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620 · Jun 2010
Song & Dance
David Nelson Jun 2010
Song & Dance

I am the singer of simple rhyme
writing thoughts staying in time
remembering emotions of days gone by

try telling a story a tune so sweet
wishing the words knock you of your feet
sometimes so deep down that they make you cry

turn it all around once again
twin guitars can make you spin

she was a dancer in my dream
bright red lips and skin like cream
she had every move a lover could need

educated woman with soft blue eyes
the way she moved behind a disguise
she picked my number I had to concede

turn it over one more time
garden of words perfect rhyme  

we were made for each other we were the perfect match
was this all for real there must be some sort of catch
rolled into a cloudless sky could not pass this chance  
in my dreams we were the perfect song and dance

like a double mirror my songs reflect me
hidden thoughts disguised so you cant see
but it is all there you just have to look

in the desert of life somtimes you get lost  
for every hope there is always a cost
never be sorry for the chances that you took

never seen such a beautiful smile
close my eyes for just a while

we were made for each other we were the perfect match
was this all for real there must be some sort of catch
rolled into a cloudless sky could not pass this chance  
in my dreams we were the perfect song and dance

Gomer LePoet...
619 · May 2013
Sweetness of Desire
David Nelson May 2013
Sweetness of Desire

I have a fire in my heart, I have fever in my brain,
if I can't find some release, I might just go insane,
I cannot tell my feelings, you will not let me say,
how much I need your touch, more and more each day

my words just want to tumble, fall freely from my tongue,
a burning flame inside me now, just like when I was young,
your sweetness is a mystery, I know nothing of it's feel,
imagination is all I have, I cannot know for real

when I try to tell you, the warmness kept inside,
you say “hush” to me, turn your face and hide,
this pacing animal left inside, rearing on hind legs,
flying mane in the breeze, understanding is what it begs

for the beast is really human, made of flesh and bone,
wanting the touch of skin, wanting to hear the moan,
of gratifying song of love, would be music to his ears,
echoing into the dark, unleashing all the fears

if words or actions cannot be used, how will the idea live,
how can the the love stay kindled, if not allowed to give,
will it wither on the vine, scorched by the eternal fire,
how just once I'd love to feel, your sweetness of desire  

Gomer LePoet...
I went down down down and the flames kept getting higher
619 · May 2013
She wore Black Satin
David Nelson May 2013
She wore Black Satin

She was elegant with a beauty that made men mad
her soft tanned white skin glowed like the sun
her beautiful eyes mesmerized though sometimes sad
once you saw her smile there was nowhere to run

she appeared from out of the darkness
her golden hair flowing softly as she walked
her soft warm lips on mine left me breathless
a thousand words were spoken though no one talked

her luscious body left me stunned and dazed
dressed in shinny black satin you could see right through
her soft moans of pleasure left me crazed
wanting more making love until the morning dew

Gomer LePoet...
what more can you say when she wears black satin?
615 · May 2013
Warm With a Chance for Rain
David Nelson May 2013
Warm With a Chance for Rain

They had never been together before
though they had spent hours exchanging
thoughts and feelings, desires and more
anticipation was very high
as he walked down the street to her house
he could see her shadow on the window shade
back dropped by a dim light in the kitchen

he thought of what he should say to her.
should they embrace? when would be the proper time
to hold her face in his hand and gently kiss her lips?

would the sparks they felt for each other ignite an
internal flame when they first touched, or would there be
too much nervous tension, to relax and be who they had
come to know?

If this flame did grow and create a uncontrollable fire,
would the flames consume them for evermore?
Would there be tears of joy and exaltation,
as they explored each others' eyes, bodies, souls, minds?

Caressing every inch of her taut curvaceous body,
breathing in her sweet fragrance, would only heighten
his pleasure sensors. Wanting to please this incredible woman,
this friend, this soul mate, was all that he wanted
since he could remember.

He rang the bell.
She answered with a smile that made him melt and his knees
almost buckled underneath him as he said “Hello”.    

Yes I think it will be very warm
with an extremely good chance for rain.    

Gomer LePoet...
anticipation of exalted love
613 · Mar 2010
The Collector
David Nelson Mar 2010
The Collector

Give me your thoughts, give me your dreams,
tell me your hopes, explain all your schemes,
like a black hole, I let nothing get past,
not even light, not one photon blast,
I'll drink in your smiles, your lost bridge of sighs,
feed me your knowledge, don't fill me with lies,
I'm not a guru, no don't be confused,
what cells I had working, now seem diffused,  
that's why I'm searching, and soaking it up,
trying so hard, to refill my cup,
I reach in my pockets, find nothing but lint,
my lighter don't work, it's lacking a flint,
so if you pass by, and I reach out to touch,
be very careful, don't tell me too much,
I'll give you directions, just like a director,
but really I'm nothing more, than a collector

