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Joy is a many splendored being
In joy we forget all our grievances
Hope appears as a bright star in our
Darkest moments to say: I am truth
Joy will come again.  Remember:
Joy in deepest grief.  Do not cease
To believe.  Do not forget Joy.  Know
You will rise again as He has promised
That the sons of man   they shall know
His Love for then is without end. So I
Say to you again Believe and Remember
Such is the power of the command to love even
If it be from a God unknown.  Even if if we are
Bidden to take forbidden fruit what are these if
God asks for our love we will give it.  Know it as
The gift, the greatest gift there is.  In it all our  
Transgressions are forgiven and the supremest of
Our sins forgotten and this is the unknown God we
Worship The known and unknown God the One we
Obey. Forever and a day a call to love so wonderful
God said to thepersnickiity judge
I will make a man out of you yet.
How so said the Judge do you
Know the Sovereign?  God
Said: There is only you and me
Here.  What shall we wager, a
Life for a life.  Sounds Fair.  But
The judge said who will say it is
Me  if there is only one left. God
Said One will be gone one will
Be left  Let all men judge for
Themselves who is he. I can
Only say He is my Father.
Who looks not upon my sin
Between us and them
There is only One and  
He don see much diff

Time to bow our heads
An'd seek forgiveness.
Both us and them Lord
By and by Lord hear our
Prayer to Love one''nother
To sing  His praises that
We have found the Way 'n
Been given His salvation
There is a saying who's source I forget
"Justice delayed is not justice."  Justice
Is swift.  Swift to repent for it is at it's
Source close to  the Divine; as Love  is
Outraged at cruelty  So it is equally swift
To recognize none is righteous but all
Fall short and the judge offends in a way
Like to  him whom gave offense -lacking
Understanding and compassion; failing
In the commandment that we love one
Another even as we love  ourselves; and
So obeying God.  Our better angels know
Repentance and are swift to obey that the
Peace that is heaven's be for us'on earth.
If you would know greater love
Throw in great guilt to the fire
For it is in excess of passion that
Which is unlawful that it burns-
Great love is always excessive and
So must in excess be paid back
As has been said who will be the
More grateful he who has been
Forgiven much or he who has a
Little on his conscience?  So the
Rich man becomes the beggar;
The healthy become sick ;youth
Becomes age and life becomes
Death.  All for Love.   To whom
Much is given much will be
Expected but is this the end
Did Job sso end his life?  No
He was restored given back
All in greater abundance than
Before.  Love gives and love
Takes and love gives again
Even from death to life more
Abundant than before.  Gives
All back in excess forever more.
Sinner-lover passionate as life.
You are and always will be.
When you gotta take a chance
'n its a matter of life or death 'n
You gotta live 'n to live you've
Gotta take a chance  even if it
Means you gonna die anyway
Then it is after all God's Will
You are his faithful dog even if
Sometimes it is kinda hard to bear
You chose to live 'n always tried
your best  but 'still you died had to.
May you hear at the end: "God
Rest his soul" and know it was for
Your Peace He took you home
Some where I heard it said>"Not
My will but Thy will be done"  And
When the bell tolls for me I will come
Then may I hear welcome home my child

For all who choose to live and
Who fight against the dying the
You spend half a lifetime trying to get away
And all the time have gathered cherished
Memories hardly realizing what will be no
More-Then you fly away -burst forth on the
Journey hardly contemplating any loss. But
There comes a time you know it was your
Home- loveliest of memories and you can
Not go there again only when we visit in
Our dreams; a place most like heaven as a
Remembered sketches of a beach long ago

