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David Nelson Apr 2010
Ces Yeux dans la Partie 3 française

maintenant votre visage est très clair, les yeux si très brillants,
ces yeux me montrent, les trésors de pénétration,
J'examine l'image et vois le sourire de soleils,
ils enseignent la patience et la gentillesse, l'innocence d'enfant

now your face is very clear, the eyes so very bright,
those eyes show to me, the treasures of insight,
I look into the image, and see the sunflowers smile,
they teach patience and kindness, innocence of child
921 · Aug 2011
I Need You (now)
David Nelson Aug 2011
I need you (now)

I see your beautiful face in everything I do
I have tried everything to just forget you
my mouth waters in hunger for your taste
I walk in constant circles colliding with my haste

you run away and hide you think I am crazy
just because I refer to you sometimes as Daisy
or is it the look in my eyes that tells you I'm mad
I passed insanity yesterday I mean it's really bad

your eyes burn a hole in the back of my brain
so soft and sensuous I struggle to explain
those lips so delicious my appetite is burning
can I say more clearly how much I am yearning

your golden hair shinning like Jason's hidden fleece
when I look upon your body I feel my presure increase
the curves spell out danger if you're moving to fast
when I feel my body next to you I want it to last

what other way can I explain how bad I need your touch
before I explode inside I need you so **** much
I'll write it in the skies from my chariot somehow
my darling babydoll I need you and I need you (now)

Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Sep 2013
A corduroy jacket and a head full of dreams

When I came to London
this was all I owned
except for my guitar of course
the jacket would keep me warm
as would my dreams

I was looking for heaven
in the world of music
singing till my voice was hoarse
my fingers blistered
soaking in the young girls screams

was it fame that I wanted
or was it that I wanted to be wanted
I loathed the thought of remorse
if I didn't give it my all
it was one of my recurring themes

so I scrimped and saved
and practiced non stop my craft
I kept my mum as my source
of determination and grit
basking in her smiling beams

the corduroy jacket
has become thread bared
my dreams have run their course
I never became a superstar
but I got what I needed it seems  

Gomer LePoet...
Piece created based on a comment by Scottish musician, Al Stewart, on the beginning of his career.
918 · Jun 2013
Fearless Fosdick
David Nelson Jun 2013
Fearless Fosdick

mind of steel
chin of iron
you better run like hell
if you hear his siren

he will track you down
close your route
there's nowhere to escape
law is what he's all about

commit a crime
he is on your tail
and you'll do the time
hear the sirens wail

he is the chief
he's in charge
you won't get away
no man at large

the peoples guard
the city's bulldog
hear the click of the cuffs
you are in his log

the hero of women
protector of child
he's tough as nails
though his manner is mild

just as long you
are not on the list
of suspicious characters
and don't get him ******

so keep it cool
mind your q's and p's
Fearless Fosdick
will keep you pleased

Gomer LePoet ...
an old newspaper comic strip police chief
918 · Apr 2013
Morning has broken
David Nelson Apr 2013
Morning has broken
the crickets and bullfrogs
musical concert is coming to an end

the sun is slowly awakening
the mockingbird is stirring

with the light strectching
arriving over the horizon

singing in unison with the
babbling brook

a sleepy headed yawn
rolls out of my dried throat

I glance over and you are smiling
with your half open eyes

good morning you whisper
I touch your hand

go back to sleep my darling
the morning has only broken

Gomer LePoet...
913 · Sep 2011
No way Jose'
David Nelson Sep 2011
No way Jose

sitting at the stop light racing my engine real loud
looking in my rear view mirror waiting for the next sucker
pipes bellowing a cracking sound drawing attention

everyone was staring I had attracted a rather large crowd
this dude pulls up next to me a kiss I throw as my lips I pucker
there was no doubt  a good *** kicking was my intention

he raced the engine of his helpless piece of crap
thinking he would impress me with his guile
he had no idea who he was messing with poor *******

the light turned green and the fire belched a thunder clap
screaming off the line leaving burnt rubber in a pile
this look of horror on the goofballs face my reflexes so mastered

as he faded to the background becoming a mere dot
I was keenly engrossed my mind so focused eyes transfixed
there was not a chance in hell no none not this day      

I chuckled to myself as I cruised to the next challenging spot
there was not going to be any caring today no emotions mixed
looking in my mirror once again no not today no way Jose  

Gomer LePoet....
David Nelson Aug 2011
Idiot Man goes to Washington

well I need to come up with a brand new plan
I'm sure there are many more lives I can *****
gosh I bet you I can be a congressman
I mean after all I have no clue

yeah I'll strut my strut and pretend to be concerned
act like I have the people's best interest at heart
I'll argue with the others like they have learned
instead of doing right I'll pick my nose and ****

so round and around and around it goes
every four years the people try making a change
replacing the current Heckle and Jeckle crows
with new wiener shakers just as strange

so after four years of wasting everyone's time
what should I think up next
I mean after all I am Idiot Man
maybe send a picture of my **** with text  
David Nelson ....
911 · Jun 2013
Diana – A New Beginning
David Nelson Jun 2013
Diana – A New Beginning

it was the summer of my 13th year
could not wait to start high school
but wanted to make this summer last
time going slow bet yet so **** fast

finished my chores for the day
up with the early sun pitching hay
checking fences for ways to escape
fixing with nails and wire and tape

passed a mirror with my reflection
the thin hair under my nose turning dark
kind of cool this mustachio upon inspection
dreaming of Diana how she lit a spark

on the final day of 8th grade goodbyes
in the classroom empty she gave me surprise
she said I'll miss you and kissed my cheek
could feel my manhood trying to peek

down the gravel road I wandered
throwing rocks at nothing at all
through the pasture to the swimming hole
thought of fishing but forgot my pole

gazing at the waters ripples
a babbling blackbird gave me start
as it fluttered past my wandering mind
feeling the jumping of my heart

then there she was in jean cut offs
a checkered shirt tied at her waist
her hair pulled into a ponytail
I stuttered madly in my haste

hello Di Di Diana fell off my lips
she smiled saying she was hoping I was here
about that kiss I left you with
I've thought about you ever since

