
the roaring of the crowd gone wild
the melting sun setting into the sea
an old drunk in the bushes taking a ***

a weeping soldier sitting on his helmet
standing in line waiting for a permit
pitching a tent in a national park
searching for your dog in the dark

migrant workers tending a garden
prisoner of the state pleading for a pardon
solar flares lighting up the sky
licking your lips for that apple pie

city workers digging up the street
marathon runner with blisters on her feet
working the formula in an algebra class
sipping wine from a long stemmed glass

walking the streets looking for a job
toothless old man eating corn on the cob
loosing your home to a banker of greed
growing your future from a single seed

climbing a mountain  all the way to the top
keeping the faith until you're about to drop
going out in a blaze of glory
you can find a picture in every story

Morpheus aka Gomer LePoet
1.0k · Mar 2010
Sweets Dreams
David Nelson Mar 2010
Sweets Dreams

Just east of the Simi valley,
where they grow delicious grapes,
to turn the buds of afcionado tasters,
served with fruity crepes,
and west of the biggest strip of all,
where fast shakers tend to meet,
is this little town, whose name slips my mind,
on this busy little street,
lives a queen of hearts, princess of mind, maiden of the soul,
who's gentle touch upon my heart,
has turned me all aglow,
she has a way of being funny, but no, she's no ones fool,
far from that lame description,
she's been to finishing school,
yet not overly proper, with sense of reason,
sense of good and kind,
it's been my pleasure, to have met this lady,
and since my heart has pined,
I know that we will never touch, not physically at least,
but she has my heart, she has my mind, she's tamed this ugly beast,
though she will never know, just how much, I dream of her at night,
how much I wish, I could hold her close, and kiss my Sweets goodnight          

Gomer LePoet...
1.0k · Mar 2010
Your Secrets' Safe With Me
David Nelson Mar 2010
Your Secrets' Safe With Me

Your secrets' safe with me, I will not tell a soul,
you can rely on me, I will take it to my grave,
my lips cannot be tricked, to reveal your inner thoughts,
my heart cannot divulge, that which has been entrusted to me,
even if vestal virgins seek me out to coerce me,
my hands staked to a tree,
my garments ripped away from my body,
while verbal daggers are ****** upon me,
ghostly images do not frighten me,
they are only creatures that once were,
releases of fractured mind fragments seeking sanctuary

Your secrets' safe with me, under human laws not to be repeated,
you can rely on me, to stand tall in the faces of beasts,
there forked tongues waggling in the nite,
bolts of lightning extending through their eyes,
promises of eternal gratification trumpeted to my ears,
not Zeus nor Neptune nor Hercules could ever bring me fear,
for I have the power of the truth, I am the power of the truth,
but only if can stay vigilant to the cause,
only if I can stay true to my queen,
my honor, my soul, my life I owe to my queen,
your secrets' safe with me beyond the end of time,
your secrets' safe with me...

David Nelson
David Nelson Nov 2013
The Atomic Weight of Arrogance

Politicians, self-absorbed business tycoons
super star athletes and various other baboons
have this special quality which we all endear
thinking they are above us they make it perfectly clear

they're thoughts, needs and wants are second to none
they want these important issues known to everyone
czars, kings, dictators, potentates put them in a line
actors, music stars, the schoolyard bully even comes to mind

we have all known or seen them digitally displayed publicly
holding down with tightly clenched fist if we disagree
they have been endowed with preordained magic powers  
sprinkled by their own private god's golden showers

they have always known more than mere mortal man
with more intelligence in one finger that's always been the plan
some seem confused that we don't all see them as our hero
last I checked the atomic weight of arrogance is still a whopping zero

Gomer LePoet....
1.0k · Sep 2011
Save the last Dance
David Nelson Sep 2011
Save the last Dance

I tend to dream when I am blue
and when I dream, I dream of you
a slow song playing throughout my head
holding you close, smelling your perfume

I wish I could make this dream come true
and dance all around the room with you
looking into your eyes so full of love
your scent like a garden filling my heart

I know that life can sometimes be a struggle
when its cold outside, with you I would snuggle
playing board games and listening to tunes
drinking warm tea and laughing loudly