Long long are the memories  of our youth

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem "My Lost Youth"
Like any writer I am
Concerned with the
Right word but only
So much if it eludes
Then I count it love's
Labor lost and it is
Only right for love
Should not be a bit
Of labor I am told.
Anyway I believe
That the ill fitting
Word can even at
Times work better.
Like the boy who is
Wearing his older
Brother's handme-
Downs may look
More winsome to
The loving eye who
Sees knowing life's
Struggle- understands
The child's goodness
Better than the tailor
Fit could express it.
Sometimes a little
Play a;  little wobble
Is best.  I am told the
Earth's orbit shows a
Small eccentricity that
It will probably grow
Out of just before we
All crash into the sun
Until then I say we can
All be write as we are.
In the demon land you are weak
Cannot  stand; are overcome yet
Rising above this evil cannot fol-
Low.  It is not that you are strong
That you overcome but that in
This other space the devil cannot
Reach you where you are now.
How can it be that here the evil
Fingers can no longer shape the
Pliable clay.  It is fated that man
Shall fall in love and so be less
And less till be God's hand he
Be kneaded  as near as nothing
Is to one and like helium is be
Rising even as the son.  For the
Maker lifts up His clay.  His sod
He brings to life with each day.
He has promised that the meek
Shall inherit the earth and all
Shall be on earth as in heaven
As little children.the falling
Stars shall grace this place
That love may rise and fall
We know not all but rise and
Fall in love.  It is enough...
When for the world-the currency of
Gold and fashion love is denied and
The lover told go to hell I say it is to
Heaven you will be called.  In either
Case there is death and regret.  God
Will decide the kinder and which of
Us is compassionate.  Was it not He
Who said He would tear like paper the
Universe, earth and sky if love's truth
Not be told;and not in vain is it meant
Take it   to heart and deny not the one
Who loves you oh child of my heart
I would not even have death divide us.
But in heaven  our better angels.are.
for the latestnot my
Scripture tells me that there shall be
No remembrance of things past.Yet
I seem to remember perhaps that is
Why God gives the old the gift of
Senility that they may roam for
Yet a while where their  treasures
Are  unremembered still bright as
New Ay Take  up your cross  old
Sojourner for it brings you closer to
The end of that unbearable wait so
Soon over now to all of suffering the
End but one to the pure joy of rising
Death overcome in  forgetfulness.The
Soul washed clean is truth innocent
Its fountains are the eternal springs.

As it was  in the beginning is now...
The foolishness of God is better than
The wisdom of man...
In the sunshine prayer seems to
Go against the grain-but when:
The fear of being deserted in the
end come in the  dawn dreams of
A harsh light beating down with
Judgements just-there is a prayer
Of mine that yearns for dark clouds
In which to hide my loneliness.  Let
It  rain I say that I may pray hidden
Here with  you  who can hear my heart
Knowing it is not just light but Thy
Tears  merciful  that are my need .For
Is there not kindness in the storm that
Sets aside earthly judgements.while
Yet there is time to hear the prayers
Of the broken hearted-Let it rain for
Lovers everywhere there is still time
If God is good we shall meet again.
I am still changing;  learning the obvious-
The truth long believed but misunderstood
Because the circumstances from which it
Arises was yet unknown so the sentiment
Could not be spoken from the heart still
Untutored by time.  So much that we hear
That is bold strong and brave comes only
From the broken hearted; the meek seeking
Peace who have learned the vital lesson that
If you cannot love here on earth as it is in
Heaven; fearing to forgive but seek to avenge
For wrongs  wept for.  Calling for justice on the
Poor in spirit who have already suffered much
Subordinating love to worldly pride.Then it is
A better more loving judgement to be taken up
That from your higher post you may at last know
Mercy that is Love triumphant.  Your Lover will
Follow you who you would not leave me behind.
I Would be with you always where your Love  is
If it cannot be here then to the hereafter call me.
Yet it is not my choice it is you who would leave
Me unloved - Harden not your heart hear my cry
A look in the mirror.  Yesterday.
A short dash from somewhere to
No where.  Who can say this not
The essence?  When its over.....
Why believe?  The enemy is real
So real that is come to slay you-
Death so close you can taste it-
Like there is no tomorrow and
Strange flames lick like fear at
The door of your soul then you
Still may know this: It is not.
Has no place inn your heart
But comes to you like an alien
Invader to claim your Earth- a
Portal opened from an evil eye
That says I can make you leave
All you love-take all you love
Away from you. I am King of
Of Make Believe and your true
Ruler.  Then I hear myself cry:
Truth!  Truth!  Wake me up it
Is you I love.  Oh Lord Help!
Then I heard Him say: Lift-
Lift up your Heart and Live
Like a bellow pulsating anxiety fans
the fires of love for only what is lost
Can tell the full story of what is priceless
While Love itself be  stable it  only when
It is wrenched away- when the whale that
Is in the seas leaps from the them that its
Self  is fully felt as the heart of life itself
It slipped ghost like over  the eye of my conscience
A thief in the night it came unseen and took my truth
How many times I have repented even now so many
Years afterwards.  I do believe God forgave me but
I do not forgive myself for the callous act.  That I can
Not just accept the grace given so freely from my Lord
Is it that I do not  believe as I tell myself not to forget
Saying again and again Never again, Never again as if
That were some voodoo charm with power over all evil
There is still a scar over my third eye that keeps  me
Remembering what I would not have ever done if only
I  had but been true to myself.  Is it my pride that still tells
Me I could never fall prey to that silent ghostly film that
Passed between my soul' and and muted the voice of my
God.  Why should there ever be an eclipse of the sun; and
When it passes and sky is bright blue again why return to
Thoughts of darkness always asking why -Why me?
I who would be with you in heaven still cannot accept
My childhood-that you understood and still loved me
Even when I feet so bad about being bad I do not know
What to do or the reason why ...
Still  I am a child of God and Lord
I need you to tell me again and
Again  that you still love me. 
Again and Again that you Love
Me,   Amen

