It is not this yet this is on the path. There is the coincidenceof two worlds each the antithesis of the other, mutually excvlusive; yet each is an affirmation of the other. Like a double negative they cancel each other out. This is the nothingness that cannot be known; the mystery that can never be solved . The Nothingness preceedes all. All is contained in it yet it is unbound. It is not a question to be persued. . The child stands before it not understanding . This is its the final reality- the non object- forever unknowable. Yet this can be accepted the permanent paradox , the dark and the light that is neither. The One. The One accepts all, lets all otherness enter into Being; and knowing not one knows: the grandeur, that great peace which surpasseth understanding is knowing the unknowable God. He says I am that I am and we are fulled with joy that the Truth is in us and it is the gift of eternal being Unknown.