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 Apr 2016 Ottar
Joel M Frye
I do not fight my fatal malady;
awake each morn, and live the day anew.
I have it; my cancer won't have me.

No battleground, no carnage to be seen,
my gentle Spirit bears my burden through.
I do not fight my fatal malady.

No cringing, no beseeching God, "Why me?"
In truth, I'd rather it be me than you.
I have it; my cancer won't have me.

Of course, I wish no one at all would be
in suffering.  Someday, I pray that's true.
I do not fight my fatal malady.

Should I live long enough that I might see
the cure the doctors say is coming due,
I'll have it.  The cancer won't have me.

When death will win its meager victory
the door will open.  Gladly, I'll pass through.
I do not fight my fatal malady.
I have it; the cancer won't have me.
In my case, stalemate means I win.  :)

So many concerned friends keep asking if I'm all right, and tell me to keep on fighting.  It puzzles me, for the above reasons.  There is no fight.  Accept, adapt, and move on.
 Apr 2016 Ottar
 Apr 2016 Ottar
Right now, my mind...
Is the proverbial popcorn machine.

Every little thing that bothers me is
likened to a kernel.
And to make popcorn, you need lots...
Bucketloads of kernels.

Dump them all in the machine.
Let them whirl.
They sit layered on top of each other
on the hot bed until...
The spindly metal arms begin to rotate...
Whose sole purpose is to agitate.

Buttered with debilitating insecurities.
Sprinkled with irrational fears.
Heated with erratic temperament.

And here come the arms again.

No one knows when the kernels
are going to cave and rupture.

"Pop!" would go one.
Then another...
And another...
Soon they would all start to explode.
When that happens,
I do too.


I love popcorn.
And I don't like to share.
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