I know other partners have danced before
you've held their hands and even more
those things don't really matter to me now
I dream that you save the last dance, for me
1.0k · May 2013
The Persian Chessboard
David Nelson May 2013
The Persian Chessboard

as the story goes, it happened in Persia
could have been India, or even in China
the King was bored, so he looked for someone wiser  
the Grand Vizier, being the principle adviser

entertain me the King said, challenge my senses
I need something different, I'm tired of burning fences
the Vizier scratched his chin, and stared straight ahead
how about a new game, where you have to use your head

we'll use moving pieces, on black and white squares
the King will be the major piece, the rest nobody cares
capture the opponents King, to make him surrender
be careful of the others, the ones who are pretender

we can call it 'shahmat', or death to the King
and when this death is proclaimed, everybody sing
the final move is checkmate, there will be no place to run
the game sometimes in real life, the loser had no fun

the pawns and the knights, each one fell to the side
eventually then an added piece, the King's special bride
the Queen was entered in, she also had some power
she was just as deadly, cutthroat behind you in the shower

the King was very pleased, he granted Vizier a treasure
he told him, pick your price, anything you pleasure
the Vizier tried to trick the King, he made mistake instead
the game lived on and on, but the Vizier turned up dead

Gomer LePoet ...
don't ***** with the King !
1.0k · Oct 2013
Incantations of a Madman
David Nelson Oct 2013
Incantations of a Madman

do I cast a spell with words of magic
is this just a mantra of proportional tragic
be it of Old English or maybe Germanic
sending ones self into a manic panic

are you one who is a giver or taker
trying to steal her smile you can't mistake her
be ye poet or simple candle maker
behind a mask truly a faker

Mesopotamian pow-wows and Gaelic chants
spiritual wisdom disguised as rants
from deep pockets of knee high pants
Cinderella slippers at a ballroom dance

wave your hand create a Carmen or prayer
conjure up visions of hell if you dare
whispered Yajna like you really care
the fire of Vishnu behind the glare

oh ye of troubled heart and mind
seek out the treasures left behind
feel the breath of tides that bind
bow your heads see what you find

Gomer LePoet....
a simple prayer from knee touched down
1.0k · Jun 2010
A Fast Moving Train
David Nelson Jun 2010
A Fast Moving Train

I was walking along on Avenue D
my mind was on some things left behind
I did not notice you walking my way
when I saw you I nearly lost my mind

a tall good looking **** blonde
with legs that went all the way to the ground
I tried to say hello to you
but my mouth wasn't connected I found

I was hit by a fast moving train
my heart left my body to float in the sky
if only I could have said what was in my brain
now I'm standing here, now I'm left standing here

I turned around and watched you walk away
you glanced back over your shoulder
you gave me a wink and a smile
I was thinking boy I wish I could hold her

I started running just as fast as I can
to catch up and ask you your name
I wanted to know if I could take you out
just call me Samantha, my heart was aflame

I was hit by a fast moving train
my heart left my body to float in the sky
if only I could have said what was in my brain
now I'm in heaven, now I'm in heaven

Gomer LePoet...
1.0k · Sep 2011
David Nelson Sep 2011

When your head's in a funk
if you smell a dead skunk
when goosed by an elephant's trunk

when your money is spent
ate cheeseburgers during lent
don't know where your life went


if your lover has split
left you in a childish fit
you're so mad you could spit

you hear the same song and dance
from politicians there's not much of a chance
changes will come with that stance

just shout  

if your skin is getting wrinkled
your hair with gray is getting sprinkled
not sure when's the last time you tinkled

if you forgot where you were headed
those final exams so dam dreaded
St. Pete's approval you've so fretted

you need to shout

maybe someone will hear
before you disappear
your cries so clear

not ready to say goodbye
buy a new bottle of dye
spike your hair up real high

and shout  

Morpheus aka Gomer LePoet...
997 · Jan 2015
Reflection 1:12
David Nelson Jan 2015
Reflection 1:12

another day has passed
an old friend dropped by to say hi
another friend passed away
I laughed and danced
like a silly girl
trying to keep my body  
and mind in tune with the world
sweated like the fool I can be
at this mornings boot camp workout
then pretended to be a homeless drunk
begging for money in the subway
in an afternoon recital
played music with Lester this evening
and stuffed my face with
dutch chocolate ice cream
to negate the sweating boot camp
hope tomorrow
will be
just as reflective
minus the passing
of another friend

Gomer LePoet...
996 · Mar 2013
Ask Me No Questions
David Nelson Mar 2013
Ask Me No Questions

ask me no questions
and I will never tell you lies
don't look for cherries
inside of blackberry pies
you have all the answers
right there inside your heart
so the only question you should ask
do your words create a piece of art

ask me no questions
and the answer you will not fear
there's no need for perfection
beyond the stratosphere
for the truth lies right here
it's only a moment away
practice by loving everyone
every single solitary day

ask me no questions
unless you seek the truth
like who was that I saw you with
inside the kissing booth
if it was just your reflection
that flashed inside my eye
I must have been walking in a cloud
and now I wonder why

why don't you ask me questions
don't you want to know
how it is inside my world
a wild and crazy show
you see my mind has holes inside
and some have no way out
they lead to nowhere particular
and leave you filled with doubt