I could feel the sweat start to burn
as she leaned towards me with soft lips
a kiss of wonder made my knees wobble
while my heart was taking skips

we kissed and kissed and I felt her warmth
she pulled my hand to her firm breast
while her own hand found my swelling
feeling the tide about to crest

her shorts came loose oh so slowly
she had brought a blanket for us to lay
I felt the wetness of her land of honey
inside her is where I want to stay

my nervous thrusts brought about explosions
her legs wrapped around me tight
she looked into my eyes and smiled
she asked do you think we could spend the night

I never wanted this day to end
we laughed held hands and slowly walked
she was my first and my best friend
the sun was setting we talked and talked

high school passed and on to college
we still dated for all those years
I smile now knowing we plan to marry
my love for her brings joyful tears

Gomer LePoet ...
first summer of love
908 · Jun 2013
Don't Let Go
David Nelson Jun 2013
Don't Let Go

Hear that whistle, it's ten o'clock
(Don't let go, don't let go)
Come on, baby, it's time to rock
(Don't let go, don't let go)

I'm so happy I got you here
(Don't let go, don't let go)
Keeps me grinning from ear to ear
(Don't let go, don't let go)

Ooh wee, this feeling's killing me
Aw shucks, well, I wouldn't
Stop for a million bucks
I love you so, just hold
Me tight and don't let go

Thunder, lightning, wind and rain
(Don't let go, don't let go)
Love is humming inside my brain
(Don't let go, don't let go)

I'm so eager, I'm nearly dying
(Don't let go, don't let go)
You been keeping your lips from mine
(Don't let go, don't let go)

Ooh wee, this feeling's killing me
Aw shucks, well, I wouldn't
Stop for a million bucks
I love you so, just hold
Me tight and don't let go

Hound dog barking upside the hill
(Don't let go, don't let go)
Love is dragging him through the mill
(Don't let go, don't let go) yeah

If it wasn't for having you
(Don't let go, don't let go)
I'd be barking and howling too
(Don't let go, don't let go) yeah

Ooh wee, this feeling's killing me
Aw shucks, well, I wouldn't
Stop for a million bucks
I love you so, just hold
Me tight and don't let go

One day, baby, you'll quit me yet
(Don't let go, don't let go)
I'll be crying and soaking wet
(Don't let go, don't let go) yeah

One thing, baby, I'll never stand
(Don't let go, don't let go)
Your lips kiss some other man
(Don't let go, don't let go)

Ooh wee, this feeling's killing me
Aw shucks, well, I wouldn't
Stop for a million bucks
I love you so, just hold
Me tight and don't let go

Just hold me tight (don't let go)
Just hold me tight (don't let go)
Hold me tight (don't let go)
Mmm hmm (don't let go)

Gomer LePoet ....
song recorded by Roy Hamilton
905 · Dec 2013
Kitten Purrs
David Nelson Dec 2013
Kitten Purrs

I hear the soft sound of
internal pleasure
knowing that she is satisfied
makes me feel good
her whiskers gently rub
against my face and shoulder
her soft wet nose placed
so close to my eye
I can see the gold tinge
in her iris
I rub her soft warm fur
wrap her tail
around my fingers
and listen to her
sweet singing purr
the words
Tāmaki Makaurau
Tāmaki Makaurau

Gomer LePoet ....
905 · Jul 2010
All of a Sudden chapter 2
David Nelson Jul 2010
All of a Sudden chapter 2

I was sitting at my desk, going through some files.
It was just after noon, when the phone rang.
It was Emma, my friend at the bank where I used to work.
"Gomer" she says. "something wierd is going on".
What is it Emma? "I was sitting at my desk, when this
outdoorsy looking tall blond was at my boss's desk, and I
overrheard her asking about you." when all of a sudden ....

there was a knock on my door. The suddeness startled me
I had not had a visitor to my office in nearly 2 weeks.
"come in" I said. The door opened, and this mousy little
guy wearing a tattered jacket and a Yankee ball cap
entered. "Mr LePoet" he asked. "I have a package for you".
I signed for the package, handed the old boy a $5 bill.
He tipped his cap, smiled and said "Have a nice day"
as he exited my office. The package was in old plain
brown paper, about the size of a hat box. I was about to
cut the twine and open the box when all of a sudden ....
looking out my 3rd floor window, down at the street,
I could see the mysterious blond getting out of a
limosine. She was accompanied by an older gentleman
wearing a leather jacket and a fedora. They seemed to
be in a hurry and it appeared that the man had a firm
grip on the dames left arm, almost pulling her along.
They were headed for the 20 something story building
accross the street. I thought just maybe if I ran down the
stairs I could catch up with them and find out what was
going on. I ran down the stairs, taking 5 steps at a time,
and when I reached the street level I saw them just
entering the building. I started to yell, when all of a sudden ...  

