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Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
Why is it that whenever there’s tranquility,
It’s because I’m in the eye of a hurricane?
I feign a smile and display great tenacity
Although my heart is throbbing with pain.
Don’t call me pessimistic; I just know the truth,
A daunting truth that haunts my every dream.
We were born to suffer, and these scars are proof
That one’s character is the spawn of screams.
But here I stand upright with iron valor
Calling out to the ruthless storms of life,
That my resolve will remain unshattered
As I make my way up the summit of strife.
The eye of the hurricane is always watching,
Wondering when we will faint and cower.
Let us show the storm that we are unflinching,
That together we wield raw power.
For in numbers we grow stronger
As our hearts beat for a common cause.
In harmony our shouts are louder,
Transcending all oppression and laws
Which bind you and I to a morbid lie
That peace will never come
And forever we’ll be trapped in the eye
Of the hurricane, always on the run.
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
Humans -- what a pitiful, parasitic species
That has infected this planet like a
Greedy, virulent virus consuming everything
In its path with no remorse, no reservations.
All humans have a rotten core oozing toxic
Sentiments that engender chaos and destruction.
I’m surrounded by hypocrites with no
Knowledge of the word altruism, blinded by
Their oversized egos and insatiable appetites
For superficial and fleeting pleasures.
There is no hope for remedy; progress is an illusion,
Where the only certainty is our imminent extinction.
Civilization was a mistake. We were better off as cavemen.  
Humans ask me if I hate humanity so much,
Why haven’t I killed myself already?
Stupid humans.
Humans suggest that rather than lament,
I should be the light amid the gloom.
Stupid humans.
I'm allergic to futility.
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
Settle down, the court is in session,
The esteemed Court of Validation,
Where I stand trial for being
And thus must attend this hearing
To seek the sublime opinions
Of the wise Jury of Champions
Who've been there done that.
Please lecture me on how to act,
Tell me how I must dress,
What to say under duress,
To brandish my success,
And my worth attest
To finally be accepted among civilization
With a stamp of approval from the Court of Validation.
Here comes the verdict for the Judge to read.
I'm guilty of possessing an identity.
Therefore I'm sentenced to a lifetime of conformity
To the status quo established by society.
But Your Honor, there must be a mistake!
There has to be another path to take.
Sorry child, this is the only way,
Or else you'd be imprisoned in the Cell of Dismay.
Embrace your fate without hesitation;
Indeed it's a gift from the Court of Validation.
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
The clock struck midnight, and a figure stood before me.
It was garbed in black robes with a stench so foul
That my nose bled while a chill encroached my body.
Who are you? I ask while suppressing my bowels.

I am Death, and the time has come for you to go.
There’s nothing left in this world for you to savor,
And your absence will surely go unnoticed … so  
Come along now, I am doing you a great favor.

Bu-but, why so soon? There’s so much left to do!
What about my family? I haven’t seen them in years!
There’s so much I’ve yet to learn, knowledge to accrue,
And don’t get me started on unconquered fears!

Death erupted in laughter, as if it heard a timeless joke.
I’ve heard that drivel for eons. Please say no more.
For decades you’ve sat on this couch sipping some coke.
You’ve amounted to nothing; you’re a total bore.

Tell you what, I’ll give you one more chance, just one.
Turn your life around -- give me a reason to spare it.
Fail to value your life and your soul is mine, my son.
You only live once, so your life you must cherish.
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
There goes the rich man walking down the street
With a godly gait and patronizing eyes.
He’s running late for a massage to his feet,
Exhausted from gobbling all what money can buy.

Do not dare invade his personal space;
We’re not worthy to reside in his presence.
If you must speak, do so with great haste,
For his time is precious and of the essence.

Come and marvel at his opulent mansion!
Gather around; bear witness to such glory!
Let’s praise and worship his lavish fashion!
Better befriend him or you’ll be sorry.

But surely when his gold mine runs bone dry,
He will fall into oblivion, left alone to cry.
Daniel Ospina Aug 2015
Sound the trumpet; ring the bell.
I must come out of this crystal shell.
My thoughts revolve around myself.
Save me; I’m nailed to my bookshelf.

I’m immersed in the world I created:
Ideal, just, and outdated.
Disillusioned by bleak realities,
I prefer to dwell in my own fantasies.

You say I squander my time?
That I will leave no legacy behind?
Well I say it’s not worth it,
Even if assured a golden casket.

Why bother hollering at the deaf?
Why bother waste by breath,
When I’m an insignificant speck,
Who happens to be a total wreck?

My voice is hoarse, almost mute.
Why insist to prolong my pursuit
To speak for the voiceless,
To be a martyr, a putrid carcass?

But my spirit shouts and rattles
To fight all the unfought battles.
If no one speaks, who will?
I’ll just be like those who ****.

Sound the trumpet; ring the bell.
I must come out of this crystal shell.
Daniel Ospina Jul 2015
There in the bushes!
A rustling of leaves
An ominous growl piercing the silence
What to do? What to do?
Run for my life?
It might run faster
Stand still?
I’d be a dead man
Hurl a rock?
I’ll provoke it
Pray for God’s deliverance?
Not in good terms with Him
Play a soothing tune?
It might find it revolting
Send forth a thundering noise?
It’ll leap out and tear me to shreds
Offer some steak?
It’d want more!
Resort to diplomacy?
It has no brain!
Plead for mercy?
Hunger has no mercy
Start a fire?
Will take too long
Build a trap?
It’ll most likely not work.
Decisions! Decisions!
Oh, no!
The beast lunges forward
Devours my head
The price of indecision
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