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Verse 1:

He noticed her sad eyes,

And asked her why she was so sad.

She said it was because of the way she looked

And he couldn't understand.


But you're the most beautiful girl I've seen.

So why can't you see?


You are the most beautiful and unbelievable

Girl I have ever met

And you are wonderful, simply wonderful.

How could you not know it?

I could tell you in a million ways

Baby I think, you're beautiful, yeah

Verse 2:

She asked him why he felt that way

Since no one had ever said that before

He said that it had always been true

She just didn't know.


He looked at her with love in his eyes

Then he smiled at her and said

Chorus again then:

I've known this from the day we met

Whoa, oh, you're beautiful

Why can't I make you see?

How much you mean to me?

Chorus once more, then:

He noticed her sad eyes,
And asked her why she was so sad.
This is not a poem. These are the words to a song I wrote. I'm gonna be writing songs and short stories on here. So look out for those and comment to tell me what you think.
What do you do when you just want to cry?
What do you do when every smile becomes a LIE?
What do you do knowing he won’t be there?
You’re turning 13 and your heart turns cold and bare!
When you can’t be happy you can’t laugh anymore!
You can’t pretend he'll walk through that door!
With flowers and balloons and a cute teddy bear,
and a little pink bow to go in your hair,
a smile on his face and a tear in his eye!
Before his big hug out comes a sigh!
“My little girl is growing up so fast!”
That’s what I wish I’d hear him say,
Another gaze into my eyes,
Darling "I LOVE YOU happy 13th birthday!!!!
What do I do when my hands start to shake?
when my heart starts to yearn for that smile on his face?
13 years of life and almost 3 with pain in my heart,
A million left to go and I don’t know where to start!!!!
So I’m lying here tonight my heart crushed and sad,
It’s SWEET 13 this year without my amazing dad!!!
 Nov 2013 David Messmer
Her sky blue
His dull hazel
My demon green
Every pair a mere reflection
Or window to the pain

Her eyes show her death wish
Avoiding my gaze with quick swish
of her hair.  Those blue eyes
They tell us no lies

His eyes show the hidden dejection
They show a fear of rejection
Those hazels dulled now
Always forcing mine to bow

My eyes the demonic curse
I couldnt think of anything worse
They twist the world
To an image i could behold

We three friends
Three pairs of eyes
Three types of pain
Three prisoners who want to be free

Only the night
Lets me to go fight
Lets her go to the knife
and will let him have a life

