These conspiracy theories are killing my brother
one video at a time,
as he inhales each line
like a Colombian drug lord with ties to the CIA,
as he withers like a grape on a vine full of GE pesticides.
I told him to lighten up, go for a walk,
visit grandpa in the hospital,
but he wouldn't listen,
and thinks it's more important
to spend his time waging war online
against the armies of the unseen.
Six months later, he lost his job like a *****
who od on ****** supplied by the US Army,
and though I have never trusted the Gov
or corporations or politicians,
neither do i trust documentaries
made by lonely people
who need a computer
to feel safe,
as they tell us
the computer is evil
and going to overthrow us all,
which is really a metaphor
for the problem
I have for all conspiracy theorists
like my brother,
who think they're fighting
against all the ill gotten spoils
of an empire built with bombs and technology,
yet can't go a day without logging in.