Gomer LePoet ...
a real nowhere man living in his nowhere land
993 · May 2015
Hello, it's me
David Nelson May 2015
I've thought about this
for a long, long time
never understanding
what goes through my mind
do I try to hard
to make an impression
failing to get noticed
session after session
now I'm not sure
just how to be myself
do I pretend nothing bothers me
and keep my feelings on the shelf
do I become uncaring
just like the others do
can someone please tell me
I know I find that hard to do
you would think along the way
on this long journey of my life  
I would be more in tune
they would realize
I'm just an average guy
with average wants and fears
I want to say Hello, it's me
behind these internal tears
but I do not think they would care
they never have before
just wish I could understand
what is my life for

David Nelson aka Gomer LePoet
992 · Oct 2011
Grocery Store Blues
David Nelson Oct 2011
Grocery Store Blues

gotta get on down get me some milk and bread
maybe some relief for this pain in my head
getting banged in the cart by this old blind broad
and those winey little kids shows my patience is flawed

slipped on a banana in the produce isle
twisted my ankle and fell into a pile
of baking taters we're all rolling on the floor
this goofy assed clerk saying what you do that for

got them grocery store blues
got them grocery store blues
I hate going but Im out of meat
my pantry is empty and I gotta eat

need some pickles and mustard and toilet paper too
crap I broke my glasses so also need some glue
knocked over a bottle of Gin now there's broken glass
everyone looking at me thinking look at that ***

now where are the toothpicks they're not on the chart
geez what's that smell did somebody ****
they're out of my smokes my favorite brand
like to give the check out dude the back of my hand

got them grocery store blues
got them grocery store blues
it's such a big hassle but what can I say
can't live on Big Macs every single day

Gomer LePoet ....
990 · Jul 2010
Taking Chances
David Nelson Jul 2010
Taking Chances

when we were young, full of vim and vigger
we could not wait, until we were bigger
few things frightened us, we were made out of steel
seeking excitement, we wanted to feel

short on brainpower, but strong blood and guts
we didn't care, if we were knocked on our butts
we'd get right back up, and try it again
from climbing a tree, to commiting a sin

now we are older, the chances more measured
simple things then, now are more treasured
being more careful, with much more to risk
keeping things hidden, on a backup hard disk

are we smarter now, or just a whole lot more boring
have we lost our zest, spending time hiding and snoring
afraid to take chances, throw our hearts in the ring
seeking out ways, to make our hearts sing

I don't want to die, having too many regrets
being so careful, simply hedgeing my bets
let them all snicker, and call me a fool
I want to live life, bending some of the rules

put on that parachute, take that big leap,
take some missed chances, before that last sleep
look that special friend, square in the eye
tell them I love you, let your heart fly  

Gomer LePoet...
981 · May 2013
Taming of the Jew
David Nelson May 2013
Taming of the Jew

Zedekiah was a wild young boy
who swore he would never settle down
always in trouble with his elders
he had been banned from the local town

the Rabbi chastised him constantly
his father threatened him with harm
out of pure ornery spite
he had a tattoo of Goliath put on his arm

picking fights and raising hell
no one knew what to do
how to take the fight out of him
but not the spirit within his soul too

then on his 16th birthday
a redheaded princess appeared
he caught her eye and she smiled his way
his heart raced too hard he feared

she was so beautiful he thought
she must be an angel from above
she said her name was Rebecca
and he instantly fell in love

she had heard about him she said
and all of his devious ways
if he had any serious interest in her
there would have to be changes made

as the months and the years swept by
everyday he loved her more
she captured his heart beyond belief
then came the knock on her door

he came to ask for her hand he said
he begged her to be his bride
he could no longer stand alone
his love was bursting inside

she smiled and kissed him oh so softly
and yes was her answer she swore
this wild young man had finally been tamed
he promised his heart forever more

Gomer LePoet...
a twist on the play of Mr. Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew"
978 · Aug 2011
I Pledge My Love
David Nelson Aug 2011
I Pledge My Love

everyday my heart looks in the mirror
it pleads with me to please let it be free
let it run to be with the one it loves so deeply
because each day it dies a little longing can't you see