Gomer LePoet...
903 · Dec 2013
The Tuner's Turn
David Nelson Dec 2013
The Tuner's Turn

he's tuned them all it seems
most of the 12,5oo different brands
he has tuned them even in his dreams
in damp basements and smoky band stands

Ballwin, Steinway, Schimmel and Mason
the very best there is to offer
Irving Strausser is the one to hasten
he is the master you want to proffer

a fine tinkler of the ivory in his own right
but never really ever given the chance
he practiced until dawn's early light
the best was a Holiday Inn wedding dance

he was in attendance that special night
at the Radio City Music Hall
he came to see the maestro's delight
but alas had tripped and fallen against the wall

the audience was antsy whistling and clapping hands
the producers were anxious not knowing where
they spotted Irving in the aisle hearing the demands
they begged him play they were in despair

he shook his head saying no certainly not me
I am just a tuner an amateur at best
they begged and pleaded for his sympathy
and well you can guess the rest

he finally took the stage the crowd settled in
he graciously bowed his head and explained the situation
after a few nervous moments he finally did begin
he played oh did he play to a standing ovation

his fingers flew over the keys like magic
this was the tuner's turn to take his place
some of the audience may forget his name
but they will always remember his face  

Gomer LePoet...
903 · Mar 2013
Forbidden Lovers
David Nelson Mar 2013
Forbidden Lovers

kisses of fire
eyes all ablaze
we've taken our love
to a much higher phase

but we cannot touch
no we are not allowed
no exchanging glances
in a concert hall crowd

we speak of our passion
in a place called nowhereland
your grip so strong
upon my hand

keeping low out of sight
down below the covers
we must not be seen
we are forbidden lovers

Gomer LePoet...
903 · Nov 2011
Polymath Pretender
David Nelson Nov 2011
Polymath Pretender

the master of absolutely nothing
these quatrains tell the tale
of a pretender who is suffering
whose life is worn and stale

reach up and raise your chalice
tainted words used as a phallus
some intentions of mental malice
lying naked in my palace

is this the fade from glory
a sad and ancient story
of repeat offenders
these polymath pretenders

Gomer LePoet ....
902 · Mar 2013
David Nelson Mar 2013

I have been sent here to find redemption
or to seek purification
this mythical place of nowhere
to look down deep inside

trying hard to regain my freedom
my heart and soul totally lost
the petals fallen from the sunflower
I have nowhere else to hide

and though my eyes are wet and heavy
I try to see thru the spatial mist
hoping the princess will find me
my worlds of inner peace scream collide

her lips remain so clearly inviting
her eyes never leave my conscious mind
she has asked for her release once more
saying bye-bye the day MY music died

Gomer LePoet...
901 · Mar 2010
No One Seems To Notice
David Nelson Mar 2010
No One Seems To Notice

Finding the world of poetry, really hard to crack,
writing prolifically, but no one seems to notice,
I'll pay my dues, I'll accept the  hardened facts,
I'd gladly except criticism, but no one seems to notice,

Someone please tell me, on just what should I focus,
looking for direction, but no one seems to notice,
should I write about love affairs, or some silly hocus-pocus,
tell me I'm a hack. but no one seems to notice,

I leave messages to Blue Rose, hoping that she'll see,
I'd love to share my thoughts, but no one seems to notice,
I've read her poems diligently, I've shared her fantasy,
her Rapture of a Dream, but she does not seem to notice,

Gomer LePoet...
901 · Jul 2013
David Nelson Jul 2013

Rising above gonna start the war
Whacha want whacha need whacha come here for
Well an eye for an eye and an F for fight
Takin me down is a prisoners right

Got shackles on my wings are tied
Beggin' makin' compromise
[Fasten up that time to hide] [(Fast enough?)]
Sometimes I want to disappear

When I feel can I [bend] under [warm] distress
Pass it up on a better day
Well you got whacha want you never knew
Perfect gift from me to you

Yeah yeah yeah

Got shackles on my wings are tied
Begging making compromise
[Fasten up that time to hide] [(Fast enough?)]
Sometimes I want to disappear

(Raise up to your ability)
You never knew what I could find
What could come when we realize
[Don't noone did the compromise]

(Raise up to your ability)
Yeah I'm scared but I disappear
Running around before I promise you
[Like hes some mother? ?]

(Raise up to your ability)
I know that you wanna
[Cause its simple to see of my ability?]

(Raise up to your ability)
Yeah you know I've decided
[Yeah its a ?]

Focus on your ability
Focus on your ability
Now focus on your ability
Focus on your ability

Gain again what they want to steal
Gain again what they want to steal
Gonna gain again what they want to steal
Gain again what they want to steal

Foster The People
Lyrics - Foster The People - Mark Foster
897 · May 2013
Underpants Man
David Nelson May 2013
Underpants Man

faster than a bullet speeding
words of nonsense need no repeating
leaping higher than the moon
oh silly one in sad cartoon
kept his drawers ever full
felt the force of gravity's pull
yanking down to raw expose
not the beauty of yellow rose
covered eyes of woman's scream
waking up from mid summers dream
please tell me I didn't do it
fantasy world  should I pursue it
is there even one simple fan
of the underwhelming underpants man