For all Gods Creatures: May we always show them kindness and be thankful.
Love is like a fire
It know no shame
Its fuel is dried out
Virtue.  Yet let us not
Cry for they  shall
Come again sweeter
More tenderly than
Before.  From out
The charred ground
Sweetened by the ash
Of what was burned
The loveliness of God
Restored to its origins
The perfect Is where all
See them selves as they
Truly are.  Yet it is but
A reflection.  The mirror
Is the shiny allegory in
Which all can see them
Selves but if no one asks
Who is there?  The mirror
Says nothing back. If all
Men can see Christ in  their
Life did he ever really live?
Look in the Perfect Mirror
Tell me who is there?
Enthralled by freedom; Enchanted by
Ourselves.  Beauty was its condiment to
Lionize all of which we were co-creators
Of  and thereby honor the majesty of play.
A wondrous thing layer upon layer
We wove an artificial world into a
Masterpiece fit for kings-it was so
Much greater than the world we
Knew, filled with inspiration, and
Rich in complexity, superbly colored.
It commanded stay here!  Live here!
It can be yours forever.  But it was
Not to be.  The afternoon grew late.
The dusk of evening covered us in
Shadows.  My friend or  was it I
Said: One more act then it is all
Complete and we never need leave.
Was it I or he that said no it all must
End-Mother and Father wait and
The table is set and our play is over.
The common place always brings
Us back and we remember our duty  
Is not to the enchanted land.  Did I
Or you stay on alone I do not know.
It is but a play and as the Bard has
Said Signifies nothing the characters
Like us return to dust with all their
Pomp and glory but still we  yearn to
Play again like Twain to dream a better
Dreams; for the plays the thing...and
Though  it must end still we hear its call
For Eternal youth is its long sought goal.
Indeed it is our duty to be born again.

For Mom & Dad
That truth abound
The truth about the
Human soul is always
Tenderer than we
Suppose.  Be not
Roughly disposed
That the truth new
Born not be disguised
A gargoyle where there
Be a flower unseen

Happy New Year all
Just before the sun fires of the
Day are turned low--when the
Bright Summer sky is still pure
Blue the Little League Park is
Full of children and older folks.
The children play games of no
Names that are as old as the hills
It is liked a revival meeting with
No tent or preacher only people
Come as  to some long ago Druid
Holy place.  I say to myself
Come my heart to me on this
Bench of former times; let my
Soul recline and be at peace
All is well is it not though I do
Not belong and am only a
****** incognito and alone.
Just beyond the field is the
River and across the river the
Church my parents married in.
There also the old high school
their alma mater in that quaint

Old time that was just before
The war.  I had stopped here
For reasons I cannot explain
I had roots of conception in
This town but not by birth
All was to me as Willoughby
My home in a wishful dream.
We ask and the answer is maybe
Yes or No.  We ask because we
Do not know .and the answer is
Maybe...Maybe yes and maybe
No.  Maybe time will tell,  This
I know.  I must  live in the cloud
Make peace with the cloud find
Therein  my daily bread and give
Thanks for it and for every kindly
Thing each day brings; and if my
Cup runneth over to share my joys
With  all others  By this my life is
Blessed more blessed than by any
Other answer.  For of even  sweet
Lies the truth  better. I  live in the
The Great cloud of unknowing. It
Is from that post I sometimes see the
Sun and am sometimes soaked by rain
Sometimes from my summit thunder
And lightening make me tremble but
When it passes sometimes I see the
Most beautiful rainbow that tells me
Not to suffer any more .God is good
And all is right in heaven and on earth
It is but a  passing  thought.  Not a fact
But I know that I will cherish it until
Death do us part Till then I love you  
I love you It is is  a whimsy. I suppose
Forgive me for I do  what  I know not

For my Mother
Do you want a pear
No I need but one
Do you want a pear
No I prefer one
Do you want a pair
No I already have one.