These dying eyes
We each despise
They give us away
They always betray

The false glee
Revealing the desire to be free
You don't know me at all,
You can't pick me up when I fall.
You keep trying to make me crack,
Stupid you, just watch me bounce back.
Don't tell me how to live my life,
Don't tell me to stop playing with a knife.
You can't tell me what I can and can't do,
I do what I do all because of you.
You must be some sort of ugly joke,
Why don't you start to hang the rope?
A murderer lives here inside of me,
Closed from love. Never to be free.
Leave me alone and let me be,
I'll suffer in dark and try to see.
You think your helping but sorry your not,
Go pull up a chair so you can watch me rot.  
Want me to turn out to be just like you,
You isn't me. It wouldn't be true.
So stay away before I hit the ground,
Unawakened. Unseen. Lost and unfound.
Look at my scars,  see your name?
Brokeness cried out you're the one to blame.
See you're just making everything worse,
Why don't you go pull the trigger first?
You can't fix a heart with some needle and thread,
I'd rather you hold a gun up to my head.
Try to control me and my life,
What if you saw me on the floor with a knife?
Or see me hanging from the rope you tied?
How would you feel seeing my last tear cried?
Don't come close and keep your distance,
To love, to live, be gone in an instant.
You walk by me and what do you see.
Everything but my dying heart inside me.
Screaming until there's nothing left,
I'm so sick of playing this game of happiness.
When I look around all I see,
Smiles and laughing all around me.
All the lies that I'm living,
Every breath that I'm breathing.
Say what you wanna say.
I wanna hear the words to pierce this  heart.
Alive on the outside but lies again.
Death on the inside.
A bullet in my heart.
So now I can't feel a thing anymore.
Take a look at these scars.
Say what you wanna say so you can put me to rest.
Scars hidden by a smile.
Scars hidden by a bracelet.
Just keep walking.
Walk far away.
Stay away from me.
Forever and always.
Judge me from one single look.
One glance at the scars.
A single look at bruises.
One glance at the blood stained note.
A single look at the suicide I wrote.
Do you have any idea, that's what you walk by?
You and your perfect life.
Walk past this broken life without a feeling.
Just one talk.
Just a hug.
Just a feeling.
Just one touch.
Just not enough.
But will last me til the midnight falls.
Give me something to prove I'm still alive.
Not to you but to myself.
My heart on lock down,
Happiness no where found.
The scarlet rivers flow,
Death around corners unknown.
Crimson, wrist to finger tip,
Broken hearted, tear to rip.
Deeper the sharp metal goes,
Faster than the blood flows.
The very last ****** fight,
To a dark unawakened night...
The very last beat of the heart,
Life and death always two apart.
The very last poison tear,
To the end of all life's fear.
Remember my grave stone,
And all cuts down to bone.
Remember the words on stone of death,
And the very last and final breath.
Watch the heavens rain down,
The noise drowns the painful sound.
Watch each drop hit rose petals,
A long night forever gone to settle.
Feel the loneliness of the breeze,
To my brokeness, rest in peace.
Take a look at me.
What do you see?
See these scars?
See the pain?
     Do you know me?
Or just know what you see.
      Because all I ever wanted was you.
But do you hear a word I'm saying?
      See me from the surface just like everyone else.
Please be that one who sees me how I see myself.
       I don't need anything but the extra attention.
I need you to help me fix my imperfection.
       Say you're there for me but there's nothing at all.
       Say you'll catch me but just let me fall.
       Say you want me but roll the dice.
I'll say "Hold that thought and watch me slice."
     A broken mirror.
Shattered glass.
     Just like a mirror shows the outside.
Crimson on glass shows the inside.
     I see the disaster living within.
Blood stained sleeves to cover the skin.
     A broken mirror shows  broken reflection.
Blood stained glass shows  broken rejection.
     To write "I'm sorry" on the glass with blood,
To have the floors red like a flood.
     Reflection shows the blood stained note.
Rejection shows the suicide I wrote.
     Look into the glass I broke,
Inside my world in darkened smoke.
     Just keep looking. See your name?
All carved out in blood I framed.
     Fill the pen with blood from the sink,
Another shot down of the suicide I drink
     Crimson turns to darken the night,
The pen falls with life out of sight.
     Thanks for acting like you were there.
Thanks for pretending like you care.
      You being so heartless.
So careless.
To not even look close enough to save a life.
Heartlessness took a life. It's done
Seeing you was like a hit and run.
You took one  look at me.
What did you see?
You saw the scars,
But turned away.
You saw the pain,
But let me fade.
Stirring up the beast inside,
Keep him caged. Run away and hide.
Cuz if he wakes I can't control,
I'm trapped inside my own black hole.
Screaming where no one can hear,
I'm lost inside  my darkest fear.
He stays awake but kills at night,
Make sure there's  not a soul  in sight.
Keep me chained, ******* with a bow,
Watches while red crimson flow.
Cut me open.
A slash with a knife,
Steal this heart and steal my  life.
Laughs at pain of  silent crys,
Manipulate with a  thousand  lies.
Drives me in circles to go insane,
A river of tears, a river of pain.
***** the life right out of me,
Light so dark. I can barely see.
Don't let him escape from your mind,
Tangled me up in ropes he bind.
Every breathe, a struggle to take,
Hide the blood, a smile to fake.  
The memory kept on me he scarred ,
Reminds me that he's never far.
Watches his  pride suffocate me,
Hang my rope, try to be free.  
Death is but drops of blood away,
But scars are here to always stay.
So don't let the beast stir up inside,
Keep him caged. Run away and hide.
Stirring up the beast inside,
Keep him caged. Run away and hide.
Cuz if he wakes I can't control,
I'm trapped inside my own black hole.
Screaming where no one can hear,
I'm lost inside  my darkest fear.
He stays awake but kills at night,
Make sure there's  not a soul  in sight.
Keep me chained, ******* with a bow,
Watches while red crimson flow.
Cut me open.
A slash with a knife,
Steal this heart and steal my  life.
Laughs at pain of  silent crys,
Manipulate with a  thousand  lies.
Drives me in circles to go insane,
A river of tears, a river of pain.
***** the life right out of me,
Light so dark. I can barely see.
Don't let him escape from your mind,
Tangled me up in ropes he bind.
Every breathe, a struggle to take,
Hide the blood, a smile to fake.  
The memory kept on me he scarred ,
Reminds me that he's never far.
Watches his  pride suffocate me,
Hang my rope, try to be free.  
Death is but drops of blood away,
But scars are here to always stay.
So don't let the beast stir up inside,
Keep him caged. Run away and hide.
I remember the first day I truly saw his beauty. The first day I stepped into his world. It was just him and I. Together we were unbreakable. We lifted each other up and binded each other's deepest wounds.