Gomer LePoet ...
613 · Nov 2011
Link and Duane
David Nelson Nov 2011
Link and Duane

long ago in a land of my youth
when I noticed music made my mind drift
I had no idea at the time I was very short in tooth
I only knew that it made me feel it was a special gift

as my teens arrived I was in the groove
suddenly I began hearing the electric strings
no one before made my ear and my feet move
guitars sat in the back and were for rhythm and things

new faces arrived and out in the front
playing amplied sounds not a sound I knew
only a few years older was this a trick or a stunt
tremelo and vibrato and echo some inventions new

combed wavy hair never ever out of place
handsome smiles twinkled eyes driving the girls
I wanted to have that kind of look on my baby face
make some money buy the ladies diamonds  and pearls

the lads of early rock guitar Link and Duane
not even close to the sounds of the boys of today
but they were the beginning of music in the fast lane
wonder what they are doing now Duane Eddy and Link Wray

Gomer LePoet ....
nostalgic look at the early rock guitarists pre Vietnam rock
613 · Jul 2014
The Crumple Zone
David Nelson Jul 2014
The  Crumple Zone

I have fallen in between
between the lines of a musical comedy
as with all musical comedies
I laugh, sing, dance
and cry
my heart has been left stranded
waiting for my friend to return
we sang many songs together
we laughed at the silliness of it all
we danced the dance of sugar plums
and chicken legs
but now she is gone
and I lay here crumpled
in the Crumple Zone

Gomer LePoet...
609 · Oct 2013
100 Billion Stars
David Nelson Oct 2013
100 Billion Stars

our galaxy of beauty as I gaze up to the sky
the creator shares this awesome sight with you and I
more than 100 billion stars in just this view alone
100 billion more just like it though not a perfect clone

and who knows how many more that we cannot see
the universe goes on and on it seems so endlessly
how can we ever begin to understand the reason
changing ever so slowly season after season

there seems to be no beginning and we still search for the end
I would like to search this world with you my special friend
my small mind cannot comprehend I have no single clue
I can only wonder and share these thoughts with you

Gomer LePoet ....
607 · May 2013
Ramblings Part I
David Nelson May 2013
Ramblings Part I

Hippy dippy weather men, continued dark all night,
one potato, two potato, keep trying until I get it right,
you roll em up and roll em up, mark em with a 'B',
put em in the oven, the truth shall set you free,

every time I close my eyes, something new goes down,
feel like Mr. Parker, lost in Barrytown,
the caves in Altimira provide historic news,
before Elvis it was Carl, who had those blue suede shoes

ding **** the witch is dead, at least that's what they say,
does wearing garlic necklaces, keep werewolves away,
or am I thinking vampire chicks, who like to play the game,
keep those fangs where they belong, I'm not here to claim

I know I've seen your face before, is must have been in a dream,
I've been in this chase before, a very familiar theme,
the small brown fox, chased a large black bear,
not very smart, unless you really don't care

heart equals love, love equals pain,
anyone who's been in love, has also been insane,
please excuse me , don't mean to intrude,
hope you don't think, that I'm being rude

will the politicians, ever get it right,
they say one thing, then change it overnight,
we keep replacing them, but nothing seems to change,
is there something wrong with me, but doesn't that seem strange

I bet I can keep this up, then again maybe not,
too much Sterlings Merritage, the killer's changed the plot,
now I need to lay it down, say good nite with an angels kiss,
once again I search the sky, look for the abyss

Gomer LePoet...
I believe the title says it all.
607 · Jan 2015
Check Please
David Nelson Jan 2015
Check Please

I check continuously
for words from the Queen's mouth
but they seldom appear
for but only a simple single response
I check non-stop
for the pleas of love's request
from the Princess of Sooner
but they have ended
I check daily
to see if my heart is still there
as any fool in love would do

Gomer LePoet...
603 · Jul 2013
I'm Movin' On
David Nelson Jul 2013
I'm Movin' On

That big eight wheeler a rollin' down the track
Means your true lovin' daddy ain't comin' back
'Cause I'm movin' on, I'll soon be gone
You were flyin' too high for my little old sky
So I'm movin' on

That big loud whistle as it blew and blew
Said hello to the Southland, we're comin' to you
And we're movin' on, oh hear my song
You had the laugh on me, so I've set you free
And I'm movin' on

Mister Fireman, won't you please listen to me?
'Cause I got a pretty mama in Tennessee
Keep movin' me on, keep rollin' on
So shovel the coal, let this rattle a roll
And keep movin' me on

Mister Engineer take that throttle in hand
This rattler's the fastest in the southern land
To keep movin' me on, keep rollin' on
You're gonna ease my mind, put me there on time
And keep rollin' on

I warned you baby from time to time
But you just wouldn't listen or pay me no mind
Now I'm movin' on, I'm rollin' on
You have broken your vow and it's all over now
So I'm movin' on

You switched your engine now I ain't got time
For a triflin' woman on my main line
'Cause I'm movin' on, you done your daddy wrong
I've warned you twice, now you can settle the price
'Cause I'm movin' on

But someday baby when you've had your play
You're gonna want your daddy but your daddy will say
Keep movin' on, you stayed away too long
I'm through with you, too bad you're blue
Keep movin' on