I struggle trying to get thru each day
it becomes harder and I'm certain that it shows
frustration makes the mind play stupid tricks
saying selfish words and you're the one who knows

my life feels so empty wanting you
and as I watch yet another friend pass away
my heart cries knowing it can't be where it wants
and leaves me wondering if it can take another day

I pledge my love forever to you my friend
maybe I will meet the Perly one at Heaven's gate
if that will be my final reward my destiny
I swear to you my love will forever wait

Gomer LePoet ....
973 · Nov 2013
4 Door Electric Skillet
David Nelson Nov 2013
4 door Electric skillet

flying low into a spiral
magical words created viral
splashing down inside the crowd
play that music so dam loud
swinging high in my backyard
singing words of Kierkegaard
dizziness of lives gone past
anxiety growing oh so fast
loving everyone on your shelf
but don't forget to love yourself
my mind expands I try to fill it
inside my 4 door electric skillet

Gomer Lepoet...
973 · Mar 2010
David Nelson Mar 2010

you've lost your mascara, your running behind,
**** day has passed, now this poem you find,
I was going to write you something, something so sweet,
something that I hoped, would sweep you off of your feet,
but then I realized, just why should you care,
I'm way over here, and your way over there,
you have your own life, and of course I have mine,
I'm just a simple poet, sometimes out of line,
sometimes I say things, that I should not say,
I really have no right, thinking that you might feel this way,
feel the way that I do, sometimes it's so hard,
knowing what I should say, what I should discard,
yes, I know this is fantasy, this is not really real,
yet I cannot help wondering, knowing the way that I feel,
sometimes your dreams, may cause you to feel pain,
if this is a fantasy, why do I stand in the rain? ,
rain that I cause, with the tears that are real,
yes, this is something, sometimes I feel,
I dream of your laughter, I long for your touch,
sometimes my dreams, are just too **** much,
just one sweet kiss, from your ruby red lips,
something, sometimes, just two passing ships,
I'm hoping my ship, has a life jacket on board,
cause I feel I am sinking, playing this Phrygian chord,
I now seen the sun, peeking out at first light,
I made it again, I got through the night,
now I feel happy, I think I should dance,
I saw your reflection, if only a glance

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Nov 2011
Elegy in the courtyard of lost souls

oh ye whose souls grow leary
on this day so grey and dreary
searching for your mate of life
fruitless and futile so weary

raise you eyes up above
searching the heavens for love
your dreams and hopes have flown
on the wings of a snow white dove

down on one knee you pray
hoping to make one more day
this elegy for souls who are lost
so yearning to fill your alms tray

Gomer LePoet ....
967 · May 2013
Facinorous Felicity
David Nelson May 2013
Facinorous Felicity

Felicity was evil she was bad to the bone
she spoke with an acid tongue an irreverent tone
she hated everyone and everything she could
her vulgarity and vengeance hidden behind her hood

she hated men with passion but women even more
every man a ******* and every woman a ***** *****
no one ever knew what made her such a beast
she would go for your jugular and make a mighty feast

nothing was beneath her her arrogance and guile  
setting gypsy curses on you if you dare to smile
hit you with her buggy whip or set your clothes on fire
her lip would curl nastily as she approached a funeral pyre

her only known fear was water as the story goes
like the evil witch from OZ with her bent crooked nose
even constables were frightened of this evil witch
they all referred to her as the mean and ugly *****

the rumor has it that she was stabbed with a stake
they watched her body slither away just like a snake
but every now and then over my shoulder I look back
feeling queasy inside seeing visions of her torture rack  

Gomer LePoet ....
this girl is just plain onery! :)
965 · May 2013
Yankee Doodle (R)
David Nelson May 2013
Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town, at least that's what they say,
I heard he never made it there, he was rolling in the hay,
with Mrs Sims fine young daughter, she had a real nice pair,
of Siamese *** Bellied Pigs, with long blond flowing hair

They sometimes referred to him, as the Doodle Meister,
he was known around this town, as the village heister,
he would steal candy bars, just stick them in his pocket,
and for young Sally Sims, he even stole a locket

The sheriff of this little berg, caught up with him one day,
made him drop his droopy drawers, put it on display,
milky ways and muskateers, tumbled to the ground,
and when he made him spread his cheeks, you won't believe what he found

A carton of cigs, a jar of olives, and some candied yams,
a pound of pasta, a TV guide, and 2 cans of deviled hams,
the sheriff put the cuffs on him, and threw him in the wagon,
somehow he managed to escape, like Puff the Magic Dragon

Gomer LePoet...
965 · Jan 2015
Point of No Return
David Nelson Jan 2015
Point of No Return

all in or all out
make a decision
is this what you want
or only
what you thought you wanted
it looked so shinny from over there
but now, up close
there appears to be tarnish
funny how that works out
all too often

they were the cool boys
or so I thought
they snapped their fingers
to the tunes of the blues
but now
they appear rather ugly
the music no longer has melody
too many sharps
too many flats
did I fall asleep
and awaken
back in high school?

