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 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Sir B
A sense of urgency
A feel to write something

This feeling
That everyone
Will be against me
Because of their persuasive

It's this feeling of paranoia
When I talked to you
and you told me
That I was been crahzy and stoopid

This feeling is oppressive
and I can't seem to think
And question myself
"When is it going happen?"
This my paranoia, the feeling that everyone will be against me..
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
There's a girl, sitting in front of the window,
waiting for your call
There's a girl, with bright brown eyes,
who's waiting for you to come
There's a girl, whose knees are shaking,
falling to the ground
There's a girl, whose eyes are leaking,
she knows you're gone
That was before,
There's a girl, with short dyed hair,
with a beer in hand
There's a girl, who's making out,
with the kind of guy she told you
she couldn't stand
There's a girl, crying at night,
writing your name on her skin
Only this time, she's not using a permanent marker,
so she can't erase it
She's carving your name,
to keep you forever
There's a girl,
You wouldn't recognize her,
But you should,
It's the ghost of the girl,
who used to be
Y o u r s
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Awkward tastes like that glass of red wine you offered,
My name falling out of your mouth like a word you'd forgotten;
Awkward feels like your arms around me
and me trying to remember if you used to rub my back in a hug;
Awkward looks like not making any eye contact
but instead taking turns watching eachother;
The room was full of your family and latina music,
I hadn't been that happy since September
And all the while I could feel my heart choking
On the silence between you and I
And that big lump of "What now?"
That currently defines us.
Just a weird situation.
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Every morning
When I open my eyes
You are the first I will see
Your voice will be singing in my ears
You are the first I can think of
Hello and good morning!

Every night
When I close my eyes
You appear in the darkness
Your voice will be my lullaby
The stories you have told me
Will be my bedtime stories
Goodbye and good night!
So I kiss your shadow and sleep

In dreams
I see you
I see us
Happily together
Sharing stories
You hold me tight
I feel safe in your arms

Seems like everything I do
There is always you
But why must you?
Your shadows follow me to everywhere
And leaving me blue
Making an everlasting impression on me
Training the wisdom that one will seek
Thought it would be easier to watch you leave
Too many memories cause the eyes to leak
Look through the dark and you shall see
Nothing is forever or lasts eternally
So when it comes the time to give my peace
I'll walk away knowing that your minds at ease.
 Oct 2013 Dallas jozwick
Not solely your beauty
Strength and wisdom
Compel me to love you
But your darkness
Sorrow and despair
Make me delve deeper
Onto a different layer

The layers to your mind
And the levels of depth
To your broken soul
Strike something in me
And I just have to know
Everything about you
And all of your thoughts
I only wish to help you through
And untangle your mind's knots

You are the victim
Of a unique circumstance
It's brought awful symptoms
But I'm hoping I get the chance
To bring you comfort
And allow you to feel secure
Then maybe I could convert
Your tarnished heart to pure

I want to help pull you
Out of this despondency
Expose to you the truth
And be with you constantly
I wish you could see
All that you are to me
You're everything and more
The one I truly adore
Realize your worth
And don't ever leave this earth
© Peyton 2013
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