Hank Snow said it

Gomer LePoet...
The Singing Ranger from Nova Scotia
601 · Oct 2011
The Gathering
David Nelson Oct 2011
The Gathering

they came from the east
they arrived from the north
searching for the warmth of the gulf breezes
snow already covered most of them
a few hours in the southern sun
they would show more pink than Floyd
broken or injured in need of repair
like Jon Bon living on a prayer
smiling faces waiting to die
some just sit, stare or cry
they come here every year
in hopes of finding youth
only to find another year has gone
they'll drink their scotch and bourban
and sing songs to each other out of key
laugh at **** they never actually heard
pretending their hearing still works
guess that's why they sing so bad
how in the hell can they know
come early spring they reload
and start the reverse trek
they wave goodbye and throw kisses
I wonder if they will return
or be collected into the new world
a new and different gathering
Gomer LePoet ....
600 · Mar 2010
On My Face
David Nelson Mar 2010
On My Face

Got something you want to say, write it on my face,
Want me to know what u did today, write it on my face,
Searching for Jupiter tonite, look out into space,
Hoping to make things seem right, write it on my face

Advancements, promotions, just write it on my face,
Untimely demotions, you can write it on my face,
Directions to your house warming, write it on my face,
Comments you feel harming, dont leave them on my face  

Mouth speaking out of turn, leaving egg on my face,
You wanting me to return, leave it on my face,
Severe pain deep down inside, write it on my face,
Trying very hard, very hard to hide, don't write it on my face

Old friends echoes from the past, write in on my face,
New friends added to the cast, write that on my face,
Dreams wished and never reached, you can see that on my face,
Hearts broken, promises breached, see the tears run down my face

Gomer LePoet...
600 · Dec 2013
Listening To Bruce
David Nelson Dec 2013
Listening To Bruce

How many times, has it been now,
after searching high and low, somehow,
when I wanted something fresh and new,
I always seem, not surprisingly, to return to you

with Every little kiss, you first got my attention,
with southern country kind of jazzed, no, not a new invention,
That's just the way it is, and that's the way it was,
sounded really cool, specially if you had a buzz

He took us down The spirit trail, he left us in the Hot house,
The changes from here, to there, was like from man to mouse,
King of the hill was his special plan, and used his Spider fingers,
he crawled along the Great divide, carefully he lingers

he was shaking his Shadow hand, tickling ivory to Swan song,
now we have barely touched the surface, still he moves along,
cruising thru the Funhouse, dark as night, searching for his crown,
Listening to Bruce, never gets old, at least not In this town

Gomer LePoet...
597 · Sep 2011
Blink of the Eye
David Nelson Sep 2011
Blink of the Eye

it's amazing just how fast things can change
how you can go from the king of the world
to feeling like a person who is thought strange
not understanding how things got re-arranged

the fall from the top can happen so quick
you turn your head for just a brief moment
it's like someone has played a magic trick
you're left standing without a walking stick

I guess it's because you can be blinded by the light
like the proverbial deer frozen in time
you thought you were doing everything right
but eerie strange things happen in the night

you will never know all the things that pass by
while for just a moment you rest your weary soul
things can return so there is no reason to cry
yes lives can change in the blink of the eye  

Gomer LePoet...
588 · May 2013
Rainy Day
David Nelson May 2013
Rainy Day

It's 6 am and outside it's raining,
looks like a day for maybe reading a book,
should go to the gym, keep up my training,
getting older now it's hard to maintain that look,

The Holidays are approaching way too fast,
and so is the time for paying those taxes,
hurt my arm now I'm wearing a cast,
trying to pay bills and answering faxes,

maybe I'll bake some cookies or pie,
might even consider some Hungarian stew,
feeling kinda sad and I don't know why,
maybe it's because I'm missing you

Gomer LePoet...
pulled from the archives of long long ago
586 · May 2010
Goodbye Mr LePoet
David Nelson May 2010
Goodbye Mr LePoet

I remember the days, when I made people happy,
coming up with lines, lines sometimes snappy

I remember the days, when I made people laugh,
hurting my back, trying to do a two-and-a-half

words were my friend, they talked to me,
I just wrote them down, so that everyone could see

sometimes funny, sometimes deep in thought,
making people dream, is what I always sought

somehow the words, have deserted my mind,
somewhere my heart, lost its way and cannot find

the will to carry on, when I know I'm causing pain,
these tears falling now, like a hard summer rain

My special Perly friend, who I made feel so so sad,
I broke the heart of the one I loved, the one I loved so bad

the garden will never ever be the same again,
and neither will Mr. LePoet

Gomer LePoet...
585 · Mar 2010
Bleu Swayed Shoe
David Nelson Mar 2010
Bleu Swayed Shoe

Well I've been knocked down, but I've never been out,
I've been put down, did I just sit and pout,
I've been lied to, called a stupid fool,
stabbed in the back, with a sharp garden tool,
had my eyes poked, by some guy named Moe,
pulled my ear real hard, and stepped on my toe,
finally I said, “Hey, I've had enough”,
arched my eyebrows high, and talked real tough,
if you wanna mess with me, you're in for a fight,
I'll get you with my left hook, and then my right,
you've crossed the line, you done bit more than you can chew,
you can kiss your *** goodbye, you scuffed my Bleu Swayed Shoe

well I''ll do the time, if you give me one good reason,
didn't **** anybody, never have committed treason,
I pay my taxes, and go to Sunday school,
always have believed, in the golden rule,
ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies,
sure, I've done things, that I really do despise,
but one thing is sure, I never messed a mans kickers,                      
except that one time, with all those banjo pickers,
they kept spittin on the floor, I warned them in a nice way,
you need to be more careful, with that nasty old spray,
when they finally hit my foot, what else could I do,
I kicked their hoosier *****, with my Bleu Swayed Shoe