They were wolves
in sheep clothing
not what they pretended to be
not friends
narrow minded
all in or all out
the point of no return

Gomer LePoet...
now you see it up close - the truth is not what was expected
964 · Aug 2011
I Fell Outa Bed Last Nite
David Nelson Aug 2011
I fell outa bed last nite

I felt bad last nite
knew something wasn't right
when I turned out the light
then I fell outa bed last nite

I knew something was wrong
I kept humming this song
I heard the sound of a gong
then I fell outa bed last nite

I hit my head
my nose sort of bled
now my nose is all red
when I fell outa bed last nite

I looked up above
did someone give me a shove
think I fell outa love
when I fell outa bed last nite

was this a message from you
did I do something terribly wrong
if I say I'm sorry will it do
that's why I wrote you this song

my eyes were kinda glazy
now my legs or kinda lazy
I think I'm going crazy
since I fell outa bed last nite

I hear my woman *******
as I stagger to the kitchen
now my fingers keep a twitchin
dam I fell outa bed last nite

pour some water in a glass
felt a pain in my ***
is it heart attack or gas
how did I fall outa bed last nite

was it just an illusion
or is there collusion
so much confusion
since I fell outa bed last nite

was this a message from you
did I do something terribly wrong
if I say I'm sorry will it do
that's why I wrote you this song

dam I fell outa bed last nite
how did I fall outa bed last nite
whoa I fell outa bed last nite
that's right I fell outa bed last nite
Gomer LePoet ....
A ****/rap song
964 · Jun 2013
Goodnight Mrs Calabash
David Nelson Jun 2013
Goodnight Mrs Calabash

I hope to see you again real soon
the time we spend together makes me smile
I try to keep it very simple with her
but I am in love with her all the while

it's just that I respected her man
he was a good friend of mine
and he only passed away barely a year
but I dream of her all the time

we go for long walks in the park
feed crumbs to the squirrels and ducks
stop for an ice cream soda or coffee
I barely spend a couple of bucks

her name is Melanie a beautiful name
but I have a hard time calling her that
I had known her and her husband Max
and given them a dog and a cat

we went to movies and dances together
for all of those many years
I would find me a date to bring
maybe stop on the way home for beers

I never had married don't know why
just didn't seem to be my thing
sometimes we go to a Karaoke bar
get silly laugh and sing

I think I always knew Melanie was for me
just wouldn't admit such a thing
but now as the days pass me by
I'm thinking of buying her a ring

will she accept my love for her
or will she think I'm just talking trash
until I feel the answer is yes
I'll keep saying goodnight Mrs Calabash

Gomer LePoet...
Mrs Calabash was a famous unknown woman that was saluted at the end of the evening
by a once famous comedian.
956 · Dec 2013
Back in the Doghouse
David Nelson Dec 2013
Back in the Doghouse

I forgot to say I love you
when you needed my strength
it's not like it's the first time
I've been uncaring and unaware

you say maybe you've had enough
it's 2 am and where have I been
saying you're sorry won't cut it this time
I'm back in the doghouse again

so hard to teach an old dog
even though you know he cares
a night on the porch with no cover
then he'll be crying for his lover

so she forgives me again
and I promise I will get a clue
there's just no room for you
when I'm back in the doghouse again

Gomer LePoet...
953 · Sep 2011
Sleaze Factor
David Nelson Sep 2011
****** Factor

old Ralphy McCalister they all called him Chubs
he was a one of kind ****** ball even rooted for the Cubs
he thought he was slick yes he thought he was cool
only thing wrong was most thought he was a tool

greasy long black hair combed high on his head
various sized zits on his face all puffy and red
he still wore high heeled boots to make him seem tall
always trying to impress saying I have to take this call

when everyone knew it was most likely his mom
he'd wink at you and say loudly hey hi there Tom
who was supposed to be some famous music man
working on a record deal for Chubs and Steely Dan

it's funny cause he couldn't play, dance or sing
his best known talent was drooling over some young thing
with his black leather jacket and skin tight jeans
only tune he could play was after eating baked beans

he wore phony gold bracelets and chains round his neck
spent time in the pokey for kiting a check
always looking for an angle to scam off a buck
his made-up stories could fill a large truck

yes on the sleeze meter he scored a staggering plus
there goes another of his pimples about to ooze ****
you know he might have had a chance at being an actor
one thing for sure was he had that special sleeze factor