Gomer LePoet...
faster than a bullet speeding
896 · Mar 2013
The Princess and the frog
David Nelson Mar 2013
The Princess and the frog

time and distance had taken its toll
old and weathered and somewhat forgotten
he hopped on tired legs
all too often shunted by his former mate
he wondered if there was more
he wondered if there was a reason
he was no longer driven
he no longer hoped
he no longer dreamed
he missed the passion
but knew not how to recover
his dreams
his desires
then he stumbled into a garden
it was a new garden
one he had never before seen
he wondered why he was here
he wondered if he was just lost
then hello was whispered
he looked around seeing no one
then another hello a bit louder
he looked up and staring down
staring down at him
was a beautiful flower
a sunflower
a sunflower with big beautiful eyes
she batted her eyes and smiled
he was amazed she had noticed
none noticed him these days
are you lost the sunflower asked
I think I may be he answered
well welcome to my garden
my name is the Princess Perly
what is your name
I am just an old frog was his reply
and it matters not my name
but I am glad to meet you Princess Perly
they talked for a long time
she finally had to leave
and he was sorry she had to go
but he returned to the garden the next day
and they met again and shared
shared thoughts and feelings
she was so kind and sweet
and beautiful beyond his dreams
slowly he fell in love with the princess
well he kind of suspected it was rather quicker
day after day
they would meet in the garden
he finally told her
that he was in love with her
she blushed but did not answer
time moved on
his desires returned
his dreams returned
the princess finally gave in to his heart
she told him she also loved him
his world would never be the same
she kissed him gently
and his life would never be the same
though time would change things
they stayed deeply in love
they stayed the best of friends
though he was still a frog
he knew he was someone again
he was loved by a Princess
and that made him smile...

Gomer LePoet....
887 · Jun 2013
David Nelson Jun 2013

the ancients worshiped this light in the sky  
so far away but so bright to the eye
the calender created by Egyptian kings
rising high revered like golden rings

the duat of their underworld passed
Isis and Osiris in the galaxy so vast
shining down with a curious smile
marked the flooding of the Nile

so very close yet still so far
less than 9 light years to this star
she is binary in number having a mate
though a white dwarf now can no longer relate

she was just as important to many other cultures
Greeks and Polynesians claiming like vultures
this dog of the night caused men to weakly tilt
aroused the women and made the plants wilt

somewhere in the future she will bid adieu
as the galaxies shift and are born anew
this pair of lovers must say goodbye
this Sirius watchers of our night sky

Gomer LePoet ....
the Sirius star of the night and the underworld of the Egyptians still shining so brightly
885 · Oct 2011
Bad News Sucks
David Nelson Oct 2011
Bad News *****

I received news today that really really *****
although not totally unexpected I know
circumstances beyond our control is what we say
isn't that what we always say when we don't know

the end has come and the end has gone
and I sit her now searching for the truth
I mean a much deeper truth about you about me
should I be in search of a confessional booth

where I had settled into a way of acceptance
a spark emerged that breathed in new life
dancing had once again become real super cool
but part of the chorus removed with a carving knife

now the damage has been limited in part
and disaster control has taken an interest
the team will regroup and come here often
even though that might not really be the best

my mind will wander from time to time
past old McDill for the upteenth reoccurance
the object may one day be spotted found again
but I may have to accept total disappearance    

on to other projects I hope to fill me up
old baseball gloves and even some hockey pucks
but looks like another stretched and sprained ligament
dam all I can say is boy Bad News *****  

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Oct 2014
Can't get you out of my mind

There is way, way to much confusion,
I can't get my head straight,
is this just another illusion,
I think it's getting late,
you know we talked about this before,
talked about curbing our emotions,
or did you forget,
I must admit
I can't get you out of my mind, no darlin,
I can't get you out of my mind, no no no
isn't this, isn't this September
I can hardly wait,
I hope, hope that you remember,
it's been a year since our first date,
we walked along underneath the moonlight,
holding hands, wishing on a star,
I won't say won't,
I'm hoping you don't
I can't get you out of my mind, no darlin,
I can't get you out of my mind, no no no

David Nelson..
A song I wrote several years ago
David Nelson Jun 2010
Arkansas Traveler (a violet love ointment)

I wanted to write a thank you note
to my friend with a golden heart
her words and passion for this world
retold by me are only a feeble start

with skilled pen she writes with wit
she writes with love for all
stories of ancient fabled worlds
and cries for political *****

she wants a revolution
not a battle of knives or guns
there seems to be room inside her heart
for all forgotten ones

music is her language
across the universe
she reaches out her hand
to touch us with every verse

the civil war makes her sad
as it should be for all
there is no understanding
of this wasteful wounded fall

my reaching out and thanking her
is just a word of pleasure
for all the great things she has said
her words I'll allways treasure  

Gomer LePoet...
879 · Apr 2010
3 Day Death March
David Nelson Apr 2010
3 Day Death March