Gomer LePoet
585 · Oct 2011
Masturbación Política
David Nelson Oct 2011
Masturbación Política

Look! there is nothing up my sleeve
I can bob and weave
it's not a lie if you believe
oh so you're looking for the facts
my play has many more acts
take a seat and just relax
I can promise you one thing
in the end everyone will sing
I'll mesmerize you with my bling
I'll pull the rabbit from the hat
while me and my buddies get fat
wipe my feet on your welcome mat
yes we love using slight of hand
pleasuring ourselves is very grand
we leave our fluids on the sand  

Gomer LePoet ....
584 · Sep 2011
N.H.O (near human object)
David Nelson Sep 2011
N.H.O (near human object)

most of us have heard of the NEO -
a near earth object that can have affect
all of us should be concerned you know
will the wounds inflicted be glancing or direct

I mean an orbiting body can suddenly drop
and cause considerable damage to the brain
this body can be cold at times make your heart stop
usually warm but can still crush you like a train

oh but I'm speaking of this lady over there
almost every time I see her I can hear her purr
I mean a celestial body with goodies to spare  
can make your eyes swell and your tongue grow fur

yes though we have never met I always sigh
I can feel the gravity pull me to go so near
her smile delivers a direct hit to my heart no lie
my heart and I will be casualties I fear

though no one else on Earth will even ever know
the voice inside my head tells me to scream
her face has created an eclipse of heavenly glow
to be with her would fulfill my dream

I've always been enamored with things in space
the unknown thought has captured my soul
this story has been told another time another place
another orbiting body has capture me whole
Gomer LePoet...
David Nelson Nov 2011

Notions of

Gomer LePoet ....
without weight of character; of no consequence
584 · Jun 2010
It's Good to be the Queen
David Nelson Jun 2010
It's Good to be the Queen

We talked before about The kings of old,
    the highest of all classes

as we later found most of these pretentious fools,
     were proved to be big *****

the Queens knew how to live as well,
     and grabbed  their share of lovers

her bedroom was empty if she wanted,
     else she was cleansed by tongues of  others

they begged "my queen  have you had enough",
     she made their poor hearts quiver

she layed there in her warm lovely gown,
     and there naked bodies would shiver

when one would, complain out loud,
     do you take me like chopped liver

her command to the general in charge,
     and from his tool he'd cut a sliver

don't want no knowledge of your lip,
     except when pressed upon my own

and after you, have pleased me well,
     you've made this woman moan

"oh my Lady, you are so good",
      "your sweet flower is so clean"

"ah yes young man, you are correct,
      it's good to be the Queen"

Gomer LePoet...
579 · Apr 2010
April Fool
David Nelson Apr 2010
April Fool

It was the 1st of April, I had made up my mind,
to take the plunge, leave the worries behind,
I got down on my bended knee, and said this to you
please my love, will you be my bride?,
my heart was pounding, all nervous inside,
I closed my eyes, crossed my fingers, what more could I do

you looked down at me, and gave me a smile,
every thing froze, for it seemed a long while,
but I could tell by the look in your eyes, the news was bad
you said that you cared, deeply for me,
but marrying me, just could never be,
It knocked me back baby, now I'm going mad

I misunderstood, the signs you see,
got confused, just thinking about me,
I assumed you thought, I was really way to cool    
but the things that I thought, were a mere dream,
too much time spent, with my friend Jim Beam,
it's just so obvious now, I'm the April fool

Please don't tell anyone about this,
let me figure out a new plan,
I don't want to be called the April Fool

David Nelson ...
577 · Sep 2011
Once Upon a Time
David Nelson Sep 2011
Once Upon a Time

things in this world can be hard at times
sometimes things just don't make any sense
finding things that make a perfect match
sometimes are just on the other side of the fence

I know the odds of real true happiness
can be so difficult to find it seems
in fact I think to most of us
this only happens in fairy tales and dreams

we search and search looking under stones
we look into the heavens in vain
around the corner behind the bush
it seems like this idea is so insane

but we always wonder if not out loud
at least inside can we find the Rosetta stone
then when you least expect a chance
you know there is no one to share the throne

suddenly from out of nowhereland
the fairytale you have built inside your mind
appears in front you rub your eyes
that's how it feels once upon a time

Gomer LePoet...
571 · May 2014
Words I cannot say
David Nelson May 2014
Words I cannot say

I think she is gorgeous
but I do not have the right
to even think of her
in this sort of light

she is from another world
a world beyond my reach
even if I could talk to her
I'd fumble every word of speech

she would think me melon headed
not give a second glance
and of course there would not be
a chance for some romance

far from perfect I know I am
so behind the curtain I'll stay
it matters not how I feel
there are words I cannot say

Gomer LePoet...
570 · Apr 2013
I Surrender (r)
David Nelson Apr 2013
I Surrender

I wish it would have ended differently
I wish it would have been like the beginning
like a couple of high school kids
we were both so excited