Gomer LePoet...
953 · Oct 2013
Letter of Rejection
David Nelson Oct 2013
Letter of Rejection

We are sorry to inform you
your services are not needed
your thoughts superseded
and I'm sorry for the pain

We request you not call us
or send us any letter
this will not get any better
we ask you to refrain

We ask that you go quietly
do not ask for our number
do not disturb our precious slumber
the patter of falling rain

We can call our attorney
he can keep you in confusion
make you pay for your intrusion
so sorry for the stain

We reject your inquisition
this is your final notice
please follow our man Otis  
it will not help you to complain

Gomer LePoet...
950 · Mar 2010
Sweets Return Wrap
David Nelson Mar 2010
Sweets Return Wrap

Boy, wouldn't cha know it,
just when you think, you've got control,
you think you understand the situation,
then they make you dig, down, deep in your soul

you think that you've been playin,
the part of your life, and doing it so well,
then you're called out on the carpet,
something's not right here, it's a game called the shell

What the hell, I'll try anything once,
just got to keep an open, mind this time,          
you knucklehead, you big dunce,
it's only rap, all you gotta do is rhyme

the Queen was in her royal tower,
she was just, doing her thing,
you heard there was a power struggle,
all about the money, all you hear is ka-ching

I'll put my game face on, tar under my eyes,
insert my mouthpiece, buckle my chinstrap,
looks like it's going to go 10 rounds,
now you're jammin, to the Sweets Return Wrap

Gomer LePoet...
950 · Jun 2010
David Nelson Jun 2010

my atoms are being supercharged,
can't tell if that's a positive thing
when my electrons receive a gain,
I have this tendancy to dance and sing

particles here and particles there,
paired or not doesn't matter
even or odd is still the same,
hard to stablizie with all the clatter

cosmic dust results from collisions,  
now the protons are taking charge
its the same thing for the molecules,
the small as well as the large

the charging particle is the ion,
can't deny there is an attraction
like the soul of a searching lover,
reaching for it's matching faction

the lips caress the positive,
while the eyes seek out connection
life from the past, life from the future,
once again brought into the collection

sparkling kisses in the comets tail,
the fiery head's mission realized  
supernova explosions are all around,
good God almighty, I've been ionized

Gomer LePoet...
950 · Apr 2013
Bus Stop
David Nelson Apr 2013
Bus Stop

sitting on my trellised
ivy covered deck
each morning
reading my paper
and sipping coffee
within view
of the bus stop
around 7:45 the local bus
would pull up screeching brakes
and the hiss they make
when they open the door
out stepped this lovely lady
always dressed in an
attractive dress and heels
she worked in the
law office a block away
I don't know what she did
maybe she was a lawyer
or maybe a secretary
or even a receptionist
but she always
had this smile on her face
and a bounce in her step
I looked forward to seeing her
she noticed me one morning
and paused smiling
as if to say
I know you watch me every day
I blushed a little
I knew she couldn't see me very well
so she had no idea
what I looked like
but every day after that morning
as she stepped off the bus
she would glance my way
smile my direction
and sometimes
give a small gesture
it was so kind of her
to put a smile
on this old mans face
it has been 10 years now
she has bloomed
into an even more
beautiful mature woman
I have gotten older
and my early morning
to sit on my deck
is the only thing
I look forward to these days
to see her glance
my direction and smile
we have never spoken
her smile says everything
I want to hear
I love that bus stop

Gomer LePoet
a dream - or was it?
948 · Mar 2010
True Believer
David Nelson Mar 2010
True Believer

Living in a vacuum, marking my time,
searching for some answers, a reason or rhyme,
I'm not a true believer,
but I'm sorry for my sins,
confused by my emotions,
free because of him

I know you're out there somewhere,
just a matter of time,
when we'll be together,
I'll be yours and you'll be mine,
I'll be a true believer,
when you're lying in my arms,
confused by my emotions,
and all her many charms,

I don't wanna be the one, who says that they're sorry,
Please don't let me be the one, crying every night,
I don't wanna be the one, who says that they're lonely,
Please don't let me be the one, crying every night,

go where you wanna go,
do what you wanna do,
be what you wanna be,
say what you wanna say,
because it's right