It was 3 days ago I reported the death of my world,
an implosion of a not-so-super star like a white dwarf,
though small in size, the dwarf, like my brain is very dense,
the intense fusion of helium to carbon and oxygen left too much
floating matter for my cerebral understanding of the situation.
Well the 3 day death march has started. I finally have made the
connection from my cranium to my bleeding heart. I don't at this
point, know how I can explain the total confusion that has slowly
been absorbing my soul, without the massive usage of four-letter
explicitly descriptive words. I want to yell from the tallest building
in Malaysia how much pain I now feel. Challenging the gods to explain
their compassion for their children, when I did nothing to deserve
this much discomfort and confusion. Oh, I did allow myself the
indulgence of falling in love. How dare me. How ******* dare me.
Do I sound angry? Yes I am angry. As each day passes by, a little more
of my defensive shield disintegrates into nothingness,
exposing me to the truths that are staring me in the eye.
It is over, although the binary counterpart had shown some weakness,
logic overtook that temporary faux pas, a few morsels of fodder
where thrown to me to nibble on, and ease the isolationism
feeling that was slowly absorbing the mind and body.
I managed to control my tuning into recent messages that were
transmitted at first, showing my intestinal fortitude, displaying
my control of the situation. By the second day, a little more slippage of bestowers will, kept hopes high that maybe this wasn't over.
The dreaded third day arrived finally, and confirmation was obvious.
The separation has been confirmed. The messages have stopped.
The sledge hammer has pounded my submission to the ground.
I ******* hate this. From ecstasy to the out house.
I never signed on for this. I never asked for this. I never wanted this.
The 3 day death march ***** big time. Don't know if a 4th day
will arrive. At this point, I really don't give a ****. Love *****.

Gomer Lepoet...
879 · Sep 2011
Get out of Dodge
David Nelson Sep 2011
Get out of Dodge

well pardner I guess it's time
think I heard that school bell ring
they're playing tunes to a nursery rhyme
and I wasn't even asked to sing

the writing is clearly marked on the wall
<---- this way out you silly fool
you're the one left standing at the ball
no dance partner and that ain't cool

did you really think that this would work
you need to see the limits in your dreams
now everyone thinks that you're a ****
tired of hearing your yells and screams

so get out of town while the gettin's good
before someone decides to shoot you down
the horse you're riding is made out of wood
you can try your luck in some other town

the Marshall is coming he's bringing a rope
the posse all gathered in a huge hodge podge
they know that you are the one who's a dope
it's time for you to get out of Dodge

Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Apr 2010
Ces Yeux dans la Partie 2 française

Je vous connaissais de l'avenir, ou étais cela à partir du passé,
nous avons communiqué par les électrons, le stardust pour toujours l'ensemble des acteurs,
ayant jamais à peine vu votre visage, il était impossible de deviner,
dans les années - lumière de primordiaux cuisent à l'étouffée, j'ai émergé pour avouer

I knew you from the future, or was it from the past,
we connected through electrons, the stardust forever cast,
having never hardly seen your face, it was impossible to guess,
into the light years of primordial stew, I emerged to confess
878 · Jun 2010
David Nelson Jun 2010

Assimilation of mind to further the agenda of the few

Certification that retrieval of private information is not all they do  

    Relying on sources that can never live up to expectations

       Obligations heavily burdened the shoulders of all nations

          Senseless removal of alternate energy generation

             Thoughtless caring of blight of character destrucion

                 Improbabilites of reaching goals of the faithful

                    Clinging desperately for the return of the saviour

Gomer LePoet...
877 · Aug 2013
Story Teller (r)
David Nelson Aug 2013
Story Teller

I've been a dancer I've been a singer
many years ago I was a church bell ringer
I'll tell you stories and I'll tell you lies
my favorite story is the one I see in your eyes

I was a cowboy I've been a prince
had my hair colored in many different tints
played on the stage sang in the halls
but sometimes I feel trapped inside these walls

I was a soldier I've been in war
never knew what the hell I was fighting for
they said it was freedom they say it's right
then why in the hell can't I sleep at night

the times are going they're going fast
not sure how much longer I can last
drinking the ***** taking the drugs
feel my body crawling with tiny little bugs

I hear the sounds of the trumpets call
is that you Louie on my stomach I crawl
trying to get to you to save your life
what's that you say I'm not your wife

my head is spinning my senses weak
guess I have gone a little past my peak
just one more story just one more tune
let me tell you about Camp Lejeune

let me sit for a while on this stool
get you ****** hands off of me you fool
where is my rifle where is my knife
there go those bells again the end of life

play this song for me will you Les and Chet
make your guitars sing on every fret
I think I can see the glowing light
so Mrs. Calabash guess it's goodnight

Gomer LePoet....
877 · Jan 2015
Surprise, Surprise
David Nelson Jan 2015
Surprise, Surprise

****, imagine that
a quick duck-in
then gone in 24
I was just
a temporary distraction
I guess I can't complain
or at least shouldn't complain
it was a whole lot better
than the previous
almost 2 years now
keep a stiff upper lip
after all
there was that
stiff lower shaft
that was created
by the doll

a heart can be broken
many times
I know
I found out
the hard way

Gomer LePoet...
what a revolting devlopement
875 · Oct 2011
Dastardly Deeds
David Nelson Oct 2011
Dastardly Deeds

I love doing dastardly deeds
capturing damsels creating distress
tying them to the railroad tracks
while sneaking a peek up there dress
I'm evil and cruel and just so **** mean
I love making them cry and scream
holding them for ransom my ill gotten gains
while having my tea with strawberries and cream
if only I can hide them from the annoying mountie
who is always saving them and spoiling my bounty
yes Dudley Do Right he is my curse of foil
I'd like him feathered and rolled in oil
many things please me like baubles and beads
but nothing quite like dastardly deeds
Snidely Whiplash aka Gomer LePoet....
874 · Mar 2010
David Nelson Mar 2010

She was always making things up, she thought I was a ******,
always playing tricks on me, she was such a meenie,
I thought I was a friend of hers, but I am such a dodo,
she probably put doggie do, in my chocolate Yoho,