I'm not sure the excitement ever left
it certainly didn't for me I know
but it changed we changed

I surrender all my thoughts
they still are about you

I surrender my lonely heart
it still misses you so bad

I surrender all my tears
they still fall for you

I surrender

Gomer LePoet ....
I raise my hands in surrender
568 · Aug 2011
I used to be Someone
David Nelson Aug 2011
I used to be Someone

it wasn't that long ago I was special to someone
I had a lover who would fill my heart every night and day
now I'm just another like you left without no one
it never would have ended if I had my way

but there really wasn't any choice in the matter
a love made in heaven had us heading towards hell
the tears fall now creating droplets of splatter
and you are now the only one I can tell

please don't turn away won't you be my friend
I'm in need of a shoulder to lean my weary head
I promise to be faithful until the very end
I am not perfect you will see in these very words you've read
Gomer LePoet ....
David Nelson Sep 2011
Feeling Like a Man, Thinking like a Child

heart is searching for the answers
when it should be the brain doing the work
feelings of a grown wanting man
but a child's mind reaching thru the murk

rainbow's colors blinding the naked eye
living in a dreamscape of the future
throat goes desert dry as I begin to cry
in this grown up game of tug-of-war

like curious George wanting to know
swinging on this vine of aching love
questions should I stay should I go
looking up but nothing from above

never wanting to cause a bit of pain
looking for a sunbeam through the rain
I must be crazy have I gone insane
rose sunglasses and a pearl white cane

this piece of work cannot explain
the consequences that come to mind
if I do this wrong can I do this right
feeling like a man thinking like a child

Gomer LePoet....
565 · Jun 2013
I Can't Make You Love Me
David Nelson Jun 2013
I Can't Make You Love Me

turn down the lights
turn down the bed
turn down these voices
inside my head
lay down with me
tell me no lies
just hold me close
don't patronize
don't patronize me

i can't make you love me if you don't
you can't make your heart feel
somethin' it wont
here in the dark,in these final hours
i will lay down my heart
and feel the power if you wont
no you wont
cuz i can't make you love me
if you don't

i'll close my eyes
then i wont see
the love you dont feel
when your holdin' me
morning will come
and i'll do whats right
just give me till then
to give up this fight
and i will give up this fight

one of my favorite all time love songs from a genuine artist Miss Bonnie Raitt. if you never heard it before, do yourself a favor. I don't know what it is about this song, her voice, the lyric, the chord progressions, but I just watched this again for the umpteenth time, and once again tears came to my eyes.
560 · Jun 2013
Cosmic Debris
David Nelson Jun 2013
Cosmic Debris

Cover your head and run away
chicken little all abluster
the sky is falling so they say

the bolide explosions from above
stole the thunder from larger DA14

but this is not the only cosmic debris
and Frank had warned us so long ago
I'm talking about the jive talk brother
from the politicians that we elected
entrusted our world with

too many seem to think it appears
that they were appointed with papal providence
as though GOD herself, or himself
had annointed their specialness
and dam the torpedos full speed ahead

they rule with arrogance and yet
yet we elect new ones every time
Frank also warned us about the yellow snow
I hope most of us paid attention on that one
cause we can't seem to get the aforementioned correct

Gomer LePoet...
a takeoff on the old Frank Zappa song and our glorious political representatives who think they own our thoughts and desires. Thank God at least one of the idiots, yes you Michelle, has decided not to run again for election. How anyone could have voted for this total inept person is beyond my comprehension. she was/is almost as dimwitted at the former gov of Alaska who thought she should be OUR VP, next in line for the presidency of these United States. *** please help us find a direction and representatives with some common sense and more of a platform then "my goal is to repeal every act that Obama has implemented". Really? That's your goal? Tea Party? Idiots! stand up for me, for us, not for your pathetic spoiled child tantrum antics.
559 · Aug 2013
Phinius T Bluster
David Nelson Aug 2013
Phinius T Bluster

a northern wind blows
like the howling of his name
bringing forth insults
adding more to his shame
he trusts not anyone
and no one offers him their hand
making his living
off the sweat of other peoples land
he is the cruel banker
even his brother likes him not
after taking the land of Buffalo Bob
they put him on the spot
the Indian Princess Summerfall
attending the tribal dance
caught the miserly Phinius
with his hands down a young mans pants
she reported him to the council
then to the association of federal banks
now he stands on the corner
selling sour ***** and franks
Gomer LePoet....
559 · Sep 2011
The Doctor Will See You Now
David Nelson Sep 2011
The Doctor Will See You Now

holy cow and praise the Lord
things have changed and I got lucky
someone pulled on my ripcord
now my day won't be so sucky

I just got a message from the nurse
she said she heard my crying plea  
be sure to bring your wallet or purse
cause this is really gonna cost you see

everyone knows that you're a whiner
phobia should be your middle name
from Oregon to South Carolina
always looking for someone to blame

I can hear the banjos picking in my head
blowing tones from an old brown jug
forgot to take my meds I said
my pulse is quick I've caught a bug

we all know that you are really sick
but it's not a cold, cough or even the flu
you could make an appointment with just a click
you just want attention paid to you

but the doctor split left me here alone
to deal with things and I don't know how
shut you face and get off the phone
the love Doctor will see you now