For Ed Ross, Dream Librarian,
My First friend in the Golden State
In the Golden State
We are made by love
In love: tp love but so
Often our execution  is
Well alas not up to *****
Love forgives its child.
We all fall down but deep
Inside we hear the call to
Rise -guiltless that we fell
Because love is clement-. .
Love kind ;gives us time
Asks again for our love
To try again to make it
Wonderful as good as the
Pure cold water does  our
Thirst.  Can you think of
A better way to pass  the
Time than to let love have
Its way with us in June?
There are many virtues but each is limited
Love excepted.  Look at freedom Perfect it
Cannot be for if it was it would be able to
Trample all in its fullest allowing-so with all
Other virtue  it is not perfect or can it be made
Perfect-Only Love is perfect and only by it can
We Be perfectly guided to know that which we
Must Know for the proper governance of our lives.
Though our love be uninformed
It is yet the best prayer we have
To offer when seeking gifts from
One greater than ourselves- Are
Our prayers but a child's way of
Speaking- a wish that dares to be
Sincere.  A pleading not of our
Merit but of our desire: offered
Without regard to  imperfections
Of the little petitioner who only
Knows to speak the heart's truth
That is pleasing to the beloved
Even as a baby"s babel is to the
Mother hearing one  that is loved
If love be only for the perfect it is not for us
For all begin their journey shall fall short still
Love exhorts us to continue for Love is always
A process-who fears falling more than loves to
Walk does not trust that love is kind. But who
Stumbles is told to rise again and to know that
Love is patient and love is kind; and whoever is
in power Let them know how be it this came to
Be.  Say not then: It is only God can Love and  
God forgive  Say yes to me who's fallen. Say
Rise dear friend take my hand for it's been given
Then shall I rise saying only by the grace of God
Am I Living  Oh adfinitum is the Love of God  to
Man; and man to God; so should our kindness be
To one another.  Grant this Oh Lord I still pray...

For my children
Did you know love?  Was it be like the early morning
Clear and bright in early summer say. One day you
Knew life was good and it was so.  At noon it was a
Pouring forth, the cup that over-floweth.  A drought of
Sufficiency of day and then comes the evening with all
It's splendor and the Venus star comes forth and all is
Memory that you must let go of as if it never was.  And
Purple sorrow presages the night and some like me fight
Against the dying of the ligtht but in the  end one  let's go.

