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Dan Filcek May 2024
Trapped in the twilight
Day turning into night
Colors chucked into the grinder
The tasty morsels you find there.
A twist on the trope.
Find the hidden rope,
Holding things together.
You look but don’t ever.
Feeling of frenzied imprisonment
Once begun, the end’s imminent.
First glance is the tip of the floe
This is important for the show.
Old predicting the fall of the young
Starts the new song sung.
The link between life and memory:
I’ll finally die when they’ve forgotten me.
My place assured
Death has the last word
Dan Filcek Apr 2024
The size of this is enormous
When seen on the canvas
Though it is hard to appreciate
The magnitude of the problem

Seen here on my phone
It does not seem a threat
It looks like ordinary people
Hanging out and living

I am paralyzed by information
There is so much to download
I want to shout in the street
And camp on the old man’s lawn

Instead I keep my eyes down
The small screen is easier to manage
Dan Filcek Apr 2024
It started with a selfie
First in white and black
Silly faces and silly clothes
And then she’d strike a pose
A towel draped upon her
Then she turned color
Portraits fit for crowns
Portraits fit for clowns
For Richer & Poorer
And now we mix it up
May A.I. never copy
Time for my close up
Dan Filcek Apr 2024
Where did it all go wrong?
When I took this job?
            I got married so young?
            I went to college?
            I got bad grades in high school?
            I dated that girl?
            I moved to another town?
            I was born?
            my parents met?
            my ancestors moved to this country?
            this country was founded?
            that empire took over?
            we started farming?
            we started thinking?
            it stepped out of the water?
            the planet was created?
            the universe began?

And then there was light
Dan Filcek Apr 2017
In the search for greater freedom of movement.
new ideas began to emerge,
rebellion against classical forms and practices
in what is now called aesthetic
disregarded the limited set of movements that were considered proper
Artistic content morphed and shifted
for young people longed to dance.
Music and rhythmic ****** movement are twin sisters of art,
portrayed in movements what the master expresses in his compositions
bare feet, loose hair, free-flowing
a form of natural movement and improvisation
Presenting dramatic contemporary imagery,  
often revealing the full spectrum of human experience
reflecting the tension and alienation of the time
the truth of human movement.
introduce chance procedures and pure movement to the cannon of dance
focused on the physical tasks of overcoming obstacles
investigate the properties of physical space and movement.
having a heightened sense of awareness of being grounded to the floor
at the same time, feeling the energy throughout the entire body,
flexibility, strength, coordination, body awareness ,
and poly-rhythmic movement; strong dramatic works
free from the limiting strictures of the big monopolistic managements
National Poetry Month 2017 - source -
Dan Filcek Apr 2017
My Aphrodite, My Bast
I call you “The Goddess”
My Cerridwen, My Diana
The Goddess of what?
My Freya, My Gaia
You ask me what I love
My Hera, My Isis
The ancients had many aspects
My Juno, My Kali
I worship all of yours.
My Lakshmi, My Maat,
Even if deadly...
My Pavarti, My Rhea
I did not create you
My Themis, My Venus
But I adore your creation.
National Poetry Month 2017
Dan Filcek Apr 2017
a lasting attraction may result from opposites,
or through sharing
strength varies considerably;
In general, strong bonding is associated with sharing
attraction may be seen as the result of different behaviors
Although these behaviors merge into each other seamlessly
so that there is no clear line to be drawn between them,
the behaviors become different
as the character of the bond changes quantitatively,
In the simplest view
the space between comes not from
the reduction in attraction of the two    
Instead, the reduction and hence instability  arises from the reduction in energy
These bonds exist between two        
and have a direction in space,
allowing them to be shown as connecting lines  
If one or more  are unequally shared  
Bond results are often much weaker
the bonds that hold together must cease
If the structures that result are not both strong and tough,
In a simplified view the bonding is not shared at all,
In this type of bond,
one has a vacancy which allows the addition of more
These newly added potentially occupy a lower state
than they experience in a different  
more tightly bound position
Not being part of any given bonding may be seen as extreme
a large system of bonds is ideal
This type of bonding is often very strong
more collective in nature than other types,
and so they more easily reform,
This results in malleability  
This bonding reaches far,
stressing the character of the combining  power,
and cannot be said to belong to anyone exclusively.
containing more than one    
Sometimes, the possibility
of bond formation is completely neglected.
It is thus no longer possible to associate
This is a situation when the bonds are broken
They continue to be attracted to each other,
with a significant  luster
But are repulsed by each other.
National Poetry Month 2017 - source
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