Gomer LePoet...
556 · Dec 2013
Who's Sorry Now
David Nelson Dec 2013
Who's Sorry Now

I have taken away your dignity
have I also taken away your soul
I wanted to change your world
but who's sorry now

I have made you see my mind
I have changed your point of view
you have done all I asked of you
but who's sorry now

you see it is you that makes you
it is not me and my selfish thoughts
I have gotten what I wanted
but who's sorry now

I have shown you my love in disguise
I have made tears fall from your eyes
I want you to be who you are
and I am sorry now

  Gomer LePoet...
555 · May 2013
Another Kiss
David Nelson May 2013
Another Kiss

It was a warm early spring day,
     the sun and clouds exchanging places

I was working in my yard,
      sometimes acknowledging smiling faces

           that past by my white picket fence,
                 in this cozy little town

people in all kinds of garb,
     one wearing a bright white gown

I was down on my padded knees,
     I was digging in the dirt

then I saw you saunter up,
      wearing this flowered, flippy skirt

I banged my head on the fence post,
      as I lost my concentration
            stumbling awkwardly to my feet,
                   there was no hesitation

no,we had not married yet,
      but our love was no illusion,
           everyone who knew us both,
                 came to the same conclusion

we smiled at each other,
      in our own very special way

our eyes were speaking volumes,
      although no sound was made

she finally said, I must leave,
      I'm on my way to school

I tried to speak, intelligent words,
      but all I did was drool

because I was anticipating,
     the feeling of her lips on mine,
          I could feel the tingling in my toes,
               up and down my spine

her kisses were always special,
      filled with special bliss

I just could not wait anymore,
      I'm needing Another kiss  

Gomer LePoet ...
1 good kiss deserves another... and another.... and another...
554 · Jul 2013
Baited Breath
David Nelson Jul 2013
Baited Breath

in mad desperation of responsive thought
illogical logic spins through my mind
in anticipation of a finger poked in the eye
wringing my hands thinking why oh why
pacing the floor faster than death
brushing my teeth to cleanse baited breath

Gomer LePoet...
554 · Aug 2011
Cell Block 7
David Nelson Aug 2011
Cell Block 7

yeah crank those super tweeters
let me feel the burning in my ears
I've been locked away in prison
for almost twenty-three years

they searched here and everywhere
trying to find my soul
but it was locked in my memory
that was the one thing they never stole

so now I'm free from the proding
no more bend it over and spread
they thought they were messing with me
but they had no idea what was in my head

I was jammin with Joe Bonamassa
and Eric C. sometimes came too
the only bending was on the 16th fret
triple harmonies screaming into the blue

wash those shirts dig that dirt
rake the garden get all the weeds
they didn't realize I was getting good stuff
the kind with really big seeds

so when they threw me to the floor
and yelled see how you like cell block 7
I just grinned from ear to ear
they had no idea I was heading to heaven

yeah they tried to take my dignity
they were just wasting their time
I wasn't going anywhere inside my head
I was busy looking for a line to rhyme  

Gomer LePoet ....
Inspired by the blazing guitar of Joe Bonamassa on his song Cell Block 7
553 · Nov 2013
The Daze of Whine and Roses
David Nelson Nov 2013
The Daze of Whine and Roses

stumbling forward
cannot remember the lines
not the lines on the mirror
but the lines on your face
then why volunteer
creating the pressure
sweaty palms
stuttered mutterings
is love of attention
the feel good
when the anxiety is
when the applause
is handed down
was it Annie or *****
that took the load off
did she do it for free
I wish she were here now
so she could take it off of me
but if I fall
and cannot get up
would you help
would I have helped
if I had seen the king
stumble and fall
knowing that life was at stake
could I just watch
I truly hope I would have the courage
or a man I surely would not be

Gomer LePoet....
I dreamed a dream I pulled into Nazareth - Thanks to N
553 · Sep 2013
Guitars and Women (r)
David Nelson Sep 2013
Guitars and Women

Slender neck, nice rounded bottom, and adjustable knobs,
musical sounds caress your ear, you can make this baby hum

take good care of her, lots of polish, not like unwanted hobs,
protect her from the elements, unless you are really dumb

got to keep her happy, or the tune will be oh so sour,
the blues will roll right out of her, so sad it will make you weep

if she gets sweaty, from playing hard,  rest for half an hour,
if she's screaming way too loud, you'll never be able to sleep

every night before you rest, of her praises you should sing,
this instruction is so important, a very important part

don't strum so very very hard, or you might break a string,
don't ever take her for granted, or you will break her heart

yes, guitars are like women, most beautiful in every way,
they'll be your friend for ever, if you treat them oh so kind

let every word you think, be touched by her hand each day,
and she will reward you, body, soul and mind