Remembering Nepenthe
Must return to the great Lethe .where forgetfulness  reigns.
That you know you have loved all and completely is your
Peace for there is no better  here or hereafter. What  iswill it's
End is but the necessity that it should be born again that a
New child of wonder always give praise unto the Lord.
My life has been so  conditioned by
Absence a longed for presence that I
Know no other and so by forfeit this
Unworthy life has shamefully become
My wretched blanket that I cling to in
Like a child standing before the storm
What is dearest is the least,and the last
There is this about famous people: we grow up
And it seems we have heard of them before
It is the same with love only more so as it seems
You have known Her always.  Of all that is
Famous She is the one without compare and
is greatest of all.  So it is woe extreme to lose
Her -to think she is gone forevef.  Death is sweet
To  living without hope-,with hope dying.  That
She know It is for her honor  I would gladly die
than live ever without Her-If Hope of Her is-
Is not to be is to be forever disappointed
Who rejects unwavering goodness;
Bares fang against his Benefactor?
T0 even those who reject Him He
Continues to show kindness. Will
Not the enemy be reborn to be in
Service to the One that served him
Even in his perversity that he might
Know that  is now, ever was ,and will
Be Love needing no coercion makes
All things new to sing His praise with
Gladness of heart and mind.  Let us
Not then be discouraged but continue
In the faith that the victory is ours by
The grace of Him who saves sinners;
Who by the power of Love raises the
Dead to life everlasting.  Lord  we will
Be with you in that day I know even
So Lord I say: Lord Come Quickly!
In the timeless dark waiting
One awakes and His first wish
To know the kind king who rules
Where he may reside where love
Is Sovereign over all.  He sees it
Not nor yet feels only that it is true
A skeleton of logic, a tautology of
Being that where he is all is good
The seed of imdination that even if
Forget still is.and still lives in the
Light that which only perceives its
Shadow. Have you not heard spoken
The Word: "Forgive them they know
not what they do"  For there is beneath
The very beast the child that was and
Still is.  More than this I say that if the
Great world be evil it is but a sham and
Illusion that perishes before the Truth
They say  love cannot die but that is not
Strictly true it can be struck dumb and so
Sleep who can say how long like an insect
Underground till the season of its rebirth.
When from buried chrysalis it is transformed
Into a butterfly with wings that fly from earth
To heaven  and beck again to land unexpected
On a dormant human heart that is still dear to
True a love that never dies.  Therefore I say to
Myself and to you fear not that sleep nor how
Long it may be.  For it will  pass in the twinkling
Of an eye.  Fight fight against the dying of the light
If you must but then rest fearlessly till thou wake
Again with me till that time  earth and heaven do
Com and all is made new again.  Sleep now  who
knows what dreams may come yet trust sweet chance
Is better than this stubborn wrangling that calls itself
Life but is not love  True Love does not lie but lies in
Wait till the end of never if need be.that is the Lord"s
Trump  card to all who would decry love"s victory.
Good bye my children you  who are mine no longer
Invade Invade Oh Merciful God
Slay the warriors with charity.
From your heart wash them in
Salvation's waters of the grime
Cleanse them of every crime. Slay
Our fears that we live and die each
One unloved by God or man all
Unknown for whom we truly are
A stranger here, a babe afraid,
The child of God who has yet to
Take from us our disguise.  Reveal
Now  yourself son and brother man.
Let the lion lie down with the
Lamb.  Put aside all unbelief
It is His Command to us that
We Love one another as Our
Father has loved His lost son
As the shepherd who goes back
To save the lamb that strayed
In a moment of Joy a thousand
Years of sorrow is forgotten.
Hope sustains but even if it die
Should that day come as sure as
Day follows night; leads with the
Light and morning come there is
No wait.  No time before with the
Lord who is always with you wakes
You and comes like One , even the
Son riding upon a donkey out of a
Rain bringing the sun and laughter
different as we are
different as we may be
In Love's mirror
I love you and you
Love me.  I see you
and you see me.  In
Love's mirrorI play
You and you play me
Together forever in
a game of peek aboo
Hide and seek Away
Wee go Loving each
Other in God's mirror
Me and my dog playing
I Love you and you love
Me in God's mirror.
That where i will find
Where you will find me.
Modest is but to shield the eyes from the
Bright Star that is our innocence that we
Might not be blinded by the  of the light
With the all consuming desire to claim it
Drawn like a moth to the flame.  Seeking
Seeking the light that seeks us.  Surely this
Is a happy death.  We are drawn to Love- A
Consuming Love is to be together at last the
Dream fulfilled; to be together.  To be  One
With our hearts desire: Innocent forever We
Are but God;s Love Song.  Rising to heaven
As the smoke of prayers  is writhing upward
Returning to Him the gift of our Innocence
The world,  My world ever stands
Before  my eyes a replacement for one
You; for a great longing for the Love I
Lost.  A love I cannot replace by any
Other.  But looking back seems I can
Remember so much beauty and I realize
Now that I was not looking into the void
At otherness but it was you I was seeing.
The many faces of your beauty were all
Your gift to me of love, a love unknown
In its greatness.  Unknown and never to
Kept but to be free. Yet even in its partings
Faithful to all it's  Promise.   Saying " soon you
Will know me again- who I am- as I say Adios
Again and again.  I am love and the one you
Love.  And I am love's unknown grandeur" Be-
Cause I always think I am looking for another
When I am  really still seeing you my love.
Let us be quick about  this To love is to
Serve That is how you know it is love the
Willingness wholehearted willing-passion
To be the servant of another as a god unto
Your heart.  Such euphoria it is to know the
Gift has been accepted and understood for
What it is -that you have been conquered by
Love willingly and joyfully without pride
Without reservation, without change.  So
Is God unto you; loving without shame is to
Know that you are made in His image

To the one who knows it i
Come quickly
I am loyal to my life because it is all
I have Who I am.  So therefore despite
Its' many short comings which I have
Railed against and still will rage against  
Yet I would not sever the vital cord ever.