         His eye pierced through my heart and saw me purely and truly for the person I no longer had to disguise. He couldn't speak, yet said so much. I could hear him. I was proud to be a person to hear such a silent voice that spoke so big.
        It was his eyes. A human being can only dream of having a voice this loud in complete and dead silence. Eyes; such a small feature on a creature who could stand so tall. Yet, they overpowered everything else. They spoke for what was true and could tell no wrong. A reflection of the heart and soul, it was.
        I could see it. His heart was bigger than any human beings. And it showed so clearly. If only man could have such a heart like his, then the world would become completely pure.
        He knew me. He knew me like no other person  will ever know me. Not a single word was spoken and everything would be understood as whole. The secret was silence. Because in silence, that's when most will ever be revealed.
        Its true, a person never sees the world differently until they step into another's shoes. But we were in each other's worlds. Two worlds collided into one. There was so much meaning, so much understanding. He knew what I could never say and I knew what was never heard. It's what made us so unique. A heart's cry could never be hidden because when eyes were met, everything was known. As either broken or whole, he saw every crack and bruise and every opened wound.
        He knew my tears. As one sees as broken, he saw shattered, crushed and scarred. My heart was clear to him as if it were cut out of my chest and held up to his face.
        I knew his tears. Never once seen by any other except for one. No tears ever fell from his eyes but his eyes reflected a crying heart. I saw his hurt. How can one disguise pain to be so beautiful, so majestic? I saw more than people knew. More than people will ever know. He saw in me what was never revealed to any opened mind. I saw more in him than what met any ordinary eye.  
        The stars used to dance over us. The moon, a cresent, would smile down at us. I remember the sparkle in his eyes and how it reflected a world beyond. I watched the million stars dance  in his eyes that night. He had that spark that could out shine even the brightest star in the sky. His heart was radiant. They reflected that twinkle his eyes owned so well.
      He saw me. His eyes would go deeper than any surface and we would be left looking for more. He spoke to me through eyes that spoke for a heart so true. He consumed me with acceptance and love that I've never felt so powerful and obvious with any human being in my life.
        Being around made me forget all the pain. At times he'd look at me and wonder why I was crying and I saw the pain his heart would hold. I was never alone. He was always there to wipe away tears that would hold such burdens. And in those moments, another stitch would be added onto a bleeding and broken heart.
        I was not the only one broken. He was broken too. He was once left behind, unloved, not accepted. He filled in the holes of what could be missing in a heart and I did the same for him. We lifted each other up and binded the blood of unseen and seen wounds, until there was no trace of scars.
        Two broken hearts healing. One is so hard to care for. A heart acts as if a child would. It needs to be fed love. All the nutrients that act for love, acceptance, want and protection. No one wants a broken heart. They hold such deadly and toxic burdens unseen by blinding eyes. Some cannot carry all the weight of troubles without support.  A heart needs to be pampered to avoid being abused.
        We were each other's support. He was healing and so was I. Our hearts connected to make each other stronger and unbroken. It may be impossible to read minds, but it is possible to read a heart, if taken the time to read in between the lines; between the cracks and scars.  And we did that without even trying. How rare is that?
        In a moment so perfect, one will always think of forever but they never hear the sound of reality knocking on their door. How deafening can death sound to the ear sometimes. It was there. Not even beside us, but in front of us. A person can be so blinded to what is beautiful and the closest thing to perfect because perfect is barely anywhere in this world. But when beauty is found, we cling onto it because in darkness, it could be the only thing that shines. But when light dims and fades, then what's there to do?
        The sun set early that night. The stars fell from the sky one by one and crashed all around me. I could hear them break like fragile glass cracking and breaking beneath my feet. The one sound that was unbearably deafening. I didn't dare to look at the disaster coming forth. Yet I could feel the edges of the stars hit me all around. Soon enough, I could feel the warm rush of blood leave my body nice and slowly as the stars tore me to pieces. Clouds would forever hide what was wished to be seen that night. After the thousandth one shattered into millions, there was no more left.  They disappeared, vanished; along with the spark I once saw in his eye. My brightest star began to dim right in front of me. He started to disappear. In amazement, I could only watch him fade into the air right in front of me. My hands wanted to reach out and grab everything that was leaving so quickly, but i stood there as if paralyzed in place. The wind was against me, holding everything we ever had in it's hands.  All in one, with a great deal of force it moved on. As if a massive hole disguised as a disintegrating heart, the wind carried through, leaving the emptiness i never desired to feel again. I watched his new set of wings while he took a first and last flight away from me for forever.  He carried all the moments, all the memories and a broken and healed heart. I could only pray he'd get the first heart fixed for me while he was away.
          Here's to the first year without seeing his face. Nothing has been the same ever since. It's true, no one will ever know me like I was once known before. Two different people can be created throughout a tragedy. In one's eyes, it can be a beautiful thing. In another's it can be a nightmare slowly transforming into a reality. Throughout it all, some can grow and be created for the worse and  some for the better.
         I can still see his wings. They are still just as beautiful as he once was. They're combined with all the stars from heaven itself. That shine his eyes held once, still shine but differently. He shines even brighter now that he's closer to the stars than I'll ever be. They still portray a heart and a life of pure and touching beauty. And I experience that every time the stars dance over me, pulling me back in time to when there was just him and I.
       His wings are jeweled with every star above while looking down at me. As they shine, it'll set a reminder that he's never far away. For whenever I'm missing him, I'll look up to the heavens for the stars to connect us again. I'll close my eyes and be carried through time and know it'll be okay. Because every night when the stars of his wings glow, I'll watch and think of him. But from now until we become alike, keep shining for me. Above and over me.
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