Gomer LePoet...
it's another rainy day here, wonder what is happening 8000 miles away
552 · May 2013
Helen of Toy
David Nelson May 2013
Helen of Toy

she liked them of plastic
she liked them of wood
she liked to insert them
as deep as she could

cutely painted or plainly plain
it really did not matter
gradually with practice
they got longer and fatter

the pleasure they bring
she had a hole army
they were not whiskered
sweaty or swarmy

they never cheated
or broke her sweet heart
they're always there
to completely finsh what they start

though never in France
she was stolen by Paris
starting a fierce war
meant to embarrass

no need of a horse
no need of a Trojan
no waiting for phones
no need for a dumb man

Gomer LePoet ....
a play on words for the Queen of Troy, and a bit on the NASTY side. sorry if one is offended :)
551 · Sep 2013
The Raven Flys
David Nelson Sep 2013
The Raven Flys

once again the Raven has made its nest
leaving you with an empty heart
your mind is flying in a circular pattern
not knowing where to end
not knowing from whence the start

this path has been traveled before
and we are to repeat our mistakes
over again as the talons of the Raven
sink into our eyes blinding us
tears of rain like winters snowflakes

we have tried to capture the elusive
knowing full well that destiny has spoken
the communion has already transpired
it is the full length version of catch 22
the confession of hearts broken

the Raven cares not of your pain
diving full speed into your empty abyss
tearing the flesh away from the frame
laughing at the mess you have left
leaving you nothing not even a kiss

Gomer LePoet...
Inspiration by Dan Fogelberg
551 · Mar 2010
The Voice Returns
David Nelson Mar 2010
The Voice Returns

My God I'm so lucky, I've heard it again,
waves slicing through, the clamor of distance,
so hard to describe, the feelings within,
when the softness comes through, I have no resistance

it is the clarity of knowledge, the soul of laughter,
caressing my heart, it rolls through my brain,
such a free spirit, like from the hereafter,
the Voice once again, feel my tachyons drain

the magic of wonders, the wonders of magic,
allowing the register, of sound to emit,
letting it go by unheard, would be tragic,
smoke fills the eye, of that one final hit

has this gone past, the true reason of life,
wanting the sweetness, to fill up my mind,
hearing the drummer, the marcher with fife,
I'll follow the Voice, maybe one day I'll find

Gomer LePoet ...
550 · Jul 2013
Free Agent
David Nelson Jul 2013
Free Agent

well the final cuts have been made
I'm no longer part of the team
my talents no longer needed
but it was an incredible dream

I was likely out of my league
unable to stay the pace to keep up
my shortcomings finally showed clearly
still drinking from the old sippy cup

it was one hell of a ride
I still struggle to catch my breath
I had hoped this would last forever
last until my parting death

but you get exactly your deserving
now it's time to charge straight ahead
there are other teams still looking
for a capable body and head

I have lots of things to offer
so I will take my time to review
I am more than just a pretty face
what you get depends on you

Gomer LePoet....
Life can be a carousel of show tunes strung together
550 · Sep 2013
I Wanted To Be (r)
David Nelson Sep 2013
I wanted to be

I wanted to be a cowboy, rassle cows to the ground,
I wanted to be a pilot, fly those airships all around

I wanted to be a star, hit the ***** so very far,
I wanted to be a driver, burning rubber in my car

I wanted to be a doctor, save the lives of those in need,
I wanted to be a lawyer, when I was thinking greed

I wanted to be the mayor, take my city to the top,
I wanted to be an actor, hope I don't appear in a flop

I wanted to be a fireman, save the children from the fires,
I wanted to be a copper, catch the robbers, cheats and liars

I wanted to be a priest, help the sinners save they're souls,
I wanted to be a lover, playing the lead man roles,

I wanted to be a father, raise my children to be proud,
I wanted to be a weather guy, explaining the evening cloud

I wanted to be scientist, discover new things in this life,
I wanted to be a husband, have me a pretty wife

I wanted to be a builder, bridges, and buildings reaching high,
I wanted to be a  analyst, wondering why people cry

I wanted to be a soldier, keeping my country from harm,
I wanted to be a human, helping my fellow man stay warm

Gomer LePoet ...
my bucket list from the beginning of my search
550 · Mar 2010
Warm With a Chance for Rain
David Nelson Mar 2010
Warm With a Chance for Rain

They had never been together before,
though they had spent hours exchanging,
thoughts and feelings, desires and more,
anticipation was very high,
as he walked down the street to her house,
he could see her shadow on the window shade,
backdropped by a dim light in the kitchen.
he thought of what he should say to her.
should they embrace? when would be the proper time
to hold her face in his hand and gently kiss her lips?
would the sparks they felt for each other ignite an
internal flame when they first touched, or would there be
too much nervous tension, to relax and be who they had
come to know? If this flame did grow and create a
uncontrollable fire, would the flames consume them
for evermore? Would there be tears of joy and exhalation,
as they explored each other's eyes, bodies, souls, minds?
Caressing every inch of her taut curvaceous body,
breathing in her sweet fragrance, would only heighten
his pleasure sensors. Wanting to please this incredible woman,
this friend, this soul mate, was all that he wanted
since he could remember. He rang the bell.
She answered with a smile that made him melt and his knees
almost buckled underneath him as he said “Hello”.    

Yes I think it will be very warm
with an extremely good chance for rain.    