I know you're out there somewhere,
just a matter of time,
when we'll be together,
I'll be yours and you'll be mine,
I'll be a true believer,
when I'm lying in your arms,
confused by my emotions,
and all her many charms,

Gomer LePoet...

this is a song that I have recorded. To hear the music version of this poem go to
943 · Dec 2013
Polymath Pretender
David Nelson Dec 2013
Polymath Pretender

the master of absolute complete nothing
these quatrains tell the tale
of a pretender who is suffering
whose life is worn and stale

reach up and raise your chalice
these tainted words used as a phallus
some intentions of twisted mental malice
lying naked in his ivory palace

is this the fade from faded glory
a very sad and ancient story
of repeating repeat offenders
these single-minded polymath pretenders

Gomer LePoet ....
943 · Mar 2010
Mein Shaft
David Nelson Mar 2010
Mein Shaft

I know many people, are aware of the book,
when Adolph spoke, the whole world shook,
this tyrant, this madman, thought he had a clue,
the best thing for his world, was to eliminate the Jew.

His only achievment was this book of his fears,
Mein Komph was his struggle, for all of those years,
he penned another describing his craft,
of playing with himself, he called it Mein Shaft

For this book of his, totally explained,
this closed minded fool, was very small brained,
so fondling himself, was what he did best,
how did he happen, we were sleeping?, I guessed

Gomer LePoet...
942 · Jun 2010
Boy is my ass fat
David Nelson Jun 2010
Boy is my *** fat

ten pancakes for breakfast, washed down with malted shake
by the end of first class, I was searching for some cake
wasn't paying attention, tripped over old black cat
had a hard time getting up, cause my *** is so fat

kids are staring at me, Walking through the halls
rumbeling thunder, stuff falling off the walls
a large dose of poundage, with my backwards baseball hat
trying to look so cool, but boy is my *** fat

saw Sally Sumter, on my way to advanced math 2
said I had an algorithm, I'd like to run by you
wanted to stick around a while, you know like maybe chat,
she said I really like you, but boy is your *** fat

tried to skip gym class, said I had no ****
did not know the numbers, to my combination lock
coach said that's no reason, I ain't buying that
one thing i will say though, boy is your *** fat

its the story of my life, all people pokin fun
ask me how much I weigh, do you way a ton
want to tell them *******, but they'd throw me on the mat
not very agile, cause my *** is so **** fat

Gomer Lepoet
941 · Nov 2011
Buffalo Grass
David Nelson Nov 2011
Buffalo Grass

she came from out of nowhere

and took root in my open heart

tough as the mid western prairie

once she got in it was just the start

heated words never burned her out

she stayed strong waiting for the rain

the tears of fears quench her thirst

still there even through all the pain

her words of love kept me fed

when I doubted the reasons

visions of her Indian dance fill my head

keeping the beat in my heart

she will always be here even when she goes

like the millions of years gone past

her strength and beauty will forever live on

spreading forever like buffalo grass

Gomer LePoet ....
939 · Mar 2020
Can Anybody Hear Me
David Nelson Mar 2020
Can Anybody Hear Me

Can anybody hear me
or am I just talkin' to myself
do you understand
or is too complicated
does anybody care
or has everyone given up
have all the dreams withered
too much fear deep down inside

the universe keeps spinnin'
we never understand
is this the end
we can't pretend
can anybody hear me  

Does anybody need me
should I crawl into a shell
instant isolation
do cynics now rule the world
dark shadowed figures
quickly passing by
I wish you could hear me
don't want to be alone when I die

Gomer LePoet...
938 · Mar 2010
Wisdom or Wit Part III
David Nelson Mar 2010
Wisdom or Wit Part III

The cameras are rolling, the action is fast,
are you from the future, or stuck in the past,
you think it's so hard to tell, just where you might fit,
searching to find, if you have wisdom or wit,
is one as good as the other, is neither worth a ****,
am I talking nonsensical, presenting a scam,
hey, you're the one who came here, I did not twist your arm,
no need to hurry off now, I set no alarm,
sit for a while, let us have a nice chat,
you say your sister annoys you, and your nephew's a brat,
take time to listen, see if you can find,
anything worthwhile, rolling around in your mind,
does Galileo hold the market, of finding new things,
just let your mind wander, listen how it sings,
search for a new role, see what it brings,
this scene in now over, it's a take, it's a wrap,
is this Wisdom or Wit, or a big bunch of crap    

Gomer LePoet...
938 · Jun 2010
I Hate My Friggin Isp
David Nelson Jun 2010
I Hate My Friggin Isp