I sent her cards of friendship, but she never opened mail,
guess she flushed them down the tubes, sent them out to sail,
guess I cannot blame her, this was her choice to make,
I am just an old ****, and probably a big mistake,

for I have no rights here, no reason to expect,
that she would even give a glance, should show her more respect,
I over stepped my boundry here, although the sin was teeney,
I was the bad guy here, yes I was the real meenie

Gomer LePoet...
873 · Sep 2011
Somebody Slap Me
David Nelson Sep 2011
Somebody Slap Me

feeling sorry for myself
whining like a baby
need to shake it loose
won't somebody slap me

need to think about good things
all the times you made me happy
all the times you made me laugh
won't somebody slap me

get my head out of my ****
it's way too dark to see
inside there is not a pretty place
won't somebody slap me

need a ****** cranial inversion
or some other thing to make me see
need another type of diversion
won't somebody slap me

count my blessings one by one
should take a day or three
find some happy tunes in my jukebox
won't somebody slap me

do the hokey pokey turn myself around
give out some kisses they're free
make a positive statement
won't somebody slap me

stand on the corner with a tin cup
got something to hide me and my monkey
well at least now he's off my back
won't somebody slap me

the sunflower made my garden smile
too bad it had to fade away from me
need to plant new seeds of my own
won't somebody slap me

Gomer LePoet...
871 · Mar 2010
My Window
David Nelson Mar 2010
My Window

Staring out my window,
sometimes the view is very wide,
sometimes the view is very small,
How can that be, it's the same window?,
sometimes my window is CinemaVision,
sometimes my window is TunnelVision,
and sometimes the blinders offer no vision,
how can I be so right, and yet again be so wrong?,
how can I love so deeply, and yet show such little regard?,
my world is so incredibly large,
and yet so infinitesimal,
I cannot believe most of the things I can see,
how am I supposed to believe the things I can't?,
I wish I had answers to some of the troubles of the world,
but it seems I have none, nada, zip, clueless,
I consider my self fairly smart, but obviously I'm quite stupid,
is it me or does the world seem to becoming more difficult?
I can't even understand what is going on outside my window,
how in the hell can I help mankind?

Gomer LePoet...
866 · Sep 2011
I Surrender
David Nelson Sep 2011
I surrender

I wish it would have ended differently
I wish it would have been like the beginning
like a couple of high school kids
we were both so excited

I'm not sure the excitement ever left
it certainly didn't for me I know
but it changed we changed

I surrender all my thoughts
they still are about you

I surrender my lonely heart
it still misses you so bad

I surrender all my tears
they still fall for you

I surrender

Gomer LePoet ....
863 · Aug 2011
I got nothing
David Nelson Aug 2011
I got nothing

the crack of the bat the pleas of the vendors
the roar of the crowd the snapping of suspenders
thumbs in my pockets so I can't hitch a ride
no longer the darling busted up inside

  screaming for help but no one is there
heaven has left me so why should I care
no peanuts or popcorn to offer the crowd
the boos have started and getting quite loud

it wasn't her fault she had no real choice
how I do yearn to just hear her voice
the ushers escorted her to the proper table
from a distance she reminds me of Betty Grable

the circles of rambling getting much tighter
sleepless stirring pull another all-nighter
a string of pointless one-liners end to end
like Costanza I got nothing since I lost my friend

Gomer LePoet ....
863 · Jun 2013
Ockhams Razor
David Nelson Jun 2013
Ockhams Razor

I'm sure the world has ended
at least in that part of town
at the very least an avalanche
has brought everything down

maybe the sky has fallen
or a volcano has blown it's stack
all the souls have been devoured
by a ravishing wild wolf pack

a sudden catastrophic earthquake
has shaken the ground apart
that must be what has happened
the seismic waves right off the chart

maybe it's the warming effect
that has caused the oceans to heave
and everyone is on an ark
they suddenly had to leave

the answer must be simple
why she no longer calls my name instead
should I use the Ockham's razor
and shave the truth right off my head

Gomer LePoet...
A rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known. Occam's razor is named after the deviser of the rule, English philosopher and theologian William of Ockham (1285?-1349?).
861 · Apr 2010
Ramblings Part I
David Nelson Apr 2010
Ramblings Part I

Hippy dippy weather men, continued dark all night,
one potato, two potato, keep trying until I get it right,
you roll em up and roll em up, mark em with a 'B',
put em in the oven, the truth shall set you free,

every time I close my eyes, something new goes down,
feel like Mr. Parker, lost in Barrytown,
the caves in Altimira provide historic news,
before Elvis it was Carl, who had those blue suede shoes

ding **** the witch is dead, at least that's what they say,
does wearing garlic necklaces, keep werewolves away,
or am I thinking vampire chicks, who like to play the game,
keep those fangs where they belong, I'm not here to claim

I know I've seen your face before, is must have been in a dream,
I've been in this chase before, a very familiar theme,
the small brown fox, chased a large black bear,
not very smart, unless you really don't care

heart equals love, love equals pain,
anyone who's been in love, has also been insane,
please excuse me , don't mean to intrude,
hope you don't think, that I'm being rude

will the politicians, ever get it right,
they say one thing, then change it overnight,
we keep replacing them, but nothing seems to change,
is there something wrong with me, but doesn't that seem strange