It is the same with my church and my country
They are my world and my universe-despite
All Vesuviuses; despite all black holes- all that
Is imagined or real that threatens the good life.
I can never say I do not wish thee anymore and
Mean it.  Such I believe is not my idea alone but
All are loyal to the same and it is rooted in the
Common love that is most plain and unadorned
By pretense and humbug sham theatrics of flag
Natives are we of that land which  is of our God
This Love it is which commands my allegiance
To this is my loyalty which I l never voluntarily
Surrender.  But not my will but thy will be done
Do not be mad that I called you mad
I am mad too  Has it not been said:
that two negatives make a positive
Yet we shall rejoice in one another
A frail fragrance leads us-
The wonderful odor of the long
Carried on a vagrant breezes that
Leads us but we cannot trace them
We only know they are true; and are
Heartfelt.  They did not grow old
With us but are always in their Spring
.  Did they depart because of a
Misunderstanding; something that
Was said or unsaid?  I grieve to
Think the consequences of such
Whimsy maybe sovereign in our
Lives but then memories are such
Fragile things and still we seek on

Every breeze the scents of hope-

That we yet may follow where our
Heart leads us.  I Am ever on the  
Way to our being  together again
If there be love this is no vanity

For Rumi and Emily Who visited with me
this morn
In the beginning is nothing 'n might have been
Are the same, the origins.of everything.  Like
A locomotive coming down the track in the
Night- before you can hear it makes no sound
Then you hear the whistle and the great thunder
As it goes by till you can't hear it again.  The
Greatness of what is is less than what only migtht
Have been In the beginning.  Everything God
Let be came nothing and like lonely traveler who
Yearns to be home again returns to nothing.  Before
The big bang there was silence and there is its joy
Not forgotten  is what might have been. Something
Tells us not get above our raisin.  What is there to
Have if I cannot have you and I still think about
What might have been when it all seemed possible
So I am not sad to be going back to my beginnings
Long times ago but it seems like only yesterday
It is an odd thing about misunderstandings odd I say
Because they never break even, almost never get re-
Solved can only be forgot and that's hard to do.
Think on it and what's to do;  take the blame 'n you
Might be wrong and be coldly stung again 'n if your
Not to blame can saying your sorry ever help.  No
It takes grace and about that what can be known and
Not be smart  alecky.  No, misunderstanding is a hard
Nut to crack and hard to forget and never remember
Again and if you do remember well there is no sense
In that now than there was before.  So I may be wrong
but I'll say it anyway: Forget me not my old friends ...

With inspiration from Robert Frost and Edith Wharton
Even a mean dog suffers when beaten;
And as our fathers have said do not
Doubt child that this chastening hurts
Me.  I am pained with you yet I do it
Because you are worth it and to lose
You would be a much greater suffering
For each of us.   I say to you my friends
Take no joy in punishing your fellows
But that our valued brothers be restored
To us.  Justice without Love is a demon
Let loose.  And what of the victims of the
Mad dog.  Consider this:  If one repent of
Evil that evil wil be undone.  The Truth of
Love shall span all horizons as far as the
Eye can see and on  into the infinite.
Past; Present and Future are all restored.
Neither Truth nor Love shall be diminished;
The power of Love shall know no limit but
Passes beyond our full  understanding....
It is enough to be a child in the Kingdom
Of God why would would you seek  more?
What a ***** this dying is
When you go she won"t
Be anymore-There's that
A satisfaction in it; then
You remember the little
Girl so dearly loved. Can
Not something of this yet
Remain =like the last star
In the night sky to be seen
Before the new dawn-my wish
To know my child's soul -so
Bright. so beautiful so loving
Would be mine again but she says
Go go who cares -So I stay.   I am
Nothing if not perverse and may
Be its true that in heaven- I hate you
Means I love you and  silence there
Means I am yours and you should
Know it.  But I don't  and Its a *****
Our first love to the known being
Of the unknown Father that gives
Us the life that first perceives  light
Where I come to my being needy
Helpless with desires crying to be.
Be gratified hoping someone will
Hear that one is there for me, the
One we call Our Mother.  She is
Our first love that defines in its  
Origins and in its essence what
We mean by love, the deep and
Abiding Gratitude to that being
Kindness incarnate come to us in
Our need from the unknowable
Father of whom she is His word.

uncertain debating with itself
seeing defeat around every
corner but then again its
counterpoint again the theme
with variations but not purely
this but with questions of
what to wear to Milly's party
and what to feed the kids
then weariness restless so
much left to do to find
resolve a wish for quietness
that will not come until:
Love until love is forgot...
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