I hate my friggin, ISP,
     it's a source, of aggravation
down for this, or down for that,
     satellite is in, wrong constellation
the sun's too far, or it's too brite,
     can't seem to find, the moon tonite
that piece attached, on the left,
     should have been put, on the right

Yes my ISP is a royal pain, I'm sure that you know
but you see it's always the same, no matter where you go

gave a call, said they'd be here,
     if not today, then real soon
said can you please, be a little clearer,
     same old song, with a different tune
so hot today, got jobs stacked high,
     gee I'm sitting here, wondering why
excuse me sir, but I have to go now,
     it's time for lunch, gonna eat me some pie  

Yes my ISP is a royal pain I'm sure that you know
but it's always the same no matter where you go    

two days later, this guy shows up,
     says I'm here, to fix you good
studies his diagram, I says hey, wus up,
     somethings wrong, doesn't look like it should
you gotta be kiddin me, are you nuts,
     don't understand, how could this be
let me look more, while I smoke some butts,
     then I'll have to call it in, while I watch TV

Yes my ISP is a royal pain I'm sure that you know
but it's always the same no matter where you go  

Gomer LePoet...
933 · Mar 2010
Alphabetical Order
David Nelson Mar 2010
Alphabetical Order  

amazing are the stars, that fill the eyes of a woman in love,
broken is the heart of a man, who has been turned away,
crowded are the stairways of the souls, searching the ****** glove,
dichotomous minds each separating, between month and day,

emulating the desires, that never seem to be quite filled,
forever left behind in the wake, of the steamy encounters,
gratification comes so close to the edge, of tears that spilled,
humbling the spirit of drive, as she casually saunters

in and out of her trances, thus requiring a special technique,
just as your about to capture, the flag of your quest,
keeping your head above the line, you get just one peek,
lovers separated, never owned, still merely a guest      

might as well step into the path, of an oncoming fist,
never was any remote chance, that this would be resolved,
over and over the words are repeated, like reading a list,
permanently bringing injury to the dreamers involved

quietly, you grab your bags of lost promises and regrets,
resolving to the facts, that are right in front of your face,  
securing the one of you dreams, don't be placing your bets,
trying to hard, seeking too much, another time, another place

underlining the failures, that are displayed on the page,
verification of these unwanted responses, we certainly don't need,
when oh when, can this heartache release built up rage,
xylem pumping the fluid, will it finally bleed

you're standing there now, with nothing to show for the time,
zanyism is quite commonly blamed for the entire episode.

Gomer Lepoet...
- From Rhymes or Reasons Vol I
932 · Jul 2013
Newton's Law
David Nelson Jul 2013
Newton's Law

I put it in motion moving in space
the classic mechanics with egg on it's face
it is your basic movement of virtual action
every single cause has a reaction

if you push you get pull in the inverse
back and forth forward then reverse
too many challenges can burn itself out
momentum building creating the doubt

a message was sent could not be retracted
bodies in motion over reacted
gravitational pull increases acceleration
now sitting alone no participation

will the owner of the souls ever return
or am I left out here alone to burn
should have thought sooner before releasing the arrow
she has been injured clipped the wing of the sparrow

now searching for remedies everywhere rootin'
trying to reach Sir Isaac Newton
return the bodies to orbit each other
just like before like sister and brother
Gomer LePoet....
can't recall if this was a rule of Isaac or Fig :)
931 · Mar 2010
Apology to Meenie
David Nelson Mar 2010
Apology to Meenie

The very audacity of my mind,
too think that you would owe me,
for doing simple things I've done,
heck you don't even know me,

I showed you my rudeness,
I apologize for this,
crawl down on my belly,
and with forked tongue I hiss,

now I'm sure I've won your heart,
this display of childish acts,
I do what I'm really good at,
reacting without facts,

please accept my humble plea,
and yes, I am a dodo,
forgive my bad behavior please,
I stepped in real bad mojo  

Gomer LePoet ...
929 · Apr 2013
David Nelson Apr 2013

standing on the altar
of mankind  
his words ran like a fountain
professing his knowledge of nothing
but he could not stop the flow
on anything and everything
was it the sounds of his gutteral voice
even though he rarely spoke
above a whisper
that attracted the crowd
or the fact that they could not
understand his illogical logic
of rhymes and reasons
that kept them in a trance
of mystical embrace
the unification of spurious doubt
crossed their faces
and he danced and twirled
and flung forth proverbial adverbs
of dubious distinction
battered by the chatter
his lips flapping in the breeze
of what is and
what should never be
would you please

Gomer LePoet....
I cannot stop this flow of unconscious thouths
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