I bet I can keep this up, then again maybe not,
too much Sterlings Merritage, the killer's changed the plot,
now I need to lay it down, say goodnite with an angels kiss,
once again I search the sky, look for the abyss

Gomer LePoet...
859 · Mar 2010
My Pal Joey
David Nelson Mar 2010
My Pal Joey

A fine young Italian boy, lived in the Big Apple City,
he really made me laugh, now he's gone, it is such a pity,
brother to seven gorgeous ladies, always needing his help,
got hit by a corporate big shot, he left town, not even a yelp

Maurice the Space Cowboy, this was his imaginary pal,
he really loved all the women, fell in love with every gal,
good lookin and ever so friendly, never a time when he felt alone,
hard working and extremely kind, never an irreverant tone,

his friends have all moved on, most of them married away,
still single and searching for only he knows, every night and day,
moved west to California, trying to enhance his career,
but his agent was of little use, she was never exactly clear

so sad to see you go my friend, I'll miss you more than you know,
your line of “how are you doin”, always stole the show,
I hope one day you will return, and even though you don't know me,
yes good luck to you, whatever you do, you'll always be, My Pal Joey  

Gomer LePoet...
858 · Mar 2010
Wisdom or Wit Part I
David Nelson Mar 2010
Wisdom or Wit Part I

If you came here my friends, sincerely hoping to find,
glimmering words of wisdom, oozing from my mind,
you are in more trouble, more trouble that you think,
for living by my perilous thoughts, will land you in the clink,

Not even smarter than the average bear, there is way to much clatter,
constantly on a no-cal diet, but still my *** gets fatter,
working so hard, watching my money, no, it's not a joke,
working to hard, it's not really funny, and wah-lah, again I'm broke,

I try singing Valkyrie, Wagner blows his mind,
now I'm playing Watchtower, and Hendrix tries to find,
a deeper place to hide his ears, a place I cannot reach,
While Ole Blue Eyes, clears his throat, choking on a peach        

Gomer LePoet...
857 · Dec 2013
Nomads of the Galaxy
David Nelson Dec 2013
Nomads of the Galaxy

searching here and there and everywhere
being pulled in all directions
how do your prove you really care
where to place your lost affections

if you realize you have no more
and given all there is to give
do you release the latch upon the door
and let the body free to live

free to roam where gravity pulls so bad
a brand new journey a brand new place
for we are all just roaming nomads
searching to fill an empty space  

Gomer LePoet...
855 · Aug 2011
How does one know?
David Nelson Aug 2011
How does one know?


has it finally arrived
do I no longer feel alive
have I lost that last connection
is it time for that injection


is there anyone at home
or am I now all alone
still I hear voices in my head
it's getting crowded in my bed


am I now cornered in my dream
will they hear me if I scream
why do my hands move so slow
just how does one know
Gomer LePoet ....
which way to nowhere is all I need to know?
854 · Nov 2011
If you steal my heart
David Nelson Nov 2011
If you steal my heart

if you steal my heart
I will love you forever
so be very careful the words you choose

if you kiss my lips
I will desire you completely
I'll be in the streets shouting the news

if you hold my hand
I promise to never let it go
this is a promise I will always keep

if you say the words
sincerely that you love me
I will dream of you in my time of sleep

Gomer LePoet ....
851 · Aug 2013
Tell me your Secrets
David Nelson Aug 2013
Tell me your Secrets

tell me your secrets
share with me your purest dreams
I want to be a part
you words so sincere it seems

let me help you write your book
let me be in a page or two
your thoughts already written
please tell me how to get through

maybe I have been to bold
maybe not bold enough
you can tell me how wrong I've been
I'm actually pretty tough

but don't leave me lying here
in this bed of fallen dust
not understanding why I have fallen
before my tears turn my heart to rust

Gomer LePoet...
sometimes ... words cannot express ... or undo the created mess
850 · Oct 2013
David Nelson Oct 2013

you're a
hip hop
***** mop
slap right in the face
a turn down
useless piece of space
a pretender like you really care
but I know you ain't going anywhere

so disingenuous

I'm a
cold fish
broken dish
ran away with a spoon
I look alive
with a high five
cow jumping over the moon
a pretender like I really care
but I know I ain't going anywhere

so disingenuous

we can dream
we can scheme
stay on the top of pretenders
we can cry
and wonder why
alone in a world of contenders

so disingenuous

Gomer LePoet ....
It's a hip-hop, I just can't stop
David Nelson May 2013
The secret life of
mack the knife

his teeth shined a pearly white
they glistened like fallen snow
his smile would melt the ladies hearts
and leave them feeling aglow

but when he chose to leave his bite
the smile turned to a snear
Louie called said I'll see you at the club
yeah Mack meet in the rear

he was a banker by the daylight
a vicious killer in the night
he always thought that he would
find time to make things right

he left his victims on the sidewalk
or a tugboat by the shore
their throats cut from ear to ear
the coppers going door to door

but not a single soul was talking
nobody saw anything
but they could tell by the looks
they'd be dead if they chose to sing

Louie wanted Souky Taudry whacked
he was messin with Jenny Diver
she's my girl and I ain't taking that
I'll set you up to be his driver

he wore a disguise of a chauffer
fancy coat pants and a cap
but when he took a wrong turn
Souky knew he was in for bad crap

they found him in the alley
his life oozing out on the street
his throat cut by Mack the Knife
another job had been complete

back at the bank the next morning
he was all smiles and slapping backs
nobody knew his secret life
or if they were the next one he whacks

