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It felt like floating on the river with a wrinkly skin,
Akin to the corpse burying its sins deep within,
Life was like a gazebo in a dilapidated garden,
There will be reconstruction, if she let go off the burden.

It felt like being struck right deep into the soul
Suffocated and heated with a burning coal
Life has been like living in hell
Thinking she was already in heaven but she fell.

It felt tattered and drained out, limping every step towards life,
Appearing red stains and wounds by a knife,
Collecting the pieces haplessly, relieving the pain,
She wanted to feel the sunshine and kiss the rain.*

It felt like drowing in a vast ocean of depression
Heart suffering from lingering oppression
But her smile never fades away
Getting stronger day by day.
Another collab with another amazing poet :)

Bluestarfall in bold
Blythe in italics
He told me he meant nothing
That his existence was void

How do you tell a man that his existence alone has taken the bullet out of the gun. Without his wisdom cliff tops would have turned to treadmills with legs giving out before the ******.

He told me he doesn't want to wake up
That his hearts is on overtime

How can I tell this man his exoskeleton reflects the definition of perseverance. My father was a bad movie marathon I never watched. You sir have redefined father.

I told him he is a father to me
He has given me faith in altruism
Leaving the conversation
I thought of the gun
How It will always be there
Although we will not
I'm not doing
**** today
I take from every day
  laying down only
after what I want is done

every day just

  as the last
I walk the worn out

acquaintance with buzzy bees
and colored things

red ground has my footprints
flowers trees green and brown grasses
   nod at me

I will not say their names
   as we are just passing friends
tilting our caps
   in frequency

Subtly we say hello

I go up and down
    to where after what I want is done
only then,
  do I lay down

and rest.
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