Gomer LePoet...
545 · Sep 2013
Bleu Swayed Shoe (r)
David Nelson Sep 2013
Bleu Swayed Shoe

Well I've been knocked down,
but I've never been out,
I've been put down,
did I just sit and pout,
I've been lied to,
called a stupid fool,
stabbed in the back,
with a sharp garden tool,

had my eyes poked,
by some guy named Moe,
pulled my ear real hard,
and stepped on my toe,
finally I said, “Hey, I've had enough”,
arched my eyebrows high,
and talked real tough,

if you wanna mess with me,
you're in for a fight,
I'll get you with my left hook,
and then my right,
you've crossed the line,
you done bit more than you can chew,
you can kiss your *** goodbye,
you scuffed my Bleu Swayed Shoe

well I''ll do the time,
if you give me one good reason,
didn't **** anybody,
never have committed treason,
I pay my taxes,
and go to Sunday school,
always have believed,
in the golden rule,

ask me no questions,
and I'll tell you no lies,
sure, I've done things,
that I really do despise,
but one thing is sure,
I never messed a mans kickers,  
except that one time,
with all those banjo pickers,

they kept spittin on the floor,
I warned them in a nice way,
you need to be more careful,
with that nasty old spray,
when they finally hit my foot,
what else could I do,
I kicked their hoosier *****,
with my Bleu Swayed Shoe

Gomer Lepoet...
well it's 1 for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready, and 4 to go, but don't you, step on my
Bleu Swayed Shoe - Thanks Carl Perkins
544 · Jan 2015
Geodetic Precession
David Nelson Jan 2015
Geodetic Precession

their bodies spinning
ever so close
loquacious meandering
with thoughts so verbose
they touch hands
from many miles apart
opening their eyes
opening their hearts
it's been a while she whispers
just make love to me
don't make it serious
just let it be

Gomer LePoet...
she came to me when I thought all was lost
544 · Sep 2011
Magic Box
David Nelson Sep 2011
Magic Box

                      I have this secret box
            where wonderful surprises appear
                  day after day I look inside
               to see what magic has arrived

              magic things that pull my strings
                     and help me to see clear
                    it is a strange day indeed
           when I look and find nothing inside

         mystical words and heavenly thoughts
                     sometimes perfect art
             music that does capture the ear
                     and send my soul aloft

           incredible views of natures beauty
                   that penetrates the heart
              gazing down on a beautiful face
                       with lips so very soft

                      today like any other day
                 I have rushed to peek inside
                 but this is one of those days
                 where disappointment grows

                   little of any consequence
                 or interest has me satisfied
               today the Magic Box is empty
                  I'm sure my sadness shows

               I suppose this is the realization
                that before was just a dream
            that magic only appears to those
                  that are looking for a star

              to wish upon and dream about
                   this digital super stream
               if the magic should reappear
                     I will secure it in a jar    

                   Gomer LePoet...
542 · May 2010
I Love You
David Nelson May 2010
I Love You

I love you for who you are, you're my constant  inspiration,
your  never ending kindness, leaves me searching  for your  lite    

I love you for what you do, your spatial  imagination,
how you make me feel  special, each and every nite

I love you for your  wit, you always bring a chuckle,
a word, a look , or just  a simple joke

I love you for your kisses, that can make my knees buckle,
I know sometimes I can seem, like a peculiar bloke

I love you for your patience,  your  way of  understanding,
you listen to my rantings, and still know how to smile

I love you for your support, of my poor takeoffs  and  landings,
my latest brainstorm  choices , missed by at least a mile

I love you for  more reasons, than this simple man can reason,
you  constantly surprise me with your  style

I love you because your simple,  you can change just like the season,
I'm glad you agreed to keep me, let me stay for  just a while

Gomer LePoet
541 · Jun 2013
Nothing Too Serious
David Nelson Jun 2013
Nothing Too Serious

well my knees are knocking
and my eyes so blurry
think I jumped out of bed
in too big a hurry

but don't get excited
I'm not delirious
I'm sure I'll be alright
it's nothing too serious

and just why are you here
have you gone crazy
wasting your time on me
you know I'm rather lazy

I have no ambition
and several mental conditions
but I sure like to dance
to songs of my own rendition

I found a new sponsor
said she'd get me straight
I asked her are you sure Doc
you sure it's not too late

now I have a crush on her
she is so mysterious
I hope to keep it together
nothing too serious

I'm glad you are my friend
but I may forget tomorrow
the memory is going
do you have any money I can borrow

I think I heard a knock on the door
now I am really curious
hope they're not coming for me
maybe I should take it more serious

Gomer LePoet...
Are you serious? nah don't think so, or do I!
541 · Sep 2011
David Nelson Sep 2011

parts get worn out sometimes from overuse
sometimes they just rust away from no attention
they will break if left unattended or subjected to abuse
that is why most things will come with some direction

a dab of oil and occasionally cleaned right
can prevent you from having to worry or fret
won't be waking you up in the middle of the night
with squeaky strange sounds making you sweat

a broken heart is of course another matter
there are no instructions and no guarantees
most lubricants for this will only make you chatter
and eventually bring you down to your knees

why is this the way things are way to often
words never said or sometimes misspoken
add another nail to your hearts coffin
why did we come with a heart so easily broken    

Gomer LePoet...
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