Gomer Lepoet...
concept based on the play "Threepenny Opera" and the song "Mack the Knife"
846 · Sep 2011
Every time She Goes Away
David Nelson Sep 2011
Every time She Goes Away

you know I could make up a story
I could spread the icing really thick
make it sound like I have a real clue
about where my head is it's so thick

my analyst has left me on my own
to deal with this world of loony toons
so I can pretend to anything I wish
go out drinking all nite with some other baboons

write a letter to the King of the world
let him know my displeasure with my life
this isn't new territory for me you know
she had no business leaving me like a wife

I could always speak to her the absolute
she would never judge me or show me a frown
what did she expect walking away like that
knowing that I am nothing but a circus clown

It has happened before with similar results
just what is it she wants me to say    
I rant and rave and shake the rafters
I get so lonely, every time she goes away

Gomer LePoet
843 · Nov 2013
Simply Irresistible
David Nelson Nov 2013
Simply Irresistible

her eyes shine with a magic glow
of a thousand stars in the sky
what could I do if she should go
I would be lost I can tell you why

she gives me courage in words of love
she lights my way so I can see
her gentle touch like a snow white dove
always letting me be just me

I need not pretend it's not her style
no she's not fancy but still has class
when I need her bad she'll stay awhile
she helps my lonesome hours quickly pass

her lips so soft her lips so warm
she melts my heart with tender kiss
her curves wet with dew should cause alarm
the love she gives excited bliss

she is ... simply irresistible

Gomer LePoet....
843 · Sep 2011
Separation Point
David Nelson Sep 2011
Separation Point

as I slam down another frosty one or two
trying to forget trying not to think about you
it's like the old Carly Simon song you're so vain
of course its about him you just said so very plain

by saying the words I'm trying not to think
makes it obvious that I am on the very brink
of wondering where my next move should go
the feelings cannot be denied I think you know

all the good intentions not withstanding now
there is no questions of why only ones of how
god now I'm listening to an annoying guitar lead
by Niel Young please stop now I really really plead

my nerves are on edge in case you can't tell
ran out of smoke days ago now Im in hell
and now it seems I have this hairless chest
I'm fumbling around making myself an obnoxious pest

where did I go wrong or has it always been this way
maybe I just didn't notice or refused you might say
to except the limitations of this dreary normal life
should have joined the colonial army and played the fife

just what is my point this thought might have occurred
I would explain it to you but I just can't think of the word
pour me another barkeep keep the golden nectar flowing
aw don't tell me that you think I really should be going

I know babe it's time for you to move yourself along
I wanna sing farewell to you but I can't remember the song
dam I sure wish I had me a bowl or two or a joint
I'm so afraid that I have reached the separation point

Gomer LePoet...
843 · Jun 2013
At A Red Light
David Nelson Jun 2013
At A Red Light

it was a beautiful sunny summers day
cruising down Beachview Boulevard
the sun beating down straining my sunglasses
listening to some David Nail feeling the breeze
when I came to a red light

there she was in the convertible next to me
long blond hair big sunglasses red ruby lips
she turned my direction and smiled
I think I fell in love at that very moment
you would have to see that smile to understand

I was headed for the Wet Lizard beach bar
but I temporarily forgot my plan
until the horn blasted behind me slapping me
the light had changed but I didn't notice
I drove onward wishing I could find a reason
a reason to pull up next to this beautiful lady
and invite her to join me for some fun and sun

I reached the driveway and reluctantly slowed
and made the turn as I watched her drive on
I entered the tavern greeted by several regulars
ordered a cool gin and tonic and slapped some hands
2 minutes later standing in the beaded doorway
shrouded in the sunlight stood this gorgeous woman
the woman I had just seen and still on my mind
she smiled when she spotted me why I don't know
I was sitting at the bar with my mouth dropped wide

we spent the rest of the day getting to know each other
Brigette was from southern California
we spent the next seven months
really getting to know each other
thoughts of settling down
thoughts of children in our future
I was the only one thinking this though
the last week or two a little tense
Brigette seemed a bit preoccupied

returning from dinner Brigette seemed markedly quiet
she finally asked me to drop her at her apartment
I asked her to tell me what was wrong
ironically David Nail was in the background again
she was sorry but it was over she said
she was going back to California
to be with a former boyfriend
I noticed the traffic light was changing
as I pulled the car to a stop
she opened the door
saying I think I'll walk from here
she turned and gave a weak smile

so this is the way it ends
no longer lovers no longer friends
so this is what goodbye feels like
  at a red light

Gomer LePoet...
so this is what it feels like -
842 · May 2013
Where I am going? (r)
David Nelson May 2013
Where I am going?

From the pens of wisdom and prolific wit,
Voltaire, Krishnamurti, Schopenhauer, now I sit,
trying to compose words, that can help me explain,
how you bring me such joy, how you bring me such pain,

I feel like I'm tumbling, not understanding my fate,
I reach out to touch you, but you tell me to wait,
where I am going, is a mystery to me,
it's always been that way, yearning to see,

my weary heart and mind are in need of peace,
I'm like a small white dwarf, waiting to release,
all this suppressed energy, exploding in space,
yet I sit here now, with tears on my face,

I feel like I can grasp, understanding Adams' plea,
when he asks the question, “Whatayawantfromme”,  
so simple, so pure, this inquiry, words flowing,
still with no answer, Where I am going?

Gomer LePoet...
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