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I have cried a million tears....
I feel a sharp sword piercing my heart
The pain is excruciating.....
The blood runs profusely through my heart!

Sometimes I am so alone, crying
staring, through a door's key hole...
I see you in the distance I scream your name
you don't hear.
Tears choke me.....
Slivers of my of my butchered heart lie upon the wood floor
still pulsating......
I will love you forever....
though you never cared!
Can you drown in tears?
I have....
Maybe one day a fleeting thought of me will sweep through your mind? You will smile and your heart will skip a beat keeping me alive!
As my memory fades in the minds I loved, who cared, for me.....
butchered heart
Dear God! Let me be a bright light in a world of dark despair.
Let me bring a joyous smile to a face washed with the saddest tears.
Help me feed the homeless who sleep on the cold, lonely streets
and miraculously always love and care in everyway!
I know it's hard in this world of much thoughtlessness and pain,
but I know when I pray to you my prayers won't go in vain.
I hope one day, to have my way and change this world for good!
Peace, Love, Understanding, will always be understood!
Through my early years as a child, I and my siblings saw the poverty of the projects and did want for what other children took for granted! But through those experiences we gained compassion and understanding and appreciation, for what little we had. I'm not a perfect person, but I do understand!
Is that an Angel's tear;
   or is it yours?
The one I knew as my everything,
   my today,
      my tomorrow,
         brought me love,
            brought me sorrow.
Can I smile a moment though your not here?
Can I say I love you, though you don't care?
Can I build on today a greater tomorrow?
Can I be an angel though I bring others sorrow?
Can I be loved though I'm invisible?
Can I be happy when life is miserable?
I can be me,
   no matter who I am!
For what I am is me!
A child set free in a chaotic world
    with a soul yearning for love
        reaching for the stars
            and hope!
Its been awhile!
Charlie, I heard you cried alone...
Ripped apart, heart and soul
     from the cold blood of war
          which consumed your soul...
Charlie, I know you cried painful tears
     that flowed from your heart
        upon the lifeless bodies
           of those you called brothers
               and friends...
A return to a home lonely and dark
    in the stark heartlessness of the Newark Ghettos
        you struggled to grasp life again
            which was quickly stripped away....
You once said to me in sincerity
     "The sun doesn't shine on the battlefield
           and the moon never smiles."
Your life quickly expired
      no wealth....
          No dreams come true....
              No goodbyes to the ones you loved...
                   Last words never heard....
You are once again surrounded by the fearless warriors
     beneath a lime green grass
         an unmarked grave though you saved many!
             Your final battles and heartaches never known
We've grown old
     Your name forgotten by all; but I....
I do cry for you in my memories at unsuspecting moments,
     I cherish your brave memory
         sadly your dusted medals
             lie in an unmarked box
                 hopefully to not be mistakenly discarded
                     in a dark corner amidst old memories....
May God's grace embrace and kiss your tired soul
     within the heavenly sunshine
         and a smiling moon
             My Hero....
                   My Friend.....
                         Till my dying day consumes any memory of you
                                and the struggles of a forgotten soldier.
Dedicated to my cousin Charlie....Who I looked up to as a child, as a hero, I remember his tears on his returns home and could feel his pain even at a tender, young age,
The Moose and the mouse
     ran through our house
        on that cold, gray winter's day.
The shower stammered
    as the dishes clamored
        and all our guest ran away.
Mother shrieked
     as the windows creaked
         and heavy hooves could be heard overhead
            as a tiny mouse darted up her blouse
                and she passed out as if she weren't fed......
I knew in my heart
    that I had to start
       to think up a well thought plan
           to rid my house
               of this moose and mouse
                   while my dear little house did stand.....
I grabbed a rope with my greatest hope
     to lasso this moose so big
         as the ceiling cracked
             throwing dusty wood flack
                  of plaster
                      and tiny wood twig.......
I charged the stairs throwing aside all fears
     like a gallant knight to rescue his queen.
Coming upon my room where this beast of doom
      lurked in the shadows as if not to be seen....
I stood my ground
      quickly calmed down
          each moment seemed like a day
              as this large scary moose
                 began to boost
                   "Boy! I've just come here to play."
"Play!" I did say in such a scolding way
       "And destroy my dear little house!?"
"Not my fault dear boy!
     it wasn't my ploy to enter your dear little house
         for when your mom exited her car
              she left the front door ajar
                 and let in my dear little friend
                     the mouse."
A little play on words and maybe a little touch of the winter's spirit.
As the day grew late,
the yellow flowers within the dark green pasture,
yawned....Then smiled
They bid the nurturing honeybees a sweet goodnight!
The painted red sky swallowed the remaining rays of sunlight
as the dark night brought to the world
a clear view of heaven......
I've been reaching.
Searching for that hidden truth.
Do you love me?
Do you even care?
The cold rain mixes with my warm tears,
as I stand on the street corner where we once met.
Thunder rolls overhead, as people in a parade of colored umbrellas curiously stare through me, wondering what lies within my soul to leave me thoughtlessly defenseless against the pouring rain.
Maybe I just wish to drown here?
To become a martyr of your love.
To be washed away never heard from again.
The thought of you races through my mind trapped,
as my heart breaks.
Contemplating never seeing you again.
Oh! How I just wish to breath your spirit once again.
To touch your heart feeling its passionate beat.
To bow to you in self defeat.
To enter you and become your soul.
Oh! It's just so cold in this pouring rain.
I scream out your name in excruciating pain.
Come back my love!
I need you to survive.
I need you to exist in joyfulness.
I need you; for I cannot survive without love.
And you!....Are all I can ever love.
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