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Daniel Ospina Oct 2015
There’s such a thing, the Serenity Spring,
The cradle of all beauty.
Abode of light,
A haven from blight,
A place to pour out your worry.
The gentle waters, pristine,
Will make the filthiest soul clean;
Reflections reveal the truth, however ugly.
Simply let yourself be submerged
As your stains are rinsed and purged.
Float on your back and take in the green,
As rays of light create silhouettes of leaves.
Take a deep breath and inhale the smell
Of white lilies whose secrets you mustn’t tell.
A choir of birds sing a delightful melody
That melts all sorrow and agony.
Welcome, they sing, to the Serenity Spring
Where we’ll wash your anguish away.
When in your darkest hour,
Just close your eyes,
Delve deep into your mind,
Let your thoughts unwind,
And in this paradise you’ll be laid.
Daniel Ospina Oct 2015
I’m falling
Down the abyss of dementia.
Caressed by darkness.
Entranced by silence’s lullaby.
Sing me the song of melancholy.
Play me the tune of self-loathing.
I want to dance to the beat of regret,
An eternal replay of past mistakes.
Leave me be! My tongue yearns to lick
The wounds that adorn my decaying body.
Let me swim in my beloved salty
Lake of tears,
A cistern polluted by haunting memories.
I’m surrounded by multitudes, yet
I’m utterly alone.
Or am I?
What is that you say?
The key to my chains has been in my pocket
All along?!
You’re telling me the pain will mollify
Once I remove my hand from the fire?!
What a brilliant proposition.
I’m the captain of my own ship, and it will
Sail to wherever my heart lies.
Daniel Ospina Oct 2015
Hair gray, glistening with wisdom.
Wrinkles carved by life’s ordeals.
Eyes blinded by decades of vigilance.
Ears failing from listening to our distress.
Hands shaking, frail from lifting spirits.
Legs aching for always leading the way.
Throat sore from hours of discourse.
Back curved, encumbered by our worries.
Heart swollen with unconditional love.
Daniel Ospina Oct 2015
Oh, Time, you are my mortal enemy.
Woe to those who wallow in your foul play.
Like a monarch ruling one’s sanity,
You dictate my every move night and day.

From your iron shackles release me now,
A slave to the drudgery of routine.
For when a youth to you I did not bow,
Coming of age entails pain unforeseen.

Family forsaken as work prevails.
Rest is absent amid hectic duties.
Allocation of your daily wage derails
Your subjects from life's priorities.

Perhaps when I’m senile I’ll smile.
But for now, I will mourn all the while.
Daniel Ospina Sep 2015
There’s a saying that ignorance is bliss,
Yet philosophers tell us otherwise:
Beyond our consciousness there exists
An absolute truth no one can deny.

The wise insist that we live in caves,
Our reality a projection of shadows
And that nothing but the truth can save
Us from becoming a herd of cattle.

Thus, we allow the enlightened to reign
So that we may be led to a path of light.
No doubt their judgement can tame
Our oh-so inferior state of mind.

Sheep we’ve become to another pastor,
Each preaching their own perceived truths,
When we should be our own masters,
Refusing to be rendered mute.

Let’s embark on our own life-long voyage,
A thrilling quest to find ourselves.
To conform is to accept *******.
To dream is to rebel.
Daniel Ospina Sep 2015
His fingers tap dance on the wooden table
As thoughts scramble within his mind.
His eyes are fixed to the bare wall, perchance,
A divine message will be transcribed.
Misfortune has pestered him for quite a while,
Out of all people it is he who must weep.
He demands an explanation to the misery
That deprives him of most wanted sleep.
But behold, a silver quill takes form before him
And hovers to the bare wall across the room.
With swift strokes it writes with moonlight ink
One ambiguous four-letter word: SOON…
The man almost falls from his chair, all color
Flushed from his weathered face.
What’s the meaning of this sorcery?
What is this “SOON” that awaits?
Will my troubles finally leave me?
Will there be no more sleepless nights?
Or will I soon meet my maker
Who will compensate for my bitter, bitter life?
Shouts interrupt his inquiry followed by
The sound of shattered glass.
The man looks out the window to investigate,
Indeed there's a raging riot amid dense tear gas.
The smell of smoke meet his nostrils, and he
Realized his humble home has caught on fire!
This cannot be! The man exclaimed to the heavens,
Just when there’s hope, the flames climb higher!
He fled from his home, his last possession now a pile
Of ashes, the memories inside consumed and forgotten.
Watching in horror as chaos envelops him, the man’s
Knees buckle, laying on the ground defeated and broken.
Are you okay? asks a little girl, her hand on his shoulder.
The man turns to the silver haired girl and is taken aback
By her angelic visage, which instantly melts his anguish,
Filling the void with the peace and hope he lacked.
His eyelids become heavy and falls into a deep slumber.
He awoke in a hospital bed a few days later,
Greeted by the doctor and a company of lawyers.
Sir, we found something very peculiar among the ashes
Of your home, a chest abound with silver coins and a note.
The man took the note which had one word in moonlight ink,
A word so alien to the man, the word was: BELIEVE
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
As the crowd engulfed me, I couldn’t help but
Scrutinize each person who brushed my side.
Each face unique which tells a distinct story.
Each story with its own plot, climaxes, and resolutions.
Each soul harboring its own worries and ambitions.
I’m overwhelmed by the vastness of the ocean I’m in,
A single fish among multitudes of all shapes and vibrant colors.
My story is merely a page among billions that comprise
The Story of Humanity.
A collection of individual histories that has propelled,
In one way or another, our species.
Every tear, drop of sweat, and ounce of effort
Has fueled the fire that blazes within us.
The Story of Humanity--
Bound by threads of fate,
Inked with blood of the fallen,
Soaked with ardent passions and desires,